The Synopsis is a short summary describing the story . Synopsis: This travelogue will highlight one of
Washington's least known neighborhoods. It will explore points of interest including the fish market, boat rides along the Potomac and history about the oldest working naval port in the USA and the odd and obscure Titanic Memorial.
The Treatment is a narrative description of the production . Essentially, it uses colorful prose to excite the reader by describing what one would see when watching the completed production. Include core interviewees (A-roll) and what you visualize as their SoT (sound on tape) and locations. List general b-roll and specific types of possible shots. Think creatively! This will help you think and edit the story in your mind from the get-go. Also write an intro that would be read by the host.
Example of DC Neighborhood Travelogue Treatment in outline form
Intro: Southwest Washington is the smallest quadrant in the nation’s capital but holds a largely unknown gem to the outside world: the historic Waterfront.
For nearly two centuries this port was the city's largest working-class neighborhood and home to some of the young republic’s original military installations.
– montage of beauty shots of the water, SEQUENCE of ships, naval yard, then Graphics – Animated WaterFront
Trail signs pop up on map.
From here one can take a ride along the Potomac ship ... check out your favorite catch at the market... or ponder one of the most unusual memorials of the doomed ship the Titanic.
– shots of people on deck of ship enjoying the view SEQUENCE, montage of CUs of seafood, MS and ECU of
Titanic memorial
Fisherman's Market: Here I will describe the cornucopia of seafood available from around the world. Interview with fisherman with 15 years of experience Brett Williams INTERVIEW CONFIRMED He will talk about why so many customers come for this catch versus what is in the grocery stores
– lots of shots (esp ECU) of seafood, possible sequence of Brett tossing fish to each fishermen SEQUENCE OF
On cruise ship: Such catch of day comes from the same river that President Washington declared would serve the federal city of the fledging country.
Interview owner of the ship about what draws tourists to visit the Waterfront amidst Washington’s abundant and vibrant tourist stops JEFF GOLDEN INTERVIEW CONFIRMED
B-roll: ship passing by with camera at dock, sequence of travelers boarding the ship, beauty shots of Washington skyline from ship as it cruises the Potomac, interviewee walking on the ship
Cut to USS Barry at the Naval Yard
– can also visit historic ships in the old naval port still operating in the USA, discuss its role in the Cuban Missile Crisis, First Officer Glen Mather AGREED TO INTERVIEW He will explain what makes the ship unique
B-roll of navy yard, sailors walking in summer whites, ship in port, ES, MS, visitors going into the ship, sailors talking with tourists
Titanic Memorial: Will describe the history of memorial and that only NY and DC have Titanic memorials. Will also explain the unusual androgynous statue Historian Francis Thomas AGREED TO INTERVIEW
– Sequence of historian pondering the statue, CU of statue, rack focus of statue to ship passing by
– shot as a stand-up: at the end... walking along the ships at harbor --- these vessels reflect the maritime nature of a city founded by George
Washington at the convergence of two rivers... the Potomac and Anacostia…
B-roll – Sequence of family getting on their boat, seagulls flying by
TREATMENT Evaluation : based on whether core elements for a compelling story are in the treatment.
This is a treatment -- any script text you write is a bonus but you don't have to and if you don't you will not be penalized. But remember, we want to have 65% of the story in our mind before we go out and shoot, so the more we write before, the better.
Sample Shooting Schedule:
Wed May 30 weather forecast – as of Monday, may 28: some clouds arrive via metro to Waterfront at 9:30 shoot b-roll of neighborhood, old port, sea front, east potomac park
11:45 jump on Odessa cruise ship. Have permission from owner, Jeff Golden 202.422.5566, video people drinking on deck, beauty shots of Potomac and Washington icons from ship
2 pm back on shore, break
3:30 magic light – shots of boats in harbor, stand-up, shots of seagulls, ships going back and forth
Fri, June 1 weather forecast – as of Monday, may 28: lots of sunshine
10:00 call time for Historian interview at Titanic memorial will shoot using reflector and one light near the memorial and lav mic
Historian: Francis Thomas 202.565.3321,
11:00 shoot sequence of historian pondering memorial, number shots of memorial – pans to the sea
1 pm break
Sat, June 2 weather forecast – sunny
9:30 call time Have permission from Ass of Fishermen b-roll of fish market, lighting favorable, customers buying seafood, CU of seafood, reflector and shotgun mic available for b-roll.
11:00 Use lav mic for interview with Brett Williams 202.421.1099
2 pm Over to the Naval Yard. Have letter of permission from US Navy b-roll of ship, visitors, sailors, navy yard, interaction between sailors and visitors
3:30 pm interview with Glen Mather 202.869.4421
, b-roll with Glen and other sailors will have reflector and lav mic for Glen interview, will be prepared to film vox pop from tourists about what they think of the ship