Hong Kong Baptist Univeristy Department of Education Studies Computer Modelling and Knowledge Building Worksheet on Marine Ecology (B2) (English Version) Name: ________________________ Student Number: ____________________ Overall Task:Build a stable marine ecosystem associated with a single food chain. The food chain includes: (1) producer – phytoplankton; (2) primary consumer zooplankton; (3) predator and (4) top predator. Top predator: shark Predators: tuner and lancet Primary consumer: shrimp Producer: phytoplankton Figure 1: Food web extracted from http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/48/6548-004-4D277914.gif) 1 Hong Kong Baptist Univeristy Department of Education Studies Computer Modelling and Knowledge Building Task 1: Explore the population dynamics of an ecosystem that comprises (A) phytoplankton 1 , (B) shrimps Before your exploration, answer the following questions: Conjecture 1.1 Sketch a broken line graph to show how the number of shrimps and number of phytoplankton vary with time。(discuss) quantity shrimp phytoplankton time Reason(s): __________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 2 Download and save the file task1B(eng).wrld on your desktop from http://ited.hkbu.edu.hk/wm/index-dd-2011.html/ 3 Open WorldMaker 2000 at http://ited.hkbu.edu.hk/wm/index-dd-2011.html/ 4 Use WorldMaker 2000open task(eng).wrld: 5 Turn on the background: 2 Hong Kong Baptist Univeristy Department of Education Studies Computer Modelling and Knowledge Building 1 2 3 select the region to be filled with water 6 7 Fill the selected space with water (Follow Steps 1, 2 & 3) Add phytoplankton and shrimps to the ecosystem. 8 How do the number of phytoplankton and the number of shrimps change with time? Observation: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 8.1 Open the graph: Does the graph align with your prediction? Why? Discuss. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 3 Hong Kong Baptist Univeristy Department of Education Studies Computer Modelling and Knowledge Building 8.2 The variation of the population of phytoplankton and that of shrimps are given in Figure 2 on the last page of this worksheet. Why the changes in number of phytoplankton and number of shrimps are not in phase? Discuss Reason: ____________________________________________________ 9 ___________________________________________________________ On the top-left hand corner, select ‘foreground’, then click the button next to ‘shrimp’ . Try to adjust the birth or death rate as shown below. Refer to the graph, record the change in the populations of phytoplankton and shrimps change. _________________________________________________________________ 10 Likewise, adjust the birth or death rate of phytoplankton and record how the populations of phytoplankton and shrimps change. _________________________________________________________________ 11 Stimulating question: 11.1 In this model, the ocean is made up with 46 X 60 cells. What is the maximum number of shrimps that can be accommodated? Why? Conjecture: _______________________________________________________ 4 Hong Kong Baptist Univeristy Department of Education Studies Computer Modelling and Knowledge Building _________________________________________________________________ 12 Fill up the ocean with shrimps and phytoplankton and click the ‘play’ button . What have you observed? Observation: _________________________________________________________________ 13 Remove all the living things and then introduce a small number of phytoplankton and shrimps and press the ‘play’ button. What have you observed? Observation: _________________________________________________________________ 14 Try a different numbers of phytoplankton and shrimps and repeat (13). Observation: _________________________________________________________________ 15 What conclusion can be drawn? Conclusion: _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Task 2:Introduce tuner fish to the marine ecosystem. 16 Tuner fish feed on shrimps. Draw a broken-line graph to illustrate how the introduction of tuner fish affects the population of shrimps and phytoplankton. Discuss. 5 Hong Kong Baptist Univeristy Department of Education Studies Computer Modelling and Knowledge Building quantity shrimp phytoplankton tuner time 17 From http://ited.hkbu.edu.hk/wm/index-dd-2011.html/, download and save task(eng).wrld on your desktop. 18 Open task(eng).wrld: and add tuner fish to the ecosystem. Record how the populations of shrimp, phytoplankton and tuner vary with time. Observation: quantity shrimp phytoplankton tuner time 19 Question: If a very large number of tuner fish are introduced to the ecosystem, what will happen to the populations of shrimps and tuner fish? Conjecture: _______________________________________________________ 6 Hong Kong Baptist Univeristy Department of Education Studies Computer Modelling and Knowledge Building 20 Try to introduce a large number of tuner and observe what happens to the population of shrimps and tuner fish. Observation:_____________________________________________________ Does the observation align with your conjecture? Why? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Task 3:Introduce lancet fish to the ecosystem 21 Both lancet and tuner feed on shrimps. They are competitors in the ecosystem. Question: How does the introduction of lancet fish to the ecosystem affect the population of tuner fish? Run task(eng).wrld and try to find out the answer. Task 4:Introduce shark to the ecosystem 22 What happen if a large number of shark fish are introduced to the ecosystem? Run task(eng).wrld and find out the answer on your own. phytoplankton shrimp Figure 2: Variation in the populations of phytoplankton and shrimps. 7