UCLA School of Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Fall 2015 FALL 2015 ADMISSION - CLASS OF 2019 PRELICENSURE BACCALAUREATE SAMPLE COURSE SEQUENCE – SUBJECT TO REVISION This course sequence is provided as an example only and is subject to revision. Each student must meet with his/her faculty advisor every quarter to review progress in the program and plan coursework for future quarters. Courses denoted with an asterisk may be offered and taken during quarters other than noted. Students are advised to enroll in a minimum of 12 units each quarter. Year 1 (15-16) Fall N10 Chem 14A (GE)* Math 3A (or 31A) English 3/Writing I Total Year 2 (16-17) Fall N50 Life Science 3* Com or Psych GE* Total Year 3 (17-18) Fall N54B N152W N150A N174 Total Year 4 (18-19) Fall N161 N162C Total Units 2 4 4 5 15 Units 4 4 5 13 Units 2 5 3T+1C 4 15 Units 3T+2C 4T+4C 13 Winter N20 Chem 14B (GE)* Life Science 2* Liberal Arts GE* Total Winter N3 Physiology Liberal Arts GE* Biostat 100A Total Winter N115 N150B N162A Total Winter N171 N162D N168 Total Units 2 4 4 5 15 Units 5 5 4 14 Units 5 3T+1C 3T+1C 13 Units 3T+3C 4 5 15 *Courses denoted with an asterisk may be taken out of sequence Spring N13 Anatomy Chem 14C* Com or Psych GE* Total Spring N54A N173 MIMG 10 Liberal Arts GE* Total Spring N160 N162B Liberal Arts GE* Total Spring N169 Total Units 5 4 5 Summer Units 14 Units 3 4 4 5 Summer Units 16 Units 4 4T+2C 5 15 Units 12C 12 Summer N164 N165 Total Summer Units 3T+2C 3T+2C 10 Units Nursing Courses N3 N13 N10 N20 N50 N54A N54B N115 N150A N150B N152W N160 N161 N162A N162B N162C N162D N164 N165 N168 N169 N171 N173 N174 Human Physiology for Healthcare Providers Introduction to Human Anatomy Introduction to Nursing and Social Justice I Introduction to Nursing and Social Justice II Fundamentals of Epidemiology Pathophysiology I Pathophysiology II Pharmacology and Therapeutics Fundamentals of Professional Nursing Fundamentals of Professional Nursing Human Development/Health Promotion in Culturally Diverse Populations Secondary Prevention Mental Health Nursing Medical-Surgical A Medical-Surgical B Medical-Surgical C/Gero Critical Care Maternity Nursing Pediatrics Nursing Advanced Leadership and Role Integration Clinical Internship: Integration (Immersion) Public Health Nursing Introduction to Research Physical Assessment *Courses denoted with an asterisk may be taken out of sequence Theory 5 units 5 units 2 units 2 units 4 units 3 units 2 units 5 units 3 units 3 units Clinical Total 5 units 5 units 2 units 2 units 4 units 3 units 2 units 5 units 4 units 4 units Winter Year 2 Spring Year 1 Fall Year 1 Winter Year 1 Fall Year 2 Spring Year 2 Fall Year 3 Winter Year 3 Fall Year 3 Winter Year 3 5 units 5 units Fall Year 3 4 units 3 units 3 units 4 units 4 units 4 units 3 units 3 units 5 units 4 units 5 units Spring Year 3 Fall Year 4 Winter Year 3 Spring Year 3 Fall Year 4 Winter Year 4 Summer Year 3 Summer Year 3 Winter Year 4 Spring Year 4 Winter Year 4 Spring Year 2 Fall Year 3 1 units 1 unit 2 units 1 units 2 units 4 units 2 units 2 units 12 units 3 units 4 units 4 units 3 units 4 units 6 units 8 units 4 units 5 units 5 units 5 units 12 units 6 units 4 units 4 units