345 Standard Sophomore English


Walla Walla High School

2007-2008 Course Syllabus

345 Standard Sophomore English

Karen Peddicord, A-22 Mary Schumacher, A-5 John Stilson, A-6

Linda Woodard, A-20 Debra Wright, A-14

Course Description and Objectives

This course fulfills the sophomore English graduation requirement. It is a full year course focusing on the study of literature, grammar, composition, speech, and vocabulary. The literature segment concentrates on further development of skills in analysis. Genres covered may include the short story, novel, drama, and poetry. Grammar and usage are covered in preparation for the WASL and SAT.

Further emphasis is placed on the WWHS expository writing format as well as continuing work toward mastery of literary analysis. Successful completion of up to 1200 pages of outside reading is required of students each semester.

Basic Instructional Materials include:

Traditions in Literature (anthology)

To Kill A Mockingbird (novel)

Bean Trees (novel)

A Midsummer Night’s Dream or Merchant of Venice (plays)

Sadlier Oxford Vocabulary , Level E

Supplemental Instructional Materials may include:


To Kill A Mockingbird

Twelve Angry Men

The Pearl

Julius Caesar

Midsummer Night’s Dream

Merchant of Venice

The Necklace

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Dead Poets Society

Mainstream Periodicals, such as the following:



Saturday Evening Post


Designated online resources

WWHS Library materials

Homework Policy as stated in WWPS policies:

Value of Homework:

We believe homework is a valuable tool to improve student learning. Homework strengthens academic skills, reinforces concepts students learn in class, and helps students learn responsibility. It develops positive study habits and makes parents aware of students’ work.

Definition of Homework:

Homework is an independent activity, to be accomplished outside of class time and without teacher assistance, to reinforce concepts learned in class. It may be a short-term assignment due the next day or a long-term assignment/project due at a future date.

Although accomplished outside of class, unfinished class work or class work missed due to absences is not included in the District’s definition of homework.

Note: Homework expectations of parents and students are also listed on pages 21-22 in the

2007-08 Student/Parent Handbook.

Course Outline/Requirement/Assessments

Lessons spanning the year will include entry tasks such as conventions practice, quote quizzes and reader responses; literary analysis papers and projects; WASL skills practice; a variety of vocabulary development tools such as word parts, SAT preparation, terminology, and content-specific words.

In order to facilitate use of resources, teachers will alternate semesters’ materials. One group will begin with units on the short story, Steinbeck’s novel The Pearl, modern drama including Twelve Angry Men, literary nonfiction such as letters, memoirs, biographies, autobiographies and essays, as well as related articles in the news. The other group will begin with poetry, works by S hakespeare, Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird and Arthurian legends. Works chosen by individual teachers to support particular units may also be included. Groups will switch materials at semester. Both groups will end the year with classics reviews in genres to be included on the final examination. Assignments that are candidates for “Best Work” Portfolio entries include an essay, a poem, and a project.

Grading Policy

The common grading scale implemented in all classes at Walla Walla High School, found on page 22 of the student handbook is as follows:

A 94-100% A- 90-93%

B+ 87-89%

C+ 77-79%

D+ 67-69%

B 84-86%

C 74-86%

D 60-66%

B- 80-83%

C- 80-73%

F 0% - 59%

Assignments/expectations will be weighted as follows:

Papers, projects and tests, 35%

Daily work, homework and quizzes, 35%

Participation, primarily discussion, but also being prepared with class materials, personal reading, and remaining on task, 20%

Comprehensive final examinations, 10%

Parent Acknowledgement

I have read the above information and agree to support my son/daughter in his/her efforts achieve success in meeting the goals of this course. If I have any questions or concerns, I will contact the teacher, preferably by email at kpeddicord@wwps.org

, mschumacher@wwps.org

, jstilson@wwps.org

, lwoodard@wwps.org

, or dwright@wwps.org

, or by leaving a message at 527-


Student Signature __________________________Date: _______ Email: __________________

Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________Date: _______ Email: __________________
