Unit 10 The Alternative Nobel Prize


Unit 10 The Alternative Nobel Prize

I. Vocabulary and Derivatives

Fill in each blank with the correct word. achievements 1 Dr. Lee’s great a ts in chemistry brought him the Nobel

Prize in 1986. visual 2 Nearsightedness (


) is a common v l problem that many people in Taiwan suffer from. opposing 3 If you listen to o g ideas with an open mind, then you may find a better idea than your original one.

central 4 Being selfless is the c l idea of the story Happy Prince. normal 5 Todd’s blood pressure soon returned to n l after he took the medicine. genuine 6 Jewels that are sold in this department store are g e. You don’t have to worry about buying artificial ones. signifies 7 In the West, the number seven s ies good luck. That’s why the Westerners always say “lucky seven.” thick 8 It took me roughly a month to finish reading that t k book, but I think it was worth it. willing 9 John wasn’t w g to attend the party; however, his girlfriend asked him to go with her. effective 10 This treatment is believed to be ( effect ) in helping people lose some weight. pregnant 11 Sue told us the news that she is ( pregnancy ). She will have her baby in July. emptied 12 In order to find his keys, Joe ( empty ) his bag. reflection 13 The big smile on Athena’s face is a ( reflect ) of her good mood. amused 14 The audience was ( amusing ) by the funny joke the hostess told. protection 15 The rich woman has been under the ( protect ) of the police after someone threatened to kill her.

II. Multiple Choice

Choose the correct answers.

( C )1 Since Corry couldn’t find a partner, he practiced tennis by hitting balls

the wall.

(A)from (B)into (C)against (D)with

( A )2 It is important that we follow the traffic rules when driving, ?

(A)isn’t it (B)is it (C)don’t we (D)do we

( D )3 No matter tough this task is, I will try to finish it on time.

(A)what (B)why (C)that (D)how

( B )4 It was at Mary’s birthday party Jeff first met his wife, Ellen.

(A)when (B)that (C)where


( A )5 More and more people want to buy cars to protect the earth.

(A)energy-saving (B)energy-saved

(C)saving-energy (D)saved-energy

( A )6 Many parents are worried that online games will have a bad influence their children.

(A)on (B)to (C)of (D)at

( D )7 The baseball coach makes each player 3,000 meters every day.

(A)runs (B)to run (C)running (D)run

III. Cloze Test

Choose the correct answer to fill in each blank.

Believe it or not, even if the strangest scientific research has the chance to win an award. To celebrate the funny side of science, an American magazine, The Annals of

Improbable Research , 1 ten Ig Nobel Prize winners every year. 2 these winners have done often first makes people laugh, and then makes them think.

Although the winners get no money, many of them still attend the ceremony— probably 3 they can receive the awards from the hands of real Nobel laureates.

In 2008, a Taiwanese professor Chuang-Ye Hong and his team won an Ig Nobel

Prize 4 discovering that the idea of using Coke to avoid pregnancy doesn’t work at all. The honor was shared with three American doctors, 5 experiment two years before Hong’s had showed a contrary result. It doesn’t really matter, however, which side is right. The prize just shows that these winners have done something.

( B )1 (A)honor

( A )2 (A)What

( D )3 (A)but

( C )4 (A)from

( A )5 (A)whose






(C)honored (D)honoring

(C)Which (D)How







IV. Making Sentences

A. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences by using the given word and pattern.

No matter what/how/who/when/where/which-clause, S + V . . .

1 Dick checked his answers many times.

Dick still couldn’t find the mistake. ( how )

→ No matter how many times Dick checked his answers, he still couldn’t find the mistake.

2 Rita did a lot of things to remind herself.

Rita still forgot to turn off the lights before leaving the room. ( what )

No matter what Rita did to remind herself, she still forgot to turn off the lights before leaving the room.

3 I often go to Kenting.

There are always a lot of tourists in Kenting. ( when )

→ No matter when I go to Kenting, there are always a lot of tourists there.

4 Felix goes to many places.

Felix’s pet dog always follows him. ( where )

→ No matter where Felix goes, his pet dog always follows him.

B. Rewrite the following sentences by using the given pattern.

It + be + N/phrase + that . . .

1 William will graduate from Harvard Business School this June.

It is Harvard Business School that William will graduate from this June.

2 Jolin signed my CD and shook hands with me.

→ It was Jolin that signed my CD and shook hands with me.

3 Chandler achieved his goal of becoming a professor two years ago.

→ It was two years ago that Chandler achieved his goal of becoming a professor.

4 Stacy works as a manager in that department store.

It is in that department store that Stacy works as a manager.

V. Translation

Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.




Not knowing where she was, the little girl started crying.


The twenty-eighth of September, which is Teacher’s Day in Taiwan, is celebrated in honor of Confucius.



The scientist looked into the reason why woodpeckers suffered from no ill effect after pecking at trees the whole day.




According to the research, people eat with their eyes instead of their stomachs.


No matter which team wins the award, I will be proud of all the players.

VI. Reading Comprehension

Read the following article and choose the correct answer to each question or statement.

The Dangers of Used Books

For college students, buying textbooks secondhand is a great way to cut costs.

Sometimes, they might get a little more than they had expected. People who have bought a used textbook might find that the original owner left lots of marks all over it. This isn’t always a bad thing. What has been noted may be what you need to memorize. If you are lucky, you might not have to work so hard taking notes yourself. Yet, it is also possible that the owner before you did not understand which

parts were truly important and, thus, put marks in the wrong places.

Since this is a common problem, two Americans decided to examine this. They wanted to know whether the wrong marks would influence understanding of a text (


). The test results not only surprised the scientists but also helped them to win an

Ig Nobel Prize for Literature. To find out the influence of wrong marks, they did an experiment in which they asked students to read a piece of text first. Then, they asked the students questions about the text so that they could see how much the students had learned. Some students had textbooks with “good” marks, some with “bad” marks, and some with no marks at all. The test results proved that the wrong marks had a terrible effect on understanding. Even when students were warned that the marks were not key points, it was impossible for them to pay no attention to these marks. As a result, they showed much less of an understanding of the text than the other groups.

So, if you’re buying an old textbook, watch out! The person who used it before might not have been as smart as you.

( C )1 According to the reading, why is it dangerous to buy used books?

(A)The prices are higher than usual.

(B)The original owners were sick.

(C)The marks left may not be key points.

(D)The books look dirty and cheap.

( D )2 Which of the following about the marks in used books is NOT true?

(A)They may help to remind readers what is important.

(B)Readers can hardly pay no attention to them.

(C)Good marks can save time for the readers.

(D)Wrong marks won’t influence readers’ understanding.

( A )3 The two Americans won an Ig Nobel Prize because of .

(A)discovering the dangers of used books

(B)collecting wonderful used books

(C)selling cheap used books

(D)marking what is important correctly

( B )4 According to the reading, which group of people has the poorest understanding of the text?

(A)The group that got the text with good marks.

(B)The group that got the text with bad marks.

(C)The group that got the text with no marks.

(D)The three groups all had similar results.

( A )5 Which of the following statements might be true?

(A)People should be more careful before buying any used textbooks.

(B)Don’t buy secondhand books because the original owners were stupid.

(C)If you want to sell your books, you must mark all the key points first.

(D)Used books are not trustworthy; we should always buy new ones.
