August 21, 2007 - Orleans Parish School Board

1331 Kerlerec Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70119
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
5:00 P.M.
The Orleans Parish School Board convened for a Regular Board Business Meeting on Tuesday,
August 21, 2007, in the auditorium of McDonogh #35 High School, 1331 Kerlerec St., New
Orleans, LA. Mrs. Phyllis Landrieu, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.
Board Roll call: Ms. Una Anderson, absent; Ms. Cynthia Cade, present; Ms. Heidi Daniels,
present; Mr. Jimmy Fahrenholtz, present; Mrs. Phyllis Landrieu, present; Ms. Lourdes Moran,
present; Rev. Torin Sanders, present. Ex-officio Board Members present: Mr. Darryl Kilbert,
Superintendent, present; Mr. Edward Morris, General Counsel, present.
Mrs. Anderson joined the meeting at 5:40 p.m. and participated thereafter.
Mrs. Landrieu asked Rev. Sanders to lead the Board in a moment of silent meditation and the
Pledge of Allegiance.
An audio tape of the meeting is available in the Board Office.
Mrs. Landrieu called for additions and deletions to the agenda as posted.
The Board Secretary read the following requested additions to the agenda:
1. Under Presentations/Acknowledgements: Mr. Gary Elkins of Go Zone Tax Credit
2. Action Item #15 inadvertently omitted from Agenda, referenced under Budget & Finance
committee, Change orders that were presented to Budget & Finance committee
3. Action Item #16 – Extension of lease for Mahalia Jackson Early Childhood Center
4. Mrs. Landrieu added that Dr. Brenda Mitchell has asked to address the Board with
information on a program for teachers under Presentations/Acknowledgements.
Modifications: none
Deletions: none.
Ms. Daniels moved to approve and adopt the additions to the agenda, seconded by Mr.
Fahrenholtz. Motion passed unanimously.
Special Presentation: Mr. John Perkins, who attends McDonogh #35 High School, and Mr.
Alton Denson, who attends Pierre Capdeau Early College High School by UNO, presented their
Heart of the Mediterranean trip though the People to People Student Ambassador Program.
OBSP Minutes – August 21, 2007
Mr. Gary Elkins, with the Go Zone Tax Credits, addressed the Board. Opportunities for the
School Board to take advantage of some of the new financial programs and incentives put in to
place after Hurricane Katrina. Gulf Opportunity Zone Act, passed by Congress in December,
was passed with incentives aimed at helping rebuild communities for businesses and
governmental institutions and support institutions. New Market Tax Credit being explored with
School Board representatives. They are trying to come up with a structure that for every dollar
the School Board has available to expand its capital base. We are using Mahalia Jackson as test
case for raising capital.
Dr. Brenda Mitchell, acknowledged a group of teachers from around the country who have been
here all summer helping to paint McMain, and also working with Habitat for Humanity, to help
rebuild the school system through UTNO, called Union Summer. Building Minds, Mind and
Building, a report by American Federation of Teachers, project launching to look at
infrastructure of schools for urban districts. No Experience Necessary, primarily about impact of
devastation on instruction, lack of experienced teachers has had on surrounding education.
Superintendent Kilbert began his agenda presentation by presenting the academic portion of his
 Division of Academics and Supportive Services
 Report on Opening of School – orange document report on attendance for the first
week of school. 9,989 young people actively registered as of August 20, 2007.
Number continues to grow. This report is minus Pre-K and kindergarten students
since they didn’t start until this week. Speaker of the House and Majority Whip
visited on the first day of school.
 Report on Accountability and Summer Testing – Mrs. Yolanda Williams came
forward to give report on summer testing. For 4th and 8th graders, test scores will
determine if they will be promoted to the next grade, for high schoolers, test scores
give opportunity to determine whether can graduate. Chart included in the Board
packet is a breakdown by school by grade during summer administration. Not all
students took advantage of the summer testing opportunity. 90% of 4th graders met
standard and 82% of 8th graders who met standard. 10% of retained students in 4th
grade, but only 12% in 8th grade. Report includes both spring and summer testing.
Mrs. Williams explained the 2 types of waivers and appeal process for students. Mr.
Kilbert will make a request to the State as to whether or not we are eligible for
supplemental educational services even though the students made the passing score,
we will question the State to see if we are eligible for SCS funding for extra tutoring.
The Board Secretary clarified that the SCS is a part of the funding, not an additional
funding over the top.
 Reports for Information
o Report on Back to School Fair – on August 4, 2007. OPSB participated with
RSD, There were 71 exhibitors at the event. The OPSB schools that participated
were: Ben Franklin Elem. & Senior, Bethune, Early Childhood Education, Karr,
Hynes, Einstein, ECS, Lake Forest Charter, McDonogh #35, Warren Easton,
McMain, Parent Involvement, PM High and a host of other members of the
department participated in activities providing parents with information and
OBSP Minutes – August 21, 2007
supplies for the opening of school. McDonogh #35 band and marching unit
participated as well as the McMain color guard.
o Status Report on District’s Student, Family, Staff and Community Handbook –
The words Corporal Punishment need be removed from the handbook. Discipline
handbook committee has reviewed and made necessary modifications. Also that
the School Board accept the timeline as presented as an Action Item.
o Summative Report on Charter School Liaison Log – attached behind Act 385 with
information in regards to each of the charter schools that report and where they
are in the reporting process.
Division of Financial Services – Stan C. Smith, CFO
 Monthly Financial Reports: June 30, 2007 (submitted August 16, 2007) Mr. Tim Russell,
Controller, presented the Monthly Financial Report.
 Reports for Information
 Report on the revised FY 2008 Budget Timeline
 Special revenue Grants: 2004-05 Carryover and other grants expiring 09-30-07
Mr. Kilbert asked for indulgence from the Board to allow Ms. Bettina McGee, Parish chair and
Extension Agent with the LSU Ag Center, to come forward and provide information regarding
services available for schools. Shared info on LSU Ag Center and some of the opportunities
available and on the 4-H youth program in schools. Presented information packet on 4-H youth
program. Mrs. Landrieu announced that Mrs. Cynthia Cade has agreed to be the ad hoc
committee chairman for the new Committee on Nutrition.
Human Resources/Personnel (action item) – Dr. Armand Devezin, HR Director, came
forward to present the Human Resources request for approval the below appointments.
 Approval of Personnel Actions: Appointments of Certified and Classified Personnel
 Approval Routine Personnel Actions
Motion was made to accept and approve the Human Resources/Personnel action
items by Ms. Daniels, seconded by Ms. Cade. Motion passed unanimously.
Board Secretary Thelma French stated that we need a correction on the in date for
white pages on the new appointees. Dr. Devezin will correct those dates to read
through August 2009.
 Status Report on the A & M Real Estate & Insurance Contract Services
 WINK Project Managers
Mr. James Ludwig of the Alvarez and Marsal team came forward to address the board. Reports
are mainly for information. Will have for the next Property Committee and Board meetings the
report on the review of the Timbers buildings, the disposition of the buildings options. Also at
the next Property Committee Meeting will be the review of the AT&T servitude that will be
placed on the court recommendations for Audubon Montessori. Board Secretary Thelma French
noted that we have asked for the next Property Committee meeting and full Board meeting in
September for a more detailed analysis on the types of PWs, what the items are and what the
type of work has been done.
OBSP Minutes – August 21, 2007
WINK – Mr. Wetzel, presented a list of on-going projects with OPSB. Warren Easton has been
completed. Alice Harte has been awarded and will be under way within the next day or two.
McMain is a replacement of some a/c units. The Lusher kitchen needs a 2nd review per what
FEMA was paying for, code restraints, etc. They will be getting with architect to move forward
with an RFP on Harte as soon as possible.
 Accountability Committee: Rev. Torin Sanders, Chair
The Accountability Committee reviewed the following Board Action Item and
moves it forward to full Board with a favorable recommendation: these items will be
addressed individually as Board Action Items).
Revision to 2007-08 Academic Calendar
Review of 2007-08 Consolidated Grant Application
Revision to Board Policy J930 (for consistency)
Rev. Sanders presented the Accountability Committee meeting report. The meeting
agenda is included in Board packet. Three items are Action items to be discussed later.
They discussed start-up issues with Charter schools, reviewed liaison log, and will further
enhance the log to serve as a communication tool between charters and committee to be
sure that there is better two–way communication.
Budget, Finance & Property Committee: Mrs. Lourdes Moran, Chair
The Budget, Finance and Property Committee recommends the following items as
Consent Agenda items for the Board approval: (action item)
 Historical Invoices:
Group I - Approvals
Stein Erikson Lodge
Dell Computer
Friendship House
Monahan Printing
Bayou Tucking
Balthazar Electiks
Balthazar Electiks
Bayou Trucking
Group II Rejections
11. Santillana
12. Home Depot
Purchasing Items:
1. Direct Instruction Programs (horizons, Corrective reading and Decoding and
Comprehension) [Sole Source Provider, SRA Mc Graw Hill] for ECS
2. Assistive Communication Devices [Sole Source Provider, Prentke Romich
Company] for ECS
3. Supplementary Instructional Materials [Sole Source Provider, PCI
Educational Publishing] for ECS
OBSP Minutes – August 21, 2007
4. Instructional Materials [Sole Source Provider, Lakeshore Learning Materials]
for ECS
5. Standard Based ESL/ELD Interventions Program [Sole Source Provider,
Santillana] for Bilingual Education Department
6 Instructional Supplies and Materials for Consolidated and other Grants ending
09/30/07 [detail of purchased items will be provided for ratification at
September 2007 Board Meeting.]
The Budget and Finance Committee has reviewed the following Board Action Items
and moves them forward to full Board with favorable recommendation (these items
will be addressed individually as Board Action Items).
 Approval of Change orders for McDonogh #15
Ms. Moran presented the Budget & Finance report. The agenda is included in the Board
packet. Ms. Moran requested an update from Greg Bechnel, Special Revenue Director,
on the special revenue grants. Funding had expired and not all the money had been spent.
Ms. French clarified that Mr. Bechnel’s report was listed in behind Tab 3 in with the
financial reports.
Mr. Bechnel came forward to give an update on his report. Ms. Moran asked if there was
a deadline to get all their expenditures turned in. Mr. Bechnel said that the deadline was
Thursday, and the schools did comply with that. September 1st is the deadline for
requisition requests. All OPSB schools have been notified of these deadlines.
Mr. Wayne DeLarge, Budget Director, came forward to discuss the budget timeline. The
budgets for the Charters aren’t due until the 24th. This will allow enough time to
incorporate the requests into the budget if the Charters’ information is received on time.
Mr. Morris, General Counsel, notified the Board that there is a letter going out to the
Charters tomorrow notifying them of the consequences of non–compliance with
deadlines. A timeline extension has been extended from the Joint Budget & Finance and
Property committee meeting. The original due date was August 10th and they were
granted an extension through the 24th. Mrs. Landrieu suggested that those letters be
hand-delivered and not put through the mail. The Board Secretary voiced a concern
about the time line because the data has to be posted at the newspaper by the 25th for
publication on the 27th by State law.
Historical invoices are presented as a consent agenda.
Ms. Moran moved that we accept the consent agenda items, Mr. Fahrenholtz seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
Change orders for McDonogh #15 will be covered under Action Item #15 added to the
agenda. The information is in the Board packet. This is to ratify work that has been
completed at the school.
Policy Committee: Mrs. Cynthia Cade, Chair
OBSP Minutes – August 21, 2007
The Policy Committee will met Tuesday, August 21, 2007 at 2:00pm
The Policy Committee was scheduled to meet Tuesday, August 21, 2007 at 2:00 p.m.
Policy Committee did not meet, there is no report.
Property Committee: Mrs. Una Anderson, Chair
The Property Committee meeting was cancelled due to illness. The Property Committee
agenda action items will be addressed in the Board Action Items.
The Orleans Parish School Board is asked to act upon the following action items:
Action Item No. 1 – Accepting the Chevron Corporation donation of $25,000.00 to
McDonogh #35 High School. The Chevron Corporation donation was made to assist the
school in purchasing hands–on/manipulatives for the Middle School Science Laboratories.
Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board accepts the Chevron donation to
McDonogh #35 for the purposes stipulated in accordance with Board Policy B204; and
approves the adoption of these funds to the Expendable Trust Fund.
Mr. Phillip White, principal of McDonogh #35, addressed the board to discuss Action
Item No.s 1 and 2. The Duchess of York was involved in the presentation of Action Item
Mr. Fahrenholtz moved to accept the Chevron Corp. donation, seconded by Rev.
Sanders. Motion passed unanimously.
Action Item No. 2 – Accepting the McDonald’s Corporation’s donation of
$37,313.00 to McDonogh #35 High School. The McDonald’s Corporation’s donation is
designated to support the school’s Summer Arts Camp, providing funding for personnel
and other program supports; as well as enhancing the school’s library by adding
equipment and books.
Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board accepts the McDonald’s
Corporation’s donation to McDonogh #35 for the purposes identified in accordance with
Board Policy B204; and approves the adoption of these funds to the Expendable Trust
Ms. Cade moved to accept the McDonald’s Corp. donation, seconded by Ms. Moran.
Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. White discussed the Dream Girls production. Over 90% of the cast of Dream Girls
were underclassmen, sophomores and juniors. The French Consulate has offered an
opportunity this coming spring to come to France and to perform the production in
France. They will provide the funding for the production. Mr. Kilbert asked that Mr.
White announce that on Sept. 21, the football game of St. Augustine v. McDonogh #35
OBSP Minutes – August 21, 2007
will be telecast nationally on ESPN. Also, Nike has been meeting with the schools and
has requested to donate to St. Augustine and McDonogh #35 their football uniforms.
Board Secretary, Thelma French, announced that she took 5 young people to the J.W.
Casey funded retreat in Kentwood to discuss the issues of children living out of foster
care or living doubled-up after Katrina. The retreat included kids from around the nation.
A cast member from Dream Girls sang the song “Believe It”, which became the retreat’s
theme song, and Casey has now offered to fund for all 5 students to attend the national
conference Sept. 30, October 1, 2, & 3, 2007. She also acknowledged and thanked the
students who helped unpack Bethune School the weekend before school started.
Action Item No. 3 – Ratifying the donation of furniture to the Ben Franklin
Elementary by the Social Security Administration. The District Office of the Social
Security Administration donated 10 desks, 3 computer desks, 10 partitions and 1 shredder
to the Ben Franklin Elementary Mathematics and Science School earlier in August.
Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board ratify the donation of furniture
to Ben Franklin Elementary by the Social Security Administration in accordance with
Board Policy B204.
Principal Charlotte Matthews was present to discuss the donation. The Social Security
office got all new furniture and offered up the old furniture for donation.
Ms. Daniels moved to accept the donation of furniture to Ben Franklin school, seconded
by Mr. Fahrenholtz. Motion passed unanimously.
Action Item No. 4 – Approving the installation of the KABOOM (sponsored)
Playgrounds on OPSB properties: The Mahalia Jackson Early Childhood and Family
Learning Center has been awarded KABOOM Playgrounds to be installed in 2007. The
Center will secure the necessary insurance coverage, and this item has been reviewed and
recommended for approval by the General Counsel.
Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board approve the installation of the
KABOOM playground on OPSB property at Mahalia Jackson site, 2400 Jackson Avenue.
Mr. Ed Morris, General Counsel, discussed placement of playground to be installed in
November. Ms. Moran voiced concern about commencing installation of a playground
before construction has even been approved to be done on the facility. Ms. Anderson
stated that the community is in need of a playground, that there are ample organizations
to keep an eye on the playground in terms of vandalism to the playground. Ms. Moran
asked what our legal exposure to that site is in its present condition. Mr. Morris said that
a discussion would have to be had to address these playground issues. Ms. Anderson
suggesting authorizing Legal Counsel to enter into discussions with NORD to coordinate
with them in order for the playgrounds to be covered under NORD’s umbrella insurance.
Mrs. Landrieu stated that it is the Foundation’s intent to take the liability for the
playground. There is a five year lease in place. This Action Item is to provide on record
support of building a playground on that site and for KABOOM to put this project in their
budget. Rev. Sanders suggested modifying the letter to state that we support the
playground once the site construction is completed. Mr. Morris suggested putting in the
OBSP Minutes – August 21, 2007
letter support of the playground, but spelling out what other organizations are going to
participate in the endeavor of safety.
Ms. French suggested a letter to KABOOM stating the intent of the Board to procure a
cooperative endeavor agreement with area organizations. Mrs. Landrieu requested that
that not be stated in the letter to KABOOM, but a separate letter be drafted to the
Foundation stating that as the tenants, that a cooperative endeavor agreement be put in
place before construction commences.
Ms. Moran made the motion to approve these letters to be sent, seconded by Ms. Cade.
Motion passed unanimously.
Action Item No. 5 – Authorizing the disposition of OPSB declared surplus
o Tubman Annex School – 2000 General Meyer – Currently housing FEMA trailers,
Property leased to US Navy, which donated land to Orleans Parish school Board.
o Priestly School – 1619 Leonidas Street – Priestly Charter School application stated
Charters interest to purchase the surplus property site.
o Fleur de Lis Site – Fleur de Lis and 40th Street (near West End Blvd.)
The City of New Orleans is in the process of providing OPSB with a release of use
document, as the site had been used by NORD as a city playground. By request of
Board Members Moran and Fahrenholtz, respectively recommend that the
1) procure an appraisal of the sites; and
2) dispose of these surplus properties utilizing the sealed bid process.
Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board authorize the disposition of
surplus properties at 2000 General Meyer (Tubman Annex), 1619 Leonidas Street
(Priestly School) and Fleur De Lis as detailed above.
Ms. Anderson voiced concern for Priestley and a sealed bid process so that the school
does not end up homeless. Mr. Leslies Rey, Purchasing Director, said it does not have to
come up for bid since it is being used as a public entity. It was clarified that it still has to
come up for bid, but it doesn’t have to go to the highest bidder since it is for school use.
Motion was made by Mr. Fahrenholtz to approve surplus list, seconded by Ms. Moran.
Motion passed unanimously.
Action Item No. 6 – Approving the MOU with the Theolonius Monk Institute. The
Monk Institute has agreed to fund the salary of Mr. Jonathan Bloom to implement a
program of jazz instruction to the students of OPSB.
Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board approve the MOU with the
Monk Institute, and authorize the Board President to sign upon recommendation of
General Counsel.
Ms. Daniels moved to approve the MOU, seconded by Ms. Anderson. Motion passed
Action Item No. 7 – Accepting the donation of National Football Foundation and
College Hall of Fame, Inc. for a mentoring program for student football players at
OBSP Minutes – August 21, 2007
McDonogh #35 High School; and approving the Memorandum of Agreement for the
Play It Smart Program. Through the efforts of the OPSB Athletic Director Ronald
Gearing, the National Football Foundation has included McDonogh #35 in the ‘Play It
Smart Program’.
Recommendation: That Orleans Parish School Board accepts the donation of the
National Football Foundation, approve the Memorandum of Agreement and authorize the
Board President to sign upon recommendation of General Counsel.
Information is in Board packet detailing all activities that come with this program.
Ms. Daniels moved to accept the donation, seconded by Mr. Fahrenholtz.
passed unanimously.
Action Item No. 8 – Approving the Orleans Parish School Board Elementary
Schools participation in the Children’s Defense Fund and W.K. Kellogg
Foundation’s School Readiness Initiative. The Children’s Defense Fund, Southern
regional Office with a grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation will launch a three-year
school readiness initiative designed to assure a seamless transition into school for
children in eight schools in New Orleans. Bethune Elementary and Ben Franklin
Elementary are among the eight target schools.
Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board approve the participation of
the Ben Franklin and Bethune Elementary Schools in the Children Defense Fund and W.
K. Kellogg Foundation School Readiness Initiative.
Dr. Margaret Montgomery-Richard and Mrs. Mary Joseph, our state coordinator for the
State Children’s Defense fund, are present tonight. Dr. Montgomery-Richard addressed
the Board discussing the initiative and what it does.
Motion made by Ms. Daniels to approve the participation, seconded by Mr. Fahrenholtz.
Motion passed unanimously.
Action Item No. 9 – Approving the revision to the 2007–08 Academic Calendar. The
Academic Calendar adopted by the Board at March 20, 2007 Board Business Meeting,
incorrectly stated the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. This revision merely changes the
date to the official holiday, January 21, 2007.
Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board adopts the revised 2007-08
Academic Calendar.
Motion was made to accept the revised 2007–2008 Academic Calendar by Ms. Daniels,
seconded by Mr. Fahrenholtz. Motion passed unanimously.
Action Item No. 10 – Approving the goals, strategies, activities and budgets of the
2007–08 Consolidated (grant) application as detailed in Attachment I.
Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board approves the 2007–08
Consolidated grant application and budget.
OBSP Minutes – August 21, 2007
Ms. Gail Audrict and Dr. Rosalyn Dennis came forward to present the 2007–2008
consolidated grant application, the schools receiving the funding, and what the money
will be used for.
Ms. Cade made a motion to approve the consolidated grant application, seconded by Ms.
Roll call vote:
Yeas: Anderson, Cade, Fahrenholtz, Landrieu, Moran, Sanders
Nays: None
Abstentions: None
Absent: Daniels
The consolidated application is approved and the letter will be prepared.
Action Item No. 11 – Approving the amendment of Board Policy J930 – Student
Conduct to address an inconsistency between this policy and Board Policy G712 –
Investigations, and the Student, Family, Staff and Community Handbook. Current
language in Board Policy J930 – Student Conduct tracks both state statues and Bulletin
741 in stating “that violations of District policy and school rules may result in a range of
disciplinary actions including corporal punishments, suspensions or expulsions.”
However Board Policy G712 and the Handbook states “Corporal punishment is
prohibited in Orleans Parish Schools.”
Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board approves the amendment to
Board Policy J930.
Mr. Fahrenholtz moved to approve the correction, seconded by Ms. Cade. Motion
passed unanimously.
Action Item No. 12 – Designation of the Times Picayune as the Official Journal of
The Orleans Parish School Board. La. R.S. 43:150 requires that public bodies of
government must annually designate an official journal and provide the Secretary of State
notification thereof.
Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board approve the designation of the
Times Picayune as the Official Journal of the Board for the period July19, 2007 through
July 18, 2008; and authorize the Board President complete the Secretary of State
Rev. Sanders moved to approve the Times Picayune as the official journal, seconded by
Mr. Fahrenholtz. Motion passed unanimously.
Action Item No. 13 – Approving the Contract Renewal with J.P. Morgan Chase
Bank, N.A. for Banking Services. The Orleans Parish School Board (“OPSB”) has had
a three-year Bank Services Agreement (the “Agreement”) with J.P.Morgan Chase Bank,
N.A. (“Chase”) effective November 1, 2004. This Agreement shall expire on October 31,
2007. At the discretion of OPSB, this Agreement may be renewed for three (3)
succeeding one-year periods under the same terms, conditions and prices as provided in
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OBSP Minutes – August 21, 2007
the original agreement. The Contract Evaluation document is attached in Board Action
Item Section.
Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board approve the Administration’s
recommendation to extend the agreement for an additional year effective November 1,
2007 expiring October 31, 2008 and authorize the Board President to sign said
Mr. Fahrenholtz moved to approve the one year extension for the agreement with Chasse
bank, seconded by Rev. Sanders. Motion passed unanimously.
Action Item No. 14 – Approving the Letter of Agreement between Orleans Parish
School Board and the Louisianan Department of Education/Recovery School
District with respect to capital cost (FEMA reimbursements, insurance proceeds,
and CDBG grants). This Letter of Agreement, often referred to as the Business
Memorandum of Agreement, has been negotiated, revised and reviewed several times
over the last ten months, and upon recommendation of the Chief Financial Officer and
General Counsel is recommended to the Board for approval.
Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board approve the Letter of
Agreement with LDE/RSD relative to capital cost; and authorize the board President to
sign it the letter.
Mr. Stanley Smith, Chief Financial Officer, came forward to discuss the new MOU. Mr.
Morris said that we can modify the letter to remove the words “transfer of ownership”.
Motion to approve the Letter of Agreement was made by Ms. Cade, seconded by Mr.
Roll call vote:
Yeas: Anderson, Cade, Fahrenholtz, Landrieu, Moran, Sanders
Nays: None
Abstentions: None
Absent: Daniels
Motion passed to approve the Letter of Agreement.
Action Item No. 15 – Approval of the Change Orders that were presented to Budget
& Finance Committee from Budget & Finance.
Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board approve the Change orders for
Interstate Restoration at McDonogh 15 in the amount of $250,211.11.
Motion was made by Mr. Fahrenholtz, seconded by Ms. Cade, to approve the change
orders. Motion passed unanimously.
Action Item No. 16 – Extension of lease for Mahalia Jackson Early Childhood
Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board approve the extension of the
lease from five years to seven years.
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OBSP Minutes – August 21, 2007
The Foundation is pursuing opportunities for monies from the Gulf Opportunity Zone
Tax Credit Initiative. In order to do that, they need a seven–year lease. There is
currently have a five–year lease in place. All other conditions of the new lease will
remain as is in the current lease; the only thing that will change will be the term of the
Motion was made by Mr. Fahrenholtz, seconded by Ms. Cade, to approve the lease
extension agreement. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion was made to adjourn to executive session by Mr. Fahrenholz, seconded by Ms. Cade.
The OPSB recessed into executive session at 7:55 p.m. to consider the following
litigation/personnel matters:
Consideration of litigation /personnel matters:
Mercedes Barrios vs. OPSB, CDC No. 03-1843, Personal Injury
Gary Charles vs. OPSB, et al, CDC No. 05-13482, Personal Injury
ServPro of Metairie vs. OPSB, CDC No.
, Contract Litigation
UTNO vs. OPSB (various), 19th JDC No. 541,768; CDC No. 07-1279; CDC No. 07229; and CDC No. 06-12227, Employee Litigation
Robin Gatlin, Potential Litigation
Seth Blumenthal, Potential Litigation
Sharon Boyd, H&G Claim #9900382, Worker’s Compensation
Mildred Leblanc, H&G Claim #9800583, Worker’s Compensation
School Bus Drivers, US Dept. of Labor Claim
Deutsch, Kerrigan & Stiles, Attorney Fees
Request for AG Opinion on 2007/2008 MFP
The board reconvened at 8:50 p.m. Board member roll call: Ms. Una Anderson, absent; Ms.
Cynthia Cade, present; Ms. Heidi Daniels, absent; Mr. Jimmy Fahrenholtz, present; Mrs. Phyllis
Landrieu, present; Ms. Lourdes Moran, present; Rev. Torin Sanders, present; Ex-officio Board
members present: Mr. Daryl Kilbert, Superintendent, present; Mr. Edward Morris, General
Counsel, present.
Litigation/Personnel matters:
1.Mercedes Barrios vs. OPSB, CDC No. 03-1843, Personal Injury – recommend OPSB
tender its self-insured retention of $500,000.
2.Gary Charles vs. OPSB, et al, CDC No. 05-13482, Personal Injury – recommend that
the Board gives General Counsel’s office the authority to negotiate a settlement up
to $15,000.
3.ServPro of Metairie vs. OPSB, CDC No.
recommend settlement of the claim for $169,000.
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4.UTNO vs. OPSB (various), 19th JDC No. 541,768; CDC No. 07-1279; CDC No. 07229; and CDC No. 06-12227, Employee Litigation – recommend that the Board
gives the authority to negotiate with UTNO for new collective bargaining
agreement, and to have a counter proposal on the settlement number that has
been proposed by UTNO.
5.Robin Gatlin, Potential Litigation – recommend directing the General Counsel’s
office to investigate the retirement benefits dispute.
6.Seth Blumenthal, Potential Litigation – parent seeking reimbursement for tuition
paid for $8,393.90. Recommend settlement for this amount of money.
7.Sharon Boyd, H&G Claim #9900382, Worker’s Compensation – recommend
settlement for $3,000
8.Mildred Leblanc, H&G Claim #9800583, Worker’s Compensation – recommend
settlement for not more than $38,500.00
9.School Bus Drivers, US Dept. of Labor Claim – recommend settlement for
10.Deutsch, Kerrigan & Stiles, Attorney Fees – this is for attorney’s fees in the amount
of $189,935.73, incurred from this firm representing in the McDonogh shooting
case. Recommend settlement of attorney’s fees by OPSB paying 50% and the
insurance company will pay the remaining 50%.
11.Request for AG Opinion on 2007/2008 MFP – recommend getting Attorney
General’s opinion on this allocation formula.
Motion was made to approve all matters but the Attorney General’s matter, which will be taken
separately, by Mr. Fahrenholtz, seconded by Ms. Moran. Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Fahrenholtz moved approval for General Counsel’s request to seek an Attorney General’s
opinion relative to the 2007-08 MFP formula allocation, seconded by Mrs. Cade.
Roll call vote:
Yeas: Cade, Fahrenholtz, Landrieu, Moran, Sanders
Nays: None
Abstentions: None
Absent: Anderson, Daniels
Motion passed.
2007 OPSB Summer Graduation will be held Wednesday, August 22, 2007 at
7:00pm in the Auditorium of the McDonogh #35 High School.
The next scheduled Board Business Meeting of the Orleans Parish School
Board is September 25, 2007 at 5:00pm at the McDonogh #35 High School,
1331 Kerlerec Street, New Orleans, LA
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OBSP Minutes – August 21, 2007
Mrs. Cade made a motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
This is certified to be a true and correct copy of the Minutes of Orleans Parish School Board
Business Meeting held August 21, 2007, and approved at the September 25, 2007, meeting of the
Respectfully submitted,
Thelma French
Ex–Officio Board Secretary
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