Department of Business and Public Services CRN 134: Introduction

Department of Business and Public Services
CRN 134: Introduction to General Psychology (PSYC 1101 – A)
Summer, 2014
Office Location
Dr. Qi Zhou
Russell Hall 322
(678) 359-5384
Catalog Course Description
Credit: 3 semester hours – A broad survey of the major topics in psychology, including research
methodology, biological and social factors influencing behavior, development, learning,
memory, personality, and abnormal psychology.
Required: Exploring Psychology, 9th Edition in Modules, Myers, 2014, Worth Publisher.
ISBN: 978-1-4641-1173- 0. The textbook has an open-access website with helpful information
and study materials: www.worthpublishers.comn/myers.
Course Requirements
1. Attendance: Students are required to log into the class every day during the week
starting May 21, 2014. Failure to log in will result in an absence for the day. Five
accumulated absences will result in the reduction of one letter grade off the final grade.
2. Textbook Reading Assignment: Students are required to read each module as assigned
on the class schedule. The assigned reading should be completed prior to doing online
3. Online learning opportunities: There will be online learning opportunities for each
module (PPT lecture notes, videos, handout assignments, etc) to enhance your learning
experience. Students are expected to view and engage with these online activities.
4. Asynchronous Discussion: There will be one online discussion assignment at the end of
the 3rd week of the four-week course. A question will be posed and students should
provide a thoughtful response based on their course readings. In addition, students should
response to at least 2 of their classmates’ responses.
5. Exams and Quizzes: There will be weekly exams (four in total including the final
exam) and daily quizzes. Exams and quizzes will be multiple-choice in format. Exams
will each be worth 100 points. Quizzes will be worth 10 points each. All exams and
quizzes will be administered on Desire2Learn. Exams and quizzes will only be available
for a specified time period. No make-up tests or quizzes will be given under any
circumstances including technology problems. However, students are allowed to drop
the lowest quiz grade, and the lowest test grade on the first three tests. Your grade on
final exam cannot be dropped.
6. Final Exam: The final exam is not comprehensive but will be administered on campus.
Student assessment
Students’ performance on the course will be evaluated on a point-based grading system. Students
will earn points on exams, quizzes, assignments, and attendance throughout the course of the
semester. Grading is based on the following percentage scale:
A = 90-100%
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%
F = below 60%
ADA Statement
The college is committed to providing accessibility to all students in accordance to ADA/504
guidelines. If you need academic accommodations for a disability, you must go through the
process of receiving approved accommodations through the Student Counseling and Disability
Services office, Student Center, Room 212, phone – 678-359-5585.
Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty is a serious offense and will be dealt with
according to the official college policy in the Gordon College Academic Catalog. As a Gordon
College student and as a student in this class, you are responsible for reading, understanding, and
abiding by the Gordon College Student Code of Conduct included in the Academic Catalog. It is
also available online at Evidence of
cheating on examinations or plagiarism of written assignments will, at minimum, result in a
grade of zero for the test or assignment. Any work turned in must be your original work and any
information taken from outside sources must be referenced.
Changes to the Syllabus
This syllabus is intended to provide structure for the semester and will be followed as closely as
possible. However, the professor reserves the right to make changes as course needs arise.
Tentative Reading Assignment/Class Schedule
(Subject to change with due notice)
May 21
Module 1 – The history and scope of psychology
Quiz 1
May 22
Required on-campus session 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Russell 106
Module 2 – Research Strategies
Quiz 2
May 23
Module 34 -- Classic perspectives on personality
Quiz 3
May 26
Memorial Day No class
May 27
Module 35 – Contemporary perspectives on personality
Quiz 4
May 28
Test 1
May 29
Module 32 – Stress and illness
Quiz 5
May 30
Module 33 – Health and Happiness
June 2
Quiz 6
Module 18 – Classical conditioning
Quiz 7
Module 19 – Operant conditioning
Quiz 8
June 4
Test 2
June 5
Module 36 – Social thinking and social influence
Quiz 9
June 6
Module 37 -- Antisocial relations
Quiz 10
June 9
Module 38 – Prosocial relations
Quiz 11
June 10
Discussion Assignment
June 11
Test 3
June 12
Module 28 – Basic motivational concepts, the need to belong, and
achievement motivation
Quiz 12
June 13
Module 29 – Hunger
Quiz 13
June 16
Module 14 – Human Sexuality
Quiz 14
June 17
Study day
June 18
Final Exam 9:00 am – 11: 00 am Russell Hall computer lab 106