USE OF TECHNOLOGIES OF MOBILE OFFICE IN PROJECT TUITION Tomáš Vaculka Tomáš Vaculka, Nádražní 816, 696 03 Dubňany, Česká Republika Tel +420 518 366250, e-mail: Abstract: This article deals with possibilities of use of technologies of mobile office. In introduction the notion of “mobile office” is explained together with possibilities of use of internet application “richer” in user adventures (RIA). A concise history of mobile offices development is inscribed here, also technologies of internet application approximately from the 80’s last century. In this context the influence of Google, Inc. is mentioned. This corporation is one of the significant representatives of internet industry. Our school exploits technologies of mobile office by Google, Inc. in project tuition. Its application is based on AJAX technologies (Asynchronous javascript and XML) which enables the page to be worked on the server and not to oppress the users. Only a given part of the page which is worked on is executed. At the end of my article I mention the security service and future advancement of technologies. Some new technologies can be found in mobile telephones. Key words: Technologies, Project tuition, Google, Ajax, Rich Internet Application, Google docs, Mobile technologies, Android, HTML, Mobile office, asynchronous. Mobile office technologies embody access to any material wherever and wherever and we can work with it very quickly. Revolution in this matter represents especially use of Rich Internet Applications (RIA) which means internet applications of “richer” user adventures, e.g. AJAX technologies. RIA means a new trend of other generation of internet applications. There are several technologies of their development. The most popular are those based or HTML or plug-ins. A new player in RIA is Microsoft bringing solution of Windows Presentation Foundation. The main difference between traditional applications and RIA is that data have to be recorded for every demand. Data are recorded only once and after that they are immediately ready to use during application operating. Or there are continuously recorded on the background without the user knows about it and is troubled. History. In the 80’s the desktop applications originated with rich user experience due to computer operation growth. The disadvantages were their decentralization and lack of data actualization. It was very difficult to ensure the unified version of application through all the users. New versions had to be manually installed. So degree of development didn’t exist as it is nowadays. In the 90’s last century a rapid development of internet was joined with a new application model. The application itself run on server and client computer only rendered the page which was sent to it by server application. It could seen to became a breakthrough act nevertheless much of graphic boundary because it was limited by restriction of internet browser and HTML language. Google corporation protected Ajax platform and this enabled it to put itself through at the field of internet applications. This technology helped to originate new quicker applications and even quicker boom of mobile offices. Google broke into the market in the 90’s and rapidly reached the top of world internet. All this started by the idea to make a simple and quick finder which could be later added by other various appliances. Like almost each new firm dealing with information technologies Google’s very beginnings weren’t too easy, but in a very quick period of time it achieved eminent place in information technologies field. Google protected asynchronous javascript technologies together with XML at the time when its headquarters were in “Googleplex” in Mountain View, California, and it was significant in the internet field. Accessible technologies today We lived in the world of modern technologies and continual innovation so we can choose to use mobile offices from our PC or a notebook, or even our mobile phone. Communication is arranged by the help of high-speed internet, so that one can join (e.g. using his mobile phone) Google docs and change their contents wherever and wherever. To innovate informative and communicative technologies and also to improve the quality of tuition we used the Google docs application in project education which in fact represents a mobile office. Google technologies are nowadays based on AJAX technologies which enables more people work up one document at the same time. AJAX technologies Most of technologies is based just on technologies asynchronous javascript and XML which generally means technology of interactive application development that change their pages without the need of their resetting. Users’ environment is cosier in contrast with classical web applications, but it demands use of modern web browsers. Ajax in fad is not a concrete particular technology but a term specifying the use of several technologies together with a certain goal. Junction of this technologies allows individual work on server and thus does not burden the user’s page. Boundary XMLHttp Request is used for asynchronous data change with web server. It allows web applications communication between a server and a client by the means of protocol http. Advantages of AJAX are founded on acceleration the user’s work because a new page need not be recorded again and again. A certain part of page which is worked up is taken and when it is worked up it is send from server back. Data transmission time is saved. Disadvantages of AJAX : it does not allow to use the button BACK in browser. Sometimes BACK button cannot be used, sometimes it does not work as it is suspected. It sends to user to the previous page, but not to previous operation because that is worked up internally and function of BACK button does not apply to it. In addition to it users work having been done with AJAX could be lost. The address of page does not change so it is impossible to send this modified page by e-mail or to insert into a bookmark. Problem is solved by reference to inner page (repetition of Java Script Address). JavaScript will find it and will put the page to original status. The problem is that the subject computer has to be able to work work with JavaScript. References to inner pages are solved by modifying the BACK button, but it is more difficult but not impossible. We should not forget that with the help of AJAX we are not able to manage everything we want to. Protocol http is not suitable for applications collaborating intensively with a server – the problem is that every demand has to be joined with the server. This connection will be finished after demand settled it slows the application. In AJAX system it is not possible that the server itself contacts the user when necessary. It works in chat function when the server summons the participants of the chat when a new message appears. Chat with the help of AJAX is based on the fact that a page consistently asks the server about a new message delivered. Thus AJAX technology is used the best for providing functions which enable the user quicker and easier work. It is suitable to be used in various whispers such as Google Suggest or generally known Diamond scanner at Project tuition at EPI Introduction of Google docs into project tuition lead to higher communication among teachers and students. The main positives of project tuition are that we can at one place file the list of projects into a certain subject. Students are able to communicate themselves at a real time by the help of discuss group or chat, and at the same time, they can adjust on examine a document they are working at. Group communication runs on the principle of invitation cards : e-mail is invited in the group and invited user can communicate with others at a real time. Documents can be exported into patterns which are compatible to Microsoft office. The contents of Google docs is on internet compensation of Word, Excel and Power-Point languages. Patterns for Word : rtf, doc, pdf, txt, odt and HTML page compressed in pattern zip. Patterns for Excel : csv, html, ods, pdf, txt and xls. In Google applications the documents are divided according the title, date of introducing as well as affixing them to certain users or groups. Another chance is to choose, with the help of a panel in left part of page, only specified documents or only those ones, which are bound only some of users. Graphics is to be entered into specific picture located in external source either from PC you are working at or somewhere from web. It is possible to change its pattern of projection and location on the page. The pictures cannot be inserted from receiver with the help of orders CTRL+C and CTRL+V. Speed of upload is very important when inserting graphics because pictures with high capacity would be waited for a long time. Loading the page coukld be slowed down. That is why pictures of lower capacity should be loaded. A new function in Google docs is the possibility to create right on internet (PowerPoint). Till now it was very difficult to create on-line presentation on internet, but it changes with using new technologies Google still exploits. In Google docs the functions are quite sufficient to make good presentations but animation possibilities is fully compatible with application patterns created on your PS or taken from another presentation loaded in your web documents. You are able to export them only by using web page archived in zip pattern. Approach to internet administrative support Google Apps is offered by Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connection. Google affords on approach to its services with the help on HTTPS protocol and this protocol admits only users with password to contact the application. Thanks to this security all are coded. By the way, Google is saved by the newest filters against spasm, viruses and hackers and it is constantly freshened. Protective Google team collaborates with external pages, so it is one of the most saved internet systems. We have also to mention other suppliers on-line office parcels and other services. According to many representatives Zoho offers the best text processors and relatively interesting presentation editor. ThinkFree offers alternative in Java language. The priority of Google Applications is localized in the Czech Republic, of course. Interesting alternative are the services of online office offered by Bohemian and Moravian informative systems (ČMIS) In the Czech language, but you must paid for them. Office Live Workplace – an alternative of Microsoft – runs for the present in English. Future development and technologies Future system of mobile phones is based on the platform Android which should compete with expanded Windows CE or Symbian. Android as it is consist of four main divisions. - Linux core (it means currently stable 2.6 range). It embodies drivers used for simple computer peripherals (work with display, WiFi, …), it cares for security management or power management. - Nativ libraries Then Open GL|ES, browsaw engine WebKit, database SQLite, libraries working with media, etc.. - Android runtime Virtual machine Dalvik especially debugged for mobile equipment in the light of thelowest memory costingness. Each application run in its own process, in its own VM resort. - Application framework Window manager, package manager, phone or GPS manager… New mobile phones supporting Android technologies should be to get in the second half of this year. In a few years we will look forward to complete voice application control not only in PC, notebook or mobile phone. Later on we could face an introduction of virtual reality in form of teaching aid. And, of course, in common life. According the analysis of British scientists from British Telecommunications plc named Technology Timeline, in the course of 2013 – 2017 we will live to see computers separately writing software needed for their functioning, and after 2020 we would experience direct connection with human intelligence (Brain). Literature used: [1] [2] [3] [4] MOORE, D.; BUDD, R.; BENSON, E. Professional Rich Internet Application : AJAX and Beyond. Indianapolis : Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2007. ISBN 978-0-470-08280-5 VISE, D. A.; MALSEED, M. Google Story. Praha : Pragma, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7349-034-8 Android : An Open Handset Alliance Project [online]. 2008 [cit. 2008-02-02]. Dostupný z WWW: <>. Google Apps [online]. 2007 [cit. 2008-02-02]. Dostupný z WWW: <>. Adresa: Tomáš Vaculka Nádražní 816, 696 03 Dubňany