Wednesday 27 th Session 1: 15.00 - British International Studies

Wednesday 27th
Session 1: 15.00 – 16.30
1.1) Advancing the neoliberal cultural transformation in Africa: Sites, actors,
leverages (Boardroom Level 5)
Working Group: Africa &IS
Convenor: Jörg Wiegratz (Sheffield)
Chair: Jörg Wiegratz (Sheffield)
Discussant: Carl Death (Aberystwyth)
Sophie Harman (City) Governing Health Risk in Africa by Buying Behaviour
Nadine Beckmann (Oxford) The commodification of misery: Markets for healing,
markets for sickness
Sojin Lim (Manchester) The neoliberal legacy of the Paris Declaration: different
responses, practices and outcomes of implementation in Tanzania
1.2) Causal Explanation in IR (Boardroom Level 6)
Convenor: Joerg Friedrichs (Oxford)
Chair: Milja Kurki (Aberystwyth)
Discussant: Milja Kurki (Aberystwyth)
Adam Humphreys (Oxford) Explaining International Relations: A Question-Based
Hidemi Suganami (Aberystwyth) Causal explanations and moral judgements: their
linkages in history and social science
Joerg Friedrichs (Oxford) Causal mechanisms and social patterns: thinking within or
without the box
1.3) New Critical Perspectives on the WTO (Conference Room 1)
Working Group: IPEG
Convenor: Matthew Eagleton-Pierce (LSE)
Chair: Matthew Eagleton-Pierce (LSE)
Robert Ackrill (Nottingham Trent), Adrian Kay (ANU) & Ben Richardson (Warwick)
Sustainability and WTO Disputes: The Case of Biofuel Certification and Polycentric
Valbona Muzaka (Southampton) & Matthew L. Bishop (University of the West Indies)
Whither the WTO?
Matthew Eagleton-Pierce (LSE) Beyond Mere Symbolism: An Anatomy of Symbolic
Power in the WTO
Rorden Wilkinson (Manchester) & James Scott (Manchester) The Politics of
Predictions: The Role of Computer Modelling in the Doha Round
1.4) Power Shifts, Global Health Diplomacy & Foreign Policy (Conference Room 2)
Convenor: Adam Kamradt-Scott (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
Chair: Stefan Elbe (Sussex)
Discussant: Stefan Elbe (Sussex)
Jenny Qu Wang (Vienna) Global Health Governance in China: The Case of Chin’s
Health Aid to Foreign Countries
Alexia Duten (Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat, Munster) The Oslo Declaration:
flogging a dead horse?
1.5) Reconceptualising Gender, Race and Sexuality after 9/11: Panel 1
(Conference Room 3)
Working Group: Gendering IR
Convenor: Nicola Pratt (Warwick)
Chair: Catherine Eschle (Strathclyde)
Katherine Allison (Manchester) The War on Terror and the Agential Muslim Woman
Rosa Vasilaki (Bristol) 'Resistance' versus 'victimization' the dilemmatics of Islamic
Khursheed Wadia (Warwick) Muslim Women as Political Actors in the UK since 9/11
1.6) The Study of State Violence and State Terrorism: Overcoming the Theoretical,
Conceptual, Methodological and Political Challenges (Conference Room 3a)
Convenor: Ruth Blakeley (Kent)
Chair: Richard Jackson (Aberystwyth)
Discussant: Ruth Blakeley (Kent)
David Maher (Kent) and Andrew Thomson (Kent) The Political Economy of
Colombia's Demobilisation Process and the Continuation of State Terror
Anthony Mckeown (Bristol) The structural production of state terrorism: capitalism,
imperialism and international class dynamics
Asima Shaikh (KCL) (Title not provided)
1.7) Religion and Security Studies (Conference Room 4)
Working Group: IR, Security and Religion
Convenor: Luca Mavelli (Sussex)
Chair: Stuart Croft (Warwick)
Discussant: Stuart Croft (Warwick)
Luca Mavelli (Sussex) The Securitization and Desecuritization of Islam
Stacey Gutkowski (Sussex) Emotion, Military Orientalism and the Secular
Sara Silvestri (City) British government responses in two eras of political violence:
continuities and variations in the definitions of security and national interest
1.8) International Cooperation and Conflict in East Asia (Conference Room 4a)
Convenor: BISA
Chair: Lee Marsden (UEA)
Mutsumi Hirano ( ) Search of Visions: Japan’s Foreign Policy since 1989
Alex Miles (John Moores) Dealing with a Rogue: US-North Korea relations in the Clinton
Yeon Ho LEE (Yonsei University) & Jeong Shim KANG (Yonsei University) The
Changjitu Project and China-North Korea Economic Cooperation: Agential Interests and
the Institutionalization of Cooperation
David Blagden (Oxford) International Commerce, Power Convergence and Conflict
1.9) Forum on Democracy Promotion as foreign Policy: Perspectives, Issues, and
Challenges (Conference Room 5)
Convenor: Nicolas Bouchet
Chair: Inderjeet Parmar (Manchester)
Jonas Wolff (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt) German democracy promotion as
foreign policy
Pär Engström (Human Rights Consortium, University of London) Swedish democracy
promotion as foreign policy
Tsveta Petrova (Cornell) Polish democracy promotion as foreign policy
Jörg Faust (German Development Institute) Citizens' Attitudes towards European
Democracy Promotion
Hans Agné (Stockholm) Democracy promotion as foreign policy – theoretical issues
and challenges
Renske Doorenspleet (Warwick) Democracy promotion as foreign policy – the
democratization perspective on the recipient’s side
1.10) The Micro-Politics of Global Humanitarianism (Conference Room 6)
Convenor: John Heathershaw
Chair: Stephen Hopgood (SOAS)
John Heathershaw (Exeter) Humanitarian Reasoning: Legends and Lives in
Contemporary Global Humanitarianism
Lisa Smirl (Sussex) Drive-By Development: The Micro-Politics of Sports Utility Vehicles
in Humanitarian Assistance
Jenny Peterson (Manchester) Individual agency as humanitarian politics: when
individual and institutional responses diverge
BISA Plenary Lecture 18.00-19.00
Weston Theatre
The Global Transformation
Understanding the 19th Century in International Relations
Montague Burton Professor
Barry Buzan
London School of Economics and Politics
Thursday 28th
Session 2: 9.30 – 11.00
2.1) Expanding the Disciplinary and Methodological Boundaries of IR
(Boardroom Level 5)
Convenor: BISA
Chair: Ruth Blakely (Kent)
Vincent Druliolle (Essex) Remembering and its places in post-dictatorship Argentina
Stephan Petzold (Aberystwyth) Towards a sociology of knowledge production in IR.
Understanding scholarly practices in the history of an academic discipline
Katerina Dalacoura (LSE) Culture and International Relations Theory: Mapping the
Field through an Interdisciplinary Approach
2.2) Historical Sociology and War (Boardroom Level 6)
Convenor: Bryan Mabee (Queen Mary)
Chair: Bryan Mabee (Queen Mary)
Tarak Barkawi (Cambridge) Bombing Asians: Orientalism and the Rise of American
Bryan Mabee (Queen Mary) Liberal Militarism, National Security Ideology and the US
National Security State: Revisiting the 'Liberal Moment'
Alex Anievas (Cambridge) The Cataclysm of Development: The Thirty Years€™ Crisis
of 1914-1945
2.3) International Relations through International Organisations (Conference
Room 1)
Convenor: BISA
Chair: Jason Ralph (Leeds)
Andrea Betti (Trento) Invoking International Justice: The UK and the Process of
Ratification of the International Criminal Court Treaty
Alexander Brown (UEA) CERF, Hypothetical Insurance, and Global Justice
David Lewis (Bradford) The OSCE and the SCO: regional organisations and contested
norms in Central Asia
2.4) Power in US Foreign Policy (Conference Room 2)
Working Group: US Foreign Policy
Convenor: Adam Quinn (Birmingham) and Lee Marsden (UEA)
Chair: Inderjeet Parmar (Manchester)
Felix Berenskoetter (SOAS) Hegemony by Invitation: Neoclassical realism, soft power
and US-European relations
Nicholas Kitchen (LSE) Still the American System: Structural Power and the durability
of Hegemony
Edward Lock (UWE) How hard is military power? A call for Constructivist Realism.
Adam Quinn (Birmingham) In defence of Waltzian simplicity: the nature of power and
the coming American decline
Patrick Thomas (Aberystwyth) Paine's Failed Vision of an Exceptional America: The
Images and Debates that Haunt Obama's America
2.5) Rethinking Desecuritization Practices in World Politics (Conference Room 3)
Convenor: Thierry Balzacq (Namur)
Chair: TROMBETTA M. Julia (Delft)
BALZACQ, DEPAUW & Sarah Leonard (University of Salford/Sciences Po Paris, CEE)
The Political Limits of Desecuritization:Security, Arms Trade, and the EU’s Economic
Juha VUORI (Turku) Peace, Harmony, and Development Chinese Foreign Policy
Maxims as Pre-Emptive Desecuritization
Lene Hansen (Copenhagen) “Re-reading Desecuritization: Uncovering the NormativePolitical in the Copenhagen School”
2.6) Rethinking Intervention (Conference Room 3a)
Convenor: John MacMillan (Brunel)
Chair: George Lawson (LSE)
John MacMillan (Brunel) Rethinking Intervention
David Williams (City) Development, 'Intervention' and International Order
Lee Jones (Queen Mary) Sovereignty, Intervention and Social Order: The Case of ColdWar Southeast Asia
2.7) Teaching About Terrorism 1: Academic freedom, Terrorism and Power
(Conference Room 4)
Working Group: Critical Studies on Terrorism
Convenor: David Miller (Strathclyde)
Chair: Helen Dexter (Manchester)
Discussant: Richard Jenkins
Rod Thornton (Nottingham) No judgement was made by us: How two innocent men
came to be arrested on terrorism charges at the University of Nottingham in May 2008
David Miller (Strathclyde), Tom Mills (Strathclyde) & Steven Harkins (Strathclyde)
Teaching About Terrorism The debate about Academic Freedom
2.8) The Critical Turn in the Study of Classical Realism: Current Achievements
and Future Prospects (Conference Room 4a)
Working Group: CRIPT
Convenor: Vassilis Paipais (LSE)
Chair: Beate Jahn (Sussex)
Alexander Reichwein (Goethe University-Frankfurt) The Critical Moment in Classical
Kamila Stullerova (Aberystwyth) Realism must live dangerously: Political theory's
contribution to classical realism
Sean Molloy (Edinburgh) Deleuze and Guattari and the Reinterpretation of Realism
Daniel Levine (Colgate) Why Hans Morgenthau Was Not a Critical Theorist
Vassilis Paipais (LSE) Realism, Tragedy and Critical International Theory
2.9) The Financial Architecture after the Implosion of the Financial-led Growth
Model: Is Europe Proposing an Alternative System? (Conference Room 5)
Working Group: IPEG
Convenor Miguel Otero-Iglesias (Oxford Brookes)
Chair: Philip G Cerny (Rutgers)
Stefano Pagliari (LSE) Protection or protectionism? Comparing the US and European
response to the global financial crisis
Mattias Vermeiren (Ghent) The Global Imbalances and the Contradictions of
European Monetary Power
Miguel Otero-Iglesias (Oxford Brookes)`Currency War' between the US and China:
Where Does the EU Stand?
Huw Macartney (Manchester) Reconstituting Neoliberalism: the politics of EU-level
crisis responses
2.10) Foreign Policy and Security: Middle East, Pakistan, and America
(Conference Room 6)
Convenor: BISA
Chair: Stuart Croft (Warwick)
Amnon Aran (City) Containing Territorial Transnational Actors: Israel, Hezbollah, and
Oz Hassan (Warwick) America’s Imperial Right and Emancipatory Wrongs for the
Middle East
M W Aslam (Fordham) Understanding the ‘Pak’ in ‘AfPak’: The Obama Administration’s
Policy towards Pakistan at the Mid-Term in 2010
2.11) Wealth, Health and Food (In)Security (Syndicate C/D)
Convenor: BISA
Chair: Sophie Harman (City)
Carol Longbottom (Bradford) Will the recently reformed Committee on World Food
Security become ‘the’ international forum for food and agricultural governance or just
another talking shop?
Joao Nunes (Warwick) Health, Security and Emancipatory Politics
Jonathon Louth (Chester) Security and Reproductive Health in Cambodia: A ‘ProNatalist’ Agenda?
Preslava Stoeva (Richmond) Governance of Health or Management of Disease? Constructing a Framework for Analysis
2.12) The principles of war and the military profession (Syndicate E/F)
Convenor: Jan Angstrom (Uppsala)
Chair: Jan Angstrom (Uppsala)
Anders Palmgren (Swedish National Defence College) Clausewitz and German
Military Thought between Paris and Verdun
Alaric Searle (Salford) Fuller, the British Army and the institutionalization of the
Principles of War
Jan Angstrom (Uppsala) & JJ Widen (Swedish National Defence College) Modern
Armed Forces and the Spread of the idea of Principles in War
2.13) US, UK and Wider Concepts of Minimum Nuclear Deterrence (Cockcroft
Working Group: US Foreign Policy
Convenor: Andrew Futter (Birmingham)
Nick Ritchie (Bradford) UK Nuclear Weapons Policy: Deconstructing Minimum
Tom Sauer (Antwerp) Conceptualizing and Operationalizing Minimum Deterrence
Andrew Futter (Birmingham) US Ballistic Missile Defence and Minimum Nuclear
Kristan Stoddart (Aberystwyth) Minimum Nuclear Deterrence in Theory and Practice
2.14) BISA 2011 Journal Workshop Open Roundtable (Weston Theatre)
Convenors: Sara Dorman (Edinburgh) & William Brown (Open)
Chair: Sara Dorman (Edinburgh)
Kim Hutchings (LSE) Review of International Studies
Sara Dorman (Edinburgh) African Affairs
Giles Mohan (OU) Review of African Political Economy
Catherine Scott (KCL) Conflict Security and Development
Session 3: 11.30 – 13.00
3.1) 30 Years of Critique: Critical Theorizing and World Politics (Boardroom Level
Convenor: Joao Nunes (Warwick)
Chair: Joao Nunes (Warwick)
Kimberly Hutchings (LSE)
Mustapha Pasha (Aberdeen)
Michael C. Williams (Ottawa)
Richard Wyn Jones (Cardiff University)
3.2) Ten Years On: The Construction of Nuclear Threats since September 11
(Boardroom Level 6)
Working Group: US Foreign Policy
Convenors: Michelle Bentley (Southampton) & Chris Kitchen (Sheffield)
Chair: Jamie Gaskarth (Plymouth)
Trevor McCrisken (Warwick) The Anonymous Little Man in the Raincoat with a Heavy
Suitcase: Nuclear Fear in an Age of Terror
Chris Kitchen (Sheffield) Constructions of the Nuclear Threat from Iran in British
Foreign Policy since September 11
Michelle Bentley (Southampton) 9/11 Times a Thousand: Constructing the Threat of
Nuclear Terrorism
3.3) Security governance or strategic theory? Different theoretical approaches to
the study of asymmetric security relations (Conference Room 1)
Convenor: Charlotte Wagnsson (Swedish National Defence College)
Chair: Charlotte Wagnsson (Swedish National Defence College)
Discussant: Jan Ãngstrom (Uppsala)
Arita Holmberg (Swedish National Defence College) Relations among state and nonstate actors and the prospects for security governance: The case of the implementation
of UN Security Council resolution 1325
Malena Britz (Swedish National Defence College) Non-governmental actors in Nordic
Security Co-operation
Magnus Christiansson (Swedish National Defence College) Risk Societies at War:
What Consequences for the Strategist?
3.4) The Chilcot Inquiry: A Critical Examination (Conference Room 2)
Working Group: Security & Intelligence Studies
Convenor: Robert Dover (Loughborough)
Chair: Mark Phythian (Leicester)
Paul Rogers (Bradford)
Robert Dover (Loughborough)
3.5) Gender, Biopolitics and Contemporary Security Practices (Conference Room
Convenor: BISA
Chair: James Pattison (Manchester)
Linda Åhäll (Birmingham) Heroines, Monsters, Victims: Telling stories of female
agency in political violence
Julia Welland (Manchester) Haunted soldiers: doings, undoings and the need for a biomale body
James Fitzgerald (Dublin City) & Maura Conway (Dublin City) Between ‘Post-Politics’
and ‘Bio-Politics’: What Space for Right-Wing Terrorism
Halit Mustafa Tagma (Sabanci) A Coalition of Killing: Sovereignty and Subjectivity in
the War on Terror
3.6) The Middle East: Realism’s Last Outpost? The Challenge of Alternative
Theoretical Voices (Conference Room 3a)
Convenor: James Worrall (Leeds)
Chair: Naomi Head (Glasgow)
James Worrall (Leeds) Reading Booth in Beirut: Is Hezbollah an Emancipatory actor?
Faiz Sheikh (Leeds) Islamic ideology's challenge to the discipline of International
Relations (IR)
Simon Mabon (Leeds) Ayatollah Khomeini: Or how I learned to stop worrying and love
the bomb
Alam Saleh (Leeds) Identity and Societal Security in Iran
3.7) Peace through Europeanisation: Assessing the Export of Governance to the
Western Balkans (Conference Room 4)
Working Group: South East Europe
Convenor: Jelena Obradovic-Wochnik (Aston)
Chair: Jelena Obradovic-Wochnik (Aston)
Discussant: Jelena Obradovic-Wochnik (Aston)
Dimitris Papadimitriou (Manchester) & Petar Petrov (Maastricht) The EU in Kosovo:
Conflict Prevention through Conditionality or Europeanisation through Crisis
Adam Fagan (Queen Mary) Building the Kosovan state: EU development assistance in
Mitrovica and Pristina
Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic (LSE) Limits of Europeanisation as State-building: Private
Sector Development Agenda in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Gemma Collantes-Celador (City) 'Europeanising' Bosnia: The Fabrication of
Statehood through Police Reform
3.8) Teaching About Terrorism 2: Academic Freedom, Pedagogy and Practice
(Conference Room 4a)
Working Group: Critical Studies of Terrorism & BISA Leaning and Teaching
Convenor: Helen Dexter (Manchester)
Ayla Gol (Aberystwyth) Designing modules for research-based teaching in Islamic
James Fitzgerald (Dublin City) & Anthony F. Lemieux (Dublin City) Signifying
‘Terrorism’ in a post-9/11 Academic Environment: Reflections on a Collaborative Class
Helen Dexter (Manchester) and Emmanuel-Pierre Guittet (Manchester) Teaching
terrorism: ethical and methodological problems, pedagogical suggestions
David Miller (Strathclyde), Tom Mills (Strathclyde) and Steven Harkins (Strathclyde)
Teaching about Terrorism: How it is done in the UK and what problems it causes.
3.9) The Missing Link? International Organisations and the Evolution of the
International (Conference Room 5)
Working Group: Sovereignty and its Discontents
Convenor: Philip Cunliffe (Kent)
Chair: Justin Rosenberg (Sussex)
Discussant: Justin Rosenberg (Sussex)
Kees van der Pijl (Sussex) Imperial Sovereignty and Global Governance
Lee Jones (Queen Mary) State Transformation and the Rescaling of Security:
Understanding the Politics of Non-Traditional Security
Philip Cunliffe (Kent) International Organisation as Social Organisation
3.10) Putting the Politics back into Global Public Health (Conference Room 6)
Convenor: Adam Kamradt-Scott (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
Chair: Sophie Harman (City)
Discussant: Sophie Harman (City)
Adele Langlois (Lincoln) The Global Polio Eradication Initiative: a global success but a
local failure?
Stefan Elbe (Sussex) Let Them Eat Tamiflu: The Global Rise (and Fall) of a Medical
Simon Rushton (Aberystwyth) The power of human rights in global health governance:
the case of HIV-related travel restrictions
Adam Kamradt-Scott (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine) Challenging
the Powers That Be: Indonesia, WHO & Virus-sharing
3.11) Defeat, Desistance, Degeneration and Failed Resuscitation: Case Studies in
Critical Terrorism Studies (Cockcroft Theatre)
Working Group: Critical Studies on Terrorism
Convenor: George Kassimeris (Wolverhampton)
Chair: George Kassimeris (Wolverhampton)
Discussant: Ryan Williams (Cambridge)
George Kassimeris (Wolverhampton) Why Terrorists Give Up? Analyzing Individual
Exit from Greece's Revolutionary Organizations
Charlotte Heath-Kelly (Aberystwyth) Do you remember revolution? 'Radicalisation'
and memory.
Lee Jarvis (Swansea) Al-Qaeda: No Bark. No Bite. No Problem?
Peter Lehr (St Andrews) Nexus Issues: Alliances between International Terrorism and
Transnational Organized Crime
3.12) Labour Rights and Wrongs in International Politics (Syndicate C/D)
Convenor: BISA
Chair: Stuart Shields (Manchester)
Mark Duncan (Sheffield) The Governance of Labour Standards in the Apparel Sector the interpretation of supply chain power
Helen Coskeran (Cambridge) Labelling coffee: the role of states, multinationals and
social movements in ethical consumerism
Catherine Eschle (Strathclyde) Globalisation and Resistance: Revisiting the
Significance of the Global Justice Movement for Critical Theorising in IR
Anja C Gebel (Aberystwyth) 'As corrupt as the system allows’ – integrity, ethics and
prevention in Transparency International’s anticorruption discourse
3.13) US Foreign Policy Working Group panel on Religion and US Foreign Policy
(Weston Theatre)
Working Group: US Foreign Policy
Convenor: Adam Quinn (Birmingham) & Lee Marsden( UEA)
Gregorio Bettiza (LSE) Religious Resurgence and the Desecularization of American
Foreign Policy
Sandy Livingstone (Aberdeen) Altering How Theo-Political Conservatives Formulate
Foreign Policy Perspectives, One Tea Party at a Time
Lee Marsden (UEA) Promoting the American Gospel: Faith based initiatives and USAID
3.14) BISA 2011 Journal Workshop 1 – African Affairs (closed) (Syndicate A)
Convenors: Sara Dorman (Edinburgh) & William Brown (Open)
Chair: Sara Dorman (Edinburgh)
Clare Paine (Aberystwyth) Traditional institutions and international development: an
analysis of Ker Kwaro Acholi in northern Uganda
Sofie Hellberg (Gothenburg/Manchester) The biopolitics of water management in
eThekwini municipality, South Africa
Teresa de Almeida Cravo (Cambridge) The Construction of ‘Success’ in Mozambique
Isaline Bergamaschi (Sorbonne) The Privatisation of the African State: why and how?
The case of the cotton sector reform in Mali
3.15) BISA 2011 Journal Workshop 2 – Review of African Political Economy
(closed) (Syndicate B)
Convenors: Sara Dorman (Edinburgh) & William Brown (Open)
Chair: Giles Mohan (OU)
Sojin Lim (Manchester) The Paris Declaration and Aid Effectiveness: a Comparative
Study of Donor Behaviour between Sweden and China in Tanzania
Huichi Yeh (Sheffield) China’s Foreign Aid: ‘Beijing Consensus’ and its Implications on
the Changing Landscape of ODA in Africa
Collin Zhuawu (Birmingham) Reconceptualising the African state in the structure
agency approach: A case of Mauritius trade policy formulation
Session 4: 14.30 – 16.00
4.1) Reconceptualising Gender, Race and Sexuality after 9/11: Panel 2 (Syndicate
Working Group: Gendering IR
Convenor: Nicola Pratt
Chair: Ruth Blakeley (Kent)
Paul Kirby (LSE) The Monstrous Masculine: War Rape, Race/Gender, and the Figure of
the Rapacious African Warrior
Nicola Pratt (Warwick) Intersectionality and positionality in the construction of Middle
East women's agency in the post-9/11 moment
4.2) Ethical, Methodological and Autobiographical Tensions in CounterInsurgency Warfare (Syndicate E/F)
Working Group: Insurgencies and Small Wars
Convenor: Andrew Mumford (Sheffield)
Chair: Andrew Mumford (Sheffield)
Huw Bennett (KCL) Baha Mousa and the British Army in Iraq
Matthew Ford (Hull) & Glenn Flint (Keele) Finding the Target, Fixing the Method:
Methodological Tensions in Counter-Insurgent Identification
Andrew Mumford (Sheffield) Prime Ministerial Autobiographies and the Politics of
Martin Bayly (KCL) COINing a New Doctrine: Challenging a Military Culture
4.3) Africa and Theory I: Exposing conceptual limits (Boardroom Level 5)
Working Group: Africa and IS
Convenor: Meera Sabaratnam (LSE)
Chair: Sophie Harman (City)
Discussant: Sophie Harman (City)
Branwen Gruffydd Jones (Goldsmiths) Patrimonialism, personal rule and other
wretched concepts: a postcolonial critique
David Williams (City) Making Agency: African States and IR Theory
Meera Sabaratnam (LSE) The manacles of (uneven and combined) development: can
we be released?
Teresa de Almeida Cravo (Cambridge) Perceptions of 'success' and 'failure' in the
development community: the cases of Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau
4.4) Building Trust, Avoiding Deception (Boardroom Level 6)
Convenor: Harmonie Toros (Queensland)
Chair: K.M. Fierke (St Andrews)
Discussant: K.M. Fierke (St Andrews)
Harmonie Toros (Queensland) Talking, deceiving and the illusion of knowledge
Nicholas J. Wheeler (Aberystwyth) Sending Vajpayee and Sharif’s bus of trust over a
Himalayan sized-cliff: the lessons of the 1999 Lahore peace process for building trust
between India and Pakistan
Naomi Head (Glasgow) The 'other side of the coin': theorising the role of deception in
trust, empathy, and dialogue
4.5) Realism and Reason (Conference Room 2)
Convenor: BISA
Chair: Huw Macartney (Manchester)
Halit Mustafa Tagma (Sananci) A Double Reading of the Discipline: International
Relations in the University
Jonathan Boyd (St Andrews) Imperial Leviathan?: The constitution and artificial
personality of Hobbes’s commonwealth
Magdalena Kirchner (Heidelberg) Why States Rebel’: The domestic limits of
international peer pressure
4.6) Forgotten Histories (Conference Room 1)
Review of International Studies
Convenor: George Lawson (LSE)
Chair: George Lawson (LSE)
Kimberly Hutchings (LSE) Rendering the unforgettable in IR
Barry Buzan (LSE) Forgotten histories in the English School
Tarak Barkawi (Cambridge) 'The sovereign veil: the hidden histories of imperial
George Lawson (LSE) Stories of memory and forgetting
4.7) Re-Thinking Debates on Humanitarian Intervention (Conference Room 3)
Chair: Philip Cunliffe (Kent)
Dean White (Northumbria) The Rwandan Crisis of 1994: A Comparison of the UK and
US Responses
Mateja Peter (Cambridge) Caught between local and global: how sites of intervention
impact relations between situated peace builders and their global centres
Karina Z Pawlowska (Warwick) Challenging the moral orthodoxy of humanitarian
4.8) Supporting and Engaging Students of International Relations (Conference
Room 3a)
Working Group: BISA Learning and Teaching
Convenor: Steven Curtis
Chair: Richard Jackson (Aberystwyth)
Govinda Clayton (Kent) & Ismene Gizelis (Essex) Innovations in Simulating
Elena Korosteleva (Aberystwyth) & Giles Polglase (Aberystwyth) Supporting the
Student Experience in International Politics
J Simon Rofe (Leicester) The IR Model: The Next Iteration
Carolyn Shaw (Wichita State) Active Learning Across Cultures
4.9) Perspectives on the energy-climate nexus (Weston Theatre)
Working Group: Environment
Convenor: Adam Simpson (University of South Australia)
Chair: Hugh Dyer (Leeds)
Adam Simpson (University of South Australia) Transnational energy projects in Burma
(Myanmar): Climate change impacts and reflections on justice and security
Hayley Stevenson (ANU) The Politics of Climate and Energy in Post-Neoliberal Latin
Caroline Kuzemko (Warwick) Energy Governance in Transition: Sustainable Energy
and the Emergence of New Energy Governance Norms
Maria Julia Trombetta (Delft) The quest for energy security and global energy
4.10) The Responsibility to Rebuild (Conference Room 4a)
Convenor: Roberta Guerrina (Surrey)
Chair: Sir Mike Aaronson (Surrey)
Discussant: Maxine David (Surrey)
Stuart Gordon (Sandhurst) Reconstruction, 'Hearts and Minds', Stabilisation and the
Fragile States Discourse
Roberta Guerrina (Surrey) Intended & Unintended Gendered Consequences of
Interventions: Mainstreaming and the impact of 1325
Marie Breen-Smyth (Surrey) ‘Towards a more critical approach to international
4.11) The International Political Economy of Henri Lefebvre (Conference Room 5)
Working Group: IPEG
Convenor: Japhy Wilson (Manchester)
Chair: Stuart Shields(Manchester)
Matt Davies (Newcastle) Did Daily Life Replace the Colonies? Henri Lefebvre,
International Political Economy, and Everyday Life
Greig Charnock (Manchester) 'A New Space for Knowledge and People'? Henri
Lefebvre, Representations of Space, and the Production of `22@Barcelona'
Japhy Wilson (Manchester) Henri Lefebvre and the Re-Colonization of Everyday Life:
Schemes to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals
4.12) Identity in Russia and Eurasia (Conference Room 6)
Working Group: Russia and Eurasia
Convenor: Natasha Kuhrt (KCL)
Chair: Natasha Kuhrt (KCL)
Aglaya Snetkov/Stephen Aris (Centre for Security Studies Zurich) The narrative of
rising powers: Russia and the BRIC narrative
Valentina Feklyuina (Newcastle) & Stephen White (Glasgow) Europe? Which Europe?
National Identity Discourses in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus
Aida Abzhaparova (UWE) (Re)Imagining Eurasianism: (Geo)political and (geo)cultural
practices of Kazakhstan in the preservation of its security
4.13) Roundtable on Anarchism in IR: Latent Ideal or Subversive Analytic?
(Cockcroft Theatre)
Convenor: Adam Goodwin (Ottawa)
Chair: Adam Goodwin (Ottawa)
Alex Prichard (LSE)
Luke Ashworth (Limerick)
Stephen Hobden (University of East London)
Chris Rossdale (Warwick)
4.14) The Self and the Other: Displacement, Identity and Violence (Conference
Room 4)
Convenor: BISA
Chair: Govinda Clayton (Kent)
Suda Perera (Kent) Displacement, Identity and Conflict in the African Great Lakes
Tendayi Bloom (Queen Mary) and Katie Tonkiss (Birmingham) European Union and
Commonwealth Free Movement: An Historical-Comparative Perspective on Fear of the
Christina Steenkamp (Oxford Brookes) Coping with Violence: The responses of
Zimbabwean migrants in South Africa to xenophobia
Alex Balch (Liverpool) Free movement of what? The European debate over the
expulsion of Roma in France
Sarah Jenkins (Aberystwyth) Towards a cultural approach to political violence: The
2007 post-election violence in Kenya
4.15) BISA 2011 Journal Workshop 3 – Conflict, Security and Development
(closed) (Syndicate B)
Convenors: Sara Dorman (Edinburgh) & William Brown (Open)
Chair: Cathy Scott (KCL)
Christine Cheng (Oxford) China vs. The West: Competing Norms of Post-Conflict
Statebuilding in Africa
Jonathan Fisher (Oxford University) Managing donor perceptions and securing
agency: the UPDF in Somalia since 2007
Session 5: 16.30 – 18.00
5.1) Barack Obama's foreign policy strategy - what's working and what isn't
(Cockcroft Theatre)
Working Group: US Foreign Policy
Convenor: Lee Marsden (UEA)
Chair: Lee Marsden (UEA)
Lee Marsden (UEA)
John Drumbell (Durham)
Inderjeet Parmer (Manchester)
Stuart Croft (Warwick)
Steven Hurst (Manchester Met)
Mark Ledwidge (Manchester)
5.2) Ideologies and Armed Intervention (Syndicate C/D)
Convenor: Annika Bergman Rosamond (Danish Institute for International Studies)
Chair: Annika Bergman Rosamond (Danish Institute for International Studies)
Mark Phythian (Leicester) Military Intervention and Social Democracy: New Labour's
Politics of (Humanitarian) Military Interventionism and the Contemporary Social
Democratic Dilemma
Ben Rosamond (Copenhagen) European liberalisms and the rationalities of
Annika Bergman Rosamond (Danish Institute for International Studies) Swedish social
democracy and forcible intervention
Christine Agius (Salford) Swedish social democracy and forcible intervention
5.3) Africa and Theory II: Re-imagining international relations (Boardroom Level
Working Group: Africa & IS
Convenor: Meera Sabaratnam (LSE)
Chair: Branwen Gruffydd Jones
Disscusant: Branwen Gruffydd Jones
Carl Death (Aberystwyth) Foucault and Africa: Governmentality, IR theory, and the
limits of advanced liberalism
Julia Gallagher (Royal Holloway) The researcher as protagonist: how to make the most
out of difference
Jeremy Larkins (Leeds) Coloniality and the Renaissance Expansion of International
5.4) Peacemaking, Peacemakers and Diplomacy, 1914-1939 (Boardroom Level 6)
Convenor: John Fisher (UWE)
Chair: Gaynor Johnson (Salford)
Gaynor Johnson (Salford) 'A Work in Progress': the operation and implementation of
the Covenant of the League of Nations and the origins of the Geneva Protocol 1924
Lorna Lloyd (Keele) The lucky ones: the dominions, India and the League of Nations in
the 1920s
John Fisher (UWE) Curzon’s war and Curzon’s Peace€
5.5) Diverse Agents of Development (Syndicate E/F)
Convenor: BISA
Chair: Oz Hassan (Warwick)
Roisin Read (Manchester) Grammatically reading Oxfam in Sudan: mapping the space
available for relief and reconstruction
Jonathan Agensky (Cambridge) The biopolitics of faith–based humanitarianism and
the shifting rationalities of faith-based actors
Huw Lloyd Williams (Aberystwyth) ‘Wacky Races: On David Miller’s (Mis)conception
of Development’
Claire Paine (Aberystwyth) Traditional institutions and international development: an
analysis of Ker Kwaro Acholi in northern Uganda.
5.6) Capitalism, Uneven Development and Modern State Formation: Approaching
Passive Revolutions (Conference Room 1)
Working Group: Historical Sociology & International Relations
Convenor: Adam David Morton (Nottingham)
Chair: Adam David Morton (Nottingham)
Discussant: Alex Anievas (Cambridge)
Stuart Shields (Manchester) Towards Passive Revolution: The Development of
Underdevelopment in Modern Poland
5.7) Ethical Dimensions of Non-State Forces in War (Conference Room 2)
Working Group: Global Ethics
Convenor: Christopher J Finlay (Birmingham)
Christopher J Finlay (Birmingham)
James Pattison (Manchester) Legitimate Authority and the Privatisation of Military
Andrew Todd (Cardiff) British Military Chaplains contributing to the practical ethics of
Cian O'Driscoll (Glasgow) A Fighting Chance? Greeks, Guerrillas, and Michael Gross
5.8) Teaching circle on Feedback on Assessment (Conference Room 3)
Working Group: BISA Learning and Teaching
Convenor: Steven Curtis
Facilitator: Samantha McGinty
5.9) Foreign Policy, Internationalism and Political Possibility (Conference Room
Convenor: Matt McDonald (Queensland)
Chair: Ed Lock (UWE)
Jack Holland (Surrey) Foreign Policy and Political Possibility
Matt McDonald (Queensland) Foreign Policy, Legitimacy and Identity
Katie Linnane (Queensland) Ocean Diplomacy, National Identity and Good
International Citizenship: An Examination of Australia's Commitment to the
International Ban on Whaling
Chris Browning (Warwick) National Self Esteem and Internationalism: Branding a
Nation of Little Ahtisaaris in Finland
5.10) New dimensions, new targets: the politics of the contemporary
battlespace",The revolution in military affairs (Conference Room 4)
Working Group: PPWG
Convenor: Alison Williams (Newcastle)
Mike Hart (Oxford) Air Power in the New Wars
Martin Coward (Newcastle) Shock and awe and the refiguring of contemporary
Allison Williams (Newcastle) Beyond urbicide: vertical geopolitics as air defence
5.11) Political Realism, the Concept of the Political: The Political Theory of Hans
Morgenthau (Conference Room 4a)
Convenor: Hartmut Behr (Newcastle)
Chair: Michael C. Williams (Ottawa)
Vibeke Tjalve (Geneva) Realism, Pragmatism and the Public Sphere
Oliver Jutersonke (Copenhagen) Morgenthau and the World State Revisited: the
influence of Kelsen and Baumgarten
Felix Roesch (Newcastle) Morgenthau - Power - Politics
Hartmut Behr (Newcastle) Knowledge - Power - Interest: Political Realism as Critical
5.12) Security in Russia and Eurasia (Conference Room 5)
Working Group: Russia and Eurasia
Convenor: Natasha Kuhrt (KCL)
Chair: Valentina Feklyunina (Newcastle)
Natasha Kuhrt (KCL) Human security in the Russian Far East
Jennifer Mathers (Aberystwyth) Reform of the Russian ARmed Forces: Implications for
Foreign and Security Policy
Elena Korosteleva-Polglase (Aberystwyth) Between a rock and a hard place: security
dilemmas for the contested neighbourhood
Derek Averre (Birmingham) Russia and the European security community
5.13) Climate change governance (Conference Room 6)
Working Group: Environment
Convenor: Hannes R. Stephan
Chair: John Vogler (Keele)
Hugh Dyer (Leeds) Climate Anarchy: New Sociologies of International Politics?
Owen Greene (Bradford) The emerging characteristics of the climate-change regime
complex: how much does fragmentation matter?
Nicholas Chan (Oxford) Hierarchy in climate governance
Chukwumerije Okereke (Oxford) Governing low-carbon development in Africa
(Eskom, SA and Shell, Nigeria)
5.14 BISA 2011 Journal Workshop 4 – Review of International Studies (closed)
(Syndicate A)
Convenors: Sara Dorman (Edinburgh) & William Brown (Open)
Chair: Kimberley Hutchings (LSE)
Eunjeong Cho (Warwick) Norm-Entrepreneurship at the Margins: Beyond Big-Small
Dichotomies in IR
Louise Walker (Warwick) The Global Fund: Institutional Innovation or Same Old, Same
Astrid Nordin (Manchester) Space for difference: China exhibits the World at Expo
2010 Shanghai China
Julia Welland (Manchester) Haunted soldiers: doing, undoing and the need for a biomale body
Friday 29th
Session 6: 09.30 – 11.00
6.1) Capitalism, Uneven Development and Modern State Formation: Approaching
Passive Revolutions (Boardroom Level 5)
Working Group: Historical Sociology and International Relations
Convenor: Adam David Morton (Nottingham)
Chair: Adam David Morton (Nottingham)
Peter Ives (Winnipeg) and Nicola Short (Winnipeg) Gramsci's Internationalism:
Against Cosmopolitanism and Economism
Hannes Lacher (York) and Sabine Dreher (York) Capitalist Late-industrialisation and
Democratisation in Turkey: The Promises and Pitfalls of 'Passive Revolution'ۥ
Peter Thomas (Brunel) Modernity as 'passive revolution': Gramsci and the Fundamental
Concepts of Historical Materialism
6.2) Coalition foreign policy: What's new? (Boardroom Level 6)
Working Group: British Foreign Policy
Convenor: Jamie Gaskarth (Plymouth)
Chair: Jamie Gaskarth (Plymouth)
Trevor Taylor (Cranfield) 'The SDSR and its implementation: Linking the political with
the managerial
Martin Williamson (Kent) British foreign policy in Cyberspace: At the Frontier of
Pauline Schnapper (Sorbonne) The Coalition and its European policy
Nichola Harmer (Plymouth) Building a new relationship? The Coalition Government
and the United Kingdom Overseas Territories.
6.3) Neoliberlaism in the Foreign Policy of the Global North (Conference Room 2)
Convenor: BISA
Chair: Richard Jackson (Aberystwyth)
Jörg Wiegratz (Sheffield) The morality of economic malpractice and crime in
neoliberal capitalism
Emmanuel Yujuico (LSE) Selling the drama: "Strong Dollar" Policy as ritual incantation
Alex Sutton (Warwick) An imperial relationship: Britain, Malaya and the Sterling Area,
1945 – 1955
6.4) Russian Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War World (Conference Room 1)
Working Group: Russian and Eurasian Security
Convenor: Valentina Feklyunina (Newcastle)
Chair: Jennifer Mathers (Aberystwyth)
Gonzalo Pozo (UCL) Russian Foreign Policy and the Changing Geopolitics of the Arctic
James Brown (Aberdeen) The Energy Impact Theory of Foreign Policy: The Soviet
Union and Russian Federation, 1970 to 2010
Tracey German (KCL) Russia and the Competition for Influence in the South Caucasus
6.5) The Politics Of Climate Change (Conference Room 3)
Convenor: BISA
Chair: Christine Agius (Salford)
Amanda Machin (Warwick) Political Responsibility and Climate Change: Markets,
Morality or More?
David Layfield (Maryland) Turning Carbon into Gold: The Financialisation of
International Climate Policy
James Baker (UBC) international Order in the Oceans
6.6) Re-imagining the world (I): boundaries, timespace and political community
(Conference Room 3a)
Convenor: Elena Barabantseva (Manchester)
Chair: Kelvin Cheung (Manchester)
Astrid Nordin (Manchester) China performs the world: Ordering timespace at Expo
David Kerr (Durham) International Historical Sociology, Asian IR, and the Re-invention
of China
David Tobin (Manchester) Competing Nationalisms Along the Silk Road: Ethnic Unity
and Ethnic Violence on China's North-West Frontier
6.7) The EU as an International Actor (Conference Room 4)
Convenor: BISA
Chair: Maxine David (Surrey)
Klaus Brummer (Erlangen-Nuremberg) Uniting Europe. The Council of Europe’s
Unfinished Mission
Veronica Lenzi (IMT, Lucca) Energy and Soft Power: a Chance for the Role of the
European Union in the International Order?
Milja Kurki (Aberystwyth) and Dr Jeff Bridoux (Aberystwyth) Conceptualising
Politico-economic Models of EU and US Democracy Promotion: A Comparative
Eva Strickmann (KCL) Applying Realist Constructivism: Understanding the behaviour
of states in EU military operations
6.8) Conceptualising Resistance in International Politics: Challenging Ontology
in Theory and Practice (Conference Room 4a)
Convenor: Aggie Hirst (Manchester)
Chair: Kimberley Hutchings (LSE)
Chris Rossdale (Warwick) Anarchism, Critical Security Studies, and Anti-Arms Trade
Resistance: Securing Insecurity?
Michael Dillon (Lancaster & Şehir) Specters of Biopolitics: Finitude, Eschaton,
Aggie Hirst (Manchester) Deconstruction and/as Resistance: Unsettling the Reign of
Ontology in International Politics
Tom Houseman (Manchester) Screaming at a Locked Gate: A Dialectic of Resistance
and Totality
6.9) Neoliberal Resurgence and the Limits of the Biopolitical Imaginary:
Resilience, Security and Subjectivity (Conference Room 5)
Working Group: PGWG
Convenor: Mustapha K. Pasha (Aberdeen)
Chair: Giorgio Shani (International Christian University)
Martin Coward (Newcastle)
6.10) Borders, Belonging and Slavery (Conference Room 6)
Convenor: BISA
Chair: Inderjeet Parmar (Manchester)
Katy Long (Oxford) Citizenship and residency: rights, mobility and refugees
Rebecca Ehata (Manchester) The impact of autochthony on practices of belonging in
the UK
6.11) Studies of the Politics of Oil and Historical Sociology (Syndicate C/D)
Convenor: Wojciech Ostrowski (Dundee)
Chair: Roland Dannreuther (Westminster)
Roland Dannreuther (Westminster) Cycles and Curses: Homogenizing the Politics of
Wojciech Ostrowski (Dundee) Obsolescing bargaining and the oil industries in
Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan
Adham Saouli (Edinburgh) Oil and State Formation and Deformation in the Middle
6.12) The Emerging Post-Washington Consensus: What Impact for International
Aid and Domestic Policies in Africa? (Cockcroft Theatre)
Working Group: Africa & IS
Convenor: Elsje Fourie (Trento)
Chair: William Brown (Open)
Elsje Fourie (Trento) Modernisation Returns to Africa: Ethiopia's Emulation of the East
Asian Model
Lord Mawuko-Yevugah (Athabasca) Democratizing Development? The Politics of
Good Governance and Development Policy Reform in Ghana
Rachel Tate (Leicester) Can Development Corridors Now Produce Sustainable
Domestic Outcomes in Mozambique?
Isaline Bergamaschi (Warwick) Is a Post-Washington Consensus Emerging in Africa?
The Case of the Cotton Sector in Mali
Session 7: 11.30 – 13.00
7.1) British foreign policy: lessons from the past for the Coalition (Boardroom
Level 5)
Working Group: British Foreign Policy
Convenor: Jamie Gaskarth (Plymouth)
Chair: David Allen (Loughborough)
Jamie Gaskarth (Plymouth) Britain as a normative actor: a journey into the ethical
Helen Parr (Keele) Between Europe and America: The politics of Anglo-French nuclear
co-operation under Heath
Kai Oppermann (Sussex) and Alexander Spencer (Munich) Thinking Alike? Salience
and Metaphor Analysis as Cognitive Approaches to Foreign Policy Analysis
7.2) Beyond the Resource Curse: Growth, Development and the Global Production
Hierarchy (Boardroom Level 6)
Working Group: IPEG
Convenor: Marc Froese (CaUC)
Chair: Ben Richardson (Warwick)•
Adam Sneyd (Guelph) Timber, Country Ownership and Poverty Reduction: The Case of
Marc Froese (CaUC) Canadian Trade Diversification: Is there a Case to be made for
pursuing bilateral FTAs?•
7.3) Temporality in World Politics (Conference Room 1)
Convenor: Heikki Patomaki (Helsinki)
Chair: Ariel Colonomos (CNRS CERI Sciences Po)
Ariel Colonomos (CNRS CERI Sciences Po)
Felix Berenskoetter (SOAS) Reclaiming the Vision Thing: Constructivists as Students of
the Future
Heikki Patomaki (Helsinki) Global Futures: On the Temporality of the Human
Andrew R. Hom (Aberystwyth) David’s stone: time, cosmology and the (early) JudeoChristian approach to time in IR
7.4) Exceptional, Extraordinary, Extra-judicial? Interrogating practices of
'Empire' in the 'War on Terror and Beyond' (Conference Room 2)
Convenor: Ruth Blakeley (Kent)
Chair: Andrew Thomson (Kent)
Discussant: Nicola Pratt (Warwick)
Jason Ralph (Leeds) Do liberal norms still have power? Human rights and US practice
in the war on terror.
Laleh Khalili (SOAS) The Extraterritorial Invisible: Law and Procedure in the War on
Ruth Blakeley (Kent) Theorising the Global System of Rendition and Secret Detention
7.5) Local and global in the Liberal Peace project (Conference Room 3)
Convenor: BISA
Chair: Adam Quinn (Birmingham)
Briony Jones (Manchester) Resistance, Response, and Reconciliation in Brcko District,
Bosnia-Herzegovina: Questioning the Success of Liberal Peace-Building
Michael Urban (Oxford) (Re)Constructing the liberal peace; How narratives,
identification and trust make the peace possible
Kirsten Howarth (Manchester) El Salvador: A Case of Illiberal Peace?
7.6) Re-imagining the world (II): shifting geopolitics and the new articulation of
Asia (Conference Room 3a)
Convenor: Elena Barabantseva (Manchester)
Chair: Elena Barabantseva (Manchester)
Discussant: Elena Barabantseva (Manchester)
Ramon Pacheco Pardo (KCL) The 'Chinese School' of International Relations: Chinese
or Western Theory-Building?
Linsay Cunningham-Cross (Manchester) Re-imagining the World through Chinese
Eyes: The search for a `Chinese School' of international relations theory
Kelvin Cheung (Manchester) Conception of Threat in Chinese Strategic Culture:
Medicine as Analogy
7.7) IPE and the international political economy (Conference Room 4)
Convenor: Stuart Shields (Manchester)
Chair: Greig Charnock (Manchester)
Werner Bonefeld (York) State and Market: Crisis of Neoliberal Political Economy and
Strong State
Peter Burnham (Warwick) State, capital and crisis: the limits of IPE
Alex Nunn (Leeds Met) Countering the cuts myths
7.8) International Organisations & Governance: Governance challenges at the
global, regional, sub-regional, and national levels (Conference Room 4a)
Convenor: Adam Kamradt-Scott (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
Chair: Adam Kamradt-Scott (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
Discussant: Adam Kamradt-Scott (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
Pak K. Lee (Kent) & Gerald Chan (Auckland) International Organisations and
Governance: The China Challenge
Louise Walker (Warwick) The Global Fund: Aging gracefully or mid-life crisis?
Kirsten Haack (Northumbria) The role of the UN Secretary-General: discourse leader
and knowledge manager?
7.9) States, Limits, Laws and Exceptions (Conference Room 5)
Convenor: BISA
Chair: Richard Jackson (Aberystwyth)
Ronnie Hjorth (Linköping) The Poverty of Exceptionalism in International Theory
Adriana Sinclair (UEA) The reassurance of limit: exploring the idea of limitation in
International Relations and International Law
Julian Gruin (Oxford) Having it both ways: The role of the state in the critical analysis
of global politics
7.10) NATO strategies for the 21st Century (Conference Room 6)
Convenor: Magnus Petersson (The Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies)
Chair: Magnus Petersson (The Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies)
Discussant: Jan Angstrom (Uppsala)
Magnus Petersson (The Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies) The future of NATO's
enlargement and partnership policy
Damon Coletta (US Air Force Academy) NATO and extended deterrence
Paal Hilde (The Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies) NATO's Changing Role and
the NATO Command Structure
Kersti Larsdotter (Swedish National Defence College) Does Strategic Guidance
Matter? NATO in Bosnia-Herzegovina