Background Research

Assignment 2
Once groups have chosen their product (brand) for the campaign, the following
information should be gathered and later used in preparing Phase 1 of the
campaign. Suggested sources are provided. You can work together as a group on
this assignment but each group member should hand in their own version of the
research results obtained. Do your best to find the information below. You do not
need to limit your search to the suggested sources. You do need to indicate the
source of your information.
Your Name:
Product to be Promoted:
Industry Trends (your industry could be soft drinks, snack foods, etc.):
Potential Sources:
Encyclopedia of American Industries
Manufacturing USA
S & P Industry Surveys
Wholesale and Retail Trade USA
(these are library reference books)
Your Source:
Market and Product News:
Potential Sources:
Predicasts Promt (library database)
Info Trac
Your Source:
Find the following info for your product and major competitors (try for 5
Product Benefits
Competitive Advantage
(distinctive competency)
1. Your Product
2. Competitive Product
3. Competitive Product
4. Competitive Product
5. Competitive Product
How Positioned
(image conveyed in
Slogan used in
1. Your Product
2. Competitive Product
3. Competitive Product
4. Competitive Product
Potential Sources: Ads, Web sites, Retail Visits
5. Competitive Product
Your Source:
Demographics of Users or Heavy Users:
Simmons Market Research 1994 (Use Column B) – library ref.
Info Trac
Your Source:
Psychographic Profile of Users:
Lifestyle Market Analyst – library ref.
Info Trac
Your Source:
Best Customers for Product:
Source: Best Customers: Demographics of Consumer Demand (library ref.)
Current Sales, Forecasted Sales for your brand and competitive brands:
Consumer USA (library reference)
Tablebase (library online database)
Info Trac
Your Source:
Market Share of your brand and competitive brands:
Tablebase (library online)
Info Trac
Market Share Reporter (library ref.)
Your Source:
Total Advertising Budget for your brand and competitors (current advertising
Potential Sources:
Tablebase (online)
LNA Ad $ Summary (library ref.)
LNA Class/Brand $ (library ref.)
Standard Directory of Advertisers (library ref.)
Info Trac (online)
Your Source:
Current IMC Effort of your brand and competitive brands (as best as you can
Your Source:
Advertising Expenditures by Media for your brand and competitive brands:
Potential Sources:
Tablebase (online)
LNA Ad $ Summary (library ref.)
LNA Class/Brand $ (library ref.)
Standard Directory of Advertisers (library ref.)
Info Trac (online)
Your Source: