Date: Time: Learning Objective: To say what sports you do using the verb faire + du, de la. de l’ + sport Lesson: Literacy Class/Yr: 7 Previous learning: Saying what sports you do using the verb jouer + au Key Questions: Quel sports fais-tu? Introduction/Whole class teaching PowerPoint Presentation introducing nine sports with faire using colour to reinforce gender and animations Group work Puppet and ball work to practise different sports, actions using pegging techniques Whole class teaching Blockbusters and noughts and crosses using triggers to practise Je fais + du, de la, de l’ + sport Plenary To clarify use of du, de la. de l’ for masculine, feminine sports and those that start with a vowel or h Date: Time: Learning Objective: To give different opinions about school subjects Key Questions: Tu aimes + subject? Lesson: Literacy Class/Yr: 5 Previous learning: To say twelve school subjects with their genders Teacher: Mr J Dale National Curriculum link: Vocabulary: Je fais du judo Je fais du patin Je fais du roller Je fais du skate Je fais du ski Je fais du vélo Je fais de l’athlétisme Je fais de la gymnastique Je fais de la natation Timing: 15 mins Timing: 15 mins Timing: 15 mins Timing: 5 mins Teacher: Mr J Dale National Curriculum link: Vocabulary: J’adore J’aime Je n’aime pas Je n’aime pas du tout Je déteste Je préfère le français le dessin le sport l’anglais la musique la technologie la géographie la religion l’histoire l’informatique les mathématiques les sciences Introduction/Whole class teaching Timing: 15 mins PowerPoint Presentation introducing six opinions and twelve school subjects using coloured backgrounds to reinforce gender Group work Timing: 15 mins Blockbuster and noughts and crosses using triggers practising opinions about different school subjects Pupils go around the class asking each other their opinions about different school subjects Whole class teaching Timing: 15 mins TaskMagic authoring software to practise opinions and different school subjects Plenary Timing: 5 mins To clarify use of colour to reinforce gender of different school subjects and how to give different opinions Links to Joe Dale’s Website Main page: Improved Drag and Drop in Powerpoint Embedding Youtube and Google Videos into Powerpoint Podcast Your Powerpoints Learning Languages with Voicethread Go Animate Your Lessons