Archived Data Management System Data Model FINAL REPORT Prepared for U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Office of Highway Policy Information 400 Seventh Street, SW Washington, D.C. 20590 September 11, 2002 Prepared by 505 King Avenue Columbus, OH 43021 Trevilon Corporation Cambridge Systematics, Inc. DISCLAIMER This report is a work prepared for the United States Government by Battelle. In no event shall either the United States Government or Battelle have any responsibility or liability for any consequences of any use, misuse, inability to use, or reliance on the information contained herein, nor does either warrant or otherwise represent in any way the accuracy, adequacy, efficacy, or applicability of the contents hereof. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACRONYM LIST .......................................................................................................................... V EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................... VI Data Model Development Process ..................................................................................... vi Complications ................................................................................................................... vii The Data Model ................................................................................................................ vii Communications Interface Model......................................................................... vii Incident Report..................................................................................................... viii Traffic Report.......................................................................................................... x Compatibility Analysis ..................................................................................................... xii Future Directions .............................................................................................................. xii Need to Refine Model ........................................................................................... xii Need to Harmonize Data ....................................................................................... xii Need to Coordinate Model with Message Set Efforts ......................................... xiii Need to Extend Model ......................................................................................... xiii Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... xiii CHAPTER 1: 1.1 1.2 1.3 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1 Background ............................................................................................................. 1 Objectives and Scope .............................................................................................. 1 Organization of Report ........................................................................................... 2 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................... 3 2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3 2.2 Archived Data User Service and Archived Data Management System .................. 4 2.2.1 National ITS Architecture ........................................................................... 4 2.2.2 ADUS and ADMS ...................................................................................... 4 2.3 ADUS Standards ..................................................................................................... 9 2.3.1 ITS Standards Development ....................................................................... 9 2.3.2 ADUS Standards Development ................................................................ 10 2.4 Data Modeling ...................................................................................................... 11 2.4.1 Data Modeling Concepts........................................................................... 11 2.4.2 ADMS Data Modeling .............................................................................. 12 CHAPTER 3: DATA MODEL .................................................................................................... 16 3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 16 3.1.1 General ...................................................................................................... 16 3.1.2 Actors ........................................................................................................ 17 ADMS Administrator................................................................. 17 Archived Data User.................................................................... 17 Data Provider ............................................................................. 17 Government Reporting System .................................................. 17 Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report i TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Page 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Remote Archive ......................................................................... 17 Financial Institution ................................................................... 18 3.1.3 Organization of Chapter ............................................................................ 18 Concept of Operations .......................................................................................... 18 3.2.1 Section Tutorial ......................................................................................... 19 3.2.2 Service Diagrams ...................................................................................... 22 Introduction ................................................................................... 22 Service Descriptions ..................................................................... 23 Functional Requirements ...................................................................................... 27 3.3.1 Section Tutorial ......................................................................................... 27 3.3.2 Service Requirements ............................................................................... 28 Login Service Requirements ......................................................... 28 Administrative Services Requirements ......................................... 28 User Services Requirements ......................................................... 32 Interaction Specification ....................................................................................... 34 3.4.1 Section Tutorial ......................................................................................... 35 3.4.2 Interface Specifications ............................................................................. 37 Manage Archive Configuration .................................................... 37 Retrieve Data ................................................................................ 39 Submit Data .................................................................................. 45 Data Dictionary ..................................................................................................... 48 3.5.1 Compatibility Analysis ............................................................................. 48 3.5.2 Section Tutorial ......................................................................................... 49 Communications Interface ............................................................ 49 Incident Report.............................................................................. 49 Traffic Report................................................................................ 56 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................... 65 List of Appendices Appendix A – Manage Archive Configuration Details .............................................................. A-1 Appendix B – Retrieve Data Service Details .............................................................................. B-1 Appendix C – Submit Data Service Details ................................................................................ C-1 Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report ii TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Page LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1. Stakeholders for Archived ITS Data ............................................................................ 5 LIST OF FIGURES Figure ES-1. Figure ES-1. Figure ES-2a. Figure ES-2b. Figure ES-3. Retrieve Data – View of Participating Classes Diagram ..................................... viii Retrieve Data – View of Participating Classes Diagram ..................................... viii Incident Report Diagram, Part 1 ............................................................................ ix Incident Report Diagram, Part 2 ............................................................................. x Traffic Reports Diagram ........................................................................................ xi Figure 2-1. Figure 2-4. ITS Data Mart Market Package: National ITS Architecture, available at (as of March 2001) ........................................................... 8 ITS Data Warehouse Market Package: National ITS Architecture, available at (as of March 2001) ........................................................... 8 ITS Virtual Data Warehouse Market Package: National ITS Architecture, available at (as of March 2001) ........................................ 9 Data Modeling Process ......................................................................................... 14 Figure 3-1. Figure 3-2. Figure 3-3. Figure 3-4. Figure 3-5. Figure 3-6. Figure 3-7. Figure 3-8. Figure 3-9. Figure 3-10. Figure 3-11. Figure 3-12. Figure 3-13. Figure 3-14. Figure 3-15. Figure 3-16. Figure 3-17. Sample Physical Architecture for an ADMS ........................................................ 20 Identifying Actors on a System............................................................................. 21 Sample Use Case Diagram for ADMS ................................................................. 22 Login Service Diagram ......................................................................................... 23 Administrative Services Diagram ......................................................................... 24 User Services Diagram ......................................................................................... 26 Sample Sequence Diagram for Login Service ...................................................... 35 Sample VOPC Diagram for Login Service ........................................................... 36 Manage Archive Configuration - Sequence Diagram ........................................... 37 Manage Archive Configuration – View of Participating Classes Diagram .......... 39 Retrieve Data – Sequence Diagram ...................................................................... 40 Traffic Reports Diagram ....................................................................................... 42 Retrieve Data - View of Participating Classes Diagram ....................................... 43 Incident Report Diagram, Part 1 ........................................................................... 44 Incident Report Diagram, Part 2 ........................................................................... 45 Submit Data - Sequence Diagram ......................................................................... 46 Submit Data - View of Participating Classes Diagram ......................................... 47 Figure 2-2. Figure 2-3. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report iii TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Page List of Figures (Continued) Figure A-1. Manage Archive Configuration - Sequence ........................................................ A-2 Figure B-1. Figure B-2. Figure B-3. Figure B-4. Retrieve Data – Sequence ................................................................................... B-1 Retrieve Data Consumer Interaction – Sequence ............................................... B-3 Retrieve Data Consumer-Supplier – Sequence ................................................... B-4 Retrieve Data Supplier Interaction – Sequence .................................................. B-5 Figure C-1. SubmitData – Sequence ...................................................................................... C-2 Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report iv ACRONYM LIST AADT – Average Annual Daily Traffic ADMS – Archived Data Management Systems ADU – Archived Data User ADUS – Archived Data User Systems CORBA – Common Object Request Broker Architecture CVO – Commercial Vehicle Operations DFD – Data Flow Diagram ER – Entity Relationship ESAL – Equivalent Single Axle Loads FARS – Fatality Analysis Reporting System GRS – Government Reporting System GUI – Graphical User Interface HAZMAT – Hazardous Material HOV – High Occupancy Vehicle HPMS – Highway Performance Monitoring System IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IT – Information Technology ITS – Intelligent Transportation Systems MPO – Metropolitan Planning Organization NTCIP – National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol NTD – National Transit Database TCIP – Transit Communications Interface Profiles TDF – Travel Demand Forecasting TMDD – Traffic Management Data Dictionary UML – Unified Modeling Language VOPC – View of Participating Classes Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report v EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Much of the data generated by intelligent transportation systems (ITS) can be of great value beyond their immediate use in real-time situations, such as reacting to an incident. ITS equipment collects significant amounts of data; however, little of it is archived for future use by traffic planners and other interested parties. Performance monitoring, near-term and long-term planning and analysis, and many other applications can make use of this information. Accordingly, the Archived Data User Service (ADUS) was added to the National ITS Architecture and a Federal program to promote ITS data archiving was instituted. This document proposes a data model for use by Archived Data Management Systems (ADMS) to store such data. This document defines the requirements for an Archived Data Management System (ADMS) as derived from the requirements contained in the National ITS Architecture. Reformatting of these requirements has been performed in order to define more clearly the key actors (entities that interact with the system), and how they use the system. These associations are then categorized as: (1) an implementation-specific interface that is not subject to standardization, (2) a critical association that should be investigated in the first phase of the effort to produce an Archived Data Model, or (3) an association that may be the subject of a future effort. Data Model Development Process Developing a robust data model requires considerable thought. Over the years, the information technology (IT) industry has developed well-defined systems engineering processes in order to develop such models. The ADMS Data Modeling effort uses the state-of-the-art process known as the Rational Unified Process, which combines the philosophies of three world-renowned experts in IT (Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch, and James Rumbaugh) into a single development framework [9]. The first step in this process was to identify the major services that the system will provide. This was initially achieved by looking at the National ITS Architecture and then was validated through user interviews. This analysis identified two major categories of services: those provided to ADMS administrators and those provided to more general users. Administrative services include functionality to: (a) Request Archive Metrics, (b) Submit Data, (c) Manage the Archive Configuration, (d) Retrieve Data, and (e) Manage the Archive. Services that relate to ADMS end-users (also referred to as Archived Data Users [ADUs]), include the ability to: (a) Request a Government Report, (b) Request a Data Catalog, and (c) Request Data. Both sets of users also share a service for authentication, the Login service. Once these services were defined, the next step was to analyze them to determine how the system would provide these services. However, not all services needed to be investigated for the limited purposes of this project. After reflecting on the various services and system interfaces, the project team realized that the interface with the data providers would drive the design of the data model because an ADMS is intended to archive data provided by these other systems. Thus, Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report vi the analysis focused on those services that included interactions with data providers, Manage Archive Configuration, Submit Data, and Retrieve Data. The analysis of each of these interfaces focused on the sequence of data exchanges between the systems and the structures of data passed at each step. The data model itself is then directly derived from the structures passed during the data exchanges. Complications The reader should understand that the model proposed in this document is based on a combination of existing standards. However, many of the interface standards for data providers are in flux. In particular, the definition of “incident” is inconsistent among the various functional areas of ITS (e.g., the traffic community versus the transit community versus the incident management community). This document is based on the best attempt to be consistent with these approaches while also considering current trends to harmonize the various standards efforts. The Data Model The resulting data model contains the following three major components: the communications interface model, the incident report model, and the traffic report model. Communications Interface Model The initial analysis efforts identified the overall structure/architecture required by the system. The project team realized that the various users of ADMS systems were suggesting conflicting arguments. Some users wanted to be able to log all information in real time, while other users wanted to log selected information in real-time, and yet other users wanted to be able to periodically dial-up a given system and download information that had been buffered over some period. Analysis of these varied needs, coupled with a review of the various designs that have been proposed by other ITS Standards efforts, revealed a third logical architectural component, which has been termed a Proxy. Both the Data Provider and the ADMS would log into the Proxy. The Data Provider would transmit all information to this proxy as it became available. The ADMS could, if desired, instruct the proxy to filter the information so that the Proxy would pass on only information meeting certain criteria. Further, the Proxy would be able to buffer the data until the ADMS was able to receive it (for example, at the end of the day when the ADMS calls in). This process is depicted in Figure ES-1. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report vii Catalog ADMS Proxy Data Provider <<uses>> Structured Event <<uses>> Figure ES-1. Retrieve Data – View of Participating Classes Diagram This design defines only the logical existence of a Proxy and does not specify where the Proxy physically exists. It could be an internal part of a Data Provider, an internal part of an ADMS, a separate physical system, or a combination (i.e., the design works with multiple layers of proxies). This design provides considerable flexibility to implementing agencies in deciding where equipment is located and in deciding how the equipment is funded. In order for the ADMS to define filters, there must be some mechanism by which the ADMS can determine what data are available from a Data Provider. The proposed model returns these data in a Catalog object class. The ADMS then notifies the Proxy of the appropriate filters by sending a series of strings (a string is a simple parameter and therefore is not explicitly shown in this model). Finally, the exchanges between the Data Provider and the ADMS would use a generic structure, called a Structured Event, in order to pass data. The Structured Event is an abstract concept that does not exist itself, but can be customized to represent any data structure of interest. This project focused on two specific instances of Structured Event, the incident report and the traffic report, which are defined below. Incident Report The Incident Report contains information relating to roadway incidents. Unfortunately, at present there are very different views as to how incidents should be recorded, as reflected by IEEE 1512, TMDD, and NTCIP standards. This model has been primarily based on the IEEE 1512 standard, as this seems to be the most mature and robust of the three. However, the reader should realize that changes are likely in all three of these standards and these changes should be considered before implementation. Future efforts will address the harmonization results. Figures ES-2a and ES-2b describe how the Structured Event object class is specialized to provide incident information. The open boxed arrow pointing from the Incident Report to the Structured Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report viii Event indicates that an Incident Report is a type of (or specialization of) a Structured Event. This means that it can be used anywhere a Structured Event is referenced, such as when a Data Provider passes data to the ADMS via the Proxy. The Incident Report will include an eventID to identify the Event with which it should be associated and may additionally contain other associated pieces of information shown in the diagram. Over a period of time, the ADMS may receive a series of Incident Reports that describe details of the Event as they change or become known. Through this series of reports, the ADMS will be able to record a dynamic view of what a given incident looks like. Alternatively, an ADMS may wish to subscribe only for final reports about the incident, in which case the Proxy would filter out all but the final report and the ADMS would record only the final view of the incident. Structured Event Incident Report eve ntID : In teg er 1 1 1 0..1 0..* Pedigree List e ve nt : Strin g e ve nt-des c : Stri ng Traffic Plan 1 1 0 ..1 0..1 Veh icle Report 1 0 ..* 0..1 Traffic Impact lane Con fig : Integ er lane sBlo cked : Inte ge r should ersBlo cke d : Inte ge r Lanes Dire ctio nOfTravel-co de : e nu m Lanes To talL anes-quan tity : In teg er qual : Integ er time : Integ er Incident Information Vehicle ID : Integer Typ : String Dam : Stri ng OccCnt : Integ er VIN : String Tag : String Sta te : Inte ge r Make : Integ er Model : Intege r Yea r : Inte ge r Color : Integer Desc : String time : In teg er q ua l : In teg er in cidentID : Integer The detail s here have been omitted he re for cla ri ty. See the subsequ ent diagram for these deta ils. Figure ES-2a. Incident Report Diagram, Part 1 Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report ix Incident Informat ion Description agencyReporting : Integer incSubType : String descripShortText : String descripLongText : String incidentCmdr : Integer descripWitnesses : String Description-text : String DescriptionAuthor-text : String NotesAndCommentsAuthor - text : String 0..1 1 1 1 1 0..* Event Times value : Integer time : Integer qual : Integer 0..1 Location Type-code 0..* RelationToJunct ion-code NonMotorist-code LandmarkType-code ExitRampEnd-identifier Ent ranceRampBegin-identifier Roadway-identifier Severit y priority : Integer prioritizer : St ring severit y : Int eger fat alit yCnt : Int eger injuryCnt : Int eger 1 1 1 1 1 0.. * Cross Street LRMS OriginNodeOrder-code OffsetType-code NodeValence-quantity 0..* Coordinates 0..* Longitude Altitude Occurrence-number End-text End-identifier Begin-text Begin-identifier 0..* 0..* Street Roadway End-number Begin-number Side-code Name-text 1 0..* Street Name InfoFlag-c ode IndexFlag-code Figure ES-2b. Incident Report Diagram, Part 2 Traffic Report The second specialization of the Structured Event object class investigated in this study was the Traffic Report. This class describes roadway traffic conditions. Fortunately, the various ITS Standards are much more stable in this area than in Incident Management (discussed above), although the reader should recognize that the standards are still relatively new and in some cases not officially balloted. Thus, the content of this model is also subject to change. A Traffic Report is modeled as an aggregation of Roadway Link Reports and Roadway Detector Reports. A Roadway Link Report describes the status of a Roadway Link at a specific point in time, whereas a Roadway Detector Report describes the information obtained from a Roadway Detector (also referred to as a Link Data Source) for a specific time. The data for the Roadway Link are typically derived from one or more detectors on that link, and the Data Provider may choose to summarize these data in any way it sees fit. Of course, for each report, there is also an associated definition of the link (or detector). Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report x Vehicle Class : Integer Speed : Integer Length : Integer FrontOv erhang : Integer RearOv erhang : Integer Wheelbase : Integer Clearance : Integer Height : Integer Width : Integer Gap : Integer Headway : Integer GrossWeight : Integer SeqNum : Integer StatusFlag : Integer Acceleration : Integer dcmNumVehicleIDs : Integer dcmVehicleID : Integer dcmVehicleTimeTag100 : Integer ... NumAxles : Integer Structured Ev ent Traf f ic Report 1 1 Axle Number : Integer Width : Integer TireCount : Integer TireTrack : Integer Lef tWheelWeight : Integer RightWheelWeight : Integer Weight : Integer WeightViolationCode : Integer . .. +leadingAxle 0..* +trailingAxle 0..* Roa dway Li nk Repo rt Roadway Detector Report timestamp LinkLanesOpen LinkDensity LinkLev elOf Serv ice LinkRestrictions LinkSurf aceCondition LinkPriority LinkDelay LinkOv ersaturatedFlag LinkSpeed LinkStatus LinkOccupancy Percent LinkTrav elTime collectionPeriod 0..* v ol ume occu pa ncy Perc enta ge spee d sm oo thed Volume sm oo thed Occ upanc y sm oo thed Spee d collect io nPeri od endTim e : Int eg er S tatus : In tege r 0..* WIM Measurement weight AxleGap spac in g 0..* 0..* 1 LRMS 1 Roadway Link LinkID +associatedLink Link Data Source +detectors0..* 0..* 1 0. .* 1 OriginNodeOrder-code Of f setTy pe-code 0... NodeValence-quantity 0..* 0..* 0..* Parameter Rea di ng v al ue +reading 0..* +parameter name def inition 1 units Roadway Detector DetectorID ty pe Figure ES-3. Traffic Reports Diagram Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report xi Compatibility Analysis The data presented in this document are 100% compatible with existing ITS standards, with the exception of four new data elements. We are proposing the addition of these new data elements in order to provide a standardized way for an archive to store non-standardized data. The new data elements are: Parameter - name - definition - units Reading - value Future Directions This project has resulted in the production of the first draft of a data model for ADMS purposes. However, several issues are still outstanding at the end of this project as described below. Need to Refine Model This project produced the first reviewed draft of the ADMS Data Model. This draft reflects user review and comment; however, a proper systems engineering process requires an iterative approach that considers all aspects of the system. Thus, while this process has considered the most critical interface that impacts the design of the model, it has not fully considered other interfaces that also may impact the model in less pronounced ways. For example, there was a defined user need to aggregate older data so that historic information can be stored more efficiently; however, since this did not directly involve an interface with the Data Provider, its impact on the data model was not fully considered. Likewise, the need for a Proxy was not fully reflected back into the full documentation. The existence of this additional architectural component should be reflected back into the initial levels of the analysis and applied to all aspects of the analysis in order to ensure a consistent design. However, this was not seen to directly impact the limited goals of this project (i.e., producing an initial data model) and thus was not performed as a part of this project. Need to Harmonize Data As mentioned previously, the data model represents the best attempt made to reflect the existing standards and current trends to harmonize these standards. However, it is inevitable that even the best efforts to predict the future will not be 100 percent compatible with the final result. Thus, once these harmonization issues are more completely resolved, the model will need to be updated. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report xii Need to Coordinate Model with Message Set Efforts This project was intended only to develop the data model for the data and does not define the message structures required to ensure interoperable design. For example, the existence of a Roadway Link Report has been defined as well as the association between the report and the existence of the Roadway Link itself. However, exactly how the information about the Roadway Link is transferred between the systems or what data elements in the model are mandatory for transmission versus optional remains to be determined. In order to build interoperable systems, these additional details must be defined. Likewise, the concept that a Data Provider must provide a catalog of data for which an ADMS can subscribe has been decided; however, the precise values that may be used for this catalog have not been identified. Need to Extend Model Finally, this model has only scratched the surface of data that an ADMS may wish to archive. There is a great deal of other information stored by data providers that an ADMS may wish to record, such as any data describing the status of virtually any field device. At some point, the model should be extended to reflect this more complete set of data. Conclusions This project has produced an initial data model for the ADMS effort in an attempt to promote further discussion and progress towards achieving interoperable systems; however, additional work remains before interoperability can be realized. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report xiii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Data modeling is a method used to define and analyze data requirements needed to support the business functions of an enterprise. These data requirements are recorded as a conceptual data model with associated data definitions. Data modeling defines the relationships between data elements and structures. The purpose of data modeling is to provide a framework for data integration and interoperability. Archived Data Management System (ADMS) users have a particular need to understand the structures and relationships of data concepts/elements from intelligent transportation systems (ITS) because ADMS users access and combine data from multiple sources (both ITS and nonITS). An ADMS data model will help users get the most from ITS-generated data as well as provide a basis for harmonization of similar data elements from different sources. Since there is no overall ITS data model, this effort will produce a high-level data model suitable for ADMS developers and users. A high-level data model for ADMS is a generic data model that is more detailed than the National ITS Architecture and provides developers of systems and standards with a starting point for ADMS system design. Such a data model would promote interoperability and harmonization of ADMS with other parts of ITS. This work plan presents an overview of the scope and objectives of the Archived Data Management System (ADMS) Data Model project, summarizes discussions from the expert panel meeting, provides a commentary based on the expert discussions, and outlines the approach for the development of the data model. The purpose of this work plan is to help the COTR, project team, and expert panel address issues about the scope and approach arising from the expert panel meeting. It is important that all parties have a clear understanding of and agreement on the project scope, approach, and expectations. Consensus on these issues is critical to the successful conduct of the project as well as the usefulness of the outputs from the project. 1.2 Objectives and Scope The objectives of this project are to: Develop a high-level data model for ADMS that covers the key data concepts and relationships used in the Travel and Traffic Management user service bundle, and Use this model to show how key data concepts from the systems and services within the scope can be made comparable among themselves. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 1 The ADMS data model must be consistent with the National ITS Architecture. This project will focus on the archiving of data flows in the Travel and Traffic Management user service bundle (e.g., Advanced Traveler Information Systems and Advanced Traffic Management Systems), including the data needed for interfacing with other ADMS, public transportation management, commercial vehicle electronic clearance, and traffic monitoring systems for transportation planning purposes. The data model is expected to facilitate communication, sharing, and archiving of data that spans different systems. The focus of the data model is on travel and traffic management because this user service requires more data sharing than other services. 1.3 Organization of Report The remainder of this report is divided into three chapters and three appendices: Chapter 2 presents a literature review addressing ADUS and ADMS, ADUS Standards, and concepts applicable to all data modeling as well as those specific to ADMS. Chapter 3 provides the details of the data model, including descriptions of the operations and key services of ADMS. The interaction specifications and service designs are clarified, and a thorough listing of message exchanges by the systems and services are defined. The significance of each of the specific classes, data elements, and methods are also clarified. Finally, the appendices provide supplementary information about ADMS services. Appendix A details the Manage Archive Configuration service, Appendix B discusses the Retrieve Data service, and Appendix C concludes the document with information about the Submit Data service. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 2 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction A key feature of ITS is the ability to collect and use transportation information to improve the overall system performance. ITS applications can generate vast amounts of data that are used in managing system operations, which are also very valuable for other applications. For example, real-time traffic data from roadway sensors and incident management centers can, in addition to traffic operations, provide a valuable tool for planning purposes. The need to increase the capabilities of ITS systems to include the archiving and use of real-time data is recognized [1]. The ITS Archiving 5-year Program Description report [1] identified 14 stakeholder groups as having an interest in the use of data generated by ITS. Archived ITS data can not only replace or supplement existing data sources but also can provide new avenues for planning and system analysis. The continuous nature coupled with data aggregation in small intervals of time will help in providing greater resolution and reducing sampling errors. Recognizing the need for supporting the archival of real-time ITS data, U.S DOT revised the National ITS Architecture [2] to include functions necessary to archive, store, and distribute these data. This goal was achieved by adding a User Service to the existing User Services (Archived Data User Service), the equipment package – (Archived Data Management System), and the corresponding relationships between the other elements of the National Architecture. Currently, various agencies around the country are in various stages of development of their archive data management systems. Turner, 1999 [3] provides a comprehensive review of existing applications of archived traffic data. The ADUS 5-year Program Description report [1] has also identified concerns regarding implementations of archived data systems. Some of the concerns include the following: Guidance on system design of archived data systems Data quality Data standards. How can ITS data definitions be reconciled with traditional data counterparts? What metadata is required? Who is responsible for collecting or assigning the data? How can conflicts between data elements be resolved? Data management. What ITS data should be archived and at what level of aggregation? What types of analysis techniques are best suited for these systems? System procurement and implementation process Integration of ITS equipment with non-ITS data collection systems To further encourage the use of archived ITS data, FHWA has begun work on developing the standards for ADUS. The Strategic Plan for the Development of the ADUS Standards [4] provides more direction on the proposed approach to identify and develop the required standards. The strategic plan also lists the required elements of ADUS standards, including ADUS interface identification, ADUS data dictionaries, ADUS metadata, data transfer protocols and message sets, and standards practices. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 3 An unambiguous definition of data elements or a data registry is required so that data elements can be exchanged over selected protocols. The data dictionaries specified in the standards development process help provide a uniform definition of data elements but fall short of providing detailed information on relationships between data elements. The Center-to-Center Working group of the National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol effort has suggested that the national data registry should include a data model. This requirement becomes a necessity for center-to-center data exchanges using certain protocols. Section 2.4 deals with these issues and the general data modeling process in further detail. As there is no overall data model for all the subsystems defined in the National Architecture, this effort is intended to develop a high-level data model for ADMS with a focus on data from travel and traffic management user service bundle(s). 2.2 Archived Data User Service and Archived Data Management System The literature review is directed at providing a comprehensive documentation of existing information on data models, archived data management systems, requirements, and standards. This section describes the purpose of ADUS and ADMS within the National Architecture framework. 2.2.1 National ITS Architecture The National Architecture provides a common structure for the design of ITS. The architecture defines the functions (for example, gather traffic information or request a route) that must be performed to implement a given user service, the physical entities or subsystems where these functions reside (for example, the roadside or the vehicle), the interfaces/information flows between the physical subsystems, and the communication requirements for the information flows (for example, wireline or wireless). 2.2.2 ADUS and ADMS ADUS is the most recent addition to the list of User Services in the National Architecture. Table 2-1 shows the stakeholders who could use ITS data and the sample applications of these data elements [1]. The National Architecture identifies the sources of these data elements, the logical data flows from the sources to the archives, functions required for archiving, different market packages and ways to implement ADUS, and potential users and issues. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 4 Table 2-1. Stakeholders for Archived ITS Data (Source: ITS Data Archiving – 5 Year Program Description, March 2000) Stakeholder Group Primary Transportation-Related Functions MPO and state transportation planners Identifying multimodal passenger transportation improvements (long- and short-range); congestion management; air quality planning; develop and maintain forecasting and simulation models Traffic management operators Day-to-day operations of deployed ITS (e.g., Traffic Management Centers, Incident Management Programs) Transit operators Day-to-day transit operations and shortrange planning: scheduling, route delineation, fare pricing, vehicle maintenance; transit management systems; evaluation and planning Air quality analysts Regional air quality monitoring; transportation plan conformity with air quality standards and goals Planning for intermodal freight transfer and port facilities MPO/state freight and intermodal planners Safety planners and administrators Identifying countermeasures for general safety problems or hotspots Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report Example Applications • Congestion monitoring • Link speeds and truck percents for travel demand forecasting and air quality models • Macroscopic traffic simulation • Parking utilization and facility planning • High occupancy vehicle, paratransit, and multimodal demand estimation • Congestion pricing policy • Pre-planned control strategies (ramp metering and signal timing) • Highway capacity analysis • Saturation flow rate determination • Microscopic traffic simulation - Historical - Short-term prediction of traffic conditions • Dynamic traffic assignment • Incident management • Congestion pricing operations • Capital planning and budgeting • Corridor analysis planning • Financial planning • Maintenance planning • Market research • Operations/service planning (routes and fares) • Performance analysis planning • Strategic/business planning • Emission rate modeling • Urban airshed modeling • Truck flow patterns (demand by origins and destinations) • Hazardous materials and other commodity flow patterns • Safety reviews of proposed projects • High crash-rate location analysis • Generalized safety relationships for vehicle and highway design • Countermeasure effectiveness (specific geometric and vehicle strategies) • Safety policy effectiveness 5 Table 2-1. Stakeholders for Archived ITS Data (Continued) (Source: ITS Data Archiving – 5 Year Program Description, March 2000) Stakeholder Group Primary Transportation-Related Functions Construction and maintenance personnel Planning for the rehabilitation and replacement of pavements, bridges, and roadside appurtenances; scheduling of maintenance activities Commercial vehicle enforcement personnel Accident investigations; enforcement of commercial vehicle regulations Transportation system monitoring personnel Data collection related to system conditions and performance Land use regulation and growth management planners Transportation researchers Development and monitoring of ordinances related to land development Private sector users Federal government Example Applications • Pavement design (loadings based on Equivalent Standard Axle Loads [ESALs]) • Bridge design (loadings from the “bridge formula”) • Pavement and bridge performance models • Hazardous materials response and enforcement • Congestion management • Intermodal access • Truck route designation and maintenance • Truck safety mitigation • Economic development • Provide data for other stakeholders: • Traffic counts and travel times for planners (Annual Average Daily Traffic [AADT], K- and D-factor estimation; temporal distributions) • Truck weights for maintenance personnel • Performance metrics for administrators • Zoning regulations • Comprehensive plan development • Impact fees • Taxation policies • Car-following and traffic flow theory Development of forecasting and development simulation models and other analytic • Urban travel activity analysis methods; improvements in data collection practices Provision of traffic condition data and route guidance (Information Service Providers); commercial trip planning to avoid congestion (carriers) Maintain national databases related to • Highway Performance Monitoring traffic operations, safety, transit, and System freight/CVO • Fatal Accident Reporting System • National Transit Database Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 6 The user service requirements can then be broken down into process specifications and data flows for the logical architecture. For example, the ADUS requirement “ … shall be capable of collecting user-selected data” (National Architecture User Service requirement # would be provided by the following process specifications: Get Archive Data (Pspec # 8.1), Manage Archive Data Administrator Interface (Pspec # 8.3), Process On Demand Archive Requests (Pspec # 8.7). Each of these process specifications is then broken down into various input/output data flows. ADMS is the physical architecture complement of the user services requirements and data flows. ADMS is termed a “center” subsystem. A center subsystem provides management, administrative, and support functions for the transportation system. The center subsystems each communicate with other centers to enable coordination between modes and across jurisdictions. As specified in the National Architecture, the ADMS collects, archives, manages, and distributes data generated from ITS sources for use in transportation administration, policy evaluation, safety, planning, performance monitoring, program assessment, operations, and research applications. The data received are formatted, and then tagged with attributes that define the data source, conditions under which they were collected, data transformations, and other information (i.e., metadata) necessary to interpret the data. The subsystem can fuse ITS generated data with data from non-ITS sources and other archives to generate information products utilizing data from multiple functional areas, modes, and jurisdictions. The subsystem prepares data products that can serve as inputs to federal, state, and local data reporting systems. This subsystem may be implemented in many different ways. It may reside within an operational center and provide focused access to a particular agency's data archives. Alternatively, it may operate as a distinct center that collects data from multiple agencies and sources to provide a general data warehouse service for a region. The National Architecture identifies three market packages which address the needs of ADMS – ITS Data Mart (Figure 2-1), ITS Data Warehouse (Figure 2-2), and ITS Virtual Data Warehouse (Figure 2-3). These market packages connect several different subsystems, equipment packages, and terminators that provide the desired service. The market packages also identify the data communications between different subsystems (architecture flows). Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 7 Figure 2-1. ITS Data Mart Market Package: National ITS Architecture, available at (as of March 2001) Figure 2-2. ITS Data Warehouse Market Package: National ITS Architecture, available at (as of March 2001) Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 8 Figure 2-3. ITS Virtual Data Warehouse Market Package: National ITS Architecture, available at (as of March 2001) The market packages and the data flow diagrams provide information on the exchange of information to and from the archived data system. The standards development process is intended to provide a common data dictionary, and to standardize the data exchanges and the communication protocols for doing so. 2.3 ADUS Standards 2.3.1 ITS Standards Development Standards development is of interest to nearly all organizations involved with the deployment of ITS. It is anticipated that product developers, communication providers, and private service providers will play an equal role in standards activities with local, regional, state, and federal public infrastructure agencies. The National Architecture identified 13 key standard areas that are relatively independent. Most of these ITS standards relate to how the various ITS subsystems interoperate through the unambiguous interchange of data. The Data Modeling White Paper [5] broadly classifies ITS standards into one of the following areas: Data Dictionaries Message Sets Protocols Profiles Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 9 Data Dictionaries – Data dictionaries document the precise meaning of the each of the data elements involved. IEEE has defined a standard for data dictionaries for ITS (IEEE 1489-1999) [6]. It provides support not only to the definition of data elements but also to the meta-data that characterize them. Any data dictionary developed for ITS must conform to this standard. This standard defines three basic levels of data dictionaries: Application Data Dictionaries – These dictionaries help in manipulating and using data elements in individual ITS systems. Functional Area Data Dictionaries – These dictionaries provide nationally standardized definitions of data elements within a functional area of ITS; these definitions then feed the development of a national data registry. Examples include the Traffic Management data dictionary and the Advanced Public Transportation Systems Data Dictionary. Data Registry – This is a single composite data dictionary consisting of all those terms standardized by functional area dictionaries, with additional details provided for each data element. This registry is envisioned as the ultimate reference for data element definitions within the industry and is designed to help the unambiguous interchange and reuse of data and data concepts among the ITS subsystems and application systems. As functional area dictionaries are developed, they are entered into the data registry. If similar elements or concepts are submitted from different functional areas, any differences need to be resolved by a consensus process. Message Sets – A message set defines how data elements can be combined to exchange information between two system components. This is achieved by developing a standard message set template. IEEE has defined a trial-standard for message set template documentation (IEEE 1488-2000) [7]. However, there has not been a consensus on how these message sets relate to protocols, partly because different protocol stacks impose different requirements and restrictions upon how the messages operate. Protocols – A communications protocol is a set of rules for how messages are coded and transmitted between electronic devices. The equipment at each end of a data transmission must use the same protocol to communicate successfully. To allow integration projects to mix equipment and software from different sources in the same system and to communicate between adjacent agencies, the National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol (NTCIP) was tasked with providing common protocol standards that can be used by all vendors and system developers to help overcome these differences. 2.3.2 ADUS Standards Development The specific objectives of the ADUS standards development process have been identified in the Strategic Plan for the Development of ADUS Standards, as follows [4]: Coordinate with other ITS data dictionary efforts, either planned or under development, that are relevant to ADUS Help to reconcile differences between the data definitions in the pre-existing ITS data dictionaries and those of ADUS stakeholders Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 10 Outline standards that will define and promote the interfaces necessary to implement ADUS in the field Ensure consistent deployments of ADUS throughout the country Facilitate the interchange of data between ITS and non-ITS information systems Eliminate duplicative data collection and storage Enhance the usefulness of archived ITS data to end users by providing consistent data definitions, documentation of data collection and processing activities, and efficient data management techniques ADUS standards development focuses on specifying the ADUS data dictionary, identifying and standardizing metadata and its attributes, message sets, data transfer protocols for ADMS, and standard practices. ADUS Data Dictionary and Metadata – As in the national data dictionaries, this dictionary provides unique identification and description of the data elements involved with this user service. An important point to note is that the development of this data dictionary has to take a more collaborative approach than the other functional area dictionaries. This is because most of the data in the ADUS dictionary will be provided by other functional areas and specified in the respective functional area dictionaries. In addition, data definitions must be created for transformations of data like aggregation, conversion, and analysis. Also, a proper documentation of the data collection and processing methodology is needed. Metadata is additional information describing the data elements in the dictionary, such as size, source, data structures, linkages, and relationships. Metadata is useful for retrieval and searching, summarizing, interpretation, administration, and analysis. ADMS Message Sets and Data Transfer Protocols – Standards will be developed to ensure uniform communication formats to transfer data across interfaces. As mentioned earlier, centerto-center exchanges will use either CORBA or DATEX-ASN protocols. If a CORBA-based communication protocol is selected, then a data model for ADMS becomes necessary. 2.4 Data Modeling 2.4.1 Data Modeling Concepts A single national data registry is being developed to ensure interoperability of ITS subsystems throughout the infrastructure and to specify the data elements uniquely. The Center-to-Center working group of the NTCIP effort identified the need for a data model to complement the data registry and established a Data Modeling Task Force. A data model is a conceptual representation of the way information is stored. A data model can consist of a very detailed, highly formal data storage system scheme or may be a very informal depiction of the way in which data is stored. The Data Modeling White Paper [6] defined a data model as a diagram that depicts the four key relationships as follows: Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 11 It identifies the properties of each entity (For example, Length is a property of the LINK entity type.) It identifies inheritance between entities (For example, Truck is a special type of the VEHICLE entity. All VEHICLE attributes exist in a Truck but Truck has some other attributes.) It identifies containment by value (For example, a LANE is an entity [with attributes like width, type] which is a component part of LINK and is dependent on LINK.) It identifies containment by reference (For example, Starting NODE is a property of a LINK, however NODE exists independently of LINK.) These relationships are presented in Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams. UML is used in the specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems, as well as business modeling and other non-software systems. Various UML diagrams are used for modeling, including [8]: Structural Diagrams include the Class Diagram, Object Diagram, Component Diagram, and Deployment Diagram. Behavior Diagrams include the Use Case Diagram (used by some methodologies during requirements gathering), Sequence Diagram, Activity Diagram, Collaboration Diagram, and State chart Diagram. Model Management Diagrams include Packages, Subsystems, and Models. These diagrams provide multiple perspectives of the system under analysis or development. It is to be noted that UML does not support Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) because DFDs do not fit cleanly into the object-oriented paradigm. Activity Diagrams and collaboration diagrams accomplish much of what is needed from DFDs. The need for a data model is partially dependent on the protocols, which may be used to exchange the data. CORBA is a data model that provides a valuable tool for describing the relationships between data. 2.4.2 ADMS Data Modeling ADMS users have a particular need to understand the structures and the relationships of data concepts/elements from ITS since they access and combine data from multiple sources. The ADMS data model will provide a basis for harmonization of similar data elements from different sources. The data model is a generic data model that is more detailed than the National ITS Architecture and provides developers of systems and standards a starting point for ADMS systems design. Data models are a simplification of reality and are a central part of all activities that lead up to the deployment of good software. Data models help to visualize a system, specify the behavior of a system, provide a template for constructing a system, and document decisions made. Alternative data modeling choices include an object-oriented approach, using an object model, or the traditional relational approach, which uses a variant of the Entity-Relationship (ER) model. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 12 An object-oriented approach will be used in developing the ADMS data model. Some of the benefits of using an object model approach include: Natural Description: the components representing complex phenomena are easily described as objects with associated operations and functionality. Flexibility: an object data model is adaptable to organizations in a particular field and is adaptable across many technologies. This flexibility is provided by the richer modeling constructs and concepts as inheritance and aggregation found in objectoriented technology. Reuse of Other Work: Elements of other research can be incorporated more easily when using an object model. The Unified Modeling Language (UML), an object-oriented approach, will be used in developing the data model. This is an industry-accepted, object-oriented modeling notation. The following are the object modeling concepts: Objects and Classes – An object class represents a group of objects with common operations, attributes, and relationships. An object is a specific instance of a class. Objects are typically nouns in the problem statement document. Each object can have attributes and operations. An attribute is a data value held by objects in a class. An operation is a function that may be applied to or by objects in a class. Using UML notation, a class is represented by a box that may have four sections. The sections contain, from top to bottom, class name, list of attributes, list of operations, and list of responsibilities (i.e., a text note on the behavior of the class). Associations/Relationship – An association (i.e., “relationship” in this report) is a structural relationship that specifies that object classes of instances are connected to other objects and are indicated by single lines connecting object / class boxes. “References” is the name of the association (i.e., relationship) connecting the point event object and the traversal reference point object. An association that has class-like properties, such as attributes, operations, and other associations are designated as an “association class.” An association class is shown as a class symbol attached by a dashed line to an association. The association class “represents” between line and anchor section objects and has “from position” and “to position” attributes. Multiplicity specifies how many instances of one class may relate to a single instance of an associated class. A multiplicity specification is shown as a text string of integer intervals in the format: lower bound. . upper-bound. Aggregation – Aggregation is a special type of relationship where objects representing the components of something are associated with an object representing the entire assembly. Aggregation is an “a-part-of” or “has-a” relationship, drawn like a relationship, except a small diamond indicates the assembly end of the relationship. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 13 Generalization /Inheritance – Generalization is the relationship between a more general class, called a superclass, and one or more specific versions of that class, known as subclasses. Generalization has been called an “is-a” relationship since each instance of a subclass is an instance of the superclass as well. Figure 2-4 outlines the systems engineering process for data modeling. This process consists of four major steps, as described below: The first step defines the concept of operations and involves the following: - Defines how the system will be used Focuses on inputs and outputs Defines high level system entities Defines high level interfaces Develop concept of operations Develop functional 1.0 REQUIREMENTS Develop dialogues per functional requirement Define data and relationships Figure 2-4. Data Modeling Process The second step develops the functional requirements associated with each use of the system, which may include: - Performance requirements Pre-conditions Post-conditions Data quality requirements Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 14 The third step develops the dialogues where the messages are defined, which includes: - Logical structures that must be exchanged Sequence of data exchanges Branching statements Entities that must be linked together Links are provided by associations The fourth step defines the data and relationships. Each piece of information within a message is called a data element and each data element must be formally defined. Also, each data element must be accessible by the entity sending the message. Access is provided by associations. This project focuses on developing a data model that covers the key data concepts and relationships from the travel and traffic management user service bundle only. Chapter 3 of this report describes the development of the data model. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 15 CHAPTER 3: DATA MODEL 3.1 Introduction 3.1.1 General Much of the data generated by intelligent transportation systems (ITS) can be of great value beyond their immediate use in real-time situations, such as reacting to an incident. Performance monitoring, near-term and long-term planning and analysis, and many other applications can make use of this information. Accordingly, the Archived Data User Service (ADUS) was added to the National ITS Architecture, and a federal program to promote ITS data archiving was instituted. This document defines the requirements for an Archived Data Management System (ADMS) as derived from the requirements contained in the National ITS Architecture. Reformatting of these requirements has been performed in order to more clearly define the key actors (entities that interact with the system), how the system is used, and to identify which actors use the ADMS in which ways. These associations are then categorized as: (1) an implementation-specific interface that is not subject to standardization, (2) a critical association that should be investigated in the first phase of the effort to produce an Archived Data Model, or (3) an association that may be the subject of a future effort. The critical interfaces that have been identified to date are those that deal with retrieving information from a data provider, such as a Traffic Management Center, an Incident Management Center, or one of the other center subsystems of the National ITS Architecture. Specifically, in order to follow the concepts of iterative development, the scope of this initial effort was limited to retrieving information about traffic incidents and the state of the traffic network (e.g., volume, speed, and occupancy). When considering how this interface works, it is important to consider how these systems store and handle the data so that the ADMS will be able to store this information with a minimal amount of manipulation prior to archiving. Nonetheless, the interface had to be designed to support the variety of systems that are likely to be deployed; as such, they should be designed in a modular fashion. For example, some systems may provide detailed information about average speed (e.g., the averaging method, the number of vehicles included in the average), while other systems may only provide the top-level information (i.e., the average speed itself). The interface had to be designed to allow the variability among implementations while also allowing for the more detailed features. The design also had to consider that some of the information covered by this interface may be of a sensitive nature and must be kept private (i.e., the names of the parties involved in an accident). As such, information exchanges should be protected by a security mechanism. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 16 Existing implementations of archived data systems may not be able to support the new interfaces outlined in this document without significant modifications. The ADMS solution described here is intended for future design and has not been developed to support present systems. This document investigates the critical associations required in the early phases of development. It begins with a high-level view of the various participants and systems that were involved, and then gradually works through to more granular levels of detail. 3.1.2 Actors An actor is any external entity that will interact with an ADMS. ADMS Administrator An Archived Data Management System Administrator is responsible for typical administration activities associated with large-scale databases, including managing the archive schema, managing user access, managing the submission of data into the system, and monitoring system performance and metrics. Archived Data User An Archived Data User is any user or system representing a user of archived data and/or reports derived from archived data. Data Provider A Data Provider may be any of the center subsystems identified in the National ITS Architecture, the roadside subsystem, or any of several terminators. It is distinguished from a Remote Archive in that the data received from a Data Provider is archived into the local archive. Government Reporting System A Government Reporting System is any system that submits data or reports to a government data system in order to monitor transportation statistics. Remote Archive A Remote Archive is any other ADMS to which this ADMS connects in order to exchange information. Data retrieved from a Remote Archive is not archived locally. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 17 Financial Institution A Financial Institution represents the financial infrastructure from which payments can be received for certain services offered by the ADMS. 3.1.3 Organization of Chapter This chapter is presented in 5 major sections. The first section provides general information about the data model. Section 2 explains how the systems are expected to operate. The discussion of these operational concepts leads to the identification of certain key services that must be provided by an ADMS. Section 3 explicitly defines these services and how they interact with the various parties using the systems. A context is provided for each service along with an overview of the process steps necessary to fulfill the service. Section 4 completes the definition of each service defined in Section 3. In some cases, a single Section 4 solution may fulfill multiple Section 3 services. Section 5 defines each specific class, data element, and method referenced in Section 4. 3.2 Concept of Operations This document was developed using the Rational Unified Process by Jacobson, et al. [9]. This approach to software engineering is widely accepted in the information technology industry because it helps to identify and address risks early in the development process, resulting in better-designed systems. The first stage in this process is to identify the ways in which the system will be used. In the case of this document, this entails identifying the various ways in which a data user may use an Archived Data Management System (ADMS) in order to fulfill their duties. This concept of operations provides the reader with: A detailed description of the scope of this document An explanation of how the ADMS is expected to fit into the larger context of an ITS infrastructure An understanding of the perspective of the document designers This section is intended for all readers of the document, including: Transportation operations managers Transportation operations personnel Archived data users Transportation engineers Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 18 System integrators ADMS developers Conformance Testers The first four categories of readers will find this section useful in order to understand how ADMS services can be integrated into their systems. They will be able to become familiar with each service covered by the document and determine how their existing ITS equipment will integrate into the system. The last three categories of readers will find this section useful in order to gain a more thorough understanding as to why the more detailed requirements (as specified in later sections of this document) exist. 3.2.1 Section Tutorial Throughout this document, Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams are provided to more concisely depict the services presented in the text of the document. UML is the primary language for modeling, visualizing, and documenting software systems today. UML consists of a variety of diagrammatic techniques in order to convey the requirements structure and operational design in a relatively easy-to-understand format without losing important details. Most importantly, the diagrams can be designed to depict only the information of interest, thereby allowing the developers to illustrate a complex system through a series of relatively simple diagrams. For these reasons, UML is being widely adopted by the ITS standards community as the tool of choice. However, it is recognized that a large portion of the intended audience of this document may not have much experience in reading UML diagrams. As a result, All of the information presented in the diagrams is also presented in the text of the document, and Each section of the document contains a tutorial section so that those unfamiliar with UML are able to gain a better understanding of what the diagrams indicate. As mentioned above, this section identifies the various ways in which archived data user may use an ADMS in order to fulfill their duties. In UML terminology, each possible use of the system is termed to be a use case. However, many people unfamiliar with UML find this term to be confusing; thus for the purpose of clarity, the term service is used to refer to use cases. The two terms are interchangeable within the scope of this document. The services are presented from the perspective of the archived data user. They are written from this perspective in order to ensure that the document captures all of the end-user requirements for each end-user service that is identified. However, the reader should be aware that this document is only concerned with the interface between the ADMS and the Data Provider; in order to fulfill the end-user service, additional requirements may exist. Figure 3-1 indicates how these various entities are connected. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 19 Figure 3-1. Sample Physical Architecture for an ADMS When designing a system, it is important to clearly define the system boundaries so that the inputs and outputs of system data are well defined. In order to do this, the entities that provide data to and/or accept data from ‘our system’ must be identified. An easy check to ensure that all boundaries are defined would be achieved by envisioning a box around the subject system on a diagram such as Figure 3-1 (in this case, the ADMS and the Data Provider). As mentioned previously, this section is written from the perspective of the archived data user; thus, one interface is between the archived data user and the ADMS. However, this is only one boundary on the figure; the other boundary for this document is between the ADMS and the data providers. More specifically, this system accepts data from various data providers and outputs data to the archived data user. In UML, any entity that inputs data into and/or accepts data from the system of interest is called an actor and is represented as a stick figure in UML diagrams. This conversion is depicted in Figure 3-2. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 20 Figure 3-2. Identifying Actors on a System Once the boundaries and actors are defined, the services provided by the system can then be considered. In UML, each service provided by the system is indicated by a separate oval, as seen in Figure 3-3. Solid lines are then drawn to indicate which actors are associated with which services. Arrowheads on these lines indicate the direction in which requests and/or notices are initiated; responses to these requests / notifications may then be returned and may be quite large (for example, a response containing data is often larger than the request for data). A solid line without an arrowhead, however, signifies that a request or notification can occur from either side of the association. For example, System A subscribes for data from System B—this shows directionality from A to B. System B then provides data to System A as they become available—this is directionality from B to A. Thus, in this example, the association is depicted without an arrow). Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 21 Figure 3-3. Sample Use Case Diagram for ADMS In the above depiction, a service called Submit Data has been identified and a use case has been created to represent this service. Additionally, the directionality of initiation has been specified by placing arrowheads on the links between objects. Here, the Archived Data User (ADU) initiates a request to the Submit Data service. The service then initiates a request to the Data Provider. Each diagram in this document will be supplemented with descriptive text to better explain concepts represented in UML notation. For the purposes of this document, the standardizing of the communications interface between the ADMS and the Data Provider will be the primary concern. A more detailed discussion of use case diagrams can be found in Schneider and Winter’s guide [10]. 3.2.2 Service Diagrams Introduction This section will provide a diagram for each of the three major types of services defined in this document: login services, administrative services, and user services. The definition of each actor is provided in Section 3.1.2. The context of each service is provided after the presentation of each diagram in this section, and the full definitions of each service are located in Section 3.3. Note that while some services are more completely defined, all identified services are shown. This will provide the full system context and ensure traceability to the National Architecture. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 22 This specification does not include any details about system redundancy, data backup, or reliability in general. However, in order for the ADMS to provide continued value, an infrastructure must be created to address reliability concerns. Service Descriptions Login Service. This diagram depicts the Login service. ADMS Administrators, Government Reporting Systems, Archived Data Users, and Remote Archives use the Login service. ADMS Administrator Government Reporting System Login Archived Data User Remote Archive request.credentials() Figure 3-4. Login Service Diagram Login. The design of this service is based on providing the necessary services to enable an ADMS user or administrator to gain appropriate access to the ADMS. The Login service provides a security mechanism to ensure that only authorized parties can access potentially sensitive data. When an ADU requests access, the Login service will validate the user's credentials against a table of authorized users. If the ADU is successfully authenticated, the user will be able to access appropriate functions. Otherwise, the user will be denied access to Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 23 the ADMS. Some data may exist in the public domain and may not require end-users to be authenticated. Therefore, this service is optional. Administrative Services. The following figure depicts the services offered to the ADMS Administrator. These include Request Archive Metrics, Submit Data, Retrieve Data, Manage Archive Configuration, and Manage Archive. Request Archive Metrics Subject interfaces for this document Submit Data ADMS Administrator Retrieve Data Data Provider <<include>> Manage Archive Configuration Manage Archive Implementation specific user-interfaces Figure 3-5. Administrative Services Diagram Manage Archive. The design of this service is based on providing the necessary services to enable an ADMS Administrator to manage archived data. An Administrator may wish to delete records, optimize storage space, make back-up copies of the data, or perform other managerial activities on the data. This service will retrieve the records that should be managed based on filtering criteria provided by the ADMS Administrator. The Administrator will then specify what actions should be performed on the data and this service will carry out those functions. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 24 This service will additionally provide the Administrator with basic database administrative functions and the ability to manage security features. The Administrator may wish to modify user access, change user passwords, add and/or delete records, etc. This service shall provide the services necessary to support these functions. Manage Archive Configuration. This service enables an ADMS Administrator to manage importation of data into the archive. After requesting data catalogs, an ADMS Administrator will decide what data to store in the ADMS for archival purposes. The Administrator will work through this service to select a data provider and will then specify the data subscription. This service will then present the Administrator with an array of configurable variables for the data selection and the Administrator will specify the conditions for data retrieval. This service is included as a part of the Retrieve Data service, which carries out the task of subscribing to the data volumes. However, providing data is also a dynamic system; the data offered by the system may change over time. Whenever this occurs, the data provider shall notify the ADMS of the change and may terminate or alter the subscription of data in order to reflect new limitations of available data. In order to access more complete data, a provider may wish to charge a fee. This service will support the interchange of charges between ADMS users and data providers. Request Archive Metrics. This service enables an ADMS Administrator to request the status of an archive. An Administrator may have a number of processes pending, such as requests to submit data or retrieve data. This service will query the ADMS to determine the status of pending processes and will return the results to the Administrator. Other functions this service performs include returning information to the ADMS Administrator about the state of the archive itself -- data such as performance measurements and volume usage. Retrieve Data. This service enables the ADMS to obtain data from various data providers -- such as Traffic Management Centers and roadside devices -- for storage in the ADMS for archival purposes. An ADMS Administrator will decide which data is desirable for archival in the ADMS for future access and then initiate a subscription for the data. The administrator will do this by configuring the parameters for data retrieval through the Manage Archive Configuration service, which will in turn pass these variables to the Retrieve Data service. Subsequently, the Retrieve Data service shall subscribe to appropriate data providers to retrieve the specified data. The data provider will validate the ADMS's credentials; therefore, the ADMS will return only authorized data. Once the subscription has begun, the data provider will periodically contact the ADMS and provide the subscribed data back to this service. The Retrieve Data service will then perform appropriate quality checks on the data and format the data so that they are suitable, according to the specifications received from the Manage Archive Configuration service. Connections between the data providers and the ADMS may be transient (e.g., dial-up circuits). The design of these services shall ensure that all requested data are eventually captured within Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 25 the ADMS, even if communications with the ADMS are unavailable when the data become available. Submit Data. This service enables an ADMS Administrator to request data to be imported into the archive. An Administrator may determine that it is desirable to store certain data in the ADMS for archival purposes. The Administrator will first request catalogs to determine where the data are located and then request that certain data be stored in the ADMS. This process occurs when the Administrator selects which data should be submitted and then this service retrieves and processes the data. The service will retrieve only data that the Administrator is authorized to access. The Submit Data service will perform quality checks on the incoming data and then process the data to ensure that they are in the appropriate format for the database. The service is complete once the data have been submitted to the archive, the transaction has been logged and the user has been notified of the results. User Services. The diagram below depicts the User services for the ADMS. Some of the interfaces shown are implementation specific, while others will be defined elsewhere. Government Reporting System Request Government Report Remote Archive Request Catalog Archived Data User Request Data Financial Inst itut ion Other interfaces that should be defined elsewhere. Presumably they are all SQL interfaces, except for the financial interface which will likely be dictated by others. Figure 3-6. User Services Diagram Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 26 Request Government Report. This service enables a government system to obtain a properly formatted report. Federal, state and local governments will require certain reports with statistical and other information. A government reporting system will access the ADMS and submit a request for a government report in a specified format. This service will then search for the requested data in the archive and return matches. The Request Government Report service will return only data to which the system has access. The returned data will be in a report formatted as specified by the government reporting system. This service will also support the provision of reports to ADMS users as well. Request Catalog. This service enables an ADMS user to retrieve catalogs defining what data are stored by the ADMS. The ADU will use the catalogs to determine what data are available and which to request. This service will validate the user's credentials and return only catalogs for which the ADU is authorized to have access. Request Data. This service enables an ADMS user to request data from the archive. The ADU is not requesting data from remote data providers; rather, the ADU is merely accessing the existing ADMS archive to obtain certain data. 3.3 Functional Requirements This portion of the document defines the functional requirements related to each of the previously identified services that may be offered by an ADMS. This section is intended for most readers of the document, including: Transportation operations personnel Archived data users Transportation engineers System integrators ADMS developers Conformance testers The intent of this section is to provide the complete, formal, and measurable requirements for each identified service. These requirements are presented at a high-level in order to provide a clear definition of what is required of the system without becoming mired in the technical details of how these requirements are met. 3.3.1 Section Tutorial Section 3.2 identified the various services that may be offered by an ADMS. This section provides a fuller definition of each service by providing the typical flow of events associated with the service. The definition of each service includes a detailed workflow structure, the identification of any conditions that must be true prior to the service being available, the identification of any conditions that are always true after the service is performed and that may Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 27 impact other services, and references to existing ITS architectures and standards. This section does not require the use of any UML diagrams. 3.3.2 Service Requirements Login Service Requirements Login Definition. The Login service allows users (both persons and systems) to access the system while blocking access to unauthorized parties. Some data may exist in the public domain and may not require end-users to be authenticated. Therefore, this service is optional. service: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Flow of Events. The following represents the flow of events for login The user will request access. The ADMS shall prompt the user for credentials. The user will enter unique credentials. The ADMS shall validate user credentials against authentication database. If the user is successfully authenticated, the ADMS shall allow access to the appropriate functions for the user type; otherwise, if authentication fails, the ADMS shall return an error to the user and request resubmission of credentials. PreConditions. User account must exist. PostConditions. The user must be logged into the system. Architecture. References. This service was not explicitly defined in the National ITS Administrative Services Requirements Manage Archive Definition. The Manage Archive service allows the ADMS administrator to manage data in the archive. This service shall support the aggregation of data by an administrator; for example, an administrator may wish to periodically convert hourly data into daily data in order to minimize the size requirements for older information. This service shall also support deleting records and backing up data by an administrator. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 28 Flow of Events. The following represents the flow of events for administrative services: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The administrator will initiate request to manage archive. The ADMS shall prompt user for criteria to filter records. The administrator will input search criteria. The ADMS shall query the archive. The ADMS shall display matches to Administrator. The administrator will select data to manage. The administrator will select actions to be performed on data. The ADMS shall process the data accordingly. The ADMS shall log the activity. PreConditions. User must be logged into the system with Administrative PostConditions. There are no postcondition requirements. rights. References. National ITS Architecture references include the following: A portion of PSpec 8.2 - Manage Archive, a portion of 8.3 - Manage Archive Data Administrator Interface, a portion of the “archive management request” architecture flow from the Archived Data Administrator to the Archived Data Management Subsystem (ADMS) and a portion of the “archive management data” architecture flow from the ADMS to the Archived Data Administrator. Manage Archive Configuration Definition. The Manage Archive Configuration service allows the ADMS administrator to control the retrieval of data from data providers. It supports the administration of the process to import data into the archive, including requests for data products, catalogs, formatting instructions, specifications for performing checks on the incoming data, quality metrics, methods to apply to the data, and the parameters that govern any cleansing operations. Flow of Events. The following represents the flow of events for managing the archive configuration: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The ADMS Administrator initiates request to manage the configuration. The ADMS shall display a list of data providers from which data can be retrieved. The user will select the provider from which to retrieve data. The ADMS shall contact the selected system in order to retrieve a data catalog. The ADMS shall display the data catalog. The user will select which data to retrieve from the data provider and the form in which it is to be retrieved. 7. The ADMS shall update its configuration and alter the retrieve data function as needed. If required by the provider, a fee may be assessed for this service. In this Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 29 case, this service will prompt the user for financial information and pass this information to the provider. 8. The ADMS shall display the results of the operation to the user. 9. The ADMS shall log the activity. PreConditions. User must be logged into the system with Administrative PostConditions. There are no postcondition requirements. rights. References. National ITS Architecture references include the following: A portion of PSpec 8.3. Manage Archive Data Administrator Interface, a portion of PSpec 8.2 Manage Archive, a portion of the “archive management request” architecture flow from the Archived Data Administrator to the Archived Data Management Subsystem (ADMS) and a portion of the “archive management data” architecture flow from the ADMS to the Archived Data Administrator. Request Archive Metrics Definition. The Request Archive Metrics service allows the ADMS administrator to request the status of the archive, including information related to the retrieval of data and the requests for data. archive metrics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Flow of Events. The following represents the flow of events to request User initiates request for archive metrics. The ADMS shall display a list of metrics that it can return. The user will select which metrics it would like to view. The ADMS shall measure the requested processes. The ADMS shall display the results of the operation to the user. The ADMS shall log the activity. PreConditions. User must be logged into the system with Administrative PostConditions. There are no postcondition requirements. rights. References. National ITS Architecture references include the following: A portion of PSpec 8.3. Manage Archive Data Administrator Interface, a portion of PSpec 8.2 Manage Archive, a portion of the “archive management request” architecture flow from the Archived Data Administrator to the Archived Data Management Subsystem (ADMS) and a portion of the “archive management data” architecture flow from the ADMS to the Archived Data Administrator. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 30 Retrieve Data Definition. The Retrieve Data service shall collect data from various management subsystems, roadside devices, and external sources for archival purposes. The data retrieved by the service shall be determined by the configuration parameters set through the Manage Archive Configuration services. Based on these parameters, it shall subscribe for data from various data providers. The returned data may include metadata along with the operational data to describe the conditions under which the operational data were collected or any other information about the operational data. When data are received this process shall perform quality checks such as range validation or reformat the data as necessary to meet the archive schema. This process shall execute methods on the incoming data such as cleansing, summarizations, aggregations, or transformations applied to the data before they are stored in the archive in order to ensure that archived data are stored in a common format according to the configuration parameters set through the Manage Archive Configuration service. Any changes made to the data shall be recorded in associated metadata attributes stored in the archive to assist in the reconstruction of the original data if possible. Any errors during this process shall be recorded in a system log. retrieving data: Flow of Events. The following represents the flow of events for 1. The ADMS shall monitor the archive configuration. 2. When directed by the configuration, the ADMS shall contact remote data providers in order to request the selected data. 3. The remote data providers return to the ADMS the data requested by the system. While the ADMS initiates the request, the bulk of the communication between the ADMS and the data providers consist of the transmissions of the selected data back to the ADMS. 4. The ADMS shall process this data so that it conforms to the database schema for the archive and shall also perform quality checks to ensure bad data do not corrupt the archive. Missing and suspect data shall be flagged in the database. 5. The ADMS shall store the processed data into the archive. 6. The ADMS shall log the activity. PreConditions. The ADMS must be configured as to which data to retrieve from which systems. The ADMS must be authorized to retrieve information from the data provider for each specific type of information requested. PostConditions. Data will be stored in the archive. References. National ITS Architecture references include the following: A portion PSpecs 8.1 Get Archive Data, a portion of PSpec and 8.9 Manage Roadside Data Collection, a portion of the “traffic_management_archive_request” architecture flow from the Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 31 ADMS to the data providers, a and a portion of the “traffic_management_archive_request_data” architecture flow from the data providers to the ADMS. Submit Data Definition. The Submit Data service allows the ADMS administrator to request data to be imported into the archive. submitting data: Flow of Events. The following represents the flow of events for 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Administrator initiates request to submit data. The ADMS shall display a list of systems from which data can be retrieved. The administrator will select the provider from which to retrieve data. The ADMS shall contact the selected system in order to retrieve a data catalog. The ADMS shall display the data catalog. The administrator will select which data to submit from the data provider. The ADMS shall retrieve the selected data. The ADMS shall process this data so that it conforms to the database schema for the archive and shall also perform quality checks to ensure bad data do not corrupt the archive. Missing and suspect data shall be flagged in the database. 9. The ADMS shall store the information in the archive. 10. The ADMS shall display the results of the operation to the user. 11. The ADMS shall log the activity. PreConditions. User must be logged into the system with Administrative PostConditions. There are no postcondition requirements. rights. References. National ITS Architecture references include the following: A portion of PSpec 8.7 Process On Demand Archive Requests, a portion of the “fadu_on_demand_archive_request” architecture flow from the ADMS to the archive, and a portion of the “tadu_on_demand_archive_request” architecture flow from the archive to the ADMS. User Services Requirements Request Catalog Definition. The Request Catalog service shall allow the user to request a catalog of the analysis products available. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 32 Flow of Events. The user's systems shall be able to request a catalog of the data stored by the ADMS. Upon receipt, the ADMS will provide the requester with the catalog. PreConditions. User must be logged into the system with User rights. PostConditions. There are no postcondition requirements. References. National ITS Architecture references include the following: A portion of PSpec 8.2 Manage Archive, a portion of PSpec 8.5 Process Archived Data User System Requests, a portion of the “archive data product requests” architecture flow from the Archived Data User Systems to the ADMS, and a portion of the “archive data products” architecture flow from the ADMS to the Archived Data User Systems. Request Data Definition. This service allows an ADU to request archive data, including optional analysis of this data, such as data mining, data fusion, summarizations, aggregations, and recreation from archive data. Flow of Events. The users’ systems shall request data from a display of available data offered by the system, the system shall then retrieve the data from the archive, and, if needed, from remote archives. When data and metadata are returned from the archive and any optional analysis is performed, the system will check to determine if financial payment is required. If so, the Financial Institution will be contacted to process payment. Once completed, the results will be sent to the ADMS. PreConditions. Data must exist in the archive. User must be logged into the system with User rights. PostConditions. There are no postcondition requirements. References. National ITS Architecture references include the following: A portion of PSpec 8.5 Process Archived Data User System Requests, a portion of & PSpec 8.6 Analyze Archive, a portion of the “archive data product requests” architecture flow from the Archived Data User Systems to the ADMS, and a portion of the “archive data products” architecture flow from the ADMS to the Archived Data User Systems. Request Government Report Definition. The Request Government Report service prepares data or reports required by Federal, State, and/or local governments. These reports may be requested by an end-user or by a government reporting system. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 33 government report: Flow of Events. The following represents the flow of data to request a 1. The Government Reporting System or an ADU initiates a request to retrieve a report. 2. The ADMS shall prompt the requester to specify what data to retrieve and in what format. 3. The requester will select the data and specify the format of the report. 4. The ADMS shall search for data matches and will process results in the specified format. 5. The ADMS shall deliver the report to the requester. 6. The ADMS shall log the activity. PreConditions. Data must exist in the archive. User must be logged into the system with User rights. PostConditions. There are no postcondition requirements. References. National ITS Architecture references include the following: A portion of PSpec 8.8 Prepare Government Reporting Inputs, a portion of the “tgrs_government_data_report_input” architecture flow from the ADMS to the Government Reporting System (GRS), and a portion of the “fgrs_government_data_report_input” architecture flow from the GRS to the ADMS. 3.4 Interaction Specification This section describes how the ADMS services, which were identified in Section 3.2 and formally defined in Section 3.3, are achieved. This section provides the reader with the following: A detailed description of service interactions An explanation of messages exchanged by the systems A thorough technical view of how the services are designed. This section is intended for only a subset of potential readers, such as: System integrators ADMS developers Conformance testers. These readers will find this section useful in order to understand the details of how ADMS services are achieved. They will be able to draw upon the specified design when considering the integration of existing systems and ITS equipment with the ADMS. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 34 3.4.1 Section Tutorial This section of the document describes both the dynamic and static representation of the system design. In order to fully and clearly describe the design of the system, an object-oriented approach is adopted; however, this object-oriented design in no way imposes a requirement for an object-oriented implementation. The diagrams shown within this document are solely intended to show the details of the interface logic and static structures; the implementation may follow an object-oriented or structured approach. The dynamic view describes how the system works for a given service. It indicates the sequence of events that occur in order to provide the specific service and is typically shown through a sequence diagram. The various objects that participate in providing the service appear across the top of the diagram. A solid message line with an arrowhead indicates an initiation of a request from one object to another. A dashed-line with an arrowhead indicates a return value to a request. Generally, the objects that initiate requests are on the left of those receiving the request; requests that travel right-to-left generally indicate a return value (dashed-line) or a function call back (solid-line). The flow of events can be followed by looking at the message lines between objects as they move across and down the page. : ADMS Login Service : Archived Data User : User : Access Control List reques t_acc ess() Repeat until username found or until end of list . request_credentials() // returns credentials validat e_credent ials() validat e( ) // user validated // credentials validated Figure 3-7. Sample Sequence Diagram for Login Service Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 35 Once the designer has produced a sequence diagram, one or more corresponding class diagrams can be produced. A class diagram provides a static view of the relationships between key entities (classes). However, the classes and relationships shown in such a diagram are only those related to the subject service being discussed. They will include those classes that are included in the sequence diagram and may also include classes that are exchanged as a part of the messages that are exchanged. This diagram is commonly known as a view of participating classes diagram. The purpose of this diagram is to describe how each of the logical software components relates to one another in order to achieve the service and to clearly indicate the associations among the related data. User Access Control List Archived Data User validate.credentials() 0.. * 0..* 1 username password validate() request.credentials() 1 1 ADMS Login Service request.access() Figure 3-8. Sample VOPC Diagram for Login Service The different object classes are represented by boxes that may list any applicable attributes and/or operations that apply to the class. The top section of the box identifies the name of the class. The middle section of the box, if present, indicates attributes (a.k.a. properties) of the class (for example, password is an attribute of a User). The bottom section of the box, if present, indicates functions offered by the class (e.g., the User Class can validate an incoming request against the username and password stored as attributes). Lines between classes indicate that the classes have a relationship. Arrowheads on the lines further define the relationship. A standard arrowhead, such as the one on the relationship between the ADMS Login Service and the Access Control List, indicates that the relationship has directionality. In this case the ADMS Login Service can call the validate.credentials () function of Access Control List, but the ADMS Control List is not allowed to call any function of the ADMS Login Service. A diamond on the end of a line indicates aggregation. The class that has the diamond is the whole; the other class represents a part. If the diamond is solid it indicates composition, which means that the part may be owned only by one whole and when the whole is deleted, all of its parts are automatically deleted. (For example, if the user deletes the Access Control List, all Users are deleted as well.) However a part of an aggregate relationship can exist without the whole or may be part to several wholes. At a university, for example, a Class would be considered to be an aggregation of students. A student may be enrolled in several classes at once and is not “deleted” if his class is cancelled. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 36 A number at the end of a relationship line indicates the number of those classes that may exist in relation to the other class. An asterisk (*) indicates an infinite number. A range of values may be indicated in the format of a number followed by two periods followed by another number. Thus, in this example, an Access Control List may be associated with zero (0) to an infinite number of Users. A more detailed discussion of interpreting class and sequence diagrams can be found in Booch, Rumbaugh, and Jacobson [11]. Formal definitions of each class can be found in Section 3.5. 3.4.2 Interface Specifications Manage Archive Configuration Manage Archive Configuration - Sequence. This diagram depicts how an ADMS allows an ADMS Administrator to manage the archive configuration. ADMS : ADMS Administrator : Data Provider Manage Archive Configuration() // Return Select Provider() Interface of interest See Annex A for more details RetrieveDataCatalog() // Return / / Return -- Prompt for Edits to S election () Selec t Data() //Return -- Dis play Result s() Figure 3-9. Manage Archive Configuration - Sequence Diagram Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 37 1: Manage Archive Configuration(). The ADMS Administrator initiates a request to manage the archive configuration. This service is always initiated by the ADMS Administrator accessing the user interface. While there may be several reasons the administrator may want to manage the configuration, this sequence diagram only addresses the specific case where the administrator wishes to manage the configuration of a data subscription. All other management activities are internal to the design of an implementation and are not addressed by this document. 2: // Return. The ADMS responds to this action by prompting the administrator to select a specific data provider for which the subscription is to be viewed and possibly modified. The list of data providers is presumably stored internal to the ADMS and does not require accessing any systems external to the ADMS. 3: Select Provider(). The Administrator then selects the desired provider from the list and returns control to the ADMS. 4: RetrieveDataCatalog(). The ADMS then contacts the selected data provider and requests a catalog of all data available from the selected provider. 5: // Return. The Data Provider responds to this request by returning a data catalog to the ADMS identifying all data for which the ADMS is authorized to retrieve. 6: // Return -- Prompt for Edits to Selection (). The ADMS then combines this listing with its current subscription information and returns to the administrator indicating which data are currently being archived and what other data are available. 7: Select Data(). The ADMS Administrator then selects the data that are desired and passes this information to the ADMS. 8: // Return -- DisplayResults(). The ADMS processes the request and displays the result of the operation. Manage Archive Configuration - View of Participating Classes. This diagram depicts the relationships between the various data involved in this process. An ADMS Administrator uses the ADMS in order to connect to a selected Data Provider. There can be multiple administrators, each authorized to access multiple ADMSs and each ADMS may be connected to multiple data providers. Finally, each data provider may be connected to multiple ADMSs. A Data Provider uses a Catalog to report the data types that it supports. (See Section 3.5 for a description of a Catalog.) An ADMS uses a Subscription structure to store its existing configuration. However, this structure is never exchanged across an interface and is therefore not defined in this document. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 38 ADMS 0..* 0..* 0.. * ADMS Admin 0.. * Data Provider <<uses>> <<uses>> Subsc riptions Catalog dataType[] : String Figure 3-10. Manage Archive Configuration – View of Participating Classes Diagram Retrieve Data Retrieve Data – Sequence. This diagram depicts how the ADMS receives data from the Data Provider. One of the challenges in reaching consensus on how such connections are made is who is responsible for performing filtering and/or buffering of data. An additional concern was to meet the conflicting requirements being suggested by various users of ADMS systems. Some users want to be able to log all information in real time, while other users want to log selected information in real-time, and yet other users want to be able to periodically dial-up a given system and download information that has been buffered over some period. The current trends in various standards efforts indicate that this function will be performed by a third logical entity called a Proxy. The Proxy may be implemented as a part of the data provider, as a part of the ADMS, as a third physical component, or any combination. Regardless of the actual physical arrangement, the process is the same. Both the ADMS and the Data Provider connect to a common Proxy. The ADMS may then register filters with the Proxy to limit what data it receives. Finally as logable events occur, the Data Provider notifies the Proxy and the Proxy passes this information along to the ADMS. Depending on the communications environment, the Proxy may buffer the data until a connection is available. This diagram is a simplification that is protocol generic; actual implementation will vary based on the protocol used. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 39 Int erface of int erest : ADMS Proxy : Data Provider register supplier () // return register_consumer () // return add_filter() // return push_structured_events() push_structured_events() Figure 3-11. Retrieve Data – Sequence Diagram 1: register supplier (). The Data Provider notifies the Proxy that it is able to provide data. 2: // return. The operation returns a reference to which the Data Provider shall publish all event information. 3: register_consumer (). The ADMS registers with the Proxy in order to receive notifications of new events. This registration includes a reference to which all notifications will be sent. 4: // return. The ADMS receives an indication of whether the request was successful and a reference to which it can send requests to modify filters. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 40 5: add_filter(). The ADMS can then add filters in the data it receives by sending specially formatted strings to the Proxy. 6: // return. The Proxy then notifies the ADMS of the success or failure of applying the filter. 7: push_structured_events(). Once the Proxy applies the registered filters, it sends any remaining data to the ADMS. 8: push_structured_events(). Whenever a recordable event occurs, the Data Provider sends a push_structured _events notification to the Proxy. This message includes a “Structured Event” as a parameter, a generic type defined further in Traffic Reports. Another example of a Structured Event is a Traffic Report. Fortunately, the various ITS Standards have a more common view of how to describe the status of a roadway network. A Traffic Report is merely an aggregation of Roadway Link Reports and Roadway Detector Reports. A Roadway Link Report describes the status of a Roadway Link at a specific point in time, whereas a Roadway Detector Report describes the information obtained from a Roadway Detector (a.k.a. Link Data Source) for a specific time. The data for the Roadway Link is typically derived from one or more detectors on that link, but a Data Provider may choose to provide only summarized or detailed information. A variety of parameters may be provided within each report, but some systems may also support non-standardized data that an ADMS may wish to record. The model provides for this flexibility by defining a Parameter class, which is intended to be a user-defined parameter that may be recorded. Each report may then include readings for these parameters. Finally, the model also shows that a Roadway Detector Report may include detailed information about individual vehicles that it detected. For example, it may identify the speed of each vehicle and/or the weight of each axle of each vehicle. Obviously, such data would require specialized equipment, but the model describes how these data could be provided and stored. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 41 Vehicle Class : Integer Speed : Integer Length : Integer FrontOv erhang : Integer RearOv erhang : Integer Wheelbase : Integer Clearance : Integer Height : Integer Width : Integer Gap : Integer Headway : Integer GrossWeight : Integer SeqNum : Integer StatusFlag : Integer Acceleration : Integer dcmNumVehicleIDs : Integer dcmVehicleID : Integer dcmVehicleTimeTag100 : Integer NumAxles : Integer Structured Ev ent Traf f ic Report 1 1 Axle Number : Integer Width : Integer TireCount : Integer TireTrack : Integer Lef tWheelWeight : Integer RightWheelWeight : Integer Weight : Integer WeightViolationCode : Integer +leadingAxle 0..* +tra il in gA xl e 0..* Roadway Link Rep ort Roadway Detector Report timestamp LinkLanesOpen LinkDensity LinkLev elOf Serv ice LinkRestrictions LinkSurf aceCondition LinkPriority LinkDelay LinkOv ersaturatedFlag LinkSpeed LinkStatus LinkOccupancy Percent LinkTrav elTime collectionPeriod 0..* v olume occupancy Percentage speed smoothedVolume smoothedOccupancy smoothedSpeed collectionPeriod endTime : Integer Status : Integer 0..* WIM Measurement weight AxleGap spacing 0..* 0..* 1 LRMS 1 Roadway Link LinkID +assoc ia tedL in k Link Data Source +detectors0..* 0..* 1 0..* 1 OriginNodeOrder-code Of f setTy pe-code 0... NodeValence-quantity 0..* 0..* 0..* Parameter Reading v alue +reading 0..* +parameter name def inition 1 units Roadway Detector DetectorID ty pe Figure 3-12. Traffic Reports Diagram Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 42 Retrieve Data - View of Participating Classes. This diagram depicts the relationships between the entities involved in this process. The communication between the Data Provider and the ADMS consists of the passing of Structured Events. The Data Provider accesses the Proxy in order to register and send event notifications. The ADMS accesses the Proxy in order to register and modify subscriptions. The Proxy accesses the ADMS through a call back in order to forward the event notifications from the Data Provider(s). In order for the ADMS to define filters, there must be some mechanism by which the ADMS can determine what data are available from a Data Provider. The proposed model returns these data in a Catalog object class. The ADMS then notifies the Proxy of the appropriate filters by sending a series of strings (a string is a simple parameter and therefore is not explicitly shown in this model). The process uses the Structured Event class in order to transmit the event notifications. The structured event class is a generalized class that can represent any type of information. This initial cut at a data model has developed two specific specializations of this class, one for Incident Reports and another for Roadway Reports. Catalog dataType[] : String ADMS Proxy 0..* 0..* 0..* 0..* Data Provider <<uses>> Structured Event <<uses>> Figure 3-13. Retrieve Data - View of Participating Classes Diagram Incident Report, Part 1. One example of a Structured Event is an Incident Report. Unfortunately, at present there are very different views as to how Incidents should be recorded, as reflected by IEEE 1512, TMDD, and TCIP standards. The good news is that there are efforts underway to harmonize these approaches. This model is primarily based on the IEEE 1512 standard. However, the reader should realize that changes are likely in all three of these standards and these changes should be considered prior to implementation. The recording of harmonization results is left to future efforts. The figure describes this generic structure by indicating that an Incident Report is a specialization of a Structured Event, such as in the Retrieve Data Sequence Diagram, an Incident Report can be used. The Incident Report will include an eventID to identify the Event with Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 43 which it should be associated. Over a period of time, the ADMS may receive a series of Incident Reports that describe details of the Event as they change or become known. An Incident Report itself is mainly an aggregation of any of the following: Traffic Plans, which may be put into affect as a result of the incident. Pedigree Lists, which define other related events. Vehicle Reports, which describe vehicles involved in the incident. Other Incident information, including, - A description - A timeline of the Event - The incident severity - The incident location Each of these is described further in Section 3.5, but a detailed analysis was not performed due to the likelihood that details will change. Structured Event Incident Report eventID : Integer 1 1 1 0..1 0..* Pedigree Lis t event : String event-des c : String Traffic Plan 1 1 0..1 0..1 Veh icle Report 1 0 ..* 0..1 Traffic Im pact lane Con fig : Integ er lane sBlo cked : In tege r s hould ersBlo cke d : Inte ge r Lanes Dire ctio nOfTravel-co de : e nu m Lanes To talL an es -quan tity : Integ er qual : Integ er tim e : Integ er Incident Inform ation Vehicle ID : Integer Typ : String Dam : Stri ng OccCnt : Integer VIN : String Tag : String Sta te : Integer Make : Integ er Model : Integer Year : Inte ger Color : Integer Des c : String tim e : Integer q ual : Integer incidentID : Integer The details here have been om itted here for clarity. See the s ubs equent diagram for thes e details . Figure 3-14. Incident Report Diagram, Part 1 Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 44 Incident Report, Part 2. This diagram is a continuation of the previous diagram. Here the Incident Information class is detailed. Incident Informat ion Description agencyReporting : Integer incSubType : String descripShortText : String descripLongText : String incidentCmdr : Integer descripWitnesses : String Description-text : String DescriptionAuthor-text : String NotesAndCommentsAuthor - text : String 0..1 1 1 1 1 0..* Event Times 0.. 1 Location Type-c ode 0..* Relat ionToJunct ion-code NonMot orist -code LandmarkType-code Exit RampEnd-identifier Ent ranceRampBegin-identifier Roadway-ident ifier Severit y priority : Integer prioritizer : St ring severit y : Int eger fat alit yCnt : Int eger injuryCnt : Int eger value : Integer time : Integer qual : Integer 1 1 1 1 1 0.. * Cross Street LRMS OriginNodeOrder-code OffsetType-code NodeValence-quantity 0..* Coordinates 0.. * Longitude Altitude Occurrence-number End-t ext End-ident ifier Begin-text Begin-identifier 0..* 0..* Street End-num ber Begin-num ber Roadway Side-code Name-text 1 0..* Street Name InfoFlag-code IndexFlag-code Figure 3-15. Incident Report Diagram, Part 2 Submit Data Submit Data – Sequence. This diagram depicts the communication between the ADMS Administrator, the ADMS, and the Data Provider in order to submit data. First, the ADMS requests to Submit Data. The ADMS prompts the Administrator to select a Data Provider. The ADMS retrieves the data catalog from the Data Provider, and then the Administrator specifies which data to submit. The ADMS then retrieves the data, and the results are displayed to the Administrator. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 45 : ADMS : ADMS Administ rator : Data Provider SubmitData() PromptForSelection() Int erface of int erest See Annex C for more details // Return Ret rieveDataCatalog() // Return PromptForDataSelection() // Return Ret rieveData() // Return DisplayResults() Figure 3-16. Submit Data - Sequence Diagram 1: SubmitData(). This ADMS Administrator issues a request to the ADMS indicating that the Administrator would like to Submit Data. 2: PromptForSelection(). The GUI sends a list of desired Data Providers to the ADMS Administrator. 3: // Return. The Administrator transmits the name of the Data Provider from which to retrieve data. 4: RetrieveDataCatalog(). The ADMS requests a catalog from the Data Provider that defines what data are available. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 46 5: // Return. The Data Provider returns a list of strings that identify the data that the Data Provider offers. Administrator. 6: PromptForDataSelection(). The GUI sends this list of strings to the 7: // Return. The Administrator selects the desired data and returns the associated strings to the ADMS. 8: RetrieveData(). The ADMS retrieves the selected data by passing these strings to the Data Provider. Structured Event. 9: // Return. The Data Provider passes back the requested data in a 10: DisplayResults(). The results of the operations are displayed to the ADMS Administrator. Submit Data - View of Participating Classes. This diagram depicts the relationships between the various data involved in this process. An ADU connects to a Data Provider via the ADMS so that the user can subscribe to Structured Events. The types of Structured Events are the same as those previously defined for the Retrieve Data Service. ADMS Archived Data User Dat a Provider request.credentials() Structured E vent Figure 3-17. Submit Data - View of Participating Classes Diagram Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 47 3.5 Data Dictionary This section provides full definitions of the data concepts found in this document. This reference fully explains each class, including any input or output values. This section also includes a detailed compatibility analysis that attempts to harmonize each data concept with those contained in the overall ITS Data Registry. This section is intended for only a subset of potential readers, such as: System integrators Device manufacturers Conformance testers These readers will find this section useful in order to understand the data concepts used by the ADMS. Software architects will be able to draw upon the requirements specified here when building future extensions of the system. 3.5.1 Compatibility Analysis All of the data identified in this effort have been compared to data that are being defined in the other ITS Standards efforts in order to ensure that data definitions are as compatible as possible. As a result of the process that we followed, the data were found to be 100 percent compatible with existing ITS Standards, with the exception of four new data elements, as follows: Parameter.definition Parameter.units Reading.units We are proposing the addition of these new data elements in order to provide a standardized way for an archive to store non-standardized data. For example, if one of the systems providing data to an archive data management system supports customized data that are not covered by the ITS Standards, it is still desirable to archive the information. This is achieved by the ADMS Administrator recording the definition of the data in the Parameter object class and then selecting its collection. Each reading of the parameter is then stored in a distinct instance of the Reading.units data element. This approach allows a ADMS User to recognize that this additional information is available and to retrieve the definition of the parameter as needed. All of the other data defined in this model maps directly to data elements defined by other standards efforts. Thus, rather than repeating definitions for these data elements, their unique identifiers as used by the ITS Data Registry are provided for reference. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 48 3.5.2 Section Tutorial The dictionary is divided into the three major packages discussed throughout this document: Communications Interface, Incident Report, and Traffic Report. Within each package, the classes are listed alphabetically. The definition of the class follows its name. Each definition will also list any attributes, or properties, of the class. Communications Interface The details of the classes in this package are beyond the scope of this initial effort. ADMS. This class represents the Archived Data Management Service. Data Provider. A Data Provider may be any of the center subsystems identified in the National ITS Architecture, the roadside subsystem, or any of several terminators. It is distinguished from a Remote Archive in that the data received from a Data Provider are archived into the local archive. Proxy. The proxy acts as a filter and is created by the ADMS and the Data Provider to delimit the information passed during data subscription. Incident Report This package defines the data concepts that are related to the Incident Report specialization of a Structured Event. Coordinates. This class contains incident location coordinate information. The data here are useful in order to define the exact location of an incident. For the purposes of this model, Coordinates may be described by altitude, latitude, and longitude. Altitude TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3225 EVENT_LocationCoordinatesAltitude_location Latitude TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3226 EVENT_LocationCoordinatesLatitude_location Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 49 Longitude TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3227 EVENT_LocationCoordinatesLongitude_location Cross Street. This class contains incident location cross street information. For the purposes of this model, a Cross Street may be described by begin-identifier, begin-text, end-identifier, end-text, and occurrence number. Begin-identifier TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3231 EVENT_LocationCrossStreetBegin_identifier Begin-text TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3229 EVENT_LocationCrossStreetBegin_text End-identifier TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3234 EVENT_LocationCrossStreetEnd_identifier End-text TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3232 EVENT_LocationCrossStreetEnd_text Occurrence-number TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3235 EVENT_LocationCrossStreetOccurence_number Description. This class contains information describing a roadway incident. For the purposes of this model, a Description may be described by nine attributes, which are defined below. AgencyReporting ID12621 CPT_AgencyID_code descripLongText ID12518 IM_IncidentDescLong_text Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 50 descripShortText ID12519 IM_IncidentDescShort_text DescriptionAuthor-text ID130 EVENT_DescriptionAuthor_text Description-text TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3209 EVENT_Description_text descripWitnesses ID12564 IM_WitnessStatement_text incidentCmdr ID12502 IM_EmployeeIDSystem_number incSubType ID12524 IM_IncidentSubtype_code NotesAndCommentsAuthor - text ID135 EVENT_DescriptionNotesAndCommentsAuthor_text Event Times. This class contains incident time information. For the purposes of this model, Event Times may be described by the attribute of time, defined as ID12630, CPT_DateTime_time. Incident Information. This class relates information regarding an incident. It is an aggregation of several classes, including Description, Event Times, Severity, and Location. Incident Report. An Incident Report details incident information. It is mainly an aggregation of related data, such as Traffic Plans, Pedigree Lists, Vehicle Reports, and other Incident information. Each Incident Report has a unique event ID. For the purposes of this model, an Incident Report may be described by the attribute defined as event ID, TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03, ID3215, EVENT_Identifier_identifier. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 51 Location. This class contains incident location information. For the purposes of this model, a Location may be described by the following seven attributes. EntranceRampBegin-identifier TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3239 EVENT_LocationEntranceRampBegin_identifier ExitRampEnd-identifier TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3242 EVENT_LocationExitRampEnd_identifier LandmarkType-code TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3245 EVENT_LocationLandmarkType_code NonMotorist-code TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3367 EVENT_LocationNonMotorist_code RelationToJunction-code TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3366 EVENT_LocationRelationToJunction_code Roadway-identifier TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3259 EVENT_LocationRoadway_identifier Type-code TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3265 EVENT_LocationType_code LRMS. This contains Location Reference Message Set information. For the purposes of this model, a LRMS may be described by the following three attributes. NodeValence-quantity TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3252 EVENT_LocationLRMSNodeValence_quantity Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 52 OffsetType-code TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3253 EVENT_LocationLRMSOffsetType_code OriginNodeOrder-code TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3254 EVENT_LocationLRMSOriginNodeOrder_code Pedigree List. This class contains information about incidents that preceded the current event but are tied to the same incident. For the purposes of this model, a Pedigree List may be described by the attributes event and event-desc. event ID165 EVENT_Identifier_identifier event-desc ID125 EVENT_Description_text Roadway. This class contains roadway location information. For the purposes of this model, a Roadway may be described by the attributes name-text and side-code. Name-text TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3260 EVENT_LocationRoadwayName_text Side-code TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3261 EVENT_LocationRoadwaySide_code Severity. This class contains incident severity information. For the purposes of this model, a Severity may be described by the following five attributes. fatalityCnt ID12516 IM_HumanFatalityCount_quantity injuryCnt ID12517 IM_HumanInjuryCount_quantity Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 53 prioritizer ID12502 IM_EmployeeIDSystem_number priority ID12658 CPT_PriorityLevel_number severity ID12671 CPT_SeverityLevel_number Street Address. This class contains street location information, which is useful in pinpointing the location of an incident. For the purposes of this model, a Street Address may be described by the attributes begin-number and end-number. Begin-number TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3264 EVENT_LocationStreetAddressBegin_number End-number TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3263 EVENT_LocationStreetAddressEnd_number Street Name. This class contains street name information that is useful in pinpointing the location of an incident. For the purposes of this model, a Street Name may be described by the following two attributes. IndexFlag-code TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3256 EVENT_LocationLRMSStreetAddressIndexFlag_code InfoFlag-code TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3257 EVENT_LocationLRMSStreetNameInfoFlag_code Structured Event. A Structured Event is a data element. In the Incident Report package, this class is a generalization of an Incident Report. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 54 Traffic Impact. This class contains information about the impact on traffic arising from a traffic incident. For the purposes of this model, a Traffic Impact may be described by the following five attributes. laneConfig ID182 EVENT_LanesTotalOriginal_quantity lanesBlocked ITE.TMDD.event-lanes-blocked-or-closed;3219 LanesDirectionOfTravel-code TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3220 EVENT_LanesDirectionOfTravel_code LanesTotalLanes-quantity TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3221 EVENT_LanesTotalLanes_quantity time ID262 EVENT_TimelineStart_UTC Traffic Plan. This class contains information about managing traffic after an incident occurs. It is an aggregation of data from Traffic Impact. Vehicle. This class contains information about vehicles involved in incidents. For the purposes of this model, a Vehicle may be described by the following ten attributes. Color ID12551 IM_VehicleColor_text Dam ID12552 IM_VehicleDamage_text Make ID12566 IM_VehicleMake_text Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 55 Model ID12557 IM_VehicleModel_text OccCnt ID12558 IM_VehicleOccupantCount_quantity State ID12560 IM_VehicleState_text Tag ID12561 IM_VehicleTag_text Typ ID12555 IM_VehicleInvolvedType_code VIN ID12693 CPT_VehicleIdNumber_text Year ID12562 IM_VehicleYear_number Vehicle Report. This class contains a report of vehicle information. It is a composition of Vehicle class information. Traffic Report This package defines the data concepts that are related to the Traffic Report specialization of a Structured Event. Axle. An Axle is a logical grouping of wheels that rotate about a common axis. For the purposes of this model, an Axle may be described by the following eight attributes: LeftWheelWeight NTCIP 1206, section dcmLeftWheelWeight Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 56 Number NTCIP 1206, section dcmAxleNumber RightWheelWeight NTCIP 1206, section dcmRightWheelWeight TireCount NTCIP 1206, section dcmAxleTireCount TireTrack NTCIP 1206, section dcmAxleTireTrack Weight NTCIP 1206, section dcmAxleWeight WeightViolationCode NTCIP 1206, section dcmAxleWeightViolationCode Width NTCIP 1206, section dcmAxleWidth AxleGap. An AxleGap is the space between a leading axle and a trailing axle. For the purposes of this model, an AxleGap may be described by the attribute of spacing, defined as NTCIP 1206, section, dcmAxleSpacing. Link Data Source. This class contains information about the source of roadway link data. It is an aggregation of LRMS data and a generalization of Roadway Detector data. LRMS. This contains Location Reference Message Set information. For the purposes of this model, a LRMS may be described by the following three attributes. NodeValance-quantity TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3252 EVENT_LocationLRMSNodeValence_quantity Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 57 OffsetType-code TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3253 EVENT_LocationLRMSOffsetType_code OriginNodeOrder-code TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3254 EVENT_LocationLRMSOriginNodeOrder_code Parameter. This class contains the data collected from roadway links. The attributes of this class do not already exist in other standards, but have been added here to allow a standardized way to record non-standard data in an archive. For the purposes of this model, a Parameter may be described by the following three attributes. definition. Short text description of parameter. name. Name of parameter. units. Units used to measure parameter. Reading. This class contains readings collected from ITS equipment. The attributes of this class do not already exist in other standards, but have been added here to allow a standardized way to record non-standard data in an archive. For the purposes of this model, a Reading may be described by the attribute of value, defined as value reported. Roadway Detector. This class contains information about ITS equipment that detects roadway properties. For the purposes of this model, a Roadway Detector may be described by the following two attributes. DetectorID ID401 DETECTOR_Linkidentifier_identifier type ID402 DETECTOR_Type_code Roadway Detector Report. This class contains a report of information from Roadway Detector. For the purposes of this model, a Roadway Detector Report may be described by the following six attributes. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 58 endTime ID389 DETECTOR_EndTime_UTC occupancyPercentage TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3020 LINK_Occupancy_percent speed NTCIP 1206, section dcmVehicleSpeed startTime ID398 DETECTOR_StartTime_UTC Status ID400 DETECTOR_Status_code volume TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3040 LINK_Volume_quantity Roadway Link. This class contains information about a segment of roadway. For the purposes of this model, a Roadway Link may be described by the attribute of LinkID, defined as TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03, ID3012, LINK_Identifier_identifier. Roadway Link Report. This class contains a report of information from Roadway Link. For the purposes of this model, a Roadway Link Report may be described by the following 13 attributes. collectionPeriod ID70 LINK_MeasurementDuration_quantity LinkDelay TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3005 LINK_Delay_quantity Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 59 LinkDensity TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3006 LINK_Density_rate LinkLanesOpen TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3015 LINK_LanesNumberOpen_quantity LinkLevelOfService TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3017 LINK_LevelOfService_code LinkOccupancyPercent TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3020 LINK_Occupancy_percent LinkOversaturatedFlag ID359 LINK_OversaturatedFlag_code LinkPriority TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3023 LINK_PriorityType_code LinkSpeed TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3033 LINK_Speed_rate LinkStatus TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3036 LINK_Status_code LinkSurfaceCondition TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3037 LINK_SurfaceCondition_code Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 60 LinkTravelTime TMDD Standard: ITE/AASHTO Std #TM1.03 ID3038 LINK_TravekTime_quantity timestamp ID71 LINK_MeasurementEndTime_UTC Structured Event. A Structured Event is a data element. In the Traffic Report package, this class is a generalization of Traffic Reports. Traffic Report. This class contains information of traffic conditions comprised of data collected from roadway detectors, and other sources. It is an aggregation of the Roadway Link Report and Roadway Detector Report classes. Vehicle. This class contains data elements that pertain to vehicles. For the purposes of this model, a Vehicle may be described by the following 19 attributes. Acceleration NTCIP 1206, section dcmVehicleAcceleration Class NTCIP 1206, section dcmVehicleClass Clearance NTCIP 1206, section dcmVehClearance dcmNumVehicleIDs NTCIP 1206, section dcmAxleWeight dcmVehicleID NTCIP 1206, section dcmVehicleID dcmVehicleTimeTag100 NTCIP 1206, section dcmVehicleTimeTag100 Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 61 FrontOverhang NTCIP 1206, section dcmFrontOverhang Gap NTCIP 1206, section dcmVehicleGap GrossWeight NTCIP 1206, section dcmGrossVehicleWeight Headway NTCIP 1206, section dcmVehicleHeadway Height NTCIP 1206, section dcmVehicleHeight Length NTCIP 1206, section dcmAxleWeight NumAxles NTCIP 1206, section dcmNumAxles RearOverhang NTCIP 1206, section dcmRearOverhang SeqNum NTCIP 1206, section dcmVehicleSeqNum Speed NTCIP 1206, section dcmVehicleSpeed StatusFlag NTCIP 1206, section dcmVehicleStatusFlag Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 62 Wheelbase NTCIP 1206, section dcmVehWheelbase Width NTCIP 1206, section dcmVehicleWidth WIM Measurement. This class contains the Weigh In Motion reading. For the purposes of this model, a WIM Measurement may be described by the attribute of weight, defined as NTCIP 1206, section, dcmAxleWeight. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 63 REFERENCES 1. ITS Archiving 5-year Program Description, Mitretek Report, March 2000, available at 2. U.S Department of Transportation, National ITS Architecture, available at 3. Turner, S.M., Eisele, W.L., Gajewski, B.J., Albert, L.P., and R.J. Benz, ITS Data Archiving: Case Study Analyses of San Antonio TransGuide Data, FHWA-PL-99-024, Federal Highway Administration, Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, August 1999. 4. Strategic Plan for the Development of ADUS Standards, Cambridge Systematics, May 2000. 5. Data Modeling Task Force, Data Modeling White Paper, Version 1.0, January 1998. 6. Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE), Standard for Data Dictionaries for Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Std. 1489-1999, January 2000. 7. Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE), Trial Use Standard for Message Set Templates for Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Std. 1488-2000, July 2000. 8. Object Management Group, UML Resource Page, available at 9. Jacobson, I., Booch, G. and J. Rumbaugh, The Unified Software Development Process, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, February 1999. 10. Schneider, G. and J. P. Winters, Applying Use Cases: A Practical Guide, AddisonWesley, 1997. 11. Booch, G., Rumbaugh, J., and I. Jacobson, The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, Addison-Wesley, 1999. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. ADMS Data Modeling Group, ADMS Requirements, Issue 1.01 Federal Highway Administration, January 2002. 2. National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol, The NTCIP Guide, AASHTO, ITE, NEMA, available at, December 1999. 3. TMDD and MS/ETMCC Guide, Version 1, AASHTO, ITE, available at, October 2000. 4. U.S Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration; Institute for Transportation Engineers, Intelligent Transportation Primer, 2000. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report 65 APPENDIX A – Manage Archive Configuration Details This material was produced during the project and may allow readers to gain a better technical understanding of the process and ideas that were considered in the analysis. However, the information contained within this appendix is purely informational and does not impact the design of any interfaces or the ADMS Data Model in any way. This diagram depicts how the Manage Archive Configuration service works. First, ADMS Admin requests a provider list, which ManageArchiveConfig retrieves from Catalog. ADMS Admin then selects the specific catalog of data, which ManageArchiveConfig obtains from DataProvider. ManageArchive also retrieves the configuration from ArchiveConfiguration. Once ADMS Admin selects the specific data, ManageArchiveConfig updates ArchiveConfiguration and logs the transaction. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report A-1 : User Interface : ADMS Administrator ManageArchiveConfig() : ADMS : Catalog : ArchiveConfigurat ion : Data Provider : Log RequestProviders() RetrieveProviderList() DisplayProviders() PromptForSelection() RequestCatalog() RetrieveDataCatalog() RetrieveConfig() The Retrieve Data service uses ArchiveConfiguration to determine which data to retrieve PromptForEditsToSelection() SelectData() UpdateConfig() DisplayResults() DisplayResults() LogTransaction() Figure A-1. Manage Archive Configuration - Sequence Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report A-2 1: ManageArchiveConfig() This service is always initiated by the ADMS Administrator accessing the user interface and requesting to manage the archive configuration. While there may be several reasons the administrator may want to manage the configuration, this sequence diagram addresses only the specific case where the administrator wishes to manage the configuration of a data subscription. All other management activities are internal to the design of an implementation and are not addressed by this document. 2: RequestProviders() This service is always initiated by the ADMS Administrator accessing the user interface and requesting to manage the Archive Configuration. 3: RetrieveProviderList() The ADMS then retrieves the provider list from the Catalog in order to obtain list of providers. 4: [return] The Catalog then returns the list of data providers to the ADMS. 5: DisplayProviders() The ADMS then passes this list to the GUI for display to the user. 6: PromptForSelection() The ADMS Admin GUI then displays the list and prompts the user to select which provider interface it wants to manage. 7: [return] The Administrator makes the selection and the response is passed to the ADMS Admin GUI. 8: RequestCatalog() The GUI passes the selection to the ADMS. The ADMS will then request a catalog to manage. 9: RetrieveDataCatalog() The ADMS then retrieves a catalog of data from the Data Provider. 10: [return] The Data Provider returns a data catalog to the ADMS. 11: RetrieveConfig() The ADMS then retrieves archive configuration information. 12: [return] The Archive Configuration is returned to the ADMS. 13: [return] The data catalog and configuration information is returned to the ADMS Administrator. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report A-3 14: PromptForEditsToSelection() The ADMS Admin GUI then displays the list and prompts the user to select which data to retrieve and the form in which it is to be retrieved. 15: [return] The selection is returned to the GUI. 16: SelectData() The GUI passes the users selection the ADMS. The data selected will be updated in the ArchiveConfiguration. 17: UpdateConfig() The Archive Configuration is updated with new data. 18: [return] A confirmation is returned to the ADMS. 19: DisplayResults() The ADMS passes the results of the update to the GUI. 20: DisplayResults() The GUI displays the results to the ADMS Administrator. 21: LogTransaction() The AMDS logs the details of the transaction. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report A-4 APPENDIX B – RETRIEVE DATA SERVICE DETAILS This material was produced during the project and may allow readers to gain a better technical understanding of the process and ideas that were considered in the analysis. However, the information contained within this appendix is purely informational and does not impact the design of any interfaces or the ADMS Data Model in any way. This diagram depicts the specific interactions that occur during the Retrieve Data service. When notified by the Archive Configuration, the Data Retriever initiates a data subscription to the Data Provider. Once the data are returned, the data are validated, formatted, and stored in the Archive Configuration. All transactions are then logged. RetrieveData() happens per request : ArchiveConfiguration : Dat aRetriever : Log : Data Provider U pdate Subscripti on() RetrieveData() For t he de tails of this interaction , see Retrieve D ata C onsu mer In terac tion, Retrieve D ata S uppl ier Int eracti on an d Retrieve D ata C onsu mer-S uppli er dia grams DataValidation() DataFormatting() Lo gT ransacti on() T ransmission of data from DataProvider to ADMS. Bulk of communication between two systems occurs here. See Retrieve Data Consumer-Supplier diagram. Figure B-1. Retrieve Data – Sequence 1: UpdateSubscription() The Archive Configuration notifies the data retriever to update the current subscription. This action is resultant from an earlier command by an ADMS Administrator to manage the archive configuration. (See Manage Archive Configuration interaction diagrams.) 2: RetrieveData() The Data Retrever issues a RetrieveData() command on DataProvider to request data. Archived Data Management System Data Model– Final Report B-1 3: [return] The data are returned. 4: DataValidation() RetrieveData runs DataValidation() process to ensures that data will not corrupt archive. 5: DataFormatting() RetrieveData runs DataFormatting() process to ensure that it conforms to the database schema. 6: LogTransaction() The details of the transaction are logged. This diagram depicts the setup for communication for the Retrieve Data service. The Data Retriever issues a new_for_consumers() command on the Event Channel, which in turn creates the Consumer Admin. The Consumer Admin then creates a Sequence Proxy Push Supplier object when notified to do so by the Data Retriever. Then, the Data Retriever connects to the Data Provider through the Sequence Proxy Push Supplier. Archived Data Management System Data Model– Final Report B-2 : DataRetriever new_for_consum ers() : EventChannel : ConsumerAdmin obtain_notification_push_supplier() : SequenceProxyPushSupplier connect_sequence_push_consumer() Figure B-2. Retrieve Data Consumer Interaction – Sequence 1: new_for_consumers() The new_for_consumers operation is invoked to create a new Notification Service style ConsumerAdmin instance. The operation accepts as an input parameter a Boolean flag, which indicates whether AND or OR semantics will be used when combining the filter objects associated with the newly created ConsumerAdmin instance with those associated with a supplier proxy. 2: [return] The Event Channel creates the Consumer Admin object. 3: [return] The Event Channel returns a reference to the newly created Consumer Admin instance. Archived Data Management System Data Model– Final Report B-3 4: obtain_notification_push_supplier() The obtain_notification_push_supplier operation accepts as an input parameter a flag that indicates that a Sequence-style of push-style proxy supplier instance should be created. 5: [return] The Consumer Admin creates a Sequence Proxy Push Supplier object. 6: [return] The reference to the new proxy supplier instance is returned as the operation result. 7: connect_sequence_push_consumer() This operation is invoked in order to establish a connection between a push-style consumer of events in the form of sequences of Structured Events, and the notification channel. This diagram depicts the transmission of data from the DataProvider to the Data Retriever. : DataRetriever push_structured_events() Filter : Data Provider p ush_structu red_ even ts() T he dotted message line between SequenceProxyPushConsumer and SequenceProxyPushSupplier indicates that there is 'behind-the-scenes' activity occuring between the flow and the classes. Filtering and other activities may occur as data is passed through. T hese details are beyond the scope of this diagram. Figure B-3. Retrieve Data Consumer-Supplier – Sequence Archived Data Management System Data Model– Final Report B-4 1: push_structured_events() The push_structured_events operation takes as input a parameter a sequence of Structured Events being delivered to the consumer by the supplier to which it is connected. 2: push_structured_events() The push_structured_events operation takes as input a parameter a sequence of Structured Events being delivered to the consumer by the supplier to which it is connected. This diagram depicts the setup for communication for the Data Provider. The Data Provider issues a new_for_suppliers() command on the Event Channel, which in turn creates a Supplier Admin object. The Supplier Admin then creates a Sequence Proxy Push Consumer instance when notified to do so by the Data Provider. Then, the Data Provider connects to the ADMS through the Sequence Proxy Push Consumer. : Data Provider Filter new_for_suppliers() obtain_notification_push_consumer() connect _sequence_push_supplier() Figure B-4. Retrieve Data Supplier Interaction – Sequence 1: new_for_suppliers() The operation accepts as an input parameter a Boolean flag, which indicates whether AND or OR semantics will be used. 2: [return] The operation returns the reference to the new SupplierAdmin instance as the result of the operation. Archived Data Management System Data Model– Final Report B-5 3: obtain_notification_push_consumer() The obtain_notification_push_consumer operation accepts as an input parameter a flag, which indicates that a Sequence style of push-style proxy consumer instance. 4: [return] The reference to the new proxy consumer instance is returned as the operation result. 5: connect_sequence_push_supplier() The connect_sequence_push_supplier operation accepts as an input parameter the reference to an object supporting the SequencePushSupplier interface. Archived Data Management System Data Model– Final Report B-6 APPENDIX C – SUBMIT DATA SERVICE DETAILS This material was produced during the project and may allow readers to gain a better technical understanding of the process and ideas that were considered in the analysis. However, the information contained within this appendix is purely informational and does not impact the design of any interfaces or the ADMS Data Model in any way. This diagram depicts the interaction that occurs during the Submit Data service. First, the ADMS Administrator goes through the ADMS to retrieve a list of providers from Catalog. Then, the ADMS Administrator requests a catalog of data, which the Data Submitter retrieves from the Data Provider. The ADMS Administrator then selects the data desired, which causes the GUI to issue an ImportData() command. The Data Submitter retrieves the data, which are then validated and formatted. The Data Submitter updates the catalog, displays the result of the transaction to the ADMS Administrator and logs the transaction. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report C-1 : User Interface : ADMS Administrator : Data Submitter : Catalog : Data Provider : Log SubmitData() RequestProviders() RetrieveProviderList() DisplayP roviders() PromptForSelection() RequestCatalog() RetrieveDataCatalog() PromptForDataSelect ion() Im portData() RetrieveData() DataValidation() DataFormatting() UpdateCatalog() LogTransaction() DisplayResults() DisplayResults() Figure C-1. SubmitData – Sequence 1: SubmitData() The ADMS Administrator issues a string of data indicating the request to Submit Data to the archive. Only the Administrator is authorized to issue this command. 2: RequestProviders() The GUI issues a string of data on the Data Submitter in order to retrieve a catalog of data providers. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report C-2 3: RetrieveProviderList() The Data Submitter issues a function call to retrieve a list of data providers. 4: [return] The catalog returns a string of data that contains the provider list. 5: DisplayProviders() The ADMS transmits the provider list to the ADMS Administrator via the GUI. 6: PromptForSelection() The GUI prompts the ADMS Administrator to select the catalog from which to pull data. 7: [return] The Administrator transmits strings of data that specify the catalogs from which to retrieve data. 8: RequestCatalog() The GUI passes strings of data indicating which catalogs to retrieve to the Data Submitter in order to retrieve data catalog(s). 9: RetrieveDataCatalog() The ADMS passes strings of data to the Data Provider in order to retrieve a catalog of data. 10: [return] The Data Provider returns strings of data that contain the specified catalog(s). 11: [return] The data catalog is passed to ADMS Administrator via the GUI. 12: PromptForDataSelection() The GUI prompts the Administrator to specify the data to submit. 13: [return] The Administrator transmits data strings that specify the data that are to be submitted to the ADMS. 14: ImportData() The GUI transmits the Administrator's data strings to the Data Submitter in order to import selected data. 15: RetrieveData() The Data Submitter transmits the data strings to retrieve the select data from the Data Provider. 16: [return] The Data Provider passes back strings containing the requested data. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report C-3 17: DataValidation() The Data Submitter calls the DataValidation() process to ensure that data will not corrupt the archive. 18: DataFormatting() The Data Submitter calls the DataFormatting() process to ensure that the data conform to the database schema. 19: UpdateCatalog() The DataSubmitter issues a string on the Catalog in order to update the catalog. 20: LogTransaction() Strings of data containing transaction details are logged. 21: DisplayResults() Strings of data representing the results of the operations are displayed to the ADMS Administrator via the GUI. 22: DisplayResults() Strings of data representing the results of the operations are displayed to the ADMS Administrator. Archived Data Management System Data Model – Final Report C-4