Selected Resources for Market Research Reference Department WVU Downtown Campus Library Databases ABI/Inform………………. Indexing and abstracts for journals in economics, management and marketing. Buckmaster Annual Stockholder Reports…………. Includes annual reports going back to 1995, SEC 10-K reports and contact information for most Fortune 500 companies. Business Source Elite………………. Provides full text for over 1,090 journals covering business, management, economics, finance, banking, accounting, and much more. This database is updated on a daily basis. Choices II (Simmons Study of Media and Markets)……(Ask at the Reference Desk for CD) Marketing data taken from a national consumer survey and projected to reflect the general population. Useful for identifying the demographics of product use, buying habits, and the media habits of consumers. Available only in the Downtown Library Reference Collection. EconLit………………. Indexing and abstracts for journals and books in economics. Economy at a Glance……………..…………. Provides statistics on the labor market, hours, earnings, productivity and prices Lexis-Nexis………………. News, legal and business information with full text articles from marketing and business journals as well as trade magazines and newspapers. Mergent Online…………………………………. Extensive company information including profiles of over 10,500 companies traded on US stock exchanges, 17,000 non-US companies, fifteen years of financial statements, corporate annual reports and comprehensive market reports on over 100 countries. NAICS (North American Industrial Classification) System… or Search for NAICS and SIC codes online at these sites. Print copy also available in the WVU Libraries –REF HF1042 .N6 1997 RDS Business Reference Suite………………. Full text articles and statistical tables in the areas of business and industry, business and management practices, and market shares. Sports Business Research Network………………. Market research and industry news covering all facets of the sports industry. STAT-USA…………………………………………….. From the U.S. Department of Commerce, this site provides information for international market research, trade opportunities, country analysis, and the National Trade Data Bank (NTDB). General Environment (Industry, Company, Economy) County and City Databook………………………………………REF..HA202 .A36 Contains 220 data elements for all counties and 194 data elements for cities with a population of 25,000 or more. D&B Million Dollar Directory……………………………………REF..HC102 .M5 Addresses, officers, line of business information Hoover’s Handbook of American Business………….……REF HF3010 .H66 Profiles of business operations including list of products and competitors. Also on the web at Hoover’s Handbook of Private Companies ……..……REF..HG4057.A28616 Hard to find facts on 736 of the largest private companies in America Industry Norms and Key Business Ratios ……………..REF..HD2771 .D86d Arranged by SIC code this source provides composite financial information and financial and operating ratios Mergent Industrial Manual…………………………………REF..HG4961 .M77i Company histories, balance sheets and officers. Data is also available in MergentOnline. Mergent OTC unlisted manual ………………………….……REF..HG4910 .M6 Covers less active companies; includes company history, operations, products and financial statements Mergent’s Industry Review…………………………………REF..HG4961.M68 Overview of industry groups with ranking of companies within the industries. Standard & Poor’s Industry Surveys…………………..REF..HG4921 .S752 Up to date reports on 52 industries, tracking the current environment, industry trends with key industry ratios and statistics. Standard & Poor’s Statistical Service ……………………REF..HG4915 .S72 Financial and economic time series data including GDP, personal income, employment and industry information Statistical Abstract of the United States………………….….REF..HA202 .A39 Provides statistical data for the U.S. including social, political, economic, personal income, and basic demographic information. Also on the web at U.S. Industry and Trade Outlook……………………………REF..HC106.82 U16 Industry reviews, analysis, and forecasts from the U.S. Department of Commerce U.S. Market Forecasts………………………………………….….REF..HF5410 .U6 Demographic, economic profiles and projections for states, countries, and towns Value Line Investment Survey…………………………………REF..HG4501 .V26 Analysis of major industries, industry composite statistics and investment advice Product Markets Encyclopedia of Consumer Brands…………………REF..HF5415 .E527 1994 Includes marketing strategies and advertising information for 600 of the most popular brands in the U.S. International Directory of Company Histories………………REF..HD2721 .I57 Detailed historical information on thousands of leading companies Market Share Reporter…………………………………..……REF..HF5410 .M3 Detailed market share data on companies, products and services drawn from current business and industry periodicals Markets of the US for Business Planners…………..……REF..HC106.8 .M333 Includes personal income, population data for market areas, and market area maps Rand McNally Commercial Atlas and Marketing Guide…REF G1046 .G1 R15c (Atlas case) Population, economic, and geographic data including detailed maps and statistics Thomas Register of American Manufactures………………………REF..T12 .T5 Lists thousands of products and the companies that produce them World Market Share Reporter………………………………REF…HF5410 .W67 International market share data on companies, products and services drawn from current business and industry periodicals Consumers American Generations…………………………………………REF..HG4057 .A147 Americans and their Homes…………………………….REF..HD7287.82 U6 R87 Americans 55 and Older…………………………………..…REF..HC110 .C6 A44 Baby Boom: Americans Aged 35-54………………….……REF..HC110 .C6 R87 Best Consumers: Demographics of Consumer Demand.REF..HC79 .C6 R87 Consumer USA…………………………………………………REF..HC101 .C744 Overview of economic, social and consumer market trends Demographics USA County Edition………………………………REF..HF5415.1 .D46 Demographic, economic, and commercial estimates, including retail sales, consumer expenditures, occupation, and employment data Generation X: The Young Adult Market…………….……REF..HC110 .C6 M544 Household Spending: Who Spends How Much on What REF..HC110 .C6 O34 Insider’s Guide to Demographic Know How…………..…REF..HF5415.2 .I535 Lifestyle Market Analyst…………………………………REF…HF5415.33 U6 L54 Extensive information on interests, hobbies, and activities in each geographic and demographic market Markets of the US for Business Planners………………REF..HC106.8 M333 MAG/TMY/revised 05/26/04 PLP