The Beautiful Mind? HTB, London, Friday March 26th 2009 930 Welcome Graham Tomlin 935 Worship HTB Band 945 Keynote 1 Abstract Title Biography Speaker Time Activity Please note, this is subject to change and will be confirmed on the day at Registration. …is the Principle of St Paul’s Theological Centre, Dean of St Mellitus College and an author and Welcome speaker. Rob Waller …is a Consultant Psychiatrist working for the NHS in Scotland and a Director of Mind and Soul. See below The rooms and venues will be decided nearer the time once bookings dictate popularity. All may run twice except Dominic Beer. Why we do what we do: Three Irrefutable Laws! So important to do well, yet so easy to do poorly – the placing of emotional health within our faith needs a firm foundation. Grace not Works. Discipleship not Diversion. Integration not Isolation. Growing up into Christ: some insights from psychology" This talk will look at some contemporary psychological theories of spiritual growth and explore some connections with biblical themes. The areas explored will include spiritual growth as goal directed behaviour; processes of change, continuity, and transformation; Christ as model and guide; spiritual fruits and gifts. 1015 Coffee 1045 Parallel Sessions 1145 Break 1200 Keynote 2 1230 Q&A Joanna Collicutt For Keynotes 1 &2 …is an Anglican priest and senior lecturer in psychology at Heythrop College, University of London, where she convenes the MA programme in psychology of religion. For many years she worked as a consultant clinical psychologist in the NHS. Her interests include medical ethics, the spirituality of those with special needs and pastoral liturgy. Abstract Title Biography Speaker Activity Time 1300 Lunch 1345 Keynote 2 Michael and Abigail Lloyd …is a Tutor in Theology, at St Paul’s Theological Centre, and assistant minister of a church in the City of London. He did his doctorate on the nature and origins of evil. He is the Author of ‘Café Theology’. …is a barrister, until recently specialising in Commercial Chancery Law. She taught at Cambridge, and is a frequent speaker at St Paul's Theological Centre, and Friday Forum, in the City of London.' The Purpose-Driven Life: Why it is ruinous for mental health Reflections on the profoundly damaging effect of aspects of Christian thinking. The need for a fully immanent, anti-gnostic, unreligious worldview. Messy Church: The tension unresolved Is 21st century church able to hold together the tension of giftedness and unresolved emotional and mental health issues. Do we need to be healed to be useful for the kingdom? 1415 Break 1430 Parallel Sessions 2 See below 1530 Break 1545 Keynote 4 Will Van Der Hart 1615 Q&A For keynotes 3 &4 1645 Conclusion Graham Tomlin 1700 Close Post1645 conference time 1745 Last Guests Leave …is Vicar of St Peter’s Harrow and a Director of Mind and Soul. He has a passion to see people set free from mental health problems and churches equipped to do this. Parallel A2 Parallel A3 Parallel A4 Abstract Title Biography Speaker Time Activity Parallel 1 Capturing The Affections: getting to the heart of the problem In the Word of God we have all that we need to address the human predicament; not only by way of analysis, but also by way of treatment. In Christ and the gospel there is sanity. Problems of behaviour and emotions are always related in some way to issues of belief. And that belief relates to the Word of God, and the promises God makes to us. That is why we can have confidence in the Bible to speak directly and effectively to our lives and circumstances. Demons: Do they, Don’t they, What If? Invariably the passage of Jesus healing the ‘Demoniac’ is used an example of mental illness in the Bible, however, this raises more questions than it answers. Was he suffering from schizophrenia? Do demons really exist? Was it just a cultural interpretation? If he was demon possessed, does the deliverance ministry offer the cure for all mental illness? Pablo Martinez …is a medical doctor and psychiatrist in private practice in Barcelona. He has a wide ministry as a lecturer, counsellor and speaker in more than 30 countries. He has authored three books on Christianity and emotions A Thorn in the Flesh: Finding Strength and Hope Amid Chronic Suffering Understanding and helping when you have a thorn in the flesh (situations of chronic suffering) is not an easy task. We need to focus on the light of hope rather than on the darkness of the trial; to speak of victory rather than defeat; not to be paralysed by the thorn’s venom but rather strengthened by the supernatural antidote of grace. Victory is forged along a costly road that ultimately leads to serene acceptance and to experience the power of Christ that is perfected in our weakness. Chris Gnanakan …is Director of Training for OTAN [Outreach to Asia Nationals], an organisation working with the persecuted church, and was former Professor of Pastoral Theology and Board Member of the World Council of Churches. Mental Health and Material Wealth: when prosperity theology promises emotional healing The promises and pitfalls of Pentecostal theology, illustrated by healers from Christianity and other faiths in the Indian subcontinent where the miraculous is commonplace. Implications for the UK and the world church. Stephen Timmis Jonathan Clark …is an elder in The Crowded House, an international church planting network, and has a particular interest in Biblical counselling …is a Director of Mind and Soul and runs Premier Life, including the telephone and email support line Premier Lifeline. He has been an Approved Social Worker and Church Minister. Parallel 6 Parallel 7 Parallel 8 Tara Gormley Kate Middleton Dominic Beer …is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist in private practice. Having seen personal transformation through the work of the Holy Spirit and psychological interventions, she has a longstanding interest in the relationship between Christianity and Psychology. …is a psychologist working in a Hertfordshire church, speaker and author. She was also director of Anorexia & Bulimia Care until 2008. Her passion is applying psychology to real life, enabling people to reach their full potential. …is a Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist, Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry and an author. He chairs the Christian Medical Fellowship Psychiatrists Group. Abstract Title Biography Speaker Time Activity Parallel 5 …is a leading international scholar on the theology of grace in the English Reformation. He is also an Olympic Chaplain and author Ashley Null of ‘Real Joy: Freedom to Be Your Best’, which helps athletes get beyond a performance-based identity. Perfectionism: Thomas Cramner’s Gospel for the Overachiever Are we called or driven? Is our identity based on our performance or the performance of Christ on the cross? Drawing on the stories of Paul, the Prodigal Son, the theology of Thomas Cramner and his work with Olympic athletes, Ashley challenges our own attempts at self-medication through achievement and shame-based motivation. He explores how we can make our activities reflect God's healing love instead." Prayer Ministry and Psychology: The Relationship and the Risks What are the psychological aspects of prayer ministry? What do you do when prayer ministry doesn’t work? Can prayer ministry and psychological therapy work together? What can go wrong... ‘If we claim to be without emotion...’ Emotions are crucial to the way our brains operate. But for Christians some emotions can be seen as ‘undesirable’; even sinful. This seminar explains what emotions really are for, and considers how attempts to suppress them can itself lead us into sin. What should we change about the church’s attitude toward emotions? Mad, Bad or Sad: A Christian Approach to Antisocial Behaviour Is antisocial behaviour driven by psychology, sin or sickness; by upbringing, social or genetic factors? Dominic draws on his work with patients who are in contact both with the NHS and the Criminal Justice System and suggests ways in which the church can help. He has edited a recent book called “Mad, Bad or Sad?: a Christian approach to antisocial behaviour and mental disorder”.