Chapter 1 1. What functions does the systems analyst perform during the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)? Answer: Analyse the current system Analyse the system environment Involve the user Identify problems and requirements Design a new system based on a range of options 2. The SDLC is just one model for systems development. Find at least one more and describe the differences. Answer e.g. prototyping Soft Systems Business Process Re-engineering Object Oriented Analysis and Design 3. Why has SSADM become an industry standard? Answer: Breaks problems down into manageable chunks - functional decomposition Clearly defined steps Involves users Effective use of models and diagrams Cross-checking - improves reliability Tried and tested Chapter 2 1. Draw DFDs for each of these scenarios: (a) A customer goes into a bookshop and asks for this book. The member of staff looks for the book in the online stock catalogue and reports that the book is sold out. Answer: 1.1 Sales CUSTOMER book details response sto ck det ails Find book M1 Book catalogue (b) Every month, the Medical Centre receives a list of current drugs available from the drug companies. These lists are collated into a catalogue of drugs which is copied and given to each doctor. Answer: DRUG COMPANY drug list 1.1 Reception Receive drug list drug list M1 Drug Lists 1.2 Reception Compile drug catalogue list g u dr dru g li st M2 Drug catalogue DOCTOR cat alo gue 1.3 Reception e gu o l ta ca Copy and distribute catalogue (c) Swillbuckets orders a crate of sweet, sparkling drinks from the brewery. Jack Trout fills in an order form and sends copies to the brewery and the barman. The original is kept in the Orders shoebox. When the order arrives, the delivery note is checked against the order form by the barman. If the delivery matches the order, the barman signs the delivery note and attaches it to the order. He sends this to Jack. Answer: BREWERY order form de liv er yn ote 1.1 Secretary Order drinks 1.2 Barman Receive delivery M1 Orders rm er fo ord te no y r e liv de or de rf or m M2 Barman's files form order (d) Now decompose the diagram for (c) into two lower level DFDs. One showing the order process and one showing the delivery process. Compare them with the top level DFD in (c). Answer: Order process BREWERY order form 1.1.1 Secretary Order drinks 1.1.2 Secretary Copy order Delivery process M1 Orders m r for orde m for r de or order form M2 Barman's files M2 Barman's files 1.2.1 Barman BREWERY rm r fo note e d or ivery del delivery note Check delivery note y er il v de te no 1.2.2 Barman Process delivery note deli very note M1 Orders The decomposition simplifies the top level DFD and avoids the need to have data flows crossing over each other. 2. Draw a physical DFD to model this vet practice scenario Hallam Vets consists of 2 vets plus a receptionist. Both vets maintain records of treatment sessions. In addition, they maintain detailed animal records held in reception. When an owner arrives with an animal, the receptionist enters new animal details if the animal has not been seen before. The receptionist also reminds owners if their account needs paying, and receives payments where offered. She records details of payments. Patients may send payments by cheque in the mail, or pay by cheque or cash at reception. Payments are banked daily. Once a week the receptionist checks the payments. She updates the ledgers and records the updated balance on the owner's records. She sends reminders to owners with outstanding balances. Once a year, a breakdown of treatment has to be prepared by each vet and dispatched to the Department of Animal Welfare. One possible answer: animal details 1 Receptionist ANIMAL Record animal details ani ma l de tail s M1 Animal file 2 payment reminder Track payments ow ne r M2 Payments file 3 Receptionist Update owner records t amoun BANK pay me pay nt me nt 4 t en m y pa re ce ip t OWNER Receptionist Receptionist Bank money receipt M3 Treatment DEPT AW repo rt 5 Vet Record treatment t en t m en at m e at tr tre Chapter 3 1. Draw an entity model to model the following car rental business scenario: Cars are always rented from one location and are brought back to the same location. Customers may pay by cash or credit card Customers who call the agency may request a particular car make, or model, etc if available A bill is presented to the customers prior to releasing the rental car A further bill may be presented to the customers once the rented car has been returned to cover any damage or excessive mileage. Answer: CAR CUSTOMER RENTAL BILL More complex solutions are possible. 2. Draw an entity model to model this university scenario: A university dept. employs lecturers and clerical staff It offers a three year degree A student has to take 12 modules during the course Each lecturer teaches one or more courses Courses may be taught by more than one lecturer During the year, each postgraduate student has to complete two or three coursework assignments for each module. Answer: COURSE STUDENT MODULE SESSION ASSIGNMENT STAFF One or two assumptions have been made here e.g. that each module is taught by more than one lecturer. Chapter 4 1. Logicalize the following, if necessary: Type and copy invoice Create invoice Collate customer details Sort customer details SR1 form - blue Sales (entity) File details from new customer Create customer View patient's name and address patient (data flow) Photocopy application form can probably remove this delivery note order 2. Logicalize the mail order book company DFD shown in Fig. 4.15 Answer: D1 1 k boo customer order Customer Book Create customer order custom er r de or er om st cu D3 D2 Customer Customer order er rd o er tom s cu 2 Create publisher order r he lis r b pu rde o pu bl is he ro rd er Publisher pu bli sh er or de r pub lish er D4 Publisher D5 Publisher Order r rde er o h s li pub 3 Receive publisher order D3 Customer order 4 cu s Customer Chapter 6 e to m rd ro er Assemble customer order er ord r me sto cu cus tom er D2 Customer 1. Produce a decision table to model the logic in this scenario: A postal delivery company delivers parcels by air or rail transport. The price of delivery by air depends upon the weight of the parcel. There is a basic charge of 5 euros per kilo up to 50 kilos. Excess weight over 50 kilos is charged at 3 euros per kilo. Delivery by rail is charged at 3 euros per kilo up to 50 kilos and then 2 euros per kilo. There is a special service guaranteeing same day delivery which carries an additional flat rate charge of 20 euros. Any deliveries overseas are charged at double the normal rate. Answer: Conditions C1 - By air? C2 - =< 50 kilos C3 - > 50 kilos C4 - Special service C5 - Overseas? Actions A1 - 5 euros per kilo A2 - 3 euros per kilo A3 - 2 euros per kilo A4 - additional 20 euros A5 - double rate It should be simple to draw the resulting table. 2. Produce a structured English specification for this scenario: A travel agent has account customers and individual customers. Account customers who have spent over 25,000 euros in the past year get a discount of 25%. Otherwise, they get 10% discount. Individual customers who have booked holidays previously get 5% discount. New customers get no discount. Account customers who have spent over 10,000 euros in any previous year will receive offers of free tickets on selected routes. Answer: IF account cust IF >25000 euros discount = 25% IF >10,000 euros free tickets ELSE no tickets ELSE discount = 10% IF >10,000 euros free tickets ELSE no tickets ELSE IF previous booking discount = 5% ELSE no discount 3. Design a report for the Medical Centre showing the appointments for the following week. The report will be used by the receptionists to check patients as they arrive for their appointment, so consider what information will be required on the report. Answer: Information required will be: Date (or week number), Day, Time, Patient Name, Doctor, Arrived (Y,N) Chapter 7 1. Normalise the following data taken from a student assessment form, bearing in mind that students will take a number of modules: Student Number Student Name Student Address Module Code Module Name Module Mark Module Grade Answer: UNF 1NF 2NF 3NF Student No Student No Student No Student No Student Name Student Name Student Name Student Name Address Address Address Table STUDENT Address Module Code Module Name Module Code Module Code Module Code Module Mark Student No Student No Student No Module Name Module Mark Module Mark Module Mark Module Grade MODULE Module Grade MARK Module Grade Module Mark GRADE Module Code Module Grade Module Name Module Code MODULE Module Name This solution assumes that the grading system is uniform across all modules. 2. Normalise this form: Purchase Order (Customer copy) To: Bert Hovis Swillbuckets Club West Yorkshire Order: 345 8/12/2002 From: Cooper's Brewery 15 Brewery St Fillem Product No Name Quantity Price 10 Babycham 400 1.50 25 Old Firtle 25 30.00 48 Egg nog 20 2.50 28 Red nose bitter 30 25.00 Total cost: 3536.00 Answer: UNF 1NF 2NF 3NF OrderNo OrderNo OrderNo OrderNo CustNo CustNo CustNo CustNo Table ORDER HEAD CustContact CustContact CustContact OrderDate CustName CustName CustName CustAdd1 CustAdd1 CustAdd1 CustNo CustAdd2 CustAdd2 CustAdd2 CustContact OrderDate OrderDate OrderDate CustName ProdNo CustAdd1 ProdName OrderNo OrderNo Quantity ProdNo ProdNo CustAdd2 CUSTOMER Price ProdName Quantity OrderNo Quantity Price ProdNo Price ORDER LINE Quantity ProdNo Price ProdName ProdNo PRODUCT ProdName Chapter 8 1. Design an interface for Freddo Smitho at Swillbuckets. He needs to be able to see and update information about dishes, ingredients, recipes and events. Use the entity model in Fig. 6.4 to help you. Answer Click here