Intro to Sport Management 2015 Fall

Introduction to Sport Management SM 201A
Term and Year: Fall 2015
Days and Time: Thursday 6:30-9:15 p.m.
Location: UCOM 126127
Instructor: Mr. Greg Myers (
Office Hours: Before or after class
Class Wiki:
Course description:
This Sport and Recreation Management course provides an overview of the sport and recreation
industry. The course examines the principles of entertainment management in high school,
professional, collegiate, and Olympic sport. A primary focus of the course will be on the business
of collegiate and professional sport. The course will also focus on the application of business
topics discussed in class and business content from assigned readings, along with perspectives
from sport and entertainment business professionals.
Learning Objectives
After successfully completing the course, students will be able to do the following:
Define sport management and discuss the nature and scope of opportunities in the sport
Explain the importance of a professional perspective.
Exhibit critical professional skills and attitudes.
Critically evaluate major challenges in various segments of the industry.
Explain the relevance of ethical, legal, and sociological concepts to the management of
Demonstrate an understanding of theories of management, leadership, and
organizational behavior and how these theories are applied in sport enterprises.
Introduction to Sport Management SM 201A
Demonstrate an appreciation of diversity through the use of unbiased language and an
inclusive approach to sport communication.
Identify research questions in sport management and demonstrate the ability to analyze
and interpret published research.
Become members of the profession who will have a positive influence on how sport is
managed in the future.
Pedersen, P.M., & Thibault, L. (Eds.). (2014). Contemporary sport management (5th ed.).
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Course Content
A. Introduction to Sport Management
1. Managing Sport in the 21st Century
2. Developing a Professional Perspective
3. Historical Aspects of the Sport Business Industry
4. Management Concepts and Practice in Sport Organizations
5. Managerial Leadership in Sport Organizations
B. Selected Sport Management Sites
1. Professional Sport
2. Intercollegiate Athletics
3. Interscholastic Athletics
4. Youth and Community Sport
5. Sport Management and Marketing Agencies
6. Sport Tourism
C. Selected Sport Management Functions
1. Sport Marketing
2. Communication in the Sport Industry
3. Finance and Economics in the Sport Industry
Introduction to Sport Management SM 201A
4. Sport Facility and Event Management
D. Current Challenges in Sport Management
1. Sport Consumer Behavior
2. Legal Considerations in Sport Management
3. Sociological Aspects of Sport
4. A North American Perspective on International Sport
5. Sport Management Questions and Research
Course Evaluation
A. Chapter Review Questions, 20 at 10 points = 200 points. Chapter Review Questions
should be typed, answers only and submitted via e-mail to by
midnight of the date specified.
B. Exams, one at 100 points = 100 points. The first exam will cover material from the first 10
chapters and the second will cover material from chapters 11-20. Exams will take place
in class and review questions will be put on the class wiki.
C. “Money Ball” Movie Questions = 40 points, we will watch the movie together in class, the
answers on a separate document are due before midnight of the next class date.
D. Group Project = 200 points. Students will be assigned small groups to collaborate with
and formulate the overall project. Each group will be assigned a “group” to research.
Please see attachment for more information.
E. Online Discussions = 4 at 10 points each. Everyone must contribute to the online
discussion by responding to the prompt and also responding to at least 1 classmates.
F. Practice Quiz/Exam Questions can be found by visiting the class Wiki, the questions
present on the wiki will be the same questions used on the mid-term and final.
A total of 580 points can be earned throughout the semester.
Introduction to Sport Management SM 201A
Grading (based on total points earned):
Below 70
Course Schedule:
Assignment Due
Class Introduction, Review Syllabus and Class None
Structure, Review assignments & group project
Online Discussion / Group Project
Read Chapter 1 & 2
Chapter Review Questions
Online Discussion / Group Project
Read Chapter 3 & 4
Chapter Review Questions
Meet with Groups 1 & 2
Read Chapter 5 & 6
Chapter Review Questions
Meet with Groups 3, 4 & 5
Read Chapter 7 & 8
Chapter Review Questions
Group Project
Read Chapter 9 & 10
Chapter Review Questions
Fall Break No Class
Mid-Term (Chapters 1-10) (in class)
Read Chapter 11 & 12
Introduction to Sport Management SM 201A
Chapter Review Questions
Thanksgiving Break No Class
Online Discussion / Group Project
Read Chapter 13 & 14
Chapter Review Questions
Meet with Groups 1 & 2
Read Chapter 15 & 16
Chapter Review Questions
Meet with Groups 3, 4 & 5
Read Chapter 17 & 18
Chapter Review Questions
“Money Ball” (Movie) In Class
Read Chapter 19 & 20
Chapter Review Questions
Group Project
Online Discussion
“Moneyball” Movie Review Due
Group Project Due
Introduction to Sport Management SM 201A
Attendance at all classes is expected. One excused absence is often times unavoidable. The
excuse for an absence must come BEFORE regular class time. “Excessive” absences will result in
grade deductions. If you are absent on the day that a homework assignment or written
assignment is due, it is your responsibility to turn in the assignment BEFORE regular class time. If
students are ill and will be missing a presentation, it is their responsibility to contact the
instructor PRIOR TO the presentation. Unexcused absences on the day of a presentation will
result in serious point deductions.
Wilkes University maintains reasonable accommodations within classrooms and residence halls
for students with physical and learning disabilities. Such accommodations are made, whenever
reasonably possible, to allow students with disabilities to undertake tasks essential to their
programs of instruction. The Office of the Deans of Student Affairs and University College
coordinates services in cooperation with Health Services, the University Learning Center,
Registrar’s Office, Campus Security, and Office of Campus Counseling. Please refer to the Student
Handbook for additional information.
Academic Integrity
Wilkes University has a deep commitment to academic honesty and integrity. Violations will not
be tolerated, including: plagiarism, collusion, and cheating. Please refer to the Student
Handbook for additional information.
Cellular Phone and Electronic Device Policy
To provide an optimum environment for learning, all cellular phones and other electronic
devices must be kept on silent alert (vibration or visible flash) while in the classroom, laboratory,
or studio. Any calls must be answered outside the classroom. Please refer to the Student
Handbook for additional information.
Introduction to Sport Management SM 201A
SM 201 A – Group Project Criteria
Each group will be assigned an organization to research. The following topics should be covered
in the report.
1. Organizational Chart
2. What type of organization are they?
3. What type of environment do they operate under?
4. Reference the organizations effectiveness.
5. What is the organizations structure & design?
6. What is the organizations strategy?
a. The plan to cope with the environment
7. What is the organization culture like?
a. Values & Norms
8. Has the organization experienced and “organizational change”?
a. How did they handle the change?
b. What was their plan?
9. What is the organizations marketing plan?
10. What is the organizations branding strategies?
11. What are the organizations basic management styles?
12. Revenues & TV Contracts
Some organizations you can choose from are: NBA, WNBA, NFL, MLB, NCAA, NHL, WWE, MLS,