Vigo Infant School Weekly Newsletter No. 4 Attendance The absence rate last week was 4% this means that 42 days of education were lost last week. This is a definite improvement on attendance rates for last year. Thank you everyone. Remember every day counts in a child’s education. There were 21 late marks last week too. All children need to be in class ready to start the school day at 8.45am. Special Mentions A very special well done to the following children who were added to our new “Special Mention” book during Thursday assembly this week. These are children who are currently working extra hard to make our school “the best place to be”! Kai Saunders For great work in PE, trying again in order to improve his skills Archie Fisher Armstrong For good sorting and a good explanation Maximus Reynolds Donley For thinking carefully when painting a picture of himself Iksha Limbu For trying hard and practising writing her name Caitlyn Lazaretti For trying really hard to write her name and practising on her own Benjamin Bailey For making new friends and always being happy and cheerful Noah Morgan For making a fantastic model Alec McCulloch For trying really hard in the rainbow room Dennis Andrew For working really hard in maths Ty Fenton For working really hard in maths and reading Tiffanyjane Scott And Finlay Wilson For knowing the names of 2d shapes Medeina Astrauskaite Kempster And Shivleen Juneja For always trying hard, listening politely and getting on with work sensibly Taryn Hooley For working hard to finish pieces of work Lewis Colwell for great work in reading Chloe Baker Ryan For being very helpful to others at the end of each school day Individual Photographs Arrangements have been made for the school photographers to be in school to take individual and family group photos on Wednesday 3 October. 26 September 2012 All children will be photographed individually please only complete the attached slip for the following reasons:If you DO NOT wish to have your child photographed please return the attached slip with the appropriate box ticked. If you wish brothers and sisters to be photographed together please return the attached slip with the appropriate box ticked and your children’s names and classes. We are unable to include younger or older siblings who do not attend this school. Sorry. Class Assembly ZIG ZAG class parents If your child is in Zigzag class don’t forget that you are invited to class assembly on FRIDAY this week. Class assembly will be at 9 o’clock in the hall so please drop your child as usual then make your way to the back door of the hall to take your seat. Please be aware that we are happy to welcome younger brothers and sisters to class assemblies (although we do appreciate it if they can be persuaded to be as quiet as possible!) Class assembly will be followed by an invitation to visit the classroom. There is no room for buggies etc. in classrooms. These can be left outside or in the hall. Please note that this is zigzag class only this week, all classes are timetabled for a class assembly this term. URGENT NEWS FOR STRIPES CLASS AND ORANGE CLASS be returned as soon as possible so that teachers can fill out the timetables. This is your chance to meet with your child’s class teacher, find out how they are settling in and what you can do to support them during this school year. Please come if you can. We have looked at the similarites and differences between ourselves. Thank you to all the parents who sent in family photographs. We were able to discuss a little bit about family history and draw a family time-line. We also painted pictures of our family. Signs of the week There are two signs for this week We are really sorry to have to change the dates of two assemblies this term. This is Jaycees family. ORANGE class will now have their class assembly on 19th October We have carried out some science investigations to find out more about our sense of sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing. This is the sign for cauliflower STRIPES class will now have their assembly on 29th October I do hope that parents will still be able to come along to these class assemblies. Apologies for the disruption to diaries. This is the sign for cabbage ask your child to sign them with you Harvey is looking closely at the flowers in the school grounds. Curriculum News Class of the week Attached to this newsletter are sheets giving details about the topics chosen for each year group for this half term. These sheets also give ideas for activities to do at home to support your child during this topic. We hope parents information useful. find this Parents Evenings Don’t forget to return the letter to make an appointment for parents evening. You should have had a letter on Monday which needs to Each week one class will take an opportunity to tell us a little about what is happening in their classroom. Look out for news from your child’s class. This week’s news is from Orange Class:In Orange Class we have been learning “All About Me”. We have looked in mirrors and painted self portraits and written descriptions of ourselves. This is Reagans selfportrait. Here are the children tasting a lemon. Not a favourite taste for Harvey but Finlay and Jasmine like the sour taste. We have also been practising writing our numbers and letters the correct way round. We have been counting forwards and backwards to and from 20 and learning to add and take away using groups of objects. All the children have settled into year 1 very well and everyone is working hard. Well done to all the children who have read at home and done their homework