2006-2007 REGION 7 TMEA HIGH SCHOOL BAND HANDBOOK ALL-STATE JAZZ BAND TRYOUTS (TMEA) Event: Region Jazz Tryouts Organizer: Date: Sept. 30, 2006 Mail Info To: Entry Deadline: Sept. 25, 2006 Event Site: Crowley High School Entry Fee: $8 per student plus $25 per school Start Time: 8:30 AM ____________________ Mario Casanova Mario Casanova Paschal HS Band 3001 Forest Park Ft. Worth, TX 76110 817-922-6606 School Note: Any Director who enters a student must be present to judge or the student will not be allowed to audition. Please submit names including yourself and instruments of other directors available to judge with entry. General Information: Audition Material 1. Tryout materials will be those published in the “Southwestern Musician” & the TMEA website. 2. Drum Audition-Drum set contestants will be required to play 16 bars of each of the following styles: Swing (MM 144), Funk (MM 100), Latin/Samba (MM 120-200), and Up-Tempo (MM 160+). Tempo markings are approximate. In addition, percussionists will perform three etudes from the audition studies. Audition Procedures 1. Tryout procedures will follow current State guidelines. 2. Each student’s audition will consist of one swing/up tempo, one ballad, one Latin/Funk etude and two choruses of an improvised performance. 3. All etudes must be heard in their entirety (except those containing a *). Each etude has a total numerical scoring possibility of 80. The improvised solo etude will have a maximum of 60 points. This system will allow for a maximum of 300 points. 4. Students chosen to tape will follow the same basic outline. 5. Contestants must perform the improvisation etude from the changes only. At the region and state level, a written solo may not be used at the time of audition. Region Quotas 1. The Region 7 TMEA Jazz Band will consist of: 5 trumpets, 3 tenor trombones, 2 bass trombones, 2 alto saxes, 2 tenor saxes, 1 baritone sax, piano, bass, guitar, and 2 set drummers. (Acoustic piano will be provided). Director Responsibilities 1. The participant’s band director must be a member of TMEA. The director’s membership card (or a copy) is required in order to enter students. 2. Director must be present to enter a student. 3. Directors are encouraged to submit name and instrument of themselves and other directors who may be available to judge. Due Dates and entry fees will be announced at the fall TMEA meeting. Checks should be made payable to: TMEA Region VII Band Division. TMEA REGION VII ALL-REGION BAND CLINIC & CONCERT PERFORMANCE REGULATIONS ALL-REGION BAND CANDIDATE Before you will be given your All-Region Band folder, you will be required to read these regulations and sign a statement attesting to the fact that you have read and understand them. Return this signed form to your band director immediately. Your band director is to keep this form on file. REGULATIONS 1. If I am selected for the All-Region Band, I understand that I am required to attend the scheduled Friday night rehearsal, both Saturday rehearsals, and the Saturday evening concert held during the region band clinic/concert weekend. 2. If an emergency arises (such as sickness, a death in the family, or an act of God) or a previously approved UIL commitment prevents my participation in any more than the Friday night rehearsal, I will forfeit my position in the region band and region patch. No student will receive a patch who is absent from the Saturday rehearsals or the concert. Appeals to the Region 7 Band Division Chairman may be made by my director on my behalf, if necessary. 3. Although many events may conflict with this activity, it is important for me to make arrangements in order to meet my rehearsal/performance responsibilities (college entrance exams, UIL activities, athletics, etc.). ALL-REGION BAND CLINIC/CONCERT DATES My Band Director has advised me of the dates for the clinic and concert as well as the rehearsal times that are stated in the Region Band Director’s Handbook. STATEMENT OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT I have read the above regulations and agree to abide by them in order to participate and receive the Region Band patch. __________________________________ __________________________________________ Student Name-PLEASE PRINT Student Signature ______________________________ Parent Name-PLEASE PRINT ______________________________________ Parent Signature ______________________________ School ______________________________________ City _____________________________ Date Signed TO BE COMPLETED UPON CONCLUSION OF AUDITION: _______________________________ All-Region Band Placement _______________________ Instrument ___________________ Chair Awarded DUTIES OF THE COMMITEES (TMEA) ALL-REGION BAND The Region Chairman shall assign one organizing school for each performing group. It is important for the organizers of the All-Region Bands to be present at all rehearsals and the performance. Directors from each of those schools shall be responsible for the following duties and assignments. ALL-REGION BAND ORGANIZER DUTIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Be in charge of helping the clinician, and see that directors are fulfilling their assignments. The organizer will be the main contact person for the clinician. Keep in touch with clinician regarding hotel accommodations. Make sure communication is clear regarding dates and times. Seating chart and bio for clinician. Send projected instrumentation to the clinician to aid in the development of his seating chart. Make sure the clinician specifies where 1st chairs are located and how parts should be divided. Make sure that percussion setup is specific. Obtain part distribution for all pieces from clinician. Obtain complementary folders from music store. Label all folders by Chair numbers (Flute 1, Flute 2, Flute 3, etc.) Stuff all folders as per your clinician’s wishes. Have them placed on the appropriate chair when the students arrive on Friday evening at 6:00 pm. Load all percussion folders with all prescribed percussion parts so that all percussionists have ready access to all parts. Name Signs will be provided by the Region Chair for each band. Students should be instructed to display their name sign during all rehearsals of the region band. The signs will be sent to the host site and will be waiting for distribution upon the organizer’s arrival. Photocopy all music to be used and load the folders per clinician’s instructions. Destroy all photocopied parts following the clinic/concert. Return any originals supplied by the clinician to him/her on the evening of the concert. Give original arrangements purchased by the band division to the Band Chair. These arrangements/compositions will be “for sale” during the spring meeting at half price. Make sure that any original scores from such purchases are retrieved from the clinician before he/she leaves the site. See that rehearsal and performance area is set up on time. (Fax seating chart to clinic/concert site. Make sure there is a strobe tuner, metronome, chairs, and stands at clinic/concert site prior to the start of the first rehearsal on Friday night. It is imperative that you contact site host regarding these issues prior to the first rehearsal.) Introduce the clinician to the band prior to the first rehearsal. Stay with clinician throughout each rehearsal. If the organizers need to leave the rehearsal for a few minutes make sure that this information is communicated to the clinician. Coordinate breaks so that they do not overlap. One band should be on break while the other is still working. Coordinate with Region Chairman on lunch breaks and rehearsal start/end times. Have music program selected by the clinician far enough in advance so that the folders can be prepared and available at the concert site on Friday of the 1st rehearsal. E-mail the titles of these selections (with composer/arranger names spelled correctly) to the Region Band Chair. Have the clinician keep their scores and bring them to the clinic/concert. Percussion coordinators will need to have the clinician send copies of the scores. Parts can then be assigned to the percussionists on Friday night. All auxiliary percussion instruments should be supplied by the percussion coordinator of each band. Large instruments (bass drums, timpani, chimes, mallet instruments) will be supplied by the host site. Provide an information sheet for each folder that contains the rehearsal schedule and any other pertinent information. Obtain music selections either by purchasing (at Region expense) or by borrowing music from other Region schools or from the clinician. Order music only if it cannot be located by other means. (TCU and UTA have been very generous about loaning the Region music in the past.) Have extra copies on hand for emergencies. Put both treble and bass clef parts in the baritone horn folders, and both E-flat and B-flat parts in the contra-clarinet folders. Collect folders and issue ALL-REGION patches as band members exit the stage after their performance. Help pick up stage and rehearsal areas at the end of the clinic/concert weekend so that the site host is free to deal with other logistical issues after the concert. Lost and found items should be left with site host. Pleas identify the location where the item was found, any other pertinent details and communicate this information in writing to the site host. The site host will take the clinicians to lunch & dinner on Saturday. This will free up the organizers to look after their own students. Work with the clinician in selection of music to be performed. A member of the organizing school’s staff needs to serve as the Percussion Organizer. His/her job will be to assign percussion parts The Percussion Organizer shall also be present at all rehearsals to assist the percussion and should also be prepared to conduct a percussion ensemble with the section if time allows. Be sure to discuss this option thoroughly with the clinician during the music selection process. 27. Make sure all receipts are turned in to region chair before leaving the concert/clinic site so that the chair can make all payments in a timely fashion. CLINIC/CONCERT SCHEDULE FOR HIGH SCHOOL ALL-REGION BANDS Event Date: Jan. 12-13, 2007 Event Site: Granbury HS – 2000 W. Pearl St. – Granbury, TX 76048 Rehearsal Schedule: Friday, Jan. 12th 6:30-9:00 pm Saturday, Jan. 13th 8:30-11:30 am (Lunch on your own) 1:15-4:15 pm Pre-Concert Warm-up: 6:20 pm Concert begins @ 7:00 pm (Performance Order: 9th Grade Band, Concert Band, & Symphonic Band) 2006-2007 Region 7 4A-5A Band Organizers & Clinicians Symphonic Band: Rudy Salazar (band) Crowley HS 1005 W. Main St Crowley, TX 76036 S 817-297-5815 X 4142 salazar@crowley.k12.tx.us H 817-263-9107 Ken Danforth (percussion) Crowley HS 1005 W. Main St. Crowley, TX 76036 S 817-297-5815 X 4133 H 817-847-6407 danforth@crowley.k12.tx.us Symphonic Band Clinician: Concert Band: Dr. David R. Holsinger – Lee University 1035 Bramblewood Trail NW Cleveland, TN 37311 423-339-0650 423-614-8266 dholsinger@leeuniversity.edu Ondra Calvert (band) Everman HS 1000 S. Race St. Everman, TX 76140-3556 S 817-568-3556 H 817-994-8620 ocalvert@eisd.org Brian Ross (percussion) Everman HS 1000 S. Race St. S 817-568-3556 Everman, TX 76140-3556 bross@eisd.org H 254-744-1297 Concert Band Clinician: Ninth Grade Band: Randy Vaughn – Retired, Klein HS, Klein ISD 17426 Bonnie Sean Dr. Klein, TX 77379 281-376-9843 banfluman@aol.com Andrew Williams (band) North Crowley HS 9100 S. Hulen St. Ft. Worth, TX 76123-5650 S 817-370-5650 H 817-297-6500 lgmdrew@yahoo.com Todd Jones (percussion) 817-263-1269 H 817-263-5933 toddjones71@sbcglobal.net Ninth Grade Band Clinician: North Crowley HS 1005 W. Main St. Crowley, TX 76036-2920 Christine Belle – Central JHS, Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD 608 Pine St. Hurst, TX 76053 972-898-0988 bellec@hebisd.edu INSTRUMENTATION for TMEA REGION VII 4A/5A BANDS SYMPHONIC BAND Piccolo Flute Oboe English Horn Bassoon E Flat Clarinet B Flat Clarinet Alto Clarinet Bass Clarinet Contra Clarinet Alto Saxophone Tenor Saxophone Baritone Saxophone Trumpet French Horn Tenor Trombone Bass Trombone Euphonium Tuba String Bass Percussion Totals per Band 1 6 2 1 2 1 16 1 2 1 2 1 1 8 8 6 1 3 4 1 7 75 CONCERT BAND 1 10 2 0 4 1 24 2 4 1 4 2 1 12 8 8 1 4 6 1 7 103 9TH GRADE BAND 1 8 2 0 2 0 20 1 4 1 4 2 1 12 8 8 1 4 6 1 7__ 93 Area Auditions 1. Each Region Chair shall certify the following maximum number of students to the Area Auditions (and any other instruments requested by the State Band Chair from year to year). 2. No single Region may have more students audition on any one instrument at Area than is listed above. 3. A student may enter on only one instrument. 4. If an originally certified student becomes unable to attend the Area Audition (illness, academic ineligibility, etc.) then it shall be the responsibility of that Region Band Chair to certify a new candidate based on the results of the Region Audition. Students may receive certification for Area from the Region Band Chair any time until the moment the Area Auditions have begun. No one may grant certification for a student other than the Region Band Chair or designee. 5. Each student’s director (or proxy) MUST be in attendance at the tryouts. Each school should bring at least two adults to the tryouts (one of whom should be a band director). Each school must be prepared to send any and all staff members to the Area Audition in order to insure that all panels will be filled. 6. Student registration should begin no later than 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the auditions. No student will be allowed to register once the tryouts have commenced. EXCEPTION: Travel problems due to bad weather, accident, or other justifiable reason. Late registration must be approved by the Area Chair. IN ANY CASE: No student will be allowed to begin the tryout process if he/she arrives after the first round has been completed. TMEA REGION 7 BAND AUDITION PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Each student shall be assigned an audition letter. If possible, all students shall be seated in the tryout room simultaneously. Letter jackets or other identifying clothing that the judges might see should not be brought into the room. Screens are required and every effort should be made to ensure that no judge has any visual contact with a student. Anonymity is vital! All students will play from one location in the room as long as it is practical to do so. A chair and music stand will be provided at this one location for the performing contestant. The student may stand or sit as long as he/she performs from that location in the room. If a percussionist chooses to use his/her own instruments, he/she is waiving the right to play from the “one” location in the room. The judges must hear each student play a portion of the official TMEA Audition Etudes before auditions are completed. The etudes are those that have been published in the Southwestern Musician & the TMEA website. There will be three rounds with one (1) excerpt performed during each round. (Exception: This may not be possible if there is not enough room to seat all the students at the same time). In each round, the student must play at least one (1) to one and one-half (1.5) minutes of each etude. This timing should be based upon prescribed metronome marking. This will obviously be approximate. If the complete etude is less than one minute in length, it should be played in its entirety. At the end of the audition, each student should have performed three (3) excerpts. For percussionists, both mallet etude scores will be combined to equal a “one-etude” score (1 of 3). The contestants will be seated in the room alphabetically by audition letter and must perform in the following order: Round 1: Top to bottom Round 2:1/3 down to bottom, top to 2/3 down Round 3: 2/3 down to bottom, top to 2/3 down (Exception: This may not be possible if there is not enough room to seat all the students at the same time). Prior to each excerpt, if a student so desires, a brief warm-up of no more than five (5) seconds is appropriate. A student may only play the starting note of the excerpt. Mallet percussion may only play a roll on the starting note. Snare drum and timpani may only play a roll on the drum. After the fifth person plays, all students shall warm-up simultaneously for 20-30 seconds. There will be no restriction on what the students can play during the group warm-up. However, disruptive activity could be subject to disciplinary action. Metronome markings should be closely adhered to so as to maintain the intent of the music. Judges should be cognizant of the intent and be willing to penalize the student who does not adhere to the metronome markings. Flagrant abuse should be penalized and reflected in the judges’ scores. More consideration will be given to the student who adheres to the metronome marking. A non-audible metronome may be used prior to the performance by the auditioning student-not during their performance. Non-performing students may not use a metronome during another student’s audition. Audible metronomes are not to be allowed in the audition area. With the exception of metronomes, absolutely no electronic equipment will be allowed inside the tryout room during the audition. This includes but is not limited to walk-men, radios, CD players, electronic games, recording devices, cellular telephones, computers, etc. Region Judging Process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The judging panels should use the forms provided by the State Band Chair for tabulating results. Every care shall be taken to avoid mathematical errors. The monitor and panel chair have the primary responsibility for insuring accuracy on the judges’ forms. Interpretations and discrepancies in the music often occur and judges should be open-minded and sensible about the possible printing and editing errors. THE ONLY OFFICIAL NOTICE OF ERRATA OR SPECIAL PERFORMANCE PROBLEMS is the TMEA Website.. THE TMEA/NACWAPI Performance Guides are merely guides-not official notes that should affect judging. If you use the computer program, Forms 1, 2, 3 and 4 should complete the judging process. The computer will drop the high/low scores and complete the rankings. (Judges should break their own ties.) The Audition Chair shall have a tabulation are off limits to everyone except the staff and the panel chairs whose scores are being checked. Their job shall be to double check math and clerical accuracy of the results. They shall then prepare results for posting. Results shall be posted with the following statement on each page: “Tabulated audition results shall be available for inspection by directors for one hour following the conclusion of the entire audition. At the end of this period, tabulated results are final.” This one-hour period should serve as a final period for directors (not students) to investigate any problems that might arise concerning results. Posted results should list all students who audition according to rank order. Duties of the Tryout Host: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Provide classrooms for each instrument section trying out. Provide 2 monitors (preferably adult) for each tryout room, one to work outside, and one to work inside. It will be the duty of the tryout host to instruct the monitors as to the procedures for the tryouts, Including: a. Attendance check and draw letter order information b. Setting up each room (1 chair, 1 stand, etc.) c. Setting up judges’ desks away from contestants Provide a place for the Contest Office Provide a concession stand at the site. Obtain, from the Region Band Chairman, the necessary forms relative to All-Region tryouts, seeing that those forms are copied in sufficient number to run the complete contest and place forms, copies of audition etudes and pencils in folders for audition. DUTIES OF THE REGION BAND CHAIR AUDITION 1. 2. Assign judging panels for each All-Region Band tryout and distribute lists to the membership by November 1. All panels must have 5 judges. The High School Band panels must include a Director-Monitor (6th person), if possible, whose duty will be to administer the tryout in his assigned room. Supply all forms in sufficient number for the administration of each All-Region Band tryout. 3. Chair the Director’s meeting prior to the beginning of the tryouts. There will be a roll-call of assigned judges. The explanation of forms and tryout procedures will be read in this meeting. 4. Enforce tryout rules. Handle infractions and conflicts as they may arise. 5. Reimburse the tryout host for operation expenses relative to the tryouts. 6. Provide Area affidavits and see that each student advancing to Area has signed that affidavit. 7. Obtain a list of Region VII Band Directors planning to attend the Area tryouts and mail that list to the Area host. 8. Supply each All-Region Band Organizer with a full roster upon completion of the tryout. 9. If money is available, pay the fees for students certified from Area to State. If money is not available, school districts will pick up the cost. 10. 2 alternates will be designated for each section of the concert band. 2 alternates MAY be designated for each section in the freshman band. CLINIC/CONCERT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. See that the necessary contracts and forms are filled out relative to sites for clinics and concerts for the All-Region bands. (This should be done in May.) Hire clinicians for the All-Region bands. The Region Chair will arrange clinician travel, lodging and meals. The Region Chair will make all payments to the clinicians, band/percussion organizers and site host. Make sure all receipts are turned in before leaving clinic/concert site so that payment can be made in a speedy fashion. Make arrangements with the site host for use of rooms for sectionals if deemed necessary. Make arrangements for directors to teach sectionals on Saturday morning if deemed necessary by the clinician(s). Arrange for a region meeting for directors in attendance to discuss matters involving the Region bands and other TMEA matters as deemed necessary. This meeting should take place sometime on Saturday morning or afternoon. Arrange for the necessary public address equipment to be available on both days of the event. Arrange for a company to record the All-Region Concerts, if the Region approves same. Obtain a band roster (listed by chair) of each tryout result for the purpose of printing a program. Contact local music companies for program sponsorship. Attendance for clinic rehearsal/performances will follow the rules outlined in the “Performance Regulations” found in this handbook. Each student auditioning for an All-Region Band will be responsible for signing a copy of that document and taking it with them to the All-Region audition. Should the student be admitted to a band, the director will submit that form to the Region Chair upon checkout on the day of the audition. Chair order from the audition results will be followed in filling absences. (For example: 1st chair symphonic trumpet does not attend the clinic/concert. All trumpets move up accordingly. 1st chair trumpet in concert band becomes last chair trumpet in symphonic band. The 1st alternate to the concert band becomes last chair trumpet in the concert band. ) Use the Filemaker Pro audition software to print name signs that can be folded and placed on the top of each music stand. The Region Chair shall print the name signs and send them to the host site for use by the organizers upon their arrival. Organize the “Parade of Colors” which may occur between band performances. Honorarium for each Band organizer and each Percussion organizer is $100.00 Honorarium for the Freshman Band Clinician and the Concert Band Clinician shall be $600.00. Honorarium for the Symphonic Band Clinician shall be $650.00 DUTIES OF BAND DIRECTORS ENTRY PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. 4. Directors should screen their own students prior to the audition to eliminate those who are insufficiently prepared. This saves time and effort on audition day. Directors might consider past experience using this rule of thumb: If less than one-third (1/3) of the students they bring to the tryouts are selected for the region band(s), they have been taking too many students to tryouts. Directors must abide by the following entry procedures: a. Use the online entry procedure to enter students. Be specific regarding the instrument (i.e. tenor or bass trombone). Double check your entries. Follow all instructions as posted on the TMEA website, and those sent out by the band division chair pertaining to the local region audition. b. The TMEA State Office requires that each director who is entering students in any grade level of any TMEA process complete and sign the “Audition Process Entry Cover Sheet”. This form is found in the online entry procedure. Your TMEA card must be copied on this sheet and must accompany all TMEA entries. The card MUST be issued to the head director of the school the students are representing. If for some reason a card cannot be presented, membership can be verified with the State Office, provided the Region Band Chairman is notified in advance of the problem. c. Fees must be paid at the time of entry. Checks are to be made payable to: TMEA Region VII Band Division. Fees will be $8.00 per person per instrument plus $25.00 per school. Freshman auditioning for the Ninth Grade Band AND the 4A/5A bands will only have to pay one fee per instrument. 9th graders who tryout in both the 4A/5A and 9th grade auditions only pay one $8.00 fee. The amount of fees should be figured manually using the Region 7 Fees Form to avoid paying double to for 9th graders who audition in both tryouts on the same instrument. d. Online entry deadline for entering students will be 11:59 PM, 4 days prior to the scheduled audition date. e. Only 9th graders may try out for the Ninth Grade All-Region Band. f. 9th grade students who are selected for one of the 4A/5A bands will not try out for the 9th Grade Band. g. 4A/5A tryouts are open to all 9th-12th grade students only. All students who wish to qualify for Area Band must compete in the 4A/5A band tryouts that advance students in the All-State process. DIRECTORS SHOULD HAVE THEIR STUDENTS UNDERSTAND THE TRYOUT PROCEDURES AND ANY OTHER REQUESTS SENT OUT BY THE CONTEST CHAIRMAN RELATIVE TO THE CARE OF CAMPUS, ETC. BEFORE THE STUDENTS LEAVE HOME FOR THE TRYOUTS. Each student auditioning for an All-Region Band will be responsible for signing a copy of the “Performance Regulations”. Each director is expected to keep all (student signed) forms on file until after the clinic/concert weekend. This form is included in this handbook. Copies of this form must be photocopied at the director’s home campus, and will not be available at the tryouts. JUDGING 1. It is extremely important that directors be present for their judging assignments. In some cases, there will obviously be judging assignments that involve tryouts that you may not have students involved with; however, professionalism within the ranks will be necessary to run the tryouts for the Region. Judges are responsible for contacting and providing a replacement to the Region Band Chairman if they cannot fulfill their obligation to judge. If a director fails to meet his/her judging obligations he/she is subject to disciplinary action as provided for in the state TMEA guidelines. Directors should bring calculators to avoid addition errors during judging. ERRORS CAN RESULT IN STUDENTS BEING RANKED INCORRECTLY AND THEY ALSO PREVENT PROMPT POSTING OF AUDITIOIN RESULTS. ALL-REGION GENERAL INFORMATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Current All-State tryout procedures will be followed with the following exceptions: Tenor trombones will be added to the band if the bass trombone positions are not filled. (This exception does not include All-Region Freshman Band.) A xylophone, marimba and tympani will be provided in percussion tryout rooms. Students may use their own equipment if they choose. Tryout results are final one hour after the completion of the entire audition, as per TMEA State Guidelines. Directors are encouraged to check results carefully. A copy of the schedule for the clinic/concert will be placed in each student’s folder. This letter will be prepared by the Band Organizer. All directors should be prepared to bring their students to the clinic/concert that have been designated as alternates with the understanding that they may or may not be seated in the organization depending on individual circumstances. ALL-REGION BAND SECTIONALS In order to ensure the highest quality performance possible it is strongly suggested that the Band Organizers and the Region Chairman confer with the clinicians of the groups after Friday night’s rehearsal to determine if sectionals will be needed during the Saturday morning rehearsal. If all three clinicians decide that they need sectionals then a suggested schedule would be as follows (based on 3 bands and access to 16 rooms for sectionals in addition to the 3 rehearsal areas.) All participating school’s directors would need to be available to teach the various sectionals. 9TH GRADE BAND: 8:30am-9:30 am 9:40 am-10:40 am 10: 50 am-11:30 am Woodwinds in rehearsal with clinician, Brass/Percussion in sectionals (5 rooms) Brass/Percussion in rehearsal with clinician, Woodwinds in sectionals (5 rooms) Full Band CONCERT BAND: 8:30 am-9:30 am 9:40am-10:40 am 10:50 am-11:30 am Brass/Percussion in rehearsal with clinician, Woodwinds in sectionals (5 rooms) Woodwinds in rehearsal with clinician, Brass/Percussion in sectionals (5 rooms) Full Band SYMPHONIC BAND: 8:30am-9:30 am 9:40 am-10:40 am 10: 50 am-11:30 am Woodwinds in rehearsal with clinician, Brass/Percussion in sectionals (5 rooms) Brass/Percussion in rehearsal with clinician, Woodwinds in sectionals (5 rooms) Full Band STATE HONOR BAND COMPETITION This section of the handbook is simply an overview of the Honor Band process. For a complete set of rules and guidelines refer to www.tmea.org General Information 1. 2. 3. 4. Each Region is responsible for the selection of its two (2) Honor Band representatives from each classification being considered that year. Classification and years are as follows: a. Even-numbered years (i.e. 2005-2006 school year): 1C, 2C, 3C Middle Schools: 3A, 5A High Schools b. Odd-numbered (i.e. 2006-2007), 1A, 2A, 4A High Schools Bands entering the Honor Band process will enter and perform in the class that UIL has designated for that school. Classification changes for the performance year will have no effect on the Honor Band process. A band cannot succeed itself. After appearing as an Honor Band, it may not enter the competition until the second time its classification competes again. This will included an Honor Band which changes classification. Duties of the Region Band Chairman The state TMEA office will provide the Region Band Chairman with a detailed manual for Honor Band Competition rules, procedures, and guidelines. Duties of the Band Director 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Obtain the necessary entry forms from the Region Band Chairman. Each group that enters the selection process must have a TMEA Honor Band Entry Form I on file with the Region Band Chairman no later than March 1 (postmark deadline). Failure to file by March 1 renders any organization ineligible to enter the selection process. A school having a different Director of Bands for the next year may not have a tape auditioned at the Region, Area, or State level. A band may have a maximum of five (5) performances scheduled for recordings. Two (2) of these performances may be non-competitive. (Competitive events are adjudicated festivals in which more than one school is represented and a rating and/or ranking are assigned, and/or a critique or comments are given. A tape may not be submitted from any performance other than the five which are on file by March 1. However, one date can be changed if the Region Chairman is notified in advance.) Three selections will be submitted: one march and two selections of other types. A minimum of three original scores of each selection with school identification marked out must be submitted with the tape. When entering tapes, Principal’s Certification Form G must accompany your entry. 7. 8. 9. 10. In class 1C, 2C, 3C Middle School, 1B, 2B, 3B (combined) Junior High, and 1A, a letter from the superintendent must accompany the tape stating whether or not the band will perform at the TMEA Convention the following year it is selected. (Each organization must be prepared to perform at the time scheduled by the Band Division Chairman.) A Director’s Statement of Responsibility Form H must accompany each entry. A Director’s Clinician Report Form K must accompany each entry. All tapes are to be postmarked by determined date(s). Tapes, statements, scores, etc. postmarked after this date will be returned to the sender. Recording Process and Information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Recordings submitted must contain performances from the current school year. No voice identification should appear on the recording. Each selection submitted must be a continuous performance which was recorded at a concert, festival, or contest. All movements submitted of a multi-movement work must be from the same performance. Some examples of unethical and unacceptable recording/performance practices: a. Private recording sessions. b. Taping in recording studios. c. Multiple taping (recording the same selection more than once in a given concert.) d. Splicing within a single composition. e. Any engineering, editing, or tampering in any way with the tape after the performance f. Impromptu scheduling of performances for selected students or classes during the school day. g. Students dressed in attire which is other than concert attire for their organization. h. Director using student willingness and parental support for excessive number of performances. (Example: 2004 is a non-competitive year-three (3) concerts are scheduled for the spring semester. Competitive year is 2005- six (6) concerts which include the same literature are scheduled during the spring semester.) i. Re-scheduling a concert date for reasons other than student illness, school scheduling conflict, defective recording equipment, inclement weather, or emergency cancellation during a performance. j. Any other practice which could be construed as being unprofessional, unethical, or in a violation of the spirit of the competition. Verified occurrence of any unacceptable practices will serve as grounds for disqualification from auditions and/or Honor Band performance. Protests and charges of unethical procedures must be filed in writing with the State Band Chairman. Recordings shall consist of: two (2) Compact Disc Masters of your band’s continuous performances and two (2) back-up cassette Tapes of high quality “metal” CrO2) recorded w/Dolby B. It is recommended that preferred settings with regard to BIAS and DOLBY playback should be noted on the tape. All selections must be recorded on one side of the cassette (side A). Standard play should be used. (Do not use high speed). Tapes must be edited to remove any introduction of the band performing or comments regarding the band. Once a recording is entered in the competition no substitution of a recording shall be allowed unless specifically requested by the State Band Chairman. REGION 7 HONOR BAND AUDITION Event Date: To be announced at Spring Region Meeting Postmark Deadline for Intent to Enter Form I: March 1, 2007 (No money due with intent form) Postmark Deadline for Complete Entry Packet: is May 31, 2007 Event Site: Burleson High School Entry Fee: $200.00 per group - Due only if recording is submitted. Make checks payable to Region 7 TMEA Band Division. Start Time: 1:00 pm Organizer: Joe McGee Mail or Hand Deliver Entries to: Joe McGee Burleson High School 100 Elk Drive Burleson, Texas 76028 Office-817-447-5713 Cell-817-999-3784 All recordings (2 CD, 2 cassette tapes), scores, Forms G, H, J, K and entry fee are due on May 31, 2007. OTHER DUTIES OF THE REGION VII TMEA BAND CHAIR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Preside at all Region Band Division Meetings. Represent the Region Band Division at all Music Executive Committee meetings. Resolve problems and disputes relative to any TMEA Band activity. Be responsible for all paperwork, forms, and other correspondence between the State and Region offices. Be responsible for the Region Band Division’s funds, establish the Region account, maintain proper bookkeeping, and pay all bills which are TMEA related. Provide the Region and the Music Executive Committee with a simple accounting of fund expenditures annually. Obtain patches for the All-Region Bands. Execute all other duties assigned specifically to the Region VII TMEA Band chair as described elsewhere in this document. Honorariums are paid for the following responsibilities: a. $100 for site hosts (audition and clinic/concert) b. $100 for each band organizer c. $100 for each percussion organizer d. $400 for MS Concert Band Clinician e. $450 for MS Symphonic Band Clinician f. $650 for HS Jazz Band Clinician g. h. i. j. k. l. $600 for Freshman Band Clinician $600 for HS Concert Band Clinician $650 for HS Symphonic Band Clinician $500 for Region Chair per school year $200 for MS Region Chair per school year $100 for Jazz Chair PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES FOR REGION VII BAND DIVISION MEETINGS 1. 2. 3. 4. Non-TMEA members should not vote on TMEA issues. UIL issues may be determined by a vote of the majority or by one vote per each participating organization. Determining which process to use is the responsibility of the Region VII Band chair and/or the Region VII UIL Executive Secretary. In the event that the Region VII Band Division Chair is unable to attend a region meeting then another member of the steering committee should chair the meeting (assuming there is another member of the steering committee in the band division.) If there is not another member of the steering committee in the band division then the band chair may appoint a proxy. Region Band Chairs should be familiar with Roberts Rules of Order in order to be able to run an efficient, productive meeting and call matters to a vote in a timely fashion.