Change of address of officials

SE-851 81 Sundsvall, Sweden
+46 771 670 670
Anmälan om adressändring
för företrädare och revisorer |
Change of address of officials
702 e
1 (2)
Skicka till | Send to
Fill in the form on your computer or legibly by hand.
Sign the form and send in the original.
851 81 Sundsvall
1. Kontaktperson i detta ärende | Contact person for this case Fill in your email address and phone number for easy contact.
Kontaktpersonens förnamn och efternamn | First name and surname of the contact person
Företagsnamn | Business name
Postadress | Postal address
Postnr | Postcode
E-postadress | Email address
Postort | Post town
Telefonnummer dagtid | Phone number. daytime
2. Ny adress | New address Fill in the new address in full.
Personnummer | Personal identity number
Uppdrag t.ex. styrelseledamot, revisor | Assignment, e.g. board member, auditor
Efternamn | Surname
Samtliga förnamn | All first names
Postadress | Postal address
Postnr | Postcode
Postort | Post town
3. Min adressändring gäller ett företag eller en förening | Change of my address for a company or an association | Registration number
Företagets eller föreningens namn | Business name
4. Min adressändring gäller för flera företag och föreningar | Change of my address for more companies and
Alla företag och föreningar som jag har uppdrag i. | All companies and associations that I am involved in.
Bolagsverket 702 e 2013-09-16 (W)
Enstaka företag och föreningar som jag har uppdrag i. Fyll i företagen eller föreningarna nedan. | A few companies and associations that
I am involved in. Fill in the companies or associations below. | Registration number
Företagets eller föreningens namn | Business name | Registration number
Företagets eller föreningens namn | Business name | Registration number
Företagets eller föreningens namn | Business name | Registration number
Företagets eller föreningens namn | Business name | Registration number
Företagets eller föreningens namn | Business name | Registration number
Företagets eller föreningens namn | Business name | Registration number
Företagets eller föreningens namn | Business name | Registration number
Företagets eller föreningens namn | Business name
5. Övrigt | Other matters
6. Underskrift | Signature The person changing his or her address must sign the form. Important: Write in blue ink.
Datum | Date
Namnteckning | Signature
Namnförtydligande | Clarification of signature
2 (2)
Use this form when you want to report your new address; or use the e-service on the website (in Swedish only). The registration is free of charge. You will find e-services and more
information on When the application has been registered we shall send you a
registration certificate in Swedish.
Please note that you must always report the change of the address directly to Bolagsverket. In other words, it
is not sufficient to change the address with Svensk Adressändring.
1. Contact person for this case
Fill in personal and address details if you choose to have a contact person. Please note that we mainly
correspond by email. If you do not write an email address we correspond by post.
2. New address
Fill in the new address in this field. If you have more than one assignment, for example board member and
auditor, you must state to which assignment the change applies.
3. Change of my address for a company or an association
If you want to change your address in a company or an association, fill in the registration number and
business name of the company or association here.
4. Change of my address for more companies and associations
Tick off the appropriate box for changing your address in all companies and associations or just a few of the
companies and associations in which you have assignments. If you have ticked the box “A few companies and
associations that I am involved in. Fill in the companies or associations below” you must fill in the
registration number and business name for the companies or associations for which you want the changes
5. Other matters
Fill in further details here, if applicable.
Bolagsverket 702 e 2013-09-16 (W)
6. Signature
The person who has changed his or her address must sign the form.