Peperiksaan Pertengahan Semester Kedua
Sidang Akademik 2013/2014
16 April 2014
[Jurutera Dalam Masyarakat]
Masa: 1 Jam 30 minit
Please make sure that this question paper has THREE (3) printed pages including this front page
before you start the examination.
[Sila pastikan kertas soalan ini mengandungi TIGA (3) muka surat yang bercetak termasuk muka hadapan ini
sebelum anda memulakan peperiksaan]
This question paper has TWO (2) questions. Answer ALL questions. Each question contributes
20 marks.
[Kertas soalan ini mengandungi DUA (2) soalan. Jawab SEMUA soalan. Setiap soalan menyumbang 20 markah.]
(EUT 440)
Question 1
[Soalan 1]
(a) Hazard and risk are TWO (2) commonly used terms in risk management at workplace.
Differentiate between the two terms.
[Bahaya dan risiko adalah DUA (2) terma yang selalu digunakan dalam mengurus risiko di tempat kerja.
Bezakan di antara kedua-dua terma tersebut.]
(4 marks / markah)
(ANS: Note: The students may answer the question in different styles and forms. So long as the
students has the right keywords expected of the question - as below, then they should deserve the
Hazard is a condition that has the potential to cause injury, diseases, damage to equipment or
structures, loss of materials or damage to environment. It is something that can cause harm if
not controlled. (2 MARKS)
Hazard is something or obstacles that can cause harm or misfortune or has the potential to do
harm to property, the environment, and/or people, eg electricity, dusts, working at high places,
noise, stress. A road hazard, such as a sharp turn, is dangerous if you are not aware of it. (2
Generally, a hazard is said to be present when there is an object (such as protrusion from a
machine obstructing the working area) or a situation (explosion, leakage of toxic gas) present
which may have an adverse effect on the surrounding. (2 marks)
Risk is the possibility or likelihood of the possibilities of those adverse effects (such as injury)
occurring exists. (2 MARKS)
A risk is the chance, high or low, the likelihood, the extend, or how great is the chance that any
hazard will actually cause somebody harm. Risk is a possible threat or danger that may or may
not happen. We can see that we are surrounded by risks in our everyday lives. (2 MARKS)
And/Or differentiating Hazard and Risk through examples:
For example, working alone away from your office can be a hazard. The risk of personal danger
may be high. ( 4 MARKS)
Electric cabling is a hazard. If it has snagged on a sharp object, the exposed wiring places it in
a 'high-risk' category. (4 MARKS)
(EUT 440)
Similarly, many people do not consider flour to be hazardous substance at all. However, if a
baker is exposed to airborne flour over a long period of time; he may become the victim of
diseases like rhinitis, dermatitis or even asthma. Such types of diseases have severe effect on the
lungs, nose and skin and can become life threatening as well. Thus there is risk involved. (4
(b) One of the important legal document to safe guard the practice of safety and health at
workplace in Malaysia is the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1994.
[Salah satu dokumen undang-undang yang penting untuk mengawal amalan keselamatan dan kesihatan di
tempat kerja di Malaysia adalah Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (OSHA) 1994.
i. Briefly explain the rationale for the formulation of OSHA 1994.
[Terangkan secara ringkas rasional penggubalan OSHA 1994.]
(4 marks / markah)
ii. Under Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act 1994, assess the TWO (2) most
important provisions that underline the duty of an Employer towards the employee(s)
(provide your argument).
[Di bawah Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan 1994, nilai DUA (2) peruntukan paling penting yang
menerangkan kewajipan Majikan terhadap pekerja (berikan hujah anda).]
(6 marks / markah)
(Ans: NOTE: Any one or combination of these or having the respective keywords is
acceptable with some explaination. Not necessary to list them all.
a. to meet Malaysian fast economic growth to become an industrialized state by 2020.
b. plug the weakness of Factory and Machinery1967 Act. (full 3 MARKS)
c. provide general guidelines how to create a safe environment at work. (full 3 MARKS)
OR d. to cover those not protected under the Factory and Machinery Act, so that all are
protected by the law.)
(c) If you are required to assess safety and health risks to workers working in a chemical plant,
what are the FOUR (4) possible routes of entry of chemical that can be hazardous to the
health of the workers.
[Jika anda dikehendaki menilai risiko keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerja yang bekerja di sebuah kilang kimia,
apakah EMPAT (4) kemungkinan laluan kemasukan bahan kimia yang boleh membahayakan pekerja.]
(6 marks / markah)
(ANS - NOTE: any TWO of the followings - 3 MARKS EACH)
Ensure safety, health and welfare at workplace such as provision of maintenance of plants
and system of the work that are safe and without risk, provision of such infomation,
infrastucture and training necessary to ensure safety and health at workplace. (3 MARKS)
Formulate safety and health policy ie revising a written statement of employer general
policy on safey and health. (3 MARKS)
(EUT 440)
Employ competent person to act as Safety and Health Officer at the workplace to ensure
the obsevance and adherance of of the provision of OSHA and its regulations and safe
conduct at workplace. (3 MARKS)
Establish a Safety and Health Committe at the place or work (if workers are more than 40
or more persons). (3 MARKS)
(EUT 440)
Question 2
[Soalan 2]
(a) National Society of Professional Engineers defined that Sustainable Development as the
challenges of meeting human needs for natural resources, industrial products, energy, food,
transportation, shelter and effective waste management while conserving and protecting
environmental quality and the natural resource for future generations. How would you foresee
your responsibilities towards meeting this statement after graduation.
[National Society of Professional Engineer mendefinasikan bahawa Pembangunan Lestari adalah cabaran
dalam memenuhi keperluan manusia terhadap sumber alam, produk industri, tenaga, makanan, pengangkutan,
kediaman dan pengurusan sisa yang berkesan sementara memelihara dan menjaga kualiti alam sekitar dan
sumber alam untuk generasi akan datang. Bagaimana anda dapat menjangkakan tanggungjawab anda terhadap
memenuhi kenyataan ini selepas bergraduasi.]
Engineers are encouraged to adhere to the principles of sustainable development in order to
protect the environment for future generations.
1) Use only sustainable materials in production, operation and plant process
2) Support and promote sustainable development and sustainable approach in all
disciplines related to engineering process.
3) Promote and apply recycle, reuse and reduce in protecting our environment.
4) Aware and discourage on any activities that in-sustain and possibly harm to the
5) Promote and aim for better transportation system using efficient engines and hybrid
transport to reduce co2 emission from transportation industry.
6) Eliminate the usage of greenhouse gasses that deplete the ozone layer and caused
greenhouse effects.
7) Promote and support the use of renewable energy in generating the electrical power for
8) Promote and implement saving in food, energy, fuel and space for future generations.
9) We Can Cool Buildings Naturally
10) We can Use Sunlight to Produce Heat
11) We Can Heat Water With Solar Energy
12) We Can Use Solar Cells to Produce Electricity
13) We Can Convert Plant and Plant Waste to Liquid Biofuels.
(setiap satu dengan penerangan 1 markah terhad kepada 7 markah)
(7 marks / markah)
(EUT 440)
(b) Briefly describe the meaning of sustainable development. Why is it so important now?
[Terangkan secara ringkas pembangunan lestari, kenapakah ianya amat penting sekarang?]
“Sustainable Development “Development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
……. is the challenge of meeting human needs for natural resources, industrial products, energy,
food, transportation, shelter, and effective waste management while conserving and protecting
environmental quality and the natural resource base essential for future development.”
It is more important now because the numbers of world’s population is increase and there is also
increasing in demand for food, fuel, energy and even space to live.
If there is no action taken today to protect the future, next coming generation will facing
difficulties in living due to insufficient energy, food, fuel, and living space become more
expensive and as a results, humans survival on those basic need may create a uncomfortable
living in future.
(Penerangan terhad 5 markah)
(5 marks / markah)
(EUT 440)
(c) With the aid of diagram, describe the "Sphere of Sustainability".
[Dengan bantuan gambar rajah, terangkan "Sfera Kelestarian".]
(8 marks / markah)
(setiap satu komponen dengan penerangan 1 markah terhad kepada 8
(EUT 440)