BBL3101/Page 1 of 1 Key points for the Mid

BBL3101/Page 1 of 1
Key points for the Mid-Sem Test BBL 3101 (PJJ)
Sem. 1 2013-2014
Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr Rosli Talif
There are TWO SECTIONS in the test.
Section A is for Fiction; and Section B for Poetry. (Total: 30 marks)
Section A: Fiction Questions 1-5 (15 marks)
You have to read and understand everything about the 5 short stories which include the point
of view, character, setting, tone and style, theme, and symbol. As noted in your course
schedule, the following stories will be in the mid-sem test:
1. Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway. (3 marks)
2. A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner. (3 marks)
3. A & P by John Updike. (3 marks)
4. The Storm by Kate Chopin. (3 marks)
5. Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne. (3 marks)
Section B: Poetry Questions (15 marks)
Instruction: Respond to all the questions based on the following three poems in the space
6. London by William Blake.
7. The Wind by James Stephens
8. Oh No by Robert Creeley
Good Luck