A Primer on Collecting Shaving Mugs

A Primer on Collecting Shaving Mugs
By Dick Leidlein and Bernie Lukco
[originally published in the Journal of Antiques and Collectibles, November of 2006]
There was a time when shaving was more of a chore than it is today. Hot water was not
available from the tap, so often the water had to be pumped from a well, boiled on a
wood burning kitchen stove, and then carried to the bathroom - and then one had to shave
with poor lighting. However, if you could afford the 10 cent cost, you could go to a
barber shop, relax while reading the Police Gazette, meet friends, buy a cigar and get a
professional shave with hot towels and your own shaving mug and soap.
This period, from 1870-1920, was a time when changes were rapidly taking place
throughout the country. The industrial revolution was creating new jobs and many unique
products. Immigrants were arriving from diverse countries to fill jobs and bring new
skills. Almost every man owned a shaving mug either at home or at his barber shop. As a
result, there are many shaving mugs available from this period for today's collector. On
any day, a collector can connect to eBay and find 150 to 300 shaving mugs for sale. This
level of availability has been the case for several years and appears to be a continuing
trend. Mugs sell from $10 to $5000, so they are accessible to everyone who has an
interest in these historic and handsome items.
As with any collectible, you should ask yourself some questions so that you will feel
comfortable with your collection:
How much money is available for your hobby? Attractive mugs used in the home come
in a variety of shapes and decorations and are available from $10 -$150. Mugs used in
barber shops displaying the name of the owner range from $50 to $5000.
How much space do you have to display the shaving mugs? Most collectors purchase
mug racks that each hold 35 -70 mugs. They usually hang on a wall, so some wall space
is necessary. Although shaving mugs are not large (about the size of a generous coffee
cup) and are easy to display, you should consider the space available in your home. Mug
racks that were used in barber shops remain available and currently cost about $15-$20
per mug hole. Newer racks made for collectors are generally much cheaper.
Four examples of Decorated Mugs used in the home
Seven examples of Occupational Mugs
Set a goal for collecting. The varieties of mugs available are numerous. Some collectors
want a sample of each type, some specialize in a particular category and some
concentrate on particular manufacturers. A focus may enable you to complete a subcollection of specialty mugs.
A basic distinction in collecting shaving mugs is between those shaving mugs that were
used in barber shops and those that were used in the home. Mugs used in the home
provide more variety of style, shape and decoration. Many were purchased at local stores
and through catalogues like Sears and Roebuck, and do not have the owner's name on
Shaving Mugs Used in the Home
Decorated Mugs
Perhaps the most plentiful mug is the decorated mug with all types of designs - some
hand-painted and some with transfers. These mugs were the least expensive and were
found in almost every home. Many are in the shape of a coffee mug while some have a
partition similar to a moustache cup so that only half a cake of soap is needed. Decorated
mugs often were given as gifts for Christmas, birthdays and special occasions. Some
people think that decorated mugs, with flowers, butterflies and birds, are feminine. Yet
almost every man had a mug like this. The price range for decorated mugs is broad, and
the highest prices are for mugs from porcelain manufacturers like Lenox and R.S.
Prussia. Mugs with collectible marks like these often bring higher prices because there
are cross collectors. An R.S. Prussia shaving mug with the best mark could bring $200
while most decorated mugs can be purchased for $10-$50.
Two examples of Character Mugs
Examples of Glass & Advertising Mugs
Glass and Advertising Mugs
As sales promotions, many shaving soap manufacturers gave free or inexpensive mugs to
customers. Their hope was that the customer would continue to purchase their brand of
shaving soap. One of the oldest such advertising mugs is the Golden Knight Shaving
Soap clear glass mug. It can be purchased for about $10. Shulton Old Spice promoted its
soap with a variety of mugs with a sailing ship on the front; these can also be purchased
in the $10 range. Avon glass mugs are more modern but they are also readily available.
Wild Root distributed a frequently-collected double bowl mug in the 1920s; it was made
by Buffalo China and is in the $100 price range. A number of manufacturers of shavingrelated items have produced mugs over the past 100 years, and these mugs make a very
nice sub-collection.
Scuttle Mugs
As the name implies, scuttle mugs are in the shape of a coal scuttle. They are some of the
earliest shaving mugs and several have patents from the 1870s. The hot water is placed in
the reservoir where the brush can be dipped; the soap is held on a bowl near the handle.
Scuttle mugs are plentiful, come in numerous designs and were made by a wide variety of
manufacturers including Wade, Staffordshire, James Kent Foley, Dresden and Griffin
China. Prices range from $20-$100.
Character Mugs
A character mug is similar to a scuttle mug except that it is in the shape of an object,
person or animal. These mugs are available in over 100 designs, such as Native
American, fish and swan. The price range of character mugs is $50-$400.
Metal Mugs
Early metal shaving mugs were made by tinsmiths. They can be found for about $25-$50.
Mugs made of brass, pewter, silver and silver plate have also been produced in very
interesting configurations. Sterling silver mugs are the most expensive at around $200.
Silver-plate mugs, many with art nouveau designs, sell for about $50. Other metal mugs
fall within these ranges.
Souvenir Mugs
When people vacationed they frequently brought back a souvenir to remember the
experience. Souvenir shaving mugs come in decorated and scuttle forms and represent
many vacation locations. Mugs were also used to commemorate events like the
completion of a church, school, or town hall. Some of these mugs have photographs of
the building or event. Souvenir mugs are generally found for $20-$50.
Two examples of Scuttle Mugs
One example of Metal Mug
One example of Souvenir Mug
Shaving Mugs Used in Barber Shops
Barber shops began to sell customers mugs with the owners' names on them in part
because it was thought that men developed shaving rash from sharing the same soap. In
reality, the rash was a result of unsterilized razors, not soap. When first offered by barber
shops, the mugs were sold for $0.50-2.50 each and were kept in a mug rack in the shop.
This service paid dividends to the barber since customers would generally return to the
barber shop where their mugs were displayed. The mugs used in barber shops had many
designs, but almost all of them included the owner's name and were hand painted. Prior to
1917, most shaving mug blanks were made in Germany or France. They were then
shipped to the US for painting.
Decorated Mugs
Mugs that were decorated were colorful and often the most expensive to purchase since
the painting was often complex. Originally, they could cost as much as $2.50. The
depictions include floral designs, scenic designs, birds, butterflies and comic figures.
Decorated mugs today are among the least expensive to collect, and range from $25$200.
Two examples of Decorated Mugs used in barber shops
Fraternal Mugs
Many men belonged to fraternal organizations during this period for a very practical
reason; fraternal organizations often paid burial fees and death benefits for members in
good standing. The organizations all had rituals and symbols that made membership
unique. Some like the Elks offered drinking on Sunday which circumvented the "blue
laws". Fraternal shaving mugs for common organizations like the Masons, Odd Fellows
and Knights of Pythias are plentiful and cost about $75. More rare fraternal mugs range
from $100-$1000.
Occupational Mugs
These mugs are the most sought after by collectors and are characterized by paintings
which depict the owner's occupation. They are representative of the era when shaving
mugs were used, so the scenes of horses and wagons, men working at their jobs and tools
of the trade painted on the mugs give us a glimpse into the everyday life of this historical
period. Occupational mugs range in price from $75-$5000.
Three examples of Fraternal Mugs
All collectors should become knowledgeable about the items they collect. Fortunately,
there are many resources available. Contact the National Shaving Mug Collectors
Association (NSMCA) and attend their semi-annual meetings where educational
presentations are made and friendly members are available to answer questions and help
the beginner. Information is available at www.nsmca.net, or you can contact Dick
Leidlein, 3443 Boston Twp. Line Road, Richmond, IN 47374, telephone (765) 935-7736.
The NSMCA also has a library with a repository of articles going back about 50 years.
Books on shaving mugs include Occupational Shaving Mugs by W. Porter Ware; Antique
Shaving Mugs of the United States and Occupational and Fraternal Shaving Mugs by
Robert Blake Powell; Fraternally Yours by Bernie Lukco; Barber Shop History and
Antiques by Chris Jones; The Best Shaving Mugs and The Shaving Mug and Barber
Bottle Book by Keith Estep.
For whatever reason you decide to collect - good luck and happy hunting!