Nr 64 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Maszyn, Napędów i Pomiarów Elektrycznych Politechniki Wrocławskiej Nr 64 Studia i Materiały Nr 30 2010 Space vector modulation, voltage source inverter, overmodulation Khanh NGUYEN THAC* A SIMPLE WIDE RANGE SPACE VECTOR PWM CONTROLLER ALGORITHM FOR VOLTAGE-FED INVERTER INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVE INCLUDING SIX-STEP MODE In this paper a simple algorithm of space vector pulse width modulation (SVM) for two-level voltage-fed inverter is proposed. The idea of algorithm is that a single algorithm covers the undermodulation and overmodulation range including six-step mode. The algorithm unifies equations to determine angle of reference voltage vector Uc in undermodulation and overmodulation mode I, therefore simplifies calculation program. The open loop control of the induction motor, a smooth operation during transition from the linear control to the six-step mode is demonstrated through experimental results using Matlab/Simulink simulation. 1. INTRODUCTION Three-phase voltage source pulse width modulation (PWM) inverter have been widely used for DC/AC power conversion, since they can produce a variable voltage and variable frequency power [6], [9], [11], [12], [14]. However they require a dead time to avoid the arm-short and snubber circuits to suppress the switching spike. Apart from these aspects, the PWM inverters present an essential problem that they cannot produce voltages as large as the six-step inverter can. That is, the DC bus voltage cannot be utilized to the maximum. Many approaches have been reported in the literature to increase the range of the PWM voltage source inverter (VSI) [1-5], [7], [8], [10], [13], [15-18]. Some of them are proposed as extensions of the Sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) method [2], [4], [7], [8], [13], and others as extensions for the Space Vector PWM (SVM) method [1-3], [5], [10], [15-18]. In the __________ * Wroclaw University of Technology, Institute of Electrical Machines, Drives and Measurements, ul. Smoluchowskiego 19, 50-372 Wroclaw, Poland, 2 SPVM, by incrementing the reference voltage beyond the amplitude of the carrier triangular signal, some switching cycles are skipped and the voltage of each phase remains that of one of the DC bus. This method shows a high non-linearity between voltage command and output amplitude, and it requires an infinite amplitude command in order to reach a square output voltage. In order to correct this non-linearity, a modification has been proposed to the reference voltage used in SVM [11], which extends the range of the modulation index to between 0.785 and 0.907, i.e. 15% greater than that obtained with the standard version of SPWM. The over-modulation range starts from this point (modulation index M = 0.907), until the six-step mode (M = 1) is reached. In this paper, a simple algorithm for space vector PWM to produce fundamental voltage versus all range of the modulation index (from zero to unity) is proposed. When the scheme is applied to the V/f control of induction motor (IM) drive, a wide range speed results included field weakening mode can be obtained, what was show by simulations performed using the MATLAB/SIMULINK. 2. SPACE VECTOR MODULATION 2.1. GENERAL SCHEME OF THE TWO-LEVEL INVERTER The basic topology of the three-phase two-level voltage-fed inverter is expressed in Fig. 1(a), while Fig. 1 (b) shows its eight switching states of which six [U1 (100) – U6 (101)] are active state vectors to from a hexagon, and two [U0 (000) and U7 (111)] are zero state vectors that lie at the origin, that is noted by the command voltage vector Uc in sector 1. (a) DC side U dc U dc 2 (b) Converter T1 SA T3 D4 SB D3 SC D6 SC U 2 110 D5 B U AB IB C IC AC side LB UB LC SB SC SC EA EB EC UC Induction Motor Gate drive UA RC U1 100 c U tR / Ts Uc 4 or LA RB Uc ct Se SB RA U 4 011 U 7 000 SA SA U 7 111 0t or 6 IA D2 Se ct A T2 Ts T6 tL / SA Se ct T4 U dc 2 or 3 U A0 0 1 or SB Sector 2 ct Se D1 U 3 010 T5 U 5 001 Sector 5 U 6 101 N Fig. 1. Two level voltage-fed inverter (a), switching states of the inverter (b) 3 The operation in undermodulation range is determined by the modulation index M, which is defined as the ratio between the magnitude of the command or reference voltage vector and the peak value of the fundamental component of the square-wave voltage. The modulation index (M) varies between 0 and 1. In the undermodulation region [0 M 0.907) , shown in Fig. 2(a), the reference voltage vector U c remains within the hexagon. The overmodulation region is subdivided into two modes: mode I [0.907 M 0.952) and mode II [0.952 M 1.00] . Fig. 2(b) shows a reference vector for mode I and the lower and upper trajectory limits for this region. Fig. 2(c) shows operation in overmodulation mode II and the corresponding trajectory limits. U 2 110 U 2 110 D M = 0.907 Uc A * h U1 100 a Uc h * U1 100 UR B * c U*c /6 U M=1 h Uc C M = 0.952 M = 0.952 M = 0.907 UL U 2 110 h U1 100 b c Fig. 2. Regions of the inverter operation: undermodulation [0 M 0.907] (a), Overmodulation mode I [0.907 M 0.952] (b), Overmodulation mode II [0.952 M 1.00] (c) 2.2. UNDERMODULATION REGION For calculation effective times (tR and tL) in undermodulation region (M ≤ 0.907) of sector N ( N 1 6 ), we use vector diagram shown in the Fig. 3. U2 i U i 1 U c N 2 Uc U U3 U R UR N U L U4 3 UL 1 3 N * N 3 N 1 U L U c U R U1 Fig. 3. Vector diagram of the reference vector voltage Uc in the sector N 4 The effective times of the inverter switching states in undermodulation region are obtained from simple trigonometrically relationships, according to the vector diagram in Fig. 3, and can be expressed by the following equation: U c U R U L Ui tR 3Ts U dc tR t Ui 1 L Ts Ts U c sin 3 N U c cos 3 N U c sin 3 N 1 U c cos 3 N 1 t0 t7 Ts tR tL / 2 tL (1) 3Ts U dc (2) where tR , tL , t0 – effective time for the right, left and zero switching vectors, respectively, Ts 1 / f s – sampling time (fs – switching frequency), U c , U c – components of the reference voltage vector Uc, U dc – DC bus voltage. After some modifications, we obtain: tR 2 3 MTs sin N 3 MTs sin N 1 3 t0 t7 Ts t R t L / 2 tL 2 3 (3) where is angle of U c (see Fig.3). In the case of M is a modulation index, the space vector modulation is defined as: M where: Uc U1 six step Uc 2 U dc (4) 5 U c U c2 U c2 – phase peak value, U1( six step ) – fundamental peak value of the square-phase voltage wave. The modulation index M varies from 0 to 1 at the square-wave output. The length of the U c vector, in the whole range of is equal to U dc / 3 . This is a radius of the circle inscribed in the hexagon in Fig. 1(b). At this condition the modulation index is equal: M U dc / 3 2 * U dc / 0.907 (5) This means that 90.7% of the fundamental voltage at the square wave can be obtained. 2.3. OVERMODULATION REGION In the algorithm where overmodulation region is considered, two operation modes depending on the reference voltage value are defined. In the mode I the algorithm modifies only the voltage vector amplitude, in the mode II both the amplitude and angle of the voltage vector are influenced [10],[15]. The overmodulation mode I is shown in Fig. 2(b). In this mode voltage vector U c crosses the hexagon boundary at two points (B and C) in each sector. There is a loss of fundamental voltage in the region where reference vector exceeds the hexagon boundary. To compensate for this loss, the reference vector amplitude is increased in the region where the reference vector is in the hexagon boundary. The magnitude of the reference vector is changed from Uc to U*c , while the angle is transmitted without any changes ( * ). A modified reference voltage trajectory proceeds partly on the hexagon (line length BC) and partly on the circle (curve length AB and CD). This trajectory is shown with solid line in Fig. 2(b). This mode extends the range of the modulation index up to 0.952. In the hexagon trajectory part only active vector are used. The duration of these vectors tR and tL are obtained from trigonometrical relationships and can be expressed by the following equation [10]: 3 cos * sin * 3 cos * sin * tL Ts tR tR Ts (6) t0 t7 0 In the general case, we can calculate the switching time using following equations: 6 3 cos N 1 sin N 1 3 3 tR Ts 3 cos N 1 sin N 1 3 3 tL Ts tR (7) t 0 t7 0 Region II starts from M = 0.952 and reaches six-step mode M = 1.00 (Fig. 2c). The trajectory U c is maintained on the hexagon, which defines amplitude of the reference voltage vector. The angle is calculated from the following equation [10]: 0 h * 6 h 6 3 0 h for h 3 h (8) 3 h 3 where h is the hold-angle. This angle uniquely controls the fundamental voltage. It is a nonlinear function of the modulation index [10], [15]. The modified vector is held at a vertex of the hexagon for holding angle h over particular time and then partly tracks the hexagon sides in every sector for the rest of the switching period. The holding angle h is nonlinear function of the modulation index, which can be piecewise linearized, what is presented in [15]: 6.40M 6.09 h 11.75M 11.34 48.96M 48.43 0.9517 M 0.980 for 0.980 M 0.9975 (9) 0.9975 M 1.0000 In Fig. 2(c) the reference vector trajectory generated for the first sector is shown. This trajectory is obtained in three steps. First part, if angle is less than the respective value of h , the algorithm hold the vector at the vertex U 1 . Next part is for from h to 3 h . In this angle range, the reference vector moves along the hexagon. In the last range, from 3 h to 3 , the vector U c held until the next vertex U 2 . The ondurations are calculated by substituting * for in (6). The overmodulation mode II works up to the six-step mode for h equal to zero. The six-step mode is characterized by selection of the switching vector for one-sixth 7 of the fundamental period. In this case, the maximum possible inverter output voltage is generated. 3. SIMPLE SVM ALGORITHM Fig. 4 shows the flowchart for SVM algorithm, where U c and U c are components (real and imaginary) of the reference voltage vector U c , respectively of U c , is the angular distance from the Re axis in Fig. 3 ( Uc U c ). U c ,U c Calculate the angle (11) Determine the sector N (12) Calculate the modulation index M (4) 0 M 0.907 0.952 M 1.00 M Calculate h 9 0.907 M 0.952 Calculate * 8 Calculate tR , tL 7 Calculate tR , tL , t0 3 Calculate tR , tL by * 6 Caculate TA_ON , TB_ON , TC_ON Switch gates Fig. 4. Simple algorithm of SVM The angle is given by the following equation: 0 arcsin Uc / Uc 0 2 0 0 (10) U c 0 and U c 0 for U c 0 and U c 0 U c 0 The sector number N is calculated from following equation: (11) 8 0 / 3 / 3 2 / 3 2 / 3 4 / 3 4 / 3 5 / 3 5 / 3 2 1 2 3 N 4 5 6 (12) In the Fig. 5 the switching times for sector 1 are shown for the illustration. U 2 110 A TB ON B UL Uc C U1 100 UR Sector 1 TB OFF U 0 U1 t0 tR U 2 U7 U7 U 2 tL t7 t7 tL Ts U1 U 0 tR t0 Ts Tp Fig. 5. Switching sequences for the first sector The switching times for the first sector are given by following equations: TAON t0 TB ON t0 t R (13) TC ON t0 tR tL and TOFF TP TON 2Ts TON because of symmetry. In the other sectors, the switching times calculation is similar to those of the first sector and in the overmodulation region only difference is that t0 0 . 4. SIMULATION RESULTS In order to validate the proposed algorithm, a V/f open–loop controlled induction motor drive with 5kHz switching frequency was simulated. The parameters of the induction motor are given in the Table 1. 9 Table 1. Parameters of the induction motor Number of phase windings ( ms) Power (PN) Voltage (UN) Current (IN) Frequency (fN) Number of pole pairs (pb) Base speed (nN) Nominal torque (TN) 3 5500W 220V 14.2A 50Hz 3 910rpm 0.1972Nm Based on the algorithm analyses, some simulation results using MATLAB/SIMULINK are shown below, in Fig. 6 – Fig. 9. In Fig. 6 transients of the electromagnetic torque ( me ) and motor speed are shown, for nominal load torque of the motor, switched on with the delay =0s. Also smooth changes of the modulation index M is illustrated in this figure, in the whole range of the SVM modulation ( 0 M 1 ). It can be seen that, in undermodulation region (t<0.55s), after starting the me oscillates around the load torque (mL) value with small amplitude; in this case the current and flux have sine wave because the voltage is in the linear PWM region (see Fig. 7). In the next range – in overmodulation PWM region (t>0.55s), the me oscillates around mL with bigger amplitude (for 0.907≤M<0.925), while the current and stator flux shapes are not longer sine wave and their amplitudes increase (Fig. 7). Fig. 6. Electromagnetic torque ( me ), rotor speed ( m ), load torque ( mL ) and modulation index ( M ) when maximum reference frequency equal to nominal frequency (50 Hz) 10 Fig. 7. Voltage, current and flux waveforms when VSI transition from PWM to six-step mode with nominal load torque and reference frequency Fig. 8 and 9 show simulation results when reference speed ref takes three levels (1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 [p.u.]), while the load torque is zero (mL=0). In Fig. 8, the relationship between the electromagnetic torque (me), speed and modulation index (M) are shown, when ref =1 and M=0.969, as well as ref =1.5 and ref =2 and the M=1, respectively. Fig. 8. Electromagnetic torque (me), rotor speed (m), load torque (mL) and modulation index (M) when reference speed (ref) changed from zero to 2. In Fig. 9 trajectories of the stator and rotor flux vector are demonstrated, correspond- 11 ing to three levels of speeds and modulation indexes. When ref >1, the IM operates in the field weakening region, with the six-step mode of VSI, so trajectories of stator flux look like hexagon. Fig. 9. Stator flux and rotor flux in no load mode when ref changed: (1) – ref =1, (2) – ref =1.5, (3) – ref = 2 5. CONCLUSIONS This paper proposes a simple space vector PWM algorithm. The algorithm has been described in detail and shows the continuous control of SVM inverter in the whole range of modulation index, from zero to unity. The simulation results show that the algorithm works very well in under and overmodulation regions. The algorithm can be applied to the IM motor control in a wide range speed, including field weakening mode. 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