Crossword Clues - Terry's Hobbies pages

Crossword Clues Across
1.Done at the same time (12).
8.The study of old, or ancient ways of human
life (11).
13.The process by which plants convert light
to energy (14).
20.Chilling novel about witchcraft and
fertility rites by Thomas Tryon (7,4).
25.Drag musical written by Richard O’ Brian
(3,5,6,7,4). Pic 1
37.Ancient Hebrew state (6). Pic 2
39.To impair, damage (3).
40.Eager, zealous (6).
41.The transmission of information by
electronic or electromagnetic signals (18).
43.Sum or total (9).
48.Heavy, oily explosive liquid (14).
49.Shop were cooked meats, preserves and
relishes are served, Abbr. (4).
51.State of ill fortune or distress (9).
53.The study of how events correspond to the
position and movements of astronomical
bodies (9).
54.A real ‘Take On Me’ pop group (4).
55.Amount of money ordered by a court to be
paid by one spouse to the other (7).
56.Noise made by a pig (4).
57.The act of striking sharply (beat
instrument) (10).
59.An original type or model (9).
61.The second set of books by David Eddings
about Belgarion (9).
62.Dull, persistent pains (5).
64.Bart Simpson’s father (5).
66.People who desecrate, profane (9).
67.A winged angelic being (6).
70.Branch of maths that deals with the
properties of space, areas and diameters (7).
73.In the same or like manner (2).
75.Congenital mark on the skin of human
beings (9).
77.A ridge or line where two points are joined
79.A spirit of friendly good fellowship (11).
84.A brief public notice (news) (8).
86.These are used to catch water from the
roof (7).
88.An affirmative vote (3).
91.These are the top cards for a ‘high’ in
poker (4).
92.Term applied to the marked changes in form
during the life history of an animal (13).
94.Moving matter from one place to another
without actually moving (13).
96.Recognition of an act of achievement by
people (16).
101.Means of getting from one place to another
102.Variety of herbs of the rose family (8).
105.Device that automatically regulates the
temperature of a system (10).
107.Used for propelling a rowing boat (3).
108.Big Cat (5). Pic 3
109.Any body of freshwater flowing by gravity
110.Ensemble of musical instruments (9). Pic 4
112.To set to a starting position (10).
113.Comic scary TV family (8). Pic 5
114.Collection of charts or maps bound in a
volume (5).
115.A frightening dream (9).
117.Scent for the face of men (10).
122.Businessmens bag (9).
123.Heavily armoured military vehicle(4). Pic 6
125.Any of the five species of a primitive
mollusc (8). Pic 7
128.Chosen for an office but not yet installed
130.The crab nebula is an exploded one of these
131.Not requiring much time or effort (11).
133.A group or set of three (4).
136.NOT off (2).
139.The annual reoccurrence of a date marking
a notable event (11).
140.V.D.U. (7).
142.Not being able to reproduce (11).
144.Back of the neck (4).
147.Hair on the top lip (9).
149.Disposed to seek revenge (10).
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Crossword Clues Across
150.Euphoria (7).
153.A mixture (10).
154.A raised platform (4).
156.One who helps (9).
157.Something that covers (8).
158.Peron who destroys a process (8).
161.A legal agreement between two parties (8).
164.Political Party (6).
165.Computer Language (7).
166.Juicy bit of information (6).
167.A road vehicle run on rails, American (9).
171.Large flightless bird (3).
174.Not very nice (slang) (5).
175.A freshwater muscle (4). Pic 8
180.Entering again (11).
181.Book by Brian Lumley about a person who
can talk to the dead (10).
182.To begin to form (10).
184.To curve upward in the middle (6).
185.Togetherness (6).
187.A long period of time (3).
188.A unit of temperature (10).
191.Soft parts of the body (5).
194.A fisherman (6).
196.Relating to the devil (8).
197.Lacking in aptitude (5).
198.Bilbo Baggins was from this area (5).
199.Spectacular flying feats (10).
200.Occuring by chance (12).
203.Lazy (4).
204.Go ahead (7).
207.Non believer (7).
209.Set up in rows and columns (7).
210.American Police description, Abbr. (3).
211.A very flammable substance (6).
213.Ordered, clear cast (11).
217.Part of a stair (4).
218.Generally known and talked of (8).
219.Indian dish of seasoned rice, beans, lentils
and smoked fish (8).
220.Enthusiastic (5).
221.Chocolate frosted oblong light pastry with
cream filling (6).
222.French head (4).
223.Seldom found (4).
225.First performance (8).
226.The quality of being able to pay all legal
debts (8).
228.Double reed wind instrument (4). Pic 9
230.To spread wide (6).
233.Person employed to drive a car (9).
235.Norse mythology, Hall of the slain (8).
238.A ready cooked dry sausage (7).
239.Occuring once in an age or century (7).
240.Inherent, all pervading (8).
242.22nd letter of the Greek alphabet (3).
243.To overlay with (4).
245.A young tree trunk used for tossing (5).
247.Decapitate (6).
249.To grab (6).
250.Dull Persistent pain (4).
253.To place with care (3).
254.A stereo broadcasting system (2).
255.A large flightless bird (7). Pic 10
256.To direct the course (5).
258.Common name for any of a genus of woody
vines of the ginseng family (3). Pic 11
260.Someone who intrudes (10).
261.An improperly timed explosion of an
internal combustion engine (8).
262.Deserve, earn (5).
264.Deviation from a dominant theory, usually
religious (6).
266.A bet (5).
267.Large flightless bird, now extinct (4).Pic 12
268.To beautify with a colourful surface (6).
270.Common name for a large American snake
(8). Pic 13
271.Mr Edmonds had great house parties (5).
275.To turn aside (5).
276.Dizzy (5).
279.A type of weak acid (6).
280.To teach (7).
281.Ancestor (8).
284.Marine bivalve mollusc (7). Pic 14
286.To discover something’s properties without
damage, Abbr. (3).
287.To be found not guilty (9).
289.Nocturnal bird of prey (3). Pic 15
290.Idler (6).
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Crossword Clues Across
292.The devil (9).
295.A garment of southern Asian women (4).
297.Consequence (12).
299.A hidden supply (5).
300.To be chosen (7).
301.An old bowed string instrument (4). Pic 16
304.A young swan (6).
308.Something curved (3).
309.European currency (3).
311.Fine wool from the undercoat of a certain
type of goat (8).
312.Used in radio communications to say that a
message has been received and understood(5).
313.Type of steering on vehicles (4,3,6).
314.Brian Poole’s backing group (9).
316.Derision (5).
317.Extremely angered (7).
319.A disease of rye and other cereals (5).
321.Flattened at the poles (6).
324.Something that is necessary to an end (12).
328.Fit to be eaten (6).
330.A large bundle of goods (4).
331.A soft white solid fat (4).
333.The fundamental structural unit of all living
organisms (4). Pic 17
334.Common name for a group of electronic
devices used as amplifiers or oscillators (10).
Pic 18
335.Common name for varieties of sweet fruits
of the gourd family (5). Pic 19
336.A set period (8).
338.Drinks before bed (9).
341.To push (5).
343.Trouble, difficulty (3).
345.Made a person redundant (4,3).
347.Under way (5).
348.Snobish (6).
349.The heading at the top of a page (5).
351.A body representing men working on the
railway, Abbr. (3).
352.Sausage, slang (6).
355.Ghost (6).
358.The action of rubbing away (7).
360.The prefix for a long distance call (4,4).
363.Common name for a tree , native to tropical
America and its fruit (7). Pic 20
364.Predecessor of roller blades (12).
366.Common name for species of flatfish (3).
Pic 21
367.Used for directing influence over (8).
368.At a distance (4).
369.A fixed order (4).
371.Implement used for felling trees (3).
372.Corrupt, Debauch (6).
375.He wrote the “Young Ones” (3,5).
377.Barriers (8).
382.To gain knowledge (5).
383.An enclosed area (5).
384.An old TV drama with the character Mcgill
386.A happy dogs tail does this (3).
387.In practice you shoot these with a shotgun
388.Intensely cold (3).
389.To stiffen (6).
390.To govern or direct (8).
392.To be filled with delight (10).
394.Middle eastern Dishes (6).
396.An ugly old woman (3).
397.Plant of the Lily family (5).
398.A type of dog trained to point on finding
game (6).
400.Artificial sweetener (9).
404.Part of a garment covering the arm (6).
406.Smell (5).
407.A type of pudding (granular starch) (7).
408.Story (4).
410.Following the instructions (2,3).
411.To clean (4).
412.The name of something (4).
414.The line where an object ends (4).
415.To work with hands (5).
418.The right side of a ship (9).
419.Infringements, transgressions (10).
420.Hostile behaviour (10).
422.Clothes to be washed (7).
424.Glossy greenish birds (9). Pic 22
425.Obligation (9).
427.Medium sized stout bodied gamebird (9).
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Crossword Clues Across
428.Roofing materials (6).
432.Flying saucer, Abbr. (3). Pic 23
433.A collection of organised information,
Abbr. (2).
435.Sun umbrella (7).
438.Talk in an excited noisy manner (4).
439.Relating to life (6).
440.Member of a group advocating national
independence (12).
443.Supreme monarch of an empire (7).
444.Completed (10).
446.A carnivorous marine mammal (6,5). Pic 24
447.The moulding around a rectangular opening
450.A hypothetical particle held to travel faster
than light (7).
454.John Wayne had “True ----“ (4).
455.A raised structure to carry a roadway (10).
458.To be short sighted (6).
459.To process I order to regain materials for
use (7).
461.Used as a mild oath (4).
463.To put in play (8).
464.Demonstration, Abbr. (4).
465.Something hidden away (5).
468.To move with a violent action (7).
470.A distinctive part (6).
471.A familiar form of a name (8).
475.A transparent mineral used as gems (6).
478.Durable plastic material used for covering
481.Order, command (5).
482.To be assailed persistently (9).
484.Movable part of an aeroplane wing (7).
485.Merges into a single body (11).
486.The hub of a wheel (4).
488.Non professional athletics sporting body,
Abbr. (4).
489.British parachute aerobatics display team
(3,6). Pic 25
490.Matter regarding as involving the notion or
influence of supernatural powers (6).
494.The study of insects (10).
496.Th second coming of Star Trek (3,4,10).
498.Metric measurement of volume, Abbr. (2).
499.External covering of birds (8).
501.Mythical hairy man-like creature (9).
503.Pellet filled sack (7).
506.A person AWOL from school (6).
507.Inbetween solid and liquid (3).
510.For each year, Abbr. (2).
512.Second letter of the Greek alphabet (4).
513.Portable speakers, worn over the ears (10).
514.A steel tipped spear (5).
515.A dish of seasoned rice (5).
517.Someone whom pretends illness to avoid
work (10).
521.A person who is noncommittal towards god
522.A person who can conjure the spirits of the
dead (11).
524.Person who lives in property without rent or
title (8).
527.The negative terminal of an electrical
device (5).
528.A branch of science that deals with energy
and forces (9).
531.Woven fabric used for festive decoration
533.The day the second world war was won in
Europe, Abbr. (2).
535.A point of transition (4).
537.People who are indigenous to a country (7).
538.A person who has seen better days, slang
540.To put in a wrong location, mislay (8).
542.To end (5).
543.A special tie worn for a special occasion(6).
544.Country, formerly south west Africa (7).
546.Surround (8).
547.Pedestrian walkway (8).
549.Shouting, to continually cry out (6).
551.Apprehension (11).
552.TV program with Steed, Gambit and Purdey
(3,3,8). Pic 26
556.Judges (8).
559.A system of reading for the blind (7).
560.To make amends (6).
561.Spillage out of a fountain pen (7).
562.Law, regulation (7).
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Crossword Clues Across And Down
564.Tale (4).
565.To turn to your advantage (10).
566.A very young ‘frog’ (7).
567.Intellectual, slang (7).
568.Ali ---, A children’s magician (5).
570.Used for racing in a snow trough (9).
571.Copper, Abbr. (2).
573.A cartoon character who is a real devil (9).
Pic 27
574.To annoy (3).
575.Juvenile (5).
576.Nickname is the Sweeney (7,6).
577.Dr Who’s travelling vehicle, full name
578.Sci Fi, A leader of seven revolutionaries
(5). Pic 28
25.One who misses school without permission
26.An image of a person (figure) (6).
27.Repugnance (6).
28.Republic in Africa (5).
29.Small door or opening (5).
30.The underground part of plants (5).
31.Being forgotten or unknown (8).
32.Person posted for demonstration / protest (6).
33.Used to seal a bottle of wine (4).
34.Windlass at the butt of a fishing rod (4).
35.A sexist cartoon character from Viz (3).
36.A female who waits at tables (8).
38.Shoulder blade (7).
42.To chop into very small pieces (5).
44.A place for physical exercise (3).
45.Demotion (10).
46.People who write for and in the name of
another (12).
47.Film starring big Arnold (3,10). Pic 32
50.Type of tree subject to a Dutch disease (3).
52.Regardless (12).
53.Annual percentage rate, Abbr. (3).
54.Apprehension (5).
57.Land used for recreation by children (10).
58.Shabby, run down (5).
60.Symbol for the element Rubidium (2).
63.Small section (8).
65.Presented in opposition (9).
68.41st president of the United States (4). Pic 33
69.One of the three musketeers (5).
71.To catch sight of (4).
72.Welsh rabbits (8).
74.Notice of a persons death (8).
76.The supercomputer in 2001 (3). Pic 34
77.Devil worship (8).
78.Comedian – sounds like a religious mans
place of residence (9).
80.Encroach (8).
81.Roman garment (4).
82.Comedy parody (5).
83.A building for living in (5).
84.There are 8 of these in a byte (3).
85.Free from all deductions (4).
87.The shy one of the seven dwarfs (7).
1.The Dalek’s home planet (5).
2.American pop singer and actress (7). Pic 29
3.This ship was a disaster (7). Pic 30
4.To do it without informed judgement (7).
5.To set a drama to music and song (8).
6.International standard units of measurement,
Abbr. (2).
7.A body of men trained for war (4).
8.A second option or choice (11).
9.An electronic adding machine (10).
10.Luminous discharge of electricity between
electrodes (3).
11.Unit of electrical resistance (3).
12.Local death of soft tissue (8).
14.A derivative of opium (6).
15.Furnish, embellish (6).
16.Any undesired sound (5).
17.Many headed monster in Greek mythology
(5). Pic 31
18.Motionless (5).
19.To catch (4).
20.A castrated male pig raised for slaughter (3).
21.A certain period of time (3).
22.A peg for a golf ball (3).
23.A solemn vow (4).
24.Do this to preserve bodies after death by
means of chemical substances (6).
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88.Loss of appetite, especially when prolonged
89.You wear these to prevent damage from
noise (8).
90.Australia has a great reef made of this (5).
91.The time Big Ben used to strike for the news
92.Indian nationalist leader (7). Pic 35
93.Assigned piece of work (4).
95.Small, often medicated candies (8).
97.Large Australian marsupial animal (8).
98.Someone who always looks on the bright
side (8).
99.Extremely happy (8).
100.Used with saucer for a traditional British
hot beverage (6).
103.Also called religious education, Abbr. (2).
104.Oneself (2).
106.Someone who eludes (6).
111.Membrane at the back of the eye (6).
116.200th anniversary (11).
117.Temporary suspension of hostilities (9).
118.Momentary, fleeting (9).
119.One of the first machines used to convert
fibre into yarn (8,5). Pic 36
120.A frame for supporting something (5).
121.Exposure to radiation (11).
124.Governing centre of Russia (7).
126.To note dates after the birth of Christ, Abbr.
127.This 90 to latitude (9).
129.To give off (4).
132.Something used as a basis (5).
134.A stylish shop or business (5).
135.A feudal castle in France (7).
137.Someone who writes a stage play,
screenplay or broadcast (12).
138.Fodder converted into feed for livestock (6).
140.Delerium Tremens, Abbr. (3).
141.Forbid (9).
143.Small time, slang (6,3,4).
145.Decorated, embellished (7).
146.Hearing infection (7).
148.Bizarre (9).
151.Untruth (3).
152.There is one held at Cannes (4.8).
153.Discrimination against the elderly (5).
154.Free of liquid (3).
155.A large festive gathering (8).
159.Science that deals with sound (9).
160.Something that can be forced to leave (9).
161.Someone who is distrustful of human nature
and motives (5).
162.A flat (9).
163.Brake lights (10).
168.A native of Thailand (4).
169.Established, customary action (8).
170.Ring shaped life preserver (8).
171.Representative (5).
172.Not well known (10).
173.Accomplish (7).
176.Not set correctly (11).
177.Small brown spot on the skin (7).
178.To have a habit, dependant on drugs (6).
179.Person who shoots from a concealed point
of vantage (6).
180.Bringing back to a former condition (11).
183.A loyal subject (5).
186.A fresh water fish with sharp teeth (5).
189.Funeral oration (7).
190.Clive ---, writer of Hellraiser (6).
192.Defamation of a person (5).
193.Detective (6).
195.The air at high altitude (8).
201.Hostile incursion (6).
202.The outer extremities of a ships yard (7).
205.Able to last for a long time (7).
206.Italian unit of currency (4).
207.Evaluation (9).
208.Common name for a class of extinct marine
arthropods (9). Pic 37
212.Closely related to a land snail (4).
214.A signal to get up in the mornings at camp
215.Day of the year, June 21 & Dec 22 (8).
216.Irrelevent, Abbr. (2).
224.To recede (3).
226.Tricky, elusive (6).
227.To long for (5).
228.To be removed (6).
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229.Swearwords (5).
231.To be carrying out successfully (9).
232.The number on the pool black ball (5).
233.Supervisor (10).
234.Rebound of a missile (8).
236.A medium range subsonic jet passenger
aeroplane (6).
237.To be relatively free from restraints (7).
238.Tremble (7).
241.Rubber (6).
244.One holding complete autocratic control
245.The shape of a piston chamber (8).
246.A chain of rocks, at or near, the surface of
the water (4).
248.Young eel (5).
249.IRA’s political party (4,4).
251.Relating to grains or plants that produce
grains (7).
252.Emanations (9).
254.Quarrel, brawl (6).
255.The first one (8).
257.Gambling wheel (8). Pic 38
259.Strongly moved by love (7).
263.Relating to ions (5).
265.Type of projectile used by Iraq (4,7).
269.Apprehensive (7).
272.Limited, Abbr. (3).
273.Inherent characteristic (9).
274.Greek mythological monster with a lions
head, goats body and a serpent for a tail (7).
275.Wide open (5).
277.Large winged insect (9). Pic 39
278.The call of Swiss mountain dwellers (5).
282.Protective paint coating (8).
283.Film starring Patrick Swayze as a bouncer
284.Deviating from a square (6).
285.Endowed with sense (7).
288.To be condemned to Hell (6).
291.Dried grape (6).
292.Flag (6).
293.A substance held to produce spirit
materialisation (9).
294.A type of bread made from whole wheat
flour (5).
296.A deserter (8).
298.North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, Abbr.
302.Alleged motive (7).
303.Struck with terror (6).
304.Chromium, Abbr. (2).
305.A Japanese entertainment girl (6).
306.Part time defence force, Abbr. (2).
307.Amber coloured fortified wine (7).
310.Putting into service (5).
311.One guilty of a crime (7).
315.He drove the fastest milk cart in the west
317.Slip away (6).
318.A room devoted to the exhibition of art (7).
320.Having the form of a rhombus (7).
322.A scientist dealing with a branch of
astronomy to do with constitution of celestial
matter (14).
323.Used to warm the bed (8,7).
325.Hairy ‘Bears’ in “Return of the Jedi” (5).
Pic 40
326.Bowels (8).
327.Showing special attention (8).
329.America’s version of the drama ‘Casualty’
332.Dull (3).
337.Cross between a horse and a donkey (4).
339.To set apart from others (7).
340.To give recommendation (6).
342.Seriously, intently (9).
344.People through whom a deity is believed to
speak (7).
346.A long sharp tooth (4).
348.A pouch of skin with hair worn on the front
of a kilt (7).
349.Of or relating to earth (11).
350.First in line (4,8).
352.-- Ruth, American baseball player(4).Pic 41
353.Indifferently (12).
354.THIS is a big one (9,6).
355.A type of puzzle looking for words (10).
356.Mr Asimov's Christian name (5).
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357.African dog (5). Pic 42
359.A domestic bovine (4).
361.A substance that enters into and is changed
in a chemical reaction (8).
362.Foreign farewell (5).
365.Move casually or diagonally (6).
370.Bruce Wayne’s butler (6).
372.A sugared ring cake (8).
373.Dismal (5).
374.Two legged animals (6).
376.Rodent, noted for committing suicide (7).
378.A tough band of tissue connecting bones
together (8).
379.Classical mythological maidens (5).
380.Home of Robin and his merry men (8,6).
381.Relating to times before written history
385.Head to scatter water droplets (9).
386.An ornamental garment worn under a
doublet (9).
391.A glove worn with medieval armour (8).
392.Meeting between hostile factions (9).
393.To pass on (5).
395.Legendary Danish prince (6).
399.To change shape (11).
401.Quality of being clear (7).
402.Physical components of something (8).
403.Inspiring reverence (11).
405.To go slowly (3).
409.These followed Jason on his quest for the
golden fleece (10). Pic 43
413.Pig pen (3).
416.Nothing (3).
417.An outing with food (6).
420.Allergic respiratory disease (6).
421.One set of chromosomes with the genes
they contain (6).
423.Boisterous play (4).
426.To secure the support and aid of (6).
428.A Sci Fi film about drug created psychics
starring Micheal Ironside (8).
429.To represent or perform (3).
430.Alcoholic beverage (4).
431.A large figured handkerchief (7).
432.Bovine mammary gland (5).
434.Hundred weight, Abbr. (3).
435.A group of people selected for some service
436.Eye movement when asleep, Abbr. (3).
437.A sugar that is present in milk (7).
441.One or other taken at random (3).
442.Slightly built African antelopes (7).
445.To force or turn back (8).
448.Pretty in a dainty or delicate way (4).
449.Part of the body between the thorax and the
pelvis (7).
451.A Japanese art of self defence (6).
452.A hand thrashing implement (5). Pic 44
453.A bodily disorder or chronic disease (7).
456.This Inspector was played by John Thaw
457.The rising and falling of the ocean (4).
460.Day nursery (6).
461.To diminish the activity (9).
462.Performed speeches without preparation
466.Grass mowed and cured for fodder (3).
467.Thrust to elevate (8).
469.A newspaper article that gives he opinions
of the editors or publishers (9).
470.Writers of shorthand (13).
472.N. E. US capital Augusta (5).
473.Treat as idealised or heroic (11).
474.Call off sign on radio (4,3,3).
476.Poisenous limbless reptiles that give an
audible warning (12). Pic 45
477.A hard brittle metallic element, the heaviest
metal known (6).
479.A bone in the forearm (4).
480.Relating to birth (5).
483.Pestering (9).
484.When a person is purposefully killed (12).
487.Irritation (11).
488.Troublesome (11).
490.Impure Iron oxide pigment – Yellow colour
491.Courageously resolute (9).
492.South Pacific island in the windward group
Terry M Whelan 
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493.Roofed platform where an orchestra
performs outdoors (9).
495.Originally meaning you (2).
497.Give little attention to (7).
499.Actual occurrences (5).
500.Raven (4).
502.Migratory game birds (6).
504.A massive ensemble of stars, e.g.
Andromeda (6). Pic 46
505.To salvage from refuse material (8).
508.The pubic region (4).
509.English public school (4).
511.A large burrowing nocturnal African
mammal (8).
512.Rythmic fluctuations in the brain caused by
differences in voltage (9).
515.Actively opposed to conflict (7).
516.A crust of hardened blood (4).
518.The horizontal plane on a graph (8).
519.Extremely angered (8).
520.To mourn the loss of (6).
523.A musically tuned set of bells (5).
525.Large bodies of moving ice (8).
526.Weak (6).
529.A tough gummy, fragrant crystalline
compound (7).
530.The pilot of an aeroplane (7).
532.The 8th sign of the zodiac (7).
534.Damaged tissue by prolonged pressure (7).
536.Father, Abbr. (2).
539.Temporary structure (6).
541.The main point of the matter (4).
545.Chief of the group of islands in the
Mediterranean south of Sicily (5).
547.Intimidate, scare (5).
548.Villian (5).
550.Protection (5).
552.Isle of Mann motorcycle races (2).
553.A level piece of ground (4).
554.Adam and Eve originally lived here (4).
555.To run away (4).
556.The largest of earth’s seven continents (4).
557.A loose granular material at the beach (4).
558.Tinned meat (4).
560.To combine (3).
562.Timid (3).
563.To go brown in the sun (3).
568.This set stops firemen from asphyxiating,
Abbr. (2). Pic 47
569.American infantryman (2).
571.Thomas Magnum --, (2).
572.A short account of one’s career and
qualifications, Abbr. (2).
Terry M Whelan 