Sussex Police - Domestic Abuse Improvement Plan 30 September 2014 In September 2013, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) was commissioned by the Home Secretary to thematically inspect the police response to domestic violence and abuse. All forces in England and Wales were inspected and in March 2014 the HMIC published its national report, Everyone’s business: Improving the police response to domestic abuse; and individual reports for each police force in England and Wales. One of the key national HMIC recommendations was for every police force in England and Wales to establish and publish an action plan that specifies in detail what steps it will take to improve its approach to domestic abuse. Tackling domestic abuse is a key priority for Sussex Police and I am pleased to publish the Sussex Police Domestic Abuse Improvement Plan, which we have developed with the Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex, our statutory and voluntary partners, and survivors of domestic abuse. Assistant Chief Constable Stuart Cundy, head of Specialist Crime for Surrey and Sussex Police will oversee both the Surrey and Sussex domestic abuse improvement plans. Sussex Police is also working closely with Surrey Police and significant steps have been taken to develop a collaborative approach in tackling domestic abuse. A domestic abuse task force is utilising officers from both forces and was established following the publication of the HMIC report. The intention is to deliver improvements, combine knowledge and experience and deliver economies of scale where possible. This has included the development of our training programme and implementing new domestic abuse legislation, such as Claire’s law and Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPOs). I am committed to improving Sussex Police response to domestic abuse. To deliver a better service to survivors of domestic abuse and effectively bringing perpetrators to justice requires sustained improvement by the police and our partners. As this plan develops I hope we will protect more people and tackle the terrible harm that is caused by domestic abuse. Giles York, Chief Constable Sussex Police - Domestic Abuse Improvement Plan Review Recommendation Key Actions Owner Implementation Timescale Progress Status (Green, Amber, Red) First Contact HMIC Recommendation 1 To enhance the system used by the Force Control Room to ensure front line officers have access to all available intelligence/information when attending a DA incident, allowing them to make accurate assessments of the level of risk. To develop an I.T. solution by October 2014 and rollout new palm tops and smart phones which will be able to receive history markers, giving officers full details of background and intelligence. CI Brookman & DI Prior Rollout of phase 1 – January 2015. The rollout of the new force wide smart phones and handhelds is due to start at the start of 2015. DI Prior will work with the project team to ensure DA information is passed to operational officers and the Communications Room staff understand the need to supply this. Communications room rotational training starts in November and Public Protection branch will design and deliver an input on DA to staff. Amber Sussex force wide DA initiative To establish an effective Repeat Victims policy. To establish means to accurately identify at first point of contact with the police whether the caller is a repeat DA victim. DI Prior Draft policy – completed. Training of PCC staff and operational officers – November 2014. The training will lead to more effective operational response and safety planning leading to improved victim confidence. Surrey Police are trialling a Repeat Victim policy and this has been sent out to our Adult Protection Teams (APTs) for consultation. Feedback is awaited at the next DA working group. Amber Plan Owner: Assistant Chief Constable Stuart Cundy Plan Managers: Detective Chief Inspector Dave Oakley version 1.1 September 2014 Sussex Police - Domestic Abuse Improvement Plan Review Recommendation Key Actions Owner Implementation Timescale Progress Pilot launched in West Sussex – early September 2014 with the intention of rolling out across the two forces in January 2015. The full roll out of a scheme will increase victim confidence and enhance partnership working by providing educational establishments with an insight into pressures faced by young persons whose families are subject of DA. Initial feedback from the pilot sites is positive and the full county launch is anticipated in January 2015. Status (Green, Amber, Red) Initial Response Sussex force wide DA initiative To implement across Sussex/Surrey Op Encompass which aims to support children by using key professionals who have been identified within schools. Children at risk from DA incidents are identified early on and the principles of Op Encompass are initiated. To develop the Op Encompass initiative across the two force areas in a partnership approach with education. Plan Owner: Assistant Chief Constable Stuart Cundy Plan Managers: Detective Chief Inspector Dave Oakley Supt Furnell & DI Jenkins version 1.1 September 2014 Amber Sussex Police - Domestic Abuse Improvement Plan Review Recommendation HMIC recommendation 2 The force should provide greater clarity for staff over what is considered positive action. Key Actions Owner To close the knowledge gap which exists in some frontline staff, over the need to take positive action at DA incidents and put in place an effective safety plan for the victim. Officers will be trained to understand the minimum standard to be applied to DA incidents – via leadership, training and investigative practice. Supt Furnell Implementation Timescale Develop training by Autumn 2014 via the new DA training strategy Progress A proposed training strategy is due to be signed off in October 2014 and implementation will follow. Once scoping of the issue has been undertaken a completion date can be applied. Discussed by the DA working group, it was agreed knowledge gaps exist with operational officers. Public Protection branch are developing a localised training input suitable for delivery by APT staff. This will then be delivered across the force. - Target date October 14. Management of Risk Plan Owner: Assistant Chief Constable Stuart Cundy Plan Managers: Detective Chief Inspector Dave Oakley version 1.1 September 2014 Status (Green, Amber, Red) Amber Sussex Police - Domestic Abuse Improvement Plan Review Recommendation HMIC recommendation 6 The force should urgently evaluate the reasons why so many Domestic Abuse Stalking Harassment (DASH) assessments have the level of risk altered on review by the APT. (DASH risk assessments are always completed by the attending officer but HMIC has concerns about their accuracy, due to the level of re-grading both upwards and downwards. The number of re-graded assessments is significant, meaning that officers are not recognising the correct level of risk, and victims may not be getting the level of support they require) Sussex force wide DA initiative Implement across Sussex and Surrey the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS) also known as Claire’s Law Key Actions Owner Implementation Timescale Progress Status (Green, Amber, Red) To conduct a review by the Protecting Vulnerable People (PVP) policy and audit team to identify common issues External assistance/audit has been agreed in principle with Co-ordinated Action Against Domestic Abuse (CAADA) charity. Severity of abuse grid – which gives descriptors to assist in establishing level of abuse, has been circulated to all APT DS’s for comments. DI Prior Sussex & Surrey review due in October 2014 and recommendations considered November 2014. The DA working group will ensure greater supervision is applied to the DASH form and it will be tested by the HMIC PEEL Interim Assessment in October 2014. The introduction of the new Single Combined Assessment of Risk Form (SCARF) across the force will assist in focusing first line supervision on the importance of accurate risk assessing and the DASH review will highlight gaps in our processes. Amber The scheme went live pan Sussex/Surrey on 8th March 2014. DCI Oakley Project launched February 2014 and completed in March 2014. Claire’s Law is now regarded as core business with at least 57 applications made to Sussex since March 2014. Green Plan Owner: Assistant Chief Constable Stuart Cundy Plan Managers: Detective Chief Inspector Dave Oakley version 1.1 September 2014 Sussex Police - Domestic Abuse Improvement Plan Review Recommendation Key Actions Owner Sussex force wide DA initiative To Implement Domestic Violence Prevention Notices and Prevention Orders (GO Orders) across Sussex and Surrey To link with key internal and external stakeholders and train them in respect of this legislation and implementation in a cost effective manner. DCI Oakley Surrey-Sussex Police joint initiative. Introduce effective policing for managing domestic abuse cases and firearms holders. To implement effective policy across both forces to enable officers to consider using powers to seize firearms when attending domestic abuse incidents. Sussex HMIC recommendation 6 The force should review the mechanism of how information is provided to officers in respect of both victims and those perpetrators assessed as being at greatest risk to victims. To establish a system which effectively manages serial perpetrators, using a raft of police strategies. Plan Owner: Assistant Chief Constable Stuart Cundy Plan Managers: Detective Chief Inspector Dave Oakley Implementation Timescale Progress Status (Green, Amber, Red) Project launched in March 2014 and completed in June 2014. This initiative was jointly implemented by Sussex/Surrey. To date the 2 forces have completed nearly 70 DVPOs. Good partnership work exists between Westgate Chambers, Courts and Partners. Minor issues regarding process have been raised and amended accordingly. An on-going review function has been applied to this project. DI Prior Target date for implementation November 2014 To ensure firearms are seized from those involved in DA incidents as a part of initial safeguarding and safety planning. Amber DI Prior Louise Williams Re-establish serial perpetrators groups in Surrey – September 2014. Sussex to assess the Surrey model and implement by November 2014. To identify and then deploy a raft of measures to reduce the opportunities for serial perpetrators to re-offend ensuring the system is fit for purpose and divisional staff have the capacity to act upon the information supplied. Amber version 1.1 September 2014 Green Sussex Police - Domestic Abuse Improvement Plan Review Recommendation Key Actions Owner Implementation Timescale Progress Status (Green, Amber, Red) Working with Partners Surrey-Sussex Police joint initiative To develop the introduction of Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hubs (MASH) across Sussex/Surrey, ensuring consistency of processes. To implement with our partners fully integrated Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hubs (MASH) across Sussex and Surrey. Supt Furnell & Saville Implementation of MASHs countywide end of December 2014. Sussex HMIC recommendation 5 The force should streamline the contacts made with victims. This action was raised as relevant to both Sussex and Surrey by the HMIC. This issue is being progressed by the DA working group and a new Single Combined Assessment of Risk Form (SCARF) is being developed which will assist in streamlining the approach from numerous agencies. CAADA has been engaged and advice sought re this issue. CAADA will hold a Sussex/Surrey multi-agency scrutiny panel in Sept/Oct and assess the extent of the issue and make recommendations. Sussex to link with Surrey and look to implement the Surrey protocol re Witness Care Units (WCUs) and APTs. DCI Smith & Sue Janman, Witness Care Manager The proposed date for holding a scrutiny panel is November 2014. Plan Owner: Assistant Chief Constable Stuart Cundy Plan Managers: Detective Chief Inspector Dave Oakley MASH introduced in Brighton in Summer 2014. East Sussex are engaged and are currently developing a MASH. West Sussex currently operate a MASH (light) and intend to progress, by adding further partners. Surrey now has a single multi agency hub in place covering the entire force area. WCUs across both forces have been tasked to link in with partners and consider methods of streamlining their approach to victims. This has helped with a considerable improvement in the forces attrition rate. version 1.1 September 2014 Amber Amber Sussex Police - Domestic Abuse Improvement Plan Review Recommendation Key Actions Owner Implementation Timescale Progress Status (Green, Amber, Red) Organisational Issues Surrey-Sussex Police joint initiative This action plan should be developed as a joint enterprise between Surrey and Sussex police. Governance, engagement, development and implementation should be the same for both force areas. CAADA have been approached to review victim contact and Refuge has been asked to apply independent governance to the DA plan. Supt Furnell July 2014, completion date. HMIC recommendation 3 The force should review the training delivered to staff about domestic abuse. In particular, ensuring that staff receive appropriate training in coercive control and psychological control, stalking and harassment and so-called honour-based violence To improve the training and awareness given to staff in their approach to DA. Supt Furnell A new DA training strategy is due for approval at the end of September 2014. An implementation date will be set following the sign off of the training strategy. Plan Owner: Assistant Chief Constable Stuart Cundy Plan Managers: Detective Chief Inspector Dave Oakley The joint Sussex/Surrey DA task force will work jointly from August 2014. DCI Bex Smith (Surrey Police) will be the DA lead from September 2014 for both forces. Joint training, sharing of resources and best practice will continue, as will the identification of economies of scale and a swifter implementation of the recommendations. Learning and Development teams across both forces have been engaged and agree a new Sussex/Surrey training strategy is required to develop a more victim focused approach and greater understanding of DA issues by operational staff. The training will cover areas such as Harmful Traditional Practices, DA in same sex partnerships, as well as core police issues such as gathering and improving forensic awareness. The intention is for all staff to undertake a 1 day annual DA training programme underpinned by DA champions on division. version 1.1 September 2014 Green Amber Sussex Police - Domestic Abuse Improvement Plan Review Recommendation Key Actions Owner Implementation Timescale Progress Status (Green, Amber, Red) HMIC recommendation 4 The force should consider how to raise the levels of knowledge of staff in how best to undertake effective safety planning. (links to action 15) Consultation with CAADA has identified good practice whereby ‘Safety Planning Kits’ are issued to operational staff to use in appropriate DA cases. A budget would be required to implement with some training. Collecting evidence at the scene makes the best use of resources. DI Prior The target date for this training is as recommendation 15 above. Training needs analysis to be undertaken to assess the depth of the issue and the finance required to purchase the proposed safety kits. This is a training issue and will be covered by the above. Raised levels of knowledge in staff in how to best undertake effective safety planning will be an on-going development delivered by divisional supervision and enhanced by the new training strategy. Amber HMIC recommendation 7 The two forces should review urgently how it monitors the conclusions from domestic homicide reviews to ensure that any recommendations are acted upon. Implement monthly Surrey-Sussex Crime Review Meeting, chaired by ACC (Specialist Crime) Monitor implementation of Domestic Homicide Review action plans and share learning from national bulletins and individual case reviews ACC Cundy & Supt Fowler The target date for implementation is August 2014, and this has been achieved. All learning from DHRs is discussed at the Surrey-Sussex Crime Review meeting chaired by ACC Cundy. Both force review teams attend this meeting, and actions are given to share recommendations with both forces from this meeting. Action plans are discussed between the D/Supt and DCI’s and reviewed regularly by the D/Supt to ensure that the plans are updated and implemented. Green Plan Owner: Assistant Chief Constable Stuart Cundy Plan Managers: Detective Chief Inspector Dave Oakley version 1.1 September 2014 Sussex Police - Domestic Abuse Improvement Plan Review Recommendation HMIC recommendation 8 The force should consider how it can better measure how effective it is in responding to incidents of domestic abuse. (The current focus is on quantity, for example, on attrition and arrest rates. The force has not undertaken a countywide problem profile on domestic abuse, which would help shape its overall response, instead relying on more local analysis). Surrey-Sussex Police joint initiative To implement across the 2 forces a new internal DA policy with a tool kit giving guidance for staff on how to deal with DA, repeat DA and spot the signs of DA amongst their colleagues. Key Actions Owner Implementation Timescale Progress Status (Green, Amber, Red) A force wide DA problem profile has been commissioned. Terms of reference and initial research are currently being completed. Jo Cole, Senior Intelligence Analyst July/August 2014 is target date for delivery of the product The draft report has been delivered and will be assessed by the October DA working group. The DA profile will allow the force to measure and better understand attrition and arrest rates providing a focus on quality rather than quantity. A draft profile has been completed and is currently being assessed. Amber To successfully implement this policy, raising awareness amongst staff DI Prior HR Lead Target date August for the policy to be written. Consultation in September and a launch date by end of October 2014. This policy will allow the two organisations a degree of confidence that staff can better understand the signs of DA abuse and know it is taken seriously, with clear guidance on how to report either within or outside the organisation. Amber Plan Owner: Assistant Chief Constable Stuart Cundy Plan Managers: Detective Chief Inspector Dave Oakley version 1.1 September 2014 Sussex Police - Domestic Abuse Improvement Plan Review Recommendation Key Actions Surrey-Sussex Police Domestic Abuse Initiative, Develop a Harmful Traditional Practices strategy to deliver a greater understanding, improved investigation and an increase in confidence amongst our harder to reach communities. 1. To ensure Surrey & Sussex Police have a greater understanding of HTP and our communities can have confidence in the police should they report such an incident Owner DCI Oakley Implementation Timescale To roll out this programme by April 2015 Progress To show an increase in reporting and prosecution of these HTP type offences. The delivery plan includes training, awareness raising both internally and externally and an investigation strategy along with better partnership engagement. 3 Plan Owner: Assistant Chief Constable Stuart Cundy Plan Managers: Detective Chief Inspector Dave Oakley version 1.1 September 2014 Status (Green, Amber, Red) Amber