Week 17 – Thursday – Regents Prep AIM: What strategies can we use to complete a thematic essay? DO NOW: What is a theme? MINI-LESSON: Regents Style Thematic Essay - Review past thematic essay topics, focusing on major themes that are repeated - Review with students the “How to Write a Thematic Essay” format ACTIVITY: 1. Theme Brainstorming - Students will complete the graphic organizer chart which asks them to define themes that repeatedly show up on the Regents exam, as well as to give historical examples that connect to that theme - Students should make note of which themes they have difficulty with and which are easy in order to guide their studying. - Students will share out answers at the end of the activity 2. Mock Regents Thematic Essay Check - Students will rate the thematic essay from their mock regents against a regents essay rubric, giving themselves a score - Students will note which areas on the rubric they must improve on SHARE: Which themes were the most difficult? Which were the easiest? HOMEWORK: STUDY FOR THE REGENTS!!!!! US History Name: How to Write a Thematic Essay INTRODUCTION Step 1 – Copy the THEME - Define the theme - Add an outside sentence after each sentence within the theme Step 2 – Name the TOPICS - Name the topics that you will be discussing in your essay Step 3 – Look at the TASK - Remove the first word from the task and replace it with “This essay will…” - Copy the remainder of the task BODY PARAGRAPHS Step 1 – Paragraph 1 - Define the first topic - Rewrite bullet #1 in a statement and answer for the topic - Rewrite bullet #2 in a statement and answer for the topic Step 2 – Paragraph 2 - Define the second topic - Rewrite bullet #1 in a statement and answer for the topic - Rewrite bullet #2 in a statement and answer for the topic CONCLUSION Step 1 – Copy the THEME - Add an outside sentence after each sentence within the theme Step 2 – Summarize - Write 2 sentences of summary for each paragraph in your essay US History Theme Geography Domestic Policy Foreign Policy Reform Movements Constitutional Amendments Supreme Court Cases Major U.S. History Themes Definition of the Theme Name: 5 – 7 Historical Examples of the Theme Thematic Essay Topics Thematic Essay Topics by Date August 2007 - Contributions of Individuals to American Life June 2007 - Change (Industrialization) January 2007 - Influence of Geographic factors on Governmental Actions August 2006 - Migration of Peoples June 2006 - Turning Points January 2006 - Controversial Domestic Issues August 2005 - Cold War June 2005 - Reform Movements January 2005 - Foreign Policy Since 1900 August 2004 - Reform Movements June 2004 - Geography and US Government Action January 2004 - Amendments to the US Constitution August 2003 - Foreign Policy June 2003 - Events Influencing Social Change January 2003 - Supreme Court Cases August 2002 - Territorial Expansion June 2002 - Supreme Court Cases Concerning Civil Liberties January 2002 - Equal Rights August 2001 - Constitution and Change/Flexibility June 2001 - Equality Thematic Essay Organized By Theme Geography – January 2007 August 2006 June 2004 August 2002 Domestic Policy – January 2006 Reform Movement – June 2005 August 2004 June 2003 January 2002 June 2001 August 2007 Turning Points – June 2006 June 2007 Foreign Policy – January 2005 August 2005 August 2003 Government – January 2004 January 2003 June 2002 August 2001