IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE Health Sciences Division Associate of Science in Nursing Program Course Syllabus Spring 2006 COURSE TITLE: Paramedic Transition to Associate of Science Nursing Practicum COURSE NUMBER: NUR 247 CO-REQUISITE: NUR 246 Transition to Associate of Science Nursing NUR 154 Pharmacotherapeutics PRE-REQUISITE: Admission to Associate of Science in Nursing Program EMT-P Indiana Certification and or National Registry, Math 111, Anatomy 101 and 102, English 111, and Psychology 101 DIVISION: Health Sciences PROGRAM: Associate of Science in Nursing CREDIT HOURS: 4 CONTACT HOURS: 176 hrs/semester LECTURE HOURS: 0 LAB HOURS: 32 CLINICAL HOURS: 144 TOTAL CLOCK HOURS: Lecture: 0 COURSE SCHEDULE: Lab: 32 Clinical Hours: 144 ROOM: Monday Clinical 7:00- 5:00 Lab 8:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00 Fridays from January 13February 3 Royal Oaks, Union Hospital, Nursing Lab and B-126 INSTRUCTOR: Cindi Kreicker, RN,MSN PHONE NUMBER: (812) 298-2246 or 1-800-377-4882 x2246 Pager: (812) 231-9757 E-MAIL ADDRESS: ckreicke@ivytech.edu OFFICE LOCATION: B 132G OFFICE HOURS: Monday 6:30-7:00, 5:00-5:30 Tuesday 12:00-2:00 Wednesday 12:00-2:00 Thursday 9:00-12:00 DATE OF LAST REVISION: Spring 2006 EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS REVISION: Spring 2006 CATALOG DESCRIPTION Laboratory and clinical experience is provided to facilitate an understanding of and psychomotor comfort with basic nursing skills beyond the emergent assessments and interventions used in the role of Paramedic. Initiates a beginning level of assessing, analyzing, planning, implementing and evaluating therapeutic measures in meeting basic universal and health deviation needs. COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Describe basic components of the philosophy of the ASN program Utilize the nursing process, with emphasis on assessment, analysis, planning, and intervention in providing care to adult clients with health deviations Identify universal healthcare needs in selected clients Utilize principles of the teaching/learning process in assisting adult clients to gain health information. Employ appropriate therapeutic communication skills when caring for adult clients. Function in the role of the associate degree nursing student in the adult health care settings in relation to professional behaviors, communication, assessment, clinical decision making, caring interventions, teaching and learning, collaboration, and managing care. Perform psychomotor skills accurately. Apply legal/ethical standards when providing care to adult clients. COURSE CONTENT: Topical areas of study include: Concepts about people, health, nursing, environment, teaching, and learning Integration of concepts related to growth and development, people, environment, health, nursing, the teaching/learning process, and competencies of the nurse. Application of the nursing process and critical thinking skills in promoting, maintaining, and / or restoring health Actual client care within in the competencies of the associate degree-nursing student Therapeutic communication skills Practical application of the theoretical content presented in NUR 246 Advanced psychomotor skills Dosage calculations REQUIRED TEXTS & INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Black, J. and Hawks J. H. Medical Surgical Nursing Clinical Management for Positive Outcomes. Elsevier / Saunders. 2004. Daniels, R. (2003). Delmars Manual of Lab and Diagnostic Tests , Delmar. Grinslade, S., Ingel, L., Keys, P. Study Guide for Medical Srugical Nursing: Clinical Management for Positive Outcomes. Elsevier / Saunders, 2004. Miller, B. and Keane, C. (2003). Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine and Nursing and Allied Health, Saunders. Myers, E. (2003). RN Notes: Clinical Pocket Guide. FA Davis. Pickar, G. (2004). Dosage Calculations, Thomson. Potter, P., Perry, A.G. (2005); Fundamentals of Nursing. Elsevier/ Saunders. Skidmore, Roth L. (2005). Mosby’s 2005 Nursing Drug Reference. ,Mosby. SUGGESTED: Care Plan Book REQUIRED MATERIALS / EQUIPMENT: Stethoscope, bandage scissors, lab kit (must be purchased in bookstore) OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: Blood Pressure Cuff ACADEMIC HONESTY STATEMENT: The College is committed to academic integrity in all its practices. The faculty value intellectual integrity and a high standard of academic conduct. Activities that violate academic integrity undermine the quality and diminish the value of educational achievement. Cheating on papers, test or other academic works is a violation of College rules. No student shall engage in behavior that, in the judgment of the instructor of the class, may be construed as cheating. This may include, but is not limited to, plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty such as the acquisition without permission of tests or other academic materials and/or distribution of these materials and other academic work. This includes students who aid and abet as well as those who attempt such behavior. ADA STATEMENT: Ivy Tech Community College seeks to provide effective services and accommodations for qualified individuals with documented disabilities. The goal of Disability Support Services (DSS) is to provide opportunities for equal access in college programs, services, and activities. DSS assists students with disabilities in achieving their educational goals through such services as academic and career counseling, adaptive testing, tutoring, note taking, interpreting, and test proctoring. If you need an accommodation because of a documented disability, you are required to register with Disability Support Services at the beginning of the semester. The Disability Service Coordinator – can be located in the Admissions Office on the Main Campus. If you will require assistance during an emergency evacuation, notify your instructor immediately. COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: Students shall adhere to the laws governing the use of copyrighted materials. They must insure that their activities comply with fair use and in no way infringe on the copyright or other proprietary rights of others and that the materials used and developed at Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana contain nothing unlawful, unethical, or libelous, and do not constitute any violation of any right of privacy. METHOD(S) OF INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY: Lecture, discussion, audiovisuals, presentations and demonstrations. METHOD(S) OF EVALUATION: Grading standards and methodologies will be provided to the students in writing and in the syllabus at the beginning of the course. Evaluation of student progress is continuous. Methods will ensure that objectives of the course are met. EVALUATION OF STUDENT PROGRESS: Evaluation of student progress is continuous. Methods will ensure that objectives of the course are being met. MATH EXAM POLICY: Math skills are taught in semester one (1). Students are required to purchase the designated math textbook. Math is considered a cumulative skill and once taught it is the responsibility of the student to retain the knowledge between testing dates. Self study utilizing the text throughout the program is strongly encouraged. Students needing additional assistance are encouraged to utilize the following resources: Math Lab College Library math text/Nurse Calculation Test Books PNU 287 Math for Nurses Nursing faculty Web based resources Calculating medication dosages and intravenous rates accurately are necessary competencies in the Ivy Tech Community College ASN Programs. There will be a medication calculation exam at the beginning of each semester in the nursing program. Below are the guidelines for this policy. NUR 151: The competency criterion for this level is set at 80%; the student will have three attempts to meet this criterion. If the student does not pass the math test with a 80% by the third attempt, the student will receive a failing grade for NUR 151. NUR 153, NUR 247, NUR 248: The competency criterion for this level is set at 80%; the student will have three attempts to meet this criterion. If the student does not pass the math test with an 80% by the third attempt, the student will receive a failing grade for the course (NUR 153 or NUR 248). NUR 251 and NUR 253: The competency criterion for this level is set at 90%; the student will have two attempts to meet this criterion. If the student does not pass the math test with a 90% by the second attempt, the student will receive a failing grade for the course. Students are allowed to use non-programmable calculators for the math tests and are expected to show their work for each problem. A Capstone math exam will be given in the final semester in order to comply with Ivy Tech State College policy. MATH TEST: #1 - February 3; #2 – February 13; #3 – February 27 ATI TESTING POLICY: ATI (Assessment Technologies Institute) examinations will be administered to students enrolled in NUR course each semester. The following policies will apply: 1. Students must demonstrate mastery of content 2. Mastery of content is defined as the 50th percentile 3. Students who score below the 50th percentile (national) will be required to remediate. 4. Remediation scores must be at or above 90% 5. Remediation must occur at least 24 hours from the date of the original exam and subsequent remediation must be spaced at least 24 hours apart 6. Tests will be given between 50% and 75% of the course/ component completion. 7. ATI exams and any indicated remediation must be completed prior to the first day of the following semester or the student will receive the grade of “F” for the course. 8. Students will be assessed testing fees through the Business Office. 9. It is the responsibility of the student to print and present the instructor with the remediated results. Testing plan to be followed: Traditional: Fundamentals – NUR 150 Medical-Surgical – NUR 250 Mental Health – NUR 250 Pharmacology – NUR 154 Maternity/PEDS – NUR 252 Transitional: Fundamentals – NUR 246,NUR 248 Pharmacology – NUR 246, NUR 248 Medical-Surgical – NUR 250 Maternity/PEDS – NUR 252 Non-proctored: Available at the beginning of the 3rd semester: Nutrition Management Leadership Critical Thinking Entrance – 1st semester, NUR 150 or NUR 248 Critical Thinking Exit – final semester, last didactic course Critical Thinking should be listed as a course requirement but not counted in a course grade. A Capstone math exam will be given in the final semester in order to comply with Ivy Tech Community College policy. GRADING SCALE: Clinical Patient scenario Teaching presentations Nursing Care Plan Medication Cards Quizzes 60% 10% 10% 5% 5% 10% To complete this course, a grade of “C” or better must be achieved. In the lab, each skill checklist must be completed “satisfactorily”. If after the first attempt, an “unsatisfactory” is received, the student must arrange to meet with an instructor for additional practice. The second attempt for the skill completion must be “satisfactory” or this will result in failure of the course If a student is absent for a skill performance checklist, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor to arrange for a time to complete this. Missed skills must be completed within 2 weeks. GRADING SCALE: A = 100 – 93 B = 92 – 83 C = 82 – 75 D = 74 – 70 F = 69 – 0 ROUNDING STATEMENT: Scores will be rounded from the tenths place. For example, a score of 74.5 will be rounded to a 75.0. A score of 74.45 will be rounded to a 74.0. Rounding will only be done after the final computation stage of the grading process, not after each individual assignment or test score. ASSIGNMENTS FOR CLINICAL WEEKLY CLINICAL JOURNAL: The clinical journal will be completed weekly. The notes will be kept by the faculty and filed in the student’s permanent file. NURSING CARE PLAN - 5% 25 pts Must include Defining Characteristics (Patient Assessment) 5 pts Nursing Diagnosis – (at least 2) 5 pts Goal for each Diagnosis with expected patient outcomes – 5 pts Minimum of 3 Nursing Interventions for each Dx – 5 pts Rationale for each intervention – 5 pts Please include which stage of Erikson and Maslow this patient is in. NCP Due Week MEDICATION CARDS 5% MEDICATION PASS ASSIGNMENT WORTH 25 POINTS This assignment is due on the next clinical day following the med pass. The student will also be responsible for performing procedures, accuchecks, assistance to other students or tasks as assigned once the med pass is complete. On the day of med pass, the student will need to have completed the following information: 1. List why the med is being given to this patient(s) 2. Is the dose in the recommended dose range? 3. Are there any nursing interventions that must be completed prior to med administration? (Examples might be vital signs, pain level, level of consciousness, etc.) (List a maximum of 4.) 4. List the major (no more than 4) side effects. This information does not need to be completed on drug cards on the day of med pass. The student will need to have the drug cards and patient response cards completed to turn in at the beginning of the next clinical day. Patient response cards are to include: 1. Drug name 2. Patient’s dose 3. Patient’s response in measurable and/or observable terms. If the student is not present during the timeframe to observe a response, list the expected patient response to the medication. Students may purchase blank drug/response cards in the bookstore on campus or may choose to use 4x6 cards for the information. A template for making their own cards is included. Pre-printed cards with the information are not acceptable. Medication/patient response cards are to be completed on ALL scheduled meds and on 5 PRN meds. TEACHING PRESENTION 10% This assignment will be handed out at a later date. PATIENT SENERIO 10% This assignment will be handed out at a later date. INCLEMENT WEATHER: For information, class cancellation notices that may occur will be announced on the following stations: WACF – WPRF – radio WBOW – WZZQ – radio WMGI – radio WCBH – radio LAST DATE TO WITHDRAW: WSDM – radio WTHI – TV/radio WTWO – TV WJNZ – FM April 7, 2006 RIGHT OF REVISION: The above schedule and procedure are subject to change in the event of extreme circumstances. Every effort will be made to notify the students of any changes. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY: If you have any questions or need clarification about the content of this syllabus, it is your responsibility to ask. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION FORMS It is the responsibility of the student to keep health records updated. Physical examination forms not turned in by the deadline will result in exclusion from the clinical experience. Students having expired CPR and TB status will not be allowed to attend clinical. Resulting absences will be held to the course’s clinical attendance policy. CLINICAL POLICIES: BODY PIERCING – visible NON ear piercing must be covered or removed. (One pair of small plain post earrings may also be worn. No other jewelry is to be visible). NO DRINKING OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN UNIFORM SMOKING POLICY: There will be no smoking allowed at any clinical facility. Smoking anywhere on the campus of the agency including parking lots is prohibited. Students violating this policy will be given a status report and will be counted absent for the full day. If the college is notified by the facility after completion of the clinical day that a student was found smoking, the full day penalty will still be enforced. To promote safety and availability, students are not allowed to leave the clinical facility campus during the scheduled clinical time. CRIMINAL HISTORY CHECK: All students will be required to have a completed criminal history check on file in the nursing office. Failure to have the completed check in by the deadline will result in exclusion from the clinical site until the results are returned to the department. CELL PHONE POLICY: Cell phones are not to be used or tuned on while on the clinical unit. If you are expecting calls, the phone must be turned off and the calls routed to your personal voice mail. Emergency contacts may be routed through the nursing secretary or the clinical instructor. PERSONAL HYGEINE: Any student who is prohibited from caring for a patient due to personal hygiene concerns (e.g., body odor, smoke odor, perfume, lotions, etc.) will be sent home for the day and counted as absent. The loss of time will not be made up. STUDENT IDENTIFICATION: Students must arrive at clinical with the appropriate identification (as deemed by the agency) and attire. Students in violation may be disciplined or sent home if deemed necessary by the clinical instructor or agency. Students sent home will face the penalties of the attendance policy. CONFIDENTIALITY: Students are to maintain confidentiality. Conversations with patients/clients and information about clients are not to be shared with those outside the health care team. You may not discuss clients with family or friends. A breech in confidence will result in a failure in the course. Please be aware of your conversations in the cafeteria. You should go to a private room to discuss clients and their care. CLINICAL ATTENDNACE POLICY: Absences affect the ability of the student to learn. Further it may hinder the ability of the faculty to evaluate student progression. In an effort to reduce the impact of absences on the learning experience, students missing a clinical day will face the loss of an assigned clinical rotation. The determination of which rotation to be deleted will be deducted by the clinical instructor.