XAVIER UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES NEW ACQUISITIONS APRIL 1-30,2011 AGRICULTURE 630 A281 2010 Agronomy. Oakville, ON : Apple Academic Press, 2010. 631.587 S693 2009 Somashekar, N.T. Impact of irrigation on agricultural production. New Delhi, India : Anmol Pub. Pvt. Ltd., 2009. 632 P578 2010 Phytopathology and the environment. Oakville, ON : Apple Academic Press, 2010. 639.3 J24 2009 Jagtap, H.S. A textbook of pisciculture and aquarium keeping. Delhi : Daya Publishing House, 2009. REF 630.3 S617 2009 Singh, Uma Shanker. Encyclopaedia of agricultural science and technology. New Delhi, India : Anmol Pub. Pvt. Ltd., 2009. REF 632.9 C948 2008 Crop diseases : identification and management - a colour handbook - Delhi : Daya Pub. House, 2008. ARTS AC 782.42083 S617t Sing out loud : traditional songs. US : US Department of State, 2009. REF 796.02 B978 Bush, Paul. Swimming. Malaysia : Unipress Pub. REF 796.02 C692 2007 Coleman, Brian. Basketball. Malaysia : Unipress Pub., 2007. REF 796.02 J76 2006 Jones, Barbara M. Badminton. Malaysia : Unipress Pub., 2006. REF 796.02 P193 2007 Punkhurst, Anne. Tennis. Malaysia : Unipress Pub., 2007. REF 796.02 P238 2007 Parker, Don. Table tennis. Malaysia : Unipress Pub. REF 796.02 S655 2007 Smith, Mike. Soccer. Malaysia : Unipress Pub. 2007. BIOLOGY & NATURAL SCIENCES 570 A244 2010 AP Biology. 8th ed. New Jersey : Research & Education Association, 2010. 570.7 T316 2010 Terence, A.B. O-level biology : examination notes. Singapore : Singapore Asian Pub., 2010. 580.12 V461 2009 Venkat Ratnam, S. Plant biosystematics. New Delhi : MD Publications, 2009. DVD 571.2 B748 Botany : plant diversity. [s.n.] : [s.l.],. DVD 576.86 B615 Biology : the fabric of life : modern theory and specification. [s.n.] : RMI Media, 2005. DVD 577 K54 Basics of biodiversity : Kingdom plantae : builders of biomes. Colorado Springs, CO : Great Pacific Media, 2005. REF 594.1477 S545 2008 Shells : a comprehensive guide to the treasures of the beach. Rochester Kent, ME : Grange Books, 2008. REF 597.0959 A425 2000 Allen, Gerry. Marine fishes of south-east Asia. 3rd rev. ed. [S.l.] : Periplus, 2000. COMPUTERS 004 P268 2010 Parsons, June Jamrich. Computer concepts : new perspectives; brief. Australia : Course Technology/Cengage Learning, c2010. 004 P268 2010 Parsons, June Jamrich. Computer concepts : new perspectives; comprehensive. Australia : Course Technology, c2010. 004.256 M866 2000 Morneau, Keith. MCSD guide to microsoft solution architectures. Australia : Course Technology/Thomson Learning, 2000. 005.133 L693 2010 Liang, Y. Daniel. Introduction to programming with C++. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River : Pearson, 2010. 005.275 K15 2010 Kaminsky, Alan. Building parallel programs : SMPs, clusters, and Java. International ed. Australia : Course Technology/Cengage Learning, c2010. 005.5 Y12 2008 Yacht, Carol. Computer accounting with microsoft office accounting 2007. Boston : McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2008. 005.7585 O87 2009 Otey, Michael. Microsoft SQL server 2008 new features. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2009. FIL 004.072 B312 2010 Basilio, Joel. An evaluation of three anti-malware softwares. Baby thesis (BSCS) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. FIL 004.072 C112 2010 Cabanlit, Rhea Juliet C. Automated scheduling system for the Department of Computer Science. Baby thesis (BSCS) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. FIL 004.072 C257 2010 Caracho, Jasper Kenn P. A central backup system for the Xavier University Computing and Information Services Office. Baby thesis (BSCS) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. FIL 004.072 D381 2010 Demetilla, Krizzia B. A Wi-Fi signal mapping system for Xavier University - Computing and Information Services Office (XU-CISO). Baby thesis (BSCS) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. FIL 004.072 E53 2010 Emano, Lope Chupijay H. A context identification system for affidavit of loss documents (contextus). Baby thesis (BSCS) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. FIL 004.072 G146 2010 Galamiton, Jobert S. A network monitoring system for Xavier University - Computing Information Services Office. Baby thesis (BSCS) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. FIL 004.072 G573 2010 Go, Marion A. Smartcard based patient information system for German Doctors Community Health Care Center. Baby thesis (BSCS) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. FIL 004.072 H812 2010 Hormillada, Rex Julius T. Developing an enterprise client security architecture for Xavier University main campus. Baby thesis (BSCS) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. FIL 004.072 P666 2010 Piquero, Matt Rafael. EPiC POS & EPiC accounts : a point of sale system integrated with smart cards for the Xavier University canteen. Baby thesis (BSCS) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. FIL 004.072 V645 2010 Victoria, Nenette Jane P. Water level monitoring system for Cagayan de Oro City river. Baby thesis (BSCS) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. ECONOMICS 330 M266 2010 Manapat, Carlos L. Economics, taxation, and agrarian reform. Quezon City : C & E Pub., 2010. 330.019 L963 2010 Lunn, Pete. Basic instincts : human nature and the new economics. London : Marshall Cavendish, 2010. 332.62 L675 1990 Lewis, Michael (Michael M.). Liar's poker : rising through the wreckage on Wall Street. New York, N.Y., U.S.A. : Penguin Books, 1990. 332.6457 J83 2008 Joshi, M. S. (Mark Suresh), 1969-. C++ design patterns and derivatives pricing. 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008. 333.917 V172 2006 Valiela, Ivan. Global coastal change. Australia : Blckwell Publishing, 2006. 336.2 A244 2008 Aduana, Nick L. Simplified and procedural handbook on transfer & business taxation. Quezon City : C & E Pub., 2008. 338.04 D748 2010 Down, Simon, 1962-. Enterprise, entrepreneurship and small business. Los Angeles : SAGE, 2010. FIL 335.4 R454 2010 Revisiting Marxism in the Philippine selected essays. Manila : Anvil, 2010. FIL 338.9599 A265ifc 2010 Agenda for hope : connecting with today's teens : a parent's guide for motivating, supporting, and communicating with them. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University, 2010. FIL 338.9599 A265ifi 2010 Agenda for hope : I am because we are : reflections on love, relationships, and life. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University, 2010. FIL 338.9599 A265iod 2009 Agenda for hope : democratizing governance. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University, 2009. FIL 338.9599 A265iopa 2009 Agenda for hope : preserving and transforming Philippine identity and culture. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University, 2009. FIL 338.9599 A265iops 2009 Agenda for hope : promoting sustainable development : managing water for a sustainable future. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University, 2009. FIL 338.9599 A265ios 2009 Agenda for hope : sharing prosperity. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University, 2009. EDUCATION 371.1 W177 2010 Walker, Barbara J. Literary coaching : learning to collaborate. Boston : Allyn & Bacon, 2010. 371.1022 S762 2007 Spohrer, Kate. Teaching NLP in the Classroom. London : Continuum International Publishing Group, 2007. 371.4047 C323 2009 Carter, Erik W. Peer support strategies : for improving all students' social lives and learning. Baltimore : Paul H. Brookes, 2009. 371.94 H233 2005 Hanbury, Martin. Educating pupils with autistic spectrum disorders : a practical guide. London : Paul Chapman Pub., 2005. 372.21 B799 2009 Bradford, Helen. Communication, language and literacy in the early years foundation stage. London : Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2009. 372.21 B827 2010 Bray, Beth Anne. Early childhood phonemic awareness activities : literacy, language & learning. Huntington Beach, CA : Shell Education, 2010. 374.1102 J38 2010 Jarvis, Peter, 1937-. Adult education and lifelong learning : theory and practice. 4th ed. New York : Routledge, 2010. AC 372.6521 L723 2010 "The lighter side of TEFL" : a teacher's resource book of fun activities for students of English as a foreign language. Washington, DC : Office of English Language Program (OELP), 2010. AC 372.89 A512c 2007 The constitution and founding of America. Detroit : Gale Cengage Learning, 2007. GRD 371.102 R355 2009 Reid, Gavin. Effective Learning. London : Continuum International Publishing Group, 2009. ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY 620 M687 2011 Moaveni, Saeed. Engineering fundamentals : an introduction to engineering. 4th ed. Australia : Cengage Learning, 2011. 620.0042 P964 2011 Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 essentials. Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett Publishers, c2011. 621.2 S271 2010 Sawhney, G.S. Thermal and hydraulic machines. New Delhi : PHI Learning Private Limited, 2010. 621.38 L849 2010 Longares, Emmanuel T. Laboratory experiments in PIC microcontroller. Quezon City, Metro Manila : KATHA Publishing, 2010. 621.59 M953 2010 Mukhopadhyay, Mamata. Fundamentals of cryogenic engineering. New Delhi : PHI Learning, 2010. 624.171 G367 2009 Gere, James M. Mechanics of materials. 7th ed. Australia : Cengage Learning, 2009. 628.168 214 2008 Bandyopadhyay, Sukumar. Water quality management for coastal aquaculture. Delhi : Daya Publishing, 2008. GENERALITIES 070.4 S531 2007 Sharma, Dinesh C. Development journalism : an introduction. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University, 2007. 070.4 W872 2008 Wong, Chin. Reporting on ICT : an introduction. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University, 2008. REF 032 N532 2010 The new encyclopaedia Britannica. 15th ed. Chicago : Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 2010. HISTORY & POLITICAL SCIENCE 320.2 Z18 2009 Zagorski, Paul W. Comparative politics : continuity and breakdown and in the contemporary world. London : Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2009. 320.973 N532 1980 The new American political system. Washington, D.C. : American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1980. 323.44 C678 1995 Cohen, G. A. (Gerald Allan), 1941-. Self-ownership, freedom, and equality. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1995. 327 B877 2009 Brown, Chris. Understanding international relations. 4th ed. New York : Palgrave/Macmillan, 2009. 327 D912 2006 Duncan, W. Raymond (Walter Raymond), 1936-. World politics in the 21st century. 3rd ed. New York : Pearson Longman, c2006. AC 324.973 P933 2010 Presidential elections 1789 - 2008. Washington, D.C. : CQ Press, 2010. AC 328.73 C684 2009 Colbert, David. Michelle Obama : an American story. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, c2009. FIL 320.9599 A629 2009 The anti-development state : the political economy of permanent crisis in the Philippines. Manila : Anvil, 2009. FIL 320.9599 A997 2008 Azurin, René B. Power without virtue : a critical perspective on Philippine governance. Manila : Published and exclusively distributed by Anvil, c2008. FIL 324.209599 K19 2009 Kasuya, Yuko. Presidential bandwagon : parties and party systems in the Philippines. Manila : Anvil, 2009. FIL 327.172 G821 2009 Gregorio, Bienvenido L. Peace and development education : an introduction to the core concepts in peace and development education for college students. Quezon City : C & E Pub., 2009. FIL 959.9 A512 2005 The American colonial state in the Philippines : global perspectives. Manila : Anvil, 2005. FIL 959.9 P469 2002 Pertierra, Raul. The work of culture. Manila : De La Salle University Press, 2002. LANGUAGE & LITERATURE 428 B959 2005 Castro Cid, María Isabel. Language, 2005. 428 E58p 2009 Business English. New York : Living Piñeiro, Carol. English for new Americans. New York : Living Language, 2009. 428 G394 2007 Raifsnider, Barbara. Getting ahead in the U.S. 1st ed. New York : Living Language, c2007. 808.02 G216 2010 Garcia, Carlito D. Developing competencies in research and thesis writing. Mandaluyong City : Books Atbp. Pub., 2010. 820.9 N146 2003 Nafisi, Azar. Reading Lolita in Tehran : a memoir in books. Random House deluxe trade pbk. ed. London : Fourth Estate, 2003. 899.2104 B517 2008 Bernad, Miguel A. A night on the lake and other musings. Quezon City : Giraffe Books, 2008. CD 428 B979 Business English. New York : Living Language. CD 428 E58 English for New Americans. New York : Living Language, 1999. CD 428 G394 Getting ahead in the U.S. New York : Living Language, 2007. FIC C234 1998 Canty, Kevin. Rounders : a novel. 1st ed. New York : Hyperion, 1998. FIC C752 2005 Connelly, Michael, 1956-. The Lincoln lawyer : a novel. 1st ed. New York : Warner Books, c2005. FIC E52 1991 Elwood, Roger. Sorcerers of Sodom. New York : Fleming H. Revell Company, 1991. FIC F559 2009 Fitzpatrick, Becca. Hush, hush. New York : Simon & Schuster, 2009. FIC F724 2008 Follett, Ken. World without end. New York : Signet Book, 2008. FIC R495 2005 Rice, Eva, 1975-. The lost art of keeping secrets. London : Review Books, c2005. FIC S129 2007 Sage, Angie. Physik. New York : HarperTrophy, 2007. FIC S129 2007 Sage, Angie. Flyte. New York : HarperTrophy, 2007. FIC St32 2010 Steel, Danielle. Matters of the heart : a novel. New York : A Dell Book, 2010. FIL 899.2111 P825 2009 Popa, Allan. Basta. Quezon City : ADMU, 2009. FIL 899.2113 R175 2009 Ramos, Bienvenido A. Ang bulkan at iba pang kuwento. Quezon City : ADMU, 2009. REF 423 W395 2006 Webster's new explorer encyclopedic dictionary. Springfield, Mass. : Federal Street Press, c2002. RES FIC D332 2009 De la Cruz, Melissa. The Van Alen legacy : a blue bloods novel. New York : Hyperion, 2009. RES FIC M613 2006 Meyer, Stephenie, 1973-. Twilight. London : Atom, 2006. LAW GRD 344.01 F639 2006 Florkowski, Gary W. Managing global legal systems : international employment regulation and competitive advantage. London : Routledge, 2006. GRD 346.7307 A823 2011 Ashcroft, John D. Law for business. 17th ed. Australia : South-Western/Cengage Learning, 2011. LAW 346.07 S714 2011 Soriano, Fidelito R. Notes in business law. Manila : GIC Enterprises & Co., 2011. MANAGEMENT 650.1 G573 2009 Go negosyo : Joey Concepcion's 55 inspiring stories of women entrepreneurs. Mandaluyong City, Philippines : Philippine Center of Entrepreneurship, 2009. 658.312404 Or8 2008 Ortigas, Carmela D. Group process and the inductive method : theory and practice in the Philippines : handbook for facilitators. Manila : ADMU Press, 2008. 658.4022 M451 2002 Maxwell, John C. The 17 essential qualities of a team player : becoming the kind of person every team wants. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 2002. 658.4022 M465 2001 Maxwell, John C. The 17 indisputable laws of teamwork : embrace them and empower your team. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 2001. 658.4092 M465 1993 Maxwell, John C. Developing the leader within you. Nashville : Thomas Nelson : Thomas Nelson, 1993. 658.4092 M465 1995 Maxwell, John C. Developing the leaders around you. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1995. 658.4092 M465 2007 Maxwell, John C. Maximize your day : 365 days of insight to develop the leader within you and influence those around you. Manila, Philippines : OMF Literature, 2007. 658.4092 M465 2008 Maxwell, John C. Leadership gold : lessons learned from a lifetime of leading. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 2008. GRD 658.4092 M465 2008 Maxwell, John C. Leadership gold : lessons learned from a lifetime of leading. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 2008. GRD 658.4092 S781 2007 Stahl-Wert, John. Ten thousand horses : how leaders harness raw potential for extraordinary results. San Francisco, CA : Berrett-Koehler Publishers, c2007. MEDICINE MED 610.73 D359 Delmar's health assessment CD-ROM. Delmar/Thomson Learning, 2002. MED 616.02 M369 2004 Marshall, Shane A. Principles & protocols. 4th ed. Philadelphia : Saunders/Elsevier, c2004. MED 616.0472 P144 2009 Pain management secrets. 3rd ed. Philadelphia : Elsevier/ Mosby, 2009. MED 616.07 P739 2006 Pocket companion to Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis of disease. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier Saunders, c2006. MED 616.075 P578 Physical examination : video demonstration and study aids. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004. MED 616.075 R139 2005 Raftery, Andrew T. Churchill's pocketbook of differential diagnosis. Edinburgh : Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone, 2005. MED 616.079 I33 Immunology interactive version 3.0. Mosby. MED 616.1 A247 2006 Aehlert, Barbara. Pocket reference for ECGs made easy. 3rd ed. St. Louis, Missouri : Mosby JEMS/Elsevier, c2006. MED 616.12 E96 Exploring the heart : a 3D overview of anatomy and pathology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003. MED 616.7223 D554 2003 Dickson, John, FRCP. Osteoarthritis : your questions answered. Edinburgh ; New York : Churchill Livingstone, 2003. MED 616.833 F671 2003 Foltynie, Thomas. Parkinson's disease : your questions answered. Edinburgh : Churchill/Livingston/Elsevier, 2003. MED 616.898 T953 2003 Turner, Trevor. Schizophrenia : your questions answered. Edinburgh : Churchill/Livingston, 2003. MED 617.575 H236 2000 Hand & wrist surgery secrets. Philadelphia : Hanley & Belfus, 2000. MED REF 610.3 C563 2003 Churchill Livingstone pocket medical dictionary. 15th ed. Edinburgh ; New York : Churchill Livingstone, 2003. MED REF 616.07 K63 2006 Klatt, Edward C. Robbins and Cotran atlas of pathology. 2nd ed. Philadelphia : Saunders Elsevier, 2010. NURSING & HEALTH DVD 611.77 A535 Anatomy : the integumentary system. Learning, 2005. [s.n.] : Delmar/Cengage DVD 611.8 N455 The human body, how it works : the nervous system and the senses. New York : Films Media Group, 2005. GRD REF 616.028 P849 2009 Porter, William, 1957-. Critical care nursing handbook. Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett Publishers, c2009. REF 615.321 K96 2010 Kurian, J.C. Amazing healing plants. Manila : Philippine Pub., House, 2010. PHILOSOPHY 110 F382 1996 Ferré, Frederick. Being and value : toward a constructive postmodern metaphysics. Albany : State University of New York Press, c1996. 111 W424 1985 Weinsheimer, Joel C. Gadamer's hermeneutics : a reading of truth and method. New Haven : Yale University Press, c1985. 121 F232 1996 Farley, Wendy, 1958-. Eros for the other : retaining truth in a pluralistic world. University Park, Pa. : Pennsylvania State University Press, c1996. 128.3 B879 1997 Brown, Robert, 1920-. Analyzing love. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997. 142.78 A551 1993 Anderson, Thomas C., 1935-. Sartre's two ethics : from authenticity to integral humanity. Chicago, Ill. : Open Court, c1993. 144.3 R815 1986 Rosenthal, Sandra B. Speculative pragmatism. Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, 1986. 149.6 B154 1988 Bailey, Joe. Pessimism. London : Routledge, 1988. 149.73 H644 1988 Hiley, David R. Philosophy in question : essays on a Pyrrhonian theme. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1988. 171.5 B154 1997 Bailey, James Wood. Utilitarianism, institutions, and justice. New York : Oxford University Press, 1997. 172 F537 1979 Fishkin, James S. Tyranny and legitimacy : a critique of political theories. Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins University Press, c1979. 172 H477 1989 Heller, Agnes. The postmodern political condition. New York : Columbia University Press, c1989. 174.957 B114 2010 Babor, Eddie R. Bioethics : a philosophical journey and a critical analysis into the life sciences: a guide to healthcare providers. 2nd ed. Quezon City : C & E Publishing, 2010. 174.957 B915 2005 Bryant, J. A. Introduction to bioethics. England : Wiley, c2005. 179.1 C622 1998 Clayton, Patti H. Connection on the ice : environmental ethics in theory and practice. Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 1998. 182 G984 1969 Guthrie, W. K. C. A history of Greek philosophy : the fifth-century enlightenment. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1969. 182 G984 1990 Guthrie, W. K. C. A history of Greek philosophy : Aristotle : an encounter. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1990. 190 P331 1992 Paulos Mar, Gregorios. A light too bright : the enlightenment today : an assessment of the values of the European enlightenment and a search for new foundations. Albany, NY : State University of New York Press, c1992. 193 B669 1997 Boeder, Heribert. Seditions : Heidegger and the limit of modernity. Albany : State University of New York Press, c1997. MED 179.7 M633 2003 Mifflin, Pauline Challinor. Saving very premature babies : key ethical issues. Edinburgh : Books for Midwives, c2003. PSYCHOLOGY 158.1 C533 2008 Chicken soup for the soul : dads & daughters : stories about special relationship between fathers and daughters. Cos Cob, CT : CSS, 2008. SOCIOLOGY 305.8 G231 2006 Garfinkel, Harold. Seeing sociologically : the routine grounds of social action. Boulder, Colo. : Paradigm Publishers, c2006. 362.87 C235 2009 Canuday, Jose Jowel. Bakwit : the power of the displaced. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2009. 363.192 J65 2009 Jha, A.N. Environmental regulation and food safety. New Delhi : Alp Books, 2009. 364.1 B786 2005 Bowers, Ken. Beneath the tide : who really runs the world? [United States] : [The Author], c2005. 398.2 A544 2004 Andersen's fairy tales. New York : Signet Classic, 2004. FIL 303.482 P419 2006 People, profit and politics : state civil society relations in the context of globalization. Quezon City : Third World Studies Center, 2006. FIL 362.76 A581 2006 Ang, Armando. Child abuse : a growing menace. Philippines : SCR, 2006. GRD 300.72 Si587 2010 Silverman, David. Doing qualitative research : a practical handbook. Los Angeles : Sage Publications, 2010. REF 305.4 S438 2009 Seager, Joni. The atlas of women in the world. 4th ed. London : Earthscan, 2009. THESES THE 0826 B862 2009 Britos, Merlina Bañas. A three-year guidance services development plan for Sacred Heart of Jesus Montessori School, Cagayan de Oro City, SY 2010-2011 to SY 2012-2013. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2009 THE 0826 B862 2010 Brito, Gilda Bonifacio. Quality of student services and instruction : its effect on students' academic performance, Center for Industrial Technology, Xavier University SY 2009-2010. Thesis (Ph.D.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. THE 0826 L925 2009 Lozada, Sherwin Ipong. A three-year student activity development plan for Christ the King College, High School Department Gingoog City, SY 2010-2011 to SY 2012-2013. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2009. THE 0826 R892 2010 Royo, Ayesha Charmaine Galeon. A three-year student activity development plan for Xavier University Grade School, Cagayan de Oro City, SY 2010-2011 to SY 2012-2013. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. THE 0827 A184 2010 Aclub, Rene Anggot. A three-year faculty and instruction development plan for Apu Palamguwan Cultural Education Center, SY 2010-2011 to SY 2012-2013. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. THE 0827 A484 2005 Amando, Rachelle Tanghal. A three-year faculty and instruction development plan for the High School Department of Notre Dame-RVM College of Cotabato, SY 2005-2006 to SY 2007-2008. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2005. THE 0827 A517 2009 Amla, Shiela Balitnang. A three-year faculty and instruction development plan for La Consolacion School - Isabela, SY 2010-2011 to SY 2012-2013. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2009. THE 0827 B582 2010 Biblanias, Dorothy Dimacali. A three-year faculty and instruction development plan for the Grade School English Department St. Mary's College of Baliuag, SY 2010-2011 to SY 2012-2013. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. THE 0827 C211 2001 Camus, Albino Triste. Five-year institutional development plan for Holy Cross of Davao College High School Department. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2001. THE 0827 C932 2009 Crispala, Ma. Elsa Amodia. A three-year faculty and instruction development plan for the Assumption Academy of Peñaplata, Inc. SY 2010-2011 to SY 2012-2013. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2009. THE 0827 D841 2010 Ducot, Shiela Marie Avelino. A three-year strategic enrolment and financial development plan for Mary Our Help Technical Institute for Women SY 2010-2011 to SY 2012-2013. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. THE 0827 E58 2010 Enecito, Cecilia Amper. A three-year faculty and instruction development plan for St. Therese High School of Miarayon, Inc. SY 2010-2011 to SY 2012-2013. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. THE 0827 L755 2010 Lingatong, Leah Lyn Amista. A three-year community extension services development plan for Saint Mary's Academy of Tagoloan, SY 2011-2012 to SY 2013-2014. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. THE 0827 M277 2010 Mangabat, Irene Perez. A three-year operational plan for the gradual phase-out of St. Mary Mazzarello School Victorias Milling Company, Inc. SY 2011-2012 to SY 2013-2014. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. THE 0827 M297 2010 Mapaye, Ramilo Verdan. A five-year development plan for Holy Name University. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. THE 0827 M467 2010 Maybuena, Alona Gera. A three-year faculty development plan for the Elementary Department of Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy (IHMA) Mati, Davao Oriental SY 2010-2011 to SY 2012-2013. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. THE 0827 M829 2009 Morano, Karyl Lucasan. A five-year enrolment and financial development plan for Nuestra Señora de las Nieves, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental SY 2008-2009 to SY 2012-2013. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2009. THE 0827 V153 2008 Valensoy, Isidro Apollo Gobuyan. A strategic extension development plan for Notre Dame University of Cotabato City. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2008. THE 0829 M539 2010 Mendoza, Jojie Estaniel. A three-year faculty and instruction development plan for Holy Cross of Caburan, Inc, SY 2010-2011 to SY 2012-2013. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. THE 0829 N134 2010 Nadela, Melanie Eramil. A three-year student activity THE 0829 THE 0899 THE 1203 THE 1599 THE 2001 THE 2201 THE 2205 THE 2205 THE 2208 development plan for St Mary's Academy of Tagoloan High School, SY 2011-2012 to SY 2013-2014. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. V713 2003 Villahermosa, Connie Lacanaria. Classroom discourses in Grade School English classes La Consolacion Academy, Murcia, Negros Occidental SY 2002-2003. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2003. U97 2010 Uy, Meriam Maandig. A three-year Christian life education development plan for Xavier University Grade School, Cagayan de Oro City, SY 2010-2011 to SY 2012-2013. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. D491 2010 De Vera, Glenda P. Clinical competencies of staff nurses in government hospitals in Cagayan de Oro City SY 2009-2010. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. J951 1999 Jumuad, Seriña Rangas. Suliranin at kalutasan sa koridong "Ibong Adarna" ni Rodillo et.al. bersyon sa kombinasyong pormalistiko at moralistikong pananaw. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 1999. Y87 2010 Yrastorza, Maria Luisa M. Factors influencing smoking and non-smoking habits. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. S193 2010 Samson, Joan Aileen M. Paler. Parenting style and child temperament : its joys and challenges. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. C822 2010 Corpuz, Eddie S. The search for lasting peace in Mindanao. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. T128 2010 Tagolimot, Belinda Satorre. A module on the plight of the indigenous peoples of Bukidnon, Northern Mindanao : post colonial period. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010. C131 2010 Cagas, Rhea Rose Labtic. Factors impinging on the experience of illnesses among adults. Thesis (M.A.) : Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 2010.