Identification Statement of the Wyoming Christian Reformed Church We are the Wyoming Christian Reformed Church. Standing on the infallible Word of God, in the tradition of the Reformed faith as it’s expressed in the Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession and Canons of Dort, we boldly proclaim and celebrate the coming of God’s kingdom in Jesus Christ. By the strength of His Spirit we gather and enfold newcomers into His covenant of grace. We teach and equip believers and their baptized children for obedient, loving service in all areas of life to the praise of our heavenly Father. Regarding Worship: Amidst the wide range of worship practices in our culture today, we maintain that worship is a meeting between God and His people in which God is praised and His people are blessed. Worship must center around the preaching of the word – the primary means of grace. We deem it a blessing to assemble twice on the Lord’s Day to praise His name. Worship is our highest calling and joy. Regarding Moral and Ethical Living: the Bible is our guide for life. It addresses the sanctity of life (Ex 20:13), the roles of men and women in the church and home (1 Tim 2:11-15; Eph 5:22-23), the proper attitude toward material possessions (1 Tim 6:3-10). In short, the Bible addresses every aspect of our lives. In our world ravaged by moral relativism, we affirm that all the principles for Christian living revealed in the Bible and summarized in the Ten Commandments, remain normative for our lives today. The church’s task is to proclaim these principles and to call sinners to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. With love and compassion we practice church discipline and encourage penitent believers in their continual battle against the kingdom of darkness. To strengthen our identity in Christ, we seek contact and fellowship with churches of like mind. Wyoming Christian Reformed Church Council Members Elders Deacons John Krale (’16) Chairperson/Congregational Life Kendall VanRooyen (’18) Chair Rick DeBoer(’16) Vice-Chair Brian Hoekstra (’18) Clerk Harry VanRuitenburg (’18) Vice-All Wilbert Nywening (’16) Refugee/Vouchers Paul Huizinga (’18) Pulpit Supply, Safe Church William Schenk (’17) Finance Harry Poort (’16) Rob Nutma (’17) Board of Stewards Hank Wildschut (’17) Email: Scott Sipkens (’18) Administrative Assistant Rev. Hoogland - Worship Committee Brenda Beintema 519-845-0244 Wyoming CRC Pastor: Custodians: 4524 Confederation Line P.O. Box 68 Rev. Bill Hoogland P.O. Box 905 Maggie Boersma 519-845-0646 Phone: 519-845-0244 Wyoming, ON N0N 1T0 Tara Boelens 519-845-0260 Phone: 226-307-0931 Bulletin Information Deadline: Please submit all bulletin announcements no later than Thursday 12pm to Brenda Beintema at Administrative Assistant Hours: Tuesday 9:00am-12:00pm, Wed-Fri 9:00am-1:00pm. Sunday Services: May – September 10am & 6:30 pm; October – April 10am & 3:00 pm Sunday Service C.D.: CD’s are available for shut-ins. Please call John Beintema at 519-845-0644 to make arrangements. Past CD’s are also available in the library. September 27, 2015 Sunday Services: 10:00am & 6:30pm Pastor: Rev. Bill Hoogland 4524 Confederation Line, PO Box 68 Wyoming, ON N0N 1T0 Welcome to our worship services in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you come as a visitor today, we hope you will leave as a friend. Whether you are a newcomer to the community or to our church, we are honoured to have you here. May we all be strengthened and encouraged by the proclamation of the gospel. After the morning service, everyone is invited for coffee and juice in the Fellowship Hall, located downstairs. September 2015 27 Sunday School: Children aged 3-8 are invited to go downstairs for Sunday School after the children’s message and a short prayer of blessing. There is also a class for those with special needs. Parents, please feel free to follow the teachers out and ask them any questions you may have. As we obediently “train children in the way they should go,” may it be our prayer that “they will not turn from it when they are older” (Proverbs 22:6). 28 7:00pm GEMS Cadets 29 30 7:30pm Finance 7:00pm Friendship 7:30 pm Bible Study October 2015 If we can be of any service to you (if you have a prayer request or would like more information about our church and the programs we offer), please do not hesitate to get in touch with an elder or a deacon. We are here to “…serve each other in love.” - Galatians 5:13 Elders Deacons 1 4 Harry Poort 519-845-3176 Brian Hoekstra 519-899-4928 Scott Sipkens 519-845-1427 Kendall VanRooyen 519-330-6342 Announcements Scott Sipkens Hall Monitor Corry Simard 11 Offerings: September 27 AM Church, Deacon Ed. Relief PM GEMS, Banner 18 October 4 AM Church, Seafarers Ministry PM St. Joseph’s Hospice, Christian Horizons 2 3 9 10 7:30pm Worship Commitee Meeting 5 7:00pm GEMS Cadets 6 7 8 7:30pm Voucher Sales 7:00pm Friendship 7:30 pm Bible Study 7:30pm Elders Meeting 12 ThanksGiving 13 14 15 16 17 7:30pm Deacons Meeting 7:00pm Friendship 7:30 pm Bible Study 19 7:00pm GEMS Cadets 20 21 22 23 24 7:00pm Friendship 7:30 pm Bible Study 7:30pm Full Council Meeting TODAYS WORSHIP Volunteers Mother of the Month: Stacy Krale September 27 Nursery- Infants: Brenda Beintema, Maddi DeBoer Rev. Hoogland will lead this morning’s worship service. This evening’s service will be led by Mr. Martin Bosveld as Rev. & Grace Hoogland are away for a family event. Next Sunday, Lord willing, we will witness the profession of faith of Linda DeBoer & Mackenzie Klazinga. Toddlers: Gertie Krale, Ethan Schiestel, Julia Boelens Sunday School: 7&8-Heidi Huybers 5&6-Faith Hoekstra 3&4-Ang Huizinga Door Keepers: Jack, Liana & Josh Koestsier Happy Belated Birthday goes out to Pauline Deelstra this past Thursday. Coffee Servers: Jim & Jane Dam, Darryl & Jenn VanRooyen Ushers: Jason DeBoer, Zack Jackson Our condolences go out to Aijolt & Annie Klunder with the passing of their son, Bert, this past week. May God’s grace sustain them in this time. Accompanist: AM Bert VanRooyen PM John Krale October 4 CHURCH FAMILY: REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Nursery-Infants: Renee Schiestel, Adyson Klazinga Toddlers: Jen DeBoer, Matthew VanRooyen Sunday School: 7&8-Cindy Boelens 5&6-Hilda Sipkens 3&4-Barb Vanderwal Door Keepers: Olga Anjema, Audrey & Josiah VanRuitenburg Coffee Servers: John & Gertie Krale, Darryl & Jenn VanRooyen Ushers: Web Boersma, Matt DeBoer Accompanist: AM Praise Team PM Diana Schenk May God shower you with Blessings On your Birthday and Always! Sunday, Sept 27 Kurtis Nutma Tuesday, Sept 29 Audrey VanRuitenburg Wednes, Sept 30 Jacob Krale Friday, Oct 2 Rev. Hoogland, Autumn Kaldeway, Barb Vanderwal Rick DeBoer continues a 3 month time of healing after surgery to fuse bones in his left foot. John Schenk’s health is failing due to kidney issues. Mike Huizinga awaits consultation to determine the next steps concerning his cancer. Herman Kaldeway awaits surgery on Nov.10 for the bile blockage between the liver & pancreas. Remember Bill Boersma, Ken Schenk, Gertie Sipkens, Margurite Brouwer, and others unable to worship with us. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Note from Council: Council delayed changing the time of the 2nd service from 6:30 pm to 3:00 pm until Oct. 18, because Oct. 4 is the Right to Life Chain 2:30 - 3:30 pm. The 2nd service of Oct. 11 has been cancelled because it is the Thanksgiving Day weekend with a 10:00 am service on Monday. The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper has been moved from Oct. 11 to Oct 18 because on Oct 11 Rev Hoogland is scheduled by Classis to lead services at Living Hope, Sarnia. Baby Shower: Ladies you are all invited to a baby shower to welcome Rory Grace newborn daughter of Terry and Jessica Soepboer to our church family. This will take place Tuesday, October 6 at 7:00 pm at our church, the Lord willing. Hope to see you all there. If anyone would like to contribute to one large gift, please have your money to Diana by October 5. Contacts are Maggie Boersma, Pam Botma, Diana Schenk and Brenda Soepboer. Wednesday Evening Bible Study: will meet D.V. this coming Wednesday at 7:30 pm in the consistory room to study lesson 2 entitled "The Identity Crisis". In this lesson we discuss the event of Jesus at the age of 12 giving instruction in the temple. New members and friends are always invited. Study books are still available from Steve DeBoer. Budget Requests: It is that time of year again where we are working on the budget for the yearend report. Please submit your committee’s budget requests to the church email address at with attention to the finance committee in the subject line. Thank you. CRC Year book: If anyone would like a copy of the CRC year book, please contact Brenda Beintema by October 4, 2015. Thank you. REQUESTED ANNOUNCEMENTS Sea to Sea event Update: Please excuse this very late update on the Sea to Sea events that took place this past summer. First of all, a huge thank you for the prayers and donations given! My brother and I raised a total of $8,164.20, more than exceeding our goal of $4,000! Such incredible generosity! As a whole, the Sea to Sea events this summer raised $259,212 to go directly to poverty alleviation organizations. Along with the money and awareness raised, the North American church community has been strengthened as our group fundraised and biked through three gorgeous National Parks. Stay tuned! The Sea to Sea community hopes to continue with yearly events! Thanks again! Christeena and Jonathan Nienhuis Promise Keepers Canada National Men’s Conference: Is coming to Toronto on November 13-14, 2015. The Theme this year is “Greater”. Every man wants to know his life counts for something. He wants to know that there is a greater purpose and plan than the everyday routines and trials he experiences. The world teaches that a greater life is experienced through what you own, achieve, and experience. God teaches that greatness begins and ends with Him, and that by His grace, He invites and empowers us to a “Greater” life. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 If you are interested in attending please contact John Krale. Right to Life Silent Protest (Life Chain) – Sunday, October 4 from 2:30 to 3:30. Join with thousands of pro-lifers across North America on this same day to be a witness for life. Pick up your sign just before 2:30 at one of 2 locations on London Line: the Superstore parking lot or the former Zellers parking lot. Feel free to bring a chair. For more information call Elizabeth at 519-466-0972. John Knox Christian School Gift Card Sales: Once again this school year we will selling gift cards from Foodland, Tim Horton’s, Europa Bakery, No Frills and the Superstore. This is a fundraiser for the school in which we earn 5% from all cards sold. We will be at the school selling them on Thursday from 1:30 – 2:30. You may also come in anytime and fill out an order form, leave a cheque and we will fill the order on Thursday, just leave pick-up instructions with the order. Please help support the school by participating in this worthwhile fundraiser. If you would like more information please contact a committee member. Committee members are Maggie Boersma, Sarina DeBoer, Alice Nutma, or Karen Sipkens or by contacting the school. This is a great way to earn funds for the school just by buying your weekly groceries and every time you visit Tim Horton’s. Christian Counselling Annual Conference: The early registration deadline is quickly approaching for the Christian Counselling Centre’s annual conference on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 16 & 17, 2015. Our speaker will be Dr. Timothy Lane, speaking on “How People Change”. Register online at, by email or by phone 1-866-833-2741. Cost to attend is $30 per person or, $20 per person for groups of ten or more registering together, if registered before Oct. 1/15. Cost is $40 per person after Oct. 1/15. More information about the conference can be found at ROAD2HOPE 2015: Make a difference in the lives of children around the world through EduDeo Ministries! The 10th annual Road2Hope is on October 31st in Hamilton and truly is an amazing even to be involved in. Watch the video at to learn more and make sure you register by Oct. 1st to qualify for the early bird discount! Join us for Grand Parents’ & Seniors’ Appreciation Day at London District Christian Secondary School. All seniors (friends, supporters, and grandparents) are invited to visit us on Wednesday, October 14 (9:30 a.m. – 1p.m.), to celebrate with thanksgiving God’s faithfulness to the community and work of LDCSS over the past 50 years. We look forward to showing you around, and treating you to lunch and a special assembly just for you. The LDCSS Music department is looking for graduates who would be interested in singing in a special alumni choir at the 2015 Christmas Concert (Thursday, December 17 @ 7:30 pm), as part of our school’s 50th Anniversary celebration. If you are interested, please send your name, graduating year, and voice classification (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, or Bass) to Mr. Matthew Atkins ( 10:00 A.M. SERVICE 6:30 p.m. Service GOD CALLS US TO WORSHIP Welcome Gathering Song: Amid the Thronging Worshipers, LUYH 511 Call to Worship: Psalm 33:1-5 Silent Prayer Hymn of Response: We Praise You, O God, vs.1,3; LUYH 560 *God’s Greeting *Song of Praise: Praise Waits for Thee In Zion, BH 114 GOD CALLS US TO WORSHIP Welcome Gathering Song: Come, All You People, Praise our God LUYH495 Call to Worship (from Psalm 95 NIV) Silent Prayer Song of Response: Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying LUYH896 *God’s Greeting *Song of Praise: Holy God, We Praise Your Name LUYH540 GOD INVITES RE-COMMITMENT Call to Confession: Song of Confession: God, Be Merciful to Me, vs.1,3,4; LUYH 623 Assurance of Pardon: God’s Will For Us: 1 John 3:7-24 Song of Dedication: The Servant Song, LUYH 309 GOD INVITES OUR PRAISE Profession of Faith: Apostles Creed (in unison) Song of Response: How Vast the Benefits Divine LUYH688 CHILDREN’S TIME Meditation & Prayer (children leave for Sunday School) Song of Approach: Christian Hearts In Love United, LUYH 727 GOD’S WORD READ & PROCLAIMED Scripture: James 2:1-13 Sermon: Sacrificial Love *Song of Response: O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee, LUYH 325 WORSHIP WITH GIVING Offerings Offering Prayer GOD’S WORD READ & PROCLAIMED Scripture: 1 Peter 2: 1-10 Text: 1 Peter 2:9 Sermon: OUR ID *Song of Response: Church of God, Elect and Glorious LUYH252 GOD RECEIVES OUR OFFERINGS Offering Introduced & Received Offertory Prayer Hymn: Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee LUYH581 GOD HEARS AND BLESSES Prayer *Closing Hymn: My Friends, May You Grow in Grace LUYH938 *Benediction *Three-Fold Amen *Please stand if you are able. GOD HEARS & BLESSES Prayers of God’s People *Doxology: Christ the Lord Is Risen Today, vs.1,3,5; LUYH 182 *Benediction *Three-fold Amen