
Fundamentals of Nursing – VNFN
Credit Hours: 7.7
Clock Hours: Classroom:
Methods of Delivery:
Prerequisite(s): SOS
Name: Jeanelle F. Jimenez RN, BSN, CCRN
Phone (909) 376-5761 Cell
Office Hours: by appointment
This course provides the foundation for providing safe, competent and considerate nursing care.
Students will gain a knowledge of basic nursing skills, their principles, rationale, including
communication skills, the nursing process, patient education, gerontological nursing and
rehabilitative nursing. Legal and ethical aspects of nursing care are also covered. Basic nutrition
using the food pyramid and food groups will be introduced. Students will also learn basic diets
for different medical conditions, (cardiac, diabetic, etc.) that will also be covered in more detail
as those disease processes are explored in Medical/Surgical nursing. This course looks at the
patient as a whole being and emphasizes treating the person with respect to cultural and ethical
differences. Maslow's theory is utilized as a basis for understanding human needs. Psychological
adaptations to illness and various situations are discussed as well as care of the patient with a
psychological diagnosis in the acute care facility. The growth and development of patients as
part of the normal aging process is discussed. Starting from birth to death there are certain stages
most people pass through and this is relevant to the nursing care plan for each patient.
The procedures and skills related to nursing care will be demonstrated and practiced by the
student in the skill lab and after mastery of the skills, will be performed in the clinical setting.
The focus will be on the role provided by the VN in assisting patients to meet the needs and
activities of daily living based on their stage of the life cycle. The student will utilize techniques
with an understanding of principles, rationales and procedures. The student will begin applying
the nursing process to patients who require nursing intervention to meet basic needs. It also
examines the definition, functions, and responsibilities of the VN as a member of the health care
The concepts and applications of Fundamentals of Nursing are integrated throughout the
VNFN (Term I)
Property of SEC
Revised 09/13/10
After satisfactory completion of this module, the student is eligible to take the state
certified nursing assistant examination.
Upon successful completion of this module, the student will be able to:
1. Discuss the roles of various nursing practitioners and how their educational preparation is
similar and how it is different.
2. Distinguish between ethical and legal considerations as they relate to the practice of nursing.
3. Display an awareness of the Vocational Nurse Practice Act.
4. Explain how to provide basic level nursing care to patients, including vital signs, linen change,
and hygiene measures, while maintaining patient comfort and safety.
5. List the reasons for utilizing proper body mechanics at all times.
6. State how to perform all nursing care utilizing all standard precautions.
7. Use medical terminology consistently and appropriately, including correct spelling.
8. Explain the nursing process and how it related to patient care.
9. Document on a sample chart appropriate information, accurately and using correct terminology.
10. Discuss how to admit, discharge and transfer a patient correctly.
11. Discuss the relationship between health and wellness.
12. Emphasize behaviors that demonstrate an awareness of the basic psychological needs of all
people as described by Maslow.
13. Use the principles of effective communications at all times.
14. Explain why and how nurses can meet the nutritional and fluid needs of patients.
15. List the steps used to apply dressings, bandages and binders appropriately.
16. Depict how to assist the physician doing a physical exam.
17. Provide safe care to a patient with indwelling tubes.
18. Explain how to administer an enema to a patient competently.
19. Discuss how to appropriately collect and handle specimens obtained from a patient.
20. Discuss beginning knowledge of diseases and disorders as they apply to patients.
21. Through discussion show a beginning awareness of community health resources in their
community and how to help a patient access them.
22. Describe how to perform CPR, and respond appropriately to emergency situations in the
Topic Outline
Please refer to the separate theory calendar provided by Ms. Jimenez.
Instructional Methods
Guided and independent practice
Written assignments
Oral presentations
Audio-visual aids
Group work
Internet assignments
VNFN (Term I)
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Revised 09/13/10
Christensen, B. & Kockrow, E. (2011). Foundations of Nursing, 6th ed. St. Louis,
Mosby Elsevier
Christensen, B. & Kockrow, E. (2011). Foundations of Nursing Student Learning
Guide, 6th ed. St. Louis. Mosby Elsevier.
Clayton, B., et. al. (2010) Basic Pharmacology for Nurses, 15th ed. St. Louis.
Mosby Elsevier
Clayton, B., et. al. (2010) Basic Pharmacology for Nurses Study Guide,
St. Louis Mosby Elsevier
Silvestri, L., (2010) Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-PN Examination, (4th
ed.), St. Louis, Saunders Elsevier.
Thibodeau, G. & Patton, K. Structure & Function of the Body, 13th Ed.
St. Louis Mosby Elsevier
Reference books, journals, and computers with internet access are available for
student use in the Student Library, the Computer Lab, and the online Learning
Resource System.
This grade will be computed using the following rubric:
A (Excellent) = 90-100%
B (Good)
= 80-89%
F (Fail)
= Below 80%
Students are expected to have cumulative GPA of 80% and above throughout the program. If a
student gets two consecutive failing grades or the cumulative GPA is below 80% during any time
within the program, the advising process starts. Student must make an appointment with the Director
of Nursing or designee to review the student’s status, study habits, plan for improvements, and/or
remediation for a successful completion of the module. Failure to show academic improvement will
lead to probation and/or termination.
The clinical grade is based on clinical objectives demonstrated by performance in the
simulated client laboratory and/or at the clinical site. The clinical grade is Pass/Fail.
For completion of this module, both a minimum theory grade of 80% and a clinical
performance grade of Pass are necessary.
GRADING CRITERIA: Fundamentals of Nursing
Computerized testing is a valuable resource integrated into our teaching plan to prepare students
to pass the State Board Exam (NCLEX) after their graduation.
VNFN (Term I)
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Revised 09/13/10
Each student will be registered for computerized testing with the NLN prior to enrollment. Upon
registration each student will be provided with a user name and password and then, by utilizing
any computer with internet access, the student will be able to make use of the following:
Online practice examinations in specific nursing content areas: Fundamentals, Maternity,
Medical-Surgical, Mental Health, Nutrition, Physical Assessment, Pediatrics and
 Review remediation materials provided online.
In addition, each student will be assigned to take the following nationally standardized, webbased exams (using on-campus computers only). These exams will help students become
familiar with computerized testing and will be part of the students’ grades:
Term 1
Fundamentals of Nursing
Anatomy & Physiology
The attendance policy for this term is 100%. Student must complete all 406 hours at
the end of each term. See VN student handbook for details.
VNFN (Term I)
Property of SEC
Revised 09/13/10