MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE HELD ON 8 MAY 2006 Cllr K Armstrong Cllr P Demonti (Chairman) Cllr P Gray * Cllr L Pinnell (Vice Chairman) * Cllr Mrs N Symonds *Cllr R Taylor *Cllr K Warnell *Cllr Miss C Woodman * Cllr J Wyllie * Cllr K Barnes (ex-officio) * denotes present In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, Cllr Pinnell took the Chair. 586. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllr Demonti, Cllr Armstrong and Cllr Gray. 587. DECLARATION OF INTEREST Cllr Miss Woodman 588. Personal Appeals: 3/04/0751/FP MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 24 APRIL 2006 RESOLVED: that the Minutes of the meeting held on 24 April 2006 be approved as a correct record of the proceedings and signed by the Chairman. 589. PLANNING NOTIFICATIONS i) No objections were raised on the following applications: 3/06/0543/AD/CD Non-illuminated sign on front of building showing the company name Kenyon Kenyon House, Hockerill Street Applicant: Zane Heasman 3/06/0544/LB/CD Non illuminated sign on front of building showing the company name Kenyon made from coloured stainless steel individual letters and mounted on stainless steel studs 30mm from finished surface of the wall Kenyon House, Hockerill Street Applicant: Mr R A James 3/06/0550/FP/SE Two storey front, side and rear extensions, single storey pool and hot tub extension 4 Thornfield Road Applicant: Robin Nunn Note: Members requested that East Herts Council note the comments of the residents of No. 36b Hadham Road 3/06/0573/FP/SCD Erection of wooden boundary fence (retrospective) Clare Cottage, Westfield Road Applicant: Mark Thacker 246 3/06/0585/LB/LH Provision of en suite shower room to attic level. Removal of modern fitted furniture Blue House, Thorley Street Applicant: Blue House 3/06/0586/FP/SCD Change of use of part ground floor from A1 (Hairdressers) to A3/A4 Café/Bar The Water House Hairdressers, West Wing, Water House, Water Lane Applicant: Mr R James 3/06/0588/LB/SCD Internal alterations in relation to a change of use of part ground floor from A1 (hairdressers) to A3/A4 Café/Bar The Waterhouse Hairdressers, West Wing, Water House, Water Lane Applicant: Mr R A James Note: Members wished to see, in due course, an application for advertising consent in respect of the changes to the signage 3/06/0599/FP/SCD Single storey side extension and single storey link to garage. Conversion of part of garage to habitable room 24 Tailors Applicant: Mr and Mrs Allan Note: Whilst members had no objection to the proposed extensions, members wished to object to the proposed garage conversion, which was contrary to the Town Council’s policy BS002. The loss of the garage space to living accommodation, office or business space tended to cause extra onstreet parking and be detrimental to the street scene 3/06/0649/FP/LH Siting of 12 x 2.4m container (retrospective) BS Rugby Football Club, Silver Leys, Hadham Road Applicant: BS Rugby Football Club 3/06/0650/FP/SE Rear conservatory 27 Barley Hills Applicant: Terry Goodwin 3/06/0657/FP/CD First floor extension 6 Beechlands Applicant: Mr and Mrs Goodchild 3/06/0659/FP/CD Two storey side extension and single storey link to garage – revised scheme 12 Mayflower Gardens Applicant: Mr L Costi 3/06/0661/FP/SE Porch 41 Nursery Road Applicant: Mr D Pecheur 3/06/0670/FP/LH Two storey side and rear extension, single storey rear extension, 1st floor moved 1m from boundary, flat roof changed to a pitch 11 Audrey Gardens Applicant: Mrs A Williams 3/06/0671/FP/SE New exit onto Hazelend Road from North Stortford Pumping Station North Stortford Pumping Station, Hazelend Road Applicant: Three Valleys Water plc 247 3/06/0679/FP/SE Two storey side and single storey rear extension 12 Plaw Hatch Close Applicant: Peter Bentley 3/06/0682/FP/SCD Two storey side extension 9 Irving Close Applicant: D G Cowper Esq 3/06/0683/FP/CD 2no rear dormer windows 84 Hadham Road Applicant: Mr N Thomas 3/06/0688/FP/SE Erection of section of 1.8m palisade fencing to south of Truro House, erection of section of 1.5m palisade fencing adjacent to St Albans Hall and repositioning of front gates to allow unrestricted access on entry for cars Hockerill Anglo European College, Dunmow Road Applicant: Hockerill Anglo European College 3/06/0706/FP/PJC Change of use of two utilitarian agricultural buildings to B1 use in joint or separate occupation Thorley Hall Farm, Thorley Applicant: John Tinney & Co Ltd 3/06/0725/RP/AG Erection of 27no residential units and associated works – amended scheme (outline planning permission granted under ref. 3/04/1055/OP Havers Infant School, Elizabeth Road Applicant: Croudace Homes Ltd Note: Members requested that East Herts Council ensure that the remainder of the cherry trees fronting Elizabeth Road were not removed. ii. Objections were raised on the following applications: 3/06/0673/FP/SCD Proposed first floor extension to and division of existing house to form additional dwelling 176 South Street Applicant: Mrs M Gates Reason: Loss of visual amenity to residents of No: 1 and 3 Bowling Close due to the overbearing aspect of a blank brick wall facing the properties. 3/06/0742/PT/LH 12.5m high monopole with 3no internal antennae and 2no ground based equipment cabinets 65 metres west of Wentworth Drive. On adopted highway, Great Hadham Road Applicant: 02 (UK) Ltd Reason: Contrary to Town Council policy BS005. Bishop’s Stortford Town Council objects to any new telecommunication mast applications on the grounds of public health and safety and appearance and that no masts of any height should be placed within 250m of a residential area and 500m of any School. The proposed mast would be detrimental to the street scene, being situated very close to an existing mast. It was also considered that there were more suitable sites in close proximity. 248 590. PLANNING DECISIONS RESOLVED: that the attached list of planning decisions issued by East Herts Council be noted 591. APPEALS i To note the following appeals dismissed by the Planning Inspectorate: 592. 3/04/0751/FP Demolition of existing and construction of three dwellings 37 Thornfield Road Appellent: Mr and Mrs Courtenay 3/05/1619/FP Construction of one detached dwelling 54 Prestwick Drive Appellent: Mr R Wilson 3/05/1904/FP Erection of 11no 2 bed houses plus 11 cart lodges and 13 parking spaces 194-196 Stansted Road Appellent: The Croft Group Ltd STREET NAMING AND NUMBERING None to date. 593. 594. UP-DATED REPORTS i Traffic Safety – Church Street (first raised 27 Feb 2006) Letter sent to East Herts Council 7 March 2006. Response awaited. ii Wasteland Order, Former Fyfe Wilson (first raised 3 April 2006) Letter sent to East Herts Council 5 April 2006. Response awaited iii Highway Repairs (first raised 24 April 2006) Letter sent to Hertfordshire Highways and Inspector Lawrence 26 April 2006. Response awaited. iv Sponsorship of roundabouts (first raised 24 April 2006) Letter sent to Hertfordshire Highways 26 April 2006. Response awaited. ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDA i) Town Plan. Clare Pullen and Simon Andrews (EHC) to attend meeting on 30 May 2006 ii) Tidying of roundabouts (Cllr Miss Woodman) iii) Bishop’s Stortford Transport Study Consultation. Comments required by 2 June 2006 iv) To note Hertfordshire Local Transport Plan 2006/07 – 2010/11 v) Phase 2 of Jackson Square Development. Invitation to Mr D Ward of Wilson Bowden to discuss height of proposed development 595. URGENT BUSINESS None. 249