PS 1700
Selected General References for Art, Culture and the Law
Fall 2015
Students are expected to explore the range of these cases and secondary sources as assistance in the formulation of their
research ideas and designs. This list is not complete but representative and illustrative, and includes sources used by recent
students in this course – it is designed to give students ideas and directions, particularly at the earlier stages of their research
projects. Most of these references deal with aspects discussed in Michael Kammen’s Visual Shock, and his endnotes also
provide direction for further reading. Virtually all articles and cases listed here are available on-line through the University
of Pittsburgh's University Library System (ULS) e-journals or JSTOR, and books and other sources are available in the
University core collection or through interlibrary loan.
Representative cases related to the arts:
Bellospirito v. Manhasset Public Library, 1994 No. 93-CV-4484 (EDNY) – display policy against nudity.
Bery v. City of New York, 97 F. 3d 689 (1996) – sale of art by street vendors (the Bery injunction).
Bleistein v. Donaldson Lithographing, 188 U.S. 239 (1903) – judicial discrimination over what is artistic.
Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences v. City of New York, 64 F. Supp. 2d 184 (1999) – the ‘Sensations’ exhibit.
Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association, 132 S. Ct. 81 (2011) – violence in video games.
Burstyn v. Wilson, 343 U.S. 495 (1952) – sacrilegious film content.
Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, 510 U.S. 569 (1994) – parody of ‘Oh Pretty Woman’ as expression.
Carter v. Helmsley-Spear Inc., 71 F. 3d 77 (1995) – sanctity of wall mural as a ‘work of visual art.’
Celli v. City of St. Augustine, 214 F. 2d 1255 (2000) – sidewalk sale of art as public expression.
City of Cincinnati v. Contemporary Arts Center, 735 F. Supp. 743 (1990) – the Mapplethorpe ‘Perfect Moment’ exhibition.
Close v. Lederle, 424 F. 2d 988 (1970) – art exhibition in a public corridor.
Crimi v. Rutgers Presbyterian Church, 89 NYS 813 (1949) – mural fresco on church wall.
Cuban Museum of Arts and Culture v. City of Miami, 766 F. Supp. 1121 (1991) – display of politically objectionable art.
Dunn v. Maryland State Board of Censors, 240 Md. 249 (1965) – Russ Meyer’s Lorna
Erznoznik v. City of Jacksonville, 422 U.S. 205 (1975) – nudity not offensive per se.
Esperanza Peace & Justice Center v. City of San Antonio, 2001 WL 685795 – viewpoint discrimination in arts funding.
Foster v. Svenson, 2015 NY Slip Op 03068 (April 9, 2015) – privacy and photographing everyday life.
Freedman v. Maryland, 380 U.S. 51 (1965) – film licensing.
Free Speech Coalition v. Holder, 787 F. 3d 149 (2015) – artistic renditions of children v. child pornography laws.
Henderson v. Murfreesboro, 960 F. Supp. 1292 (1997) – paintings of partially nude women considered sexual harassment.
Hopper and Rupp v. City of Pasco, 241 F. 3d 1067 (2001) – offensive art in City Hall.
Illinois v. Lenny Bruce, 31 Ill. 2d 459 (1964) – offensive material in stand-up comedy performance.
Kaplan v. California, 413 U.S. 115 (1973) – material ‘beyond the customary limits of candor.’
Kelly v. Chicago Park Dist., 635 F. 3d 290 (7 th cir. 2011) – wildflower display as art or landscaping?
Kingsley International Pictures v. Board of Regents, 360 U.S. 684 (1959) – film as expression.
Leibovitz v. Paramount Pictures, 137 F.3d 109 (1998) – bad taste versus art iconography.
Lucasfilm Ltd. V. Ainsworth, U.K. Supreme Court 39 (2011) – Imperial Stormtrooper uniforms as sculptural art?
Mastrovincenzo and Santos v. City of New York, 313 F. Supp. 2d 280 (2004) – graffiti art.
Mattel v. Walking Mountain, 353 F. 3d 792 (2003) – expression ‘in bad taste.’
NEA v. Finley, 524 U.S. 569 (1998) – performance art.
Nelson v. Streeter, 16 F. 3d 145 (1994) – outrage precipitated by student art exhibition.
Nitke v. Gonzales, 413 F. Supp. 2d 262 (SDNY 2005) affirmed 126 S. Ct. 1566 (2006) – internet publishing under CDA.
People v. Lenny Bruce (unpubl. opinion), N.Y. Crim. Court 1964.
Pope v. Illinois, 481 U.S. 497 (1987) – whether a reasonable person might find serious (artistic) value in a work.
Serra v. GSA, 847 F. 2d 1045 (2d Cir. 1988) – sculpture as tax or duty exempt art (Serra’s ‘Titled Arc’)
Shields v. Gross, 58 NY 2d 338 (1983) – the Brooke Shields Pretty Baby photo portfolio.
Smith v. Goguen, 415 U.S. 566 (1974) – ‘contemptuous to one may be a work of art to another.’
Times Film v. Chicago, 365 U.S. 43 (1961) – sympathetic treatment of immorality considered having a ‘capacity for harm.’
Trans-Lux v. Maryland State Board of Censors, 240 Md. 98 (1965) – ‘When a Stranger Knocks.’
Tunick v. Safir, 228 F. 3d 135 (2000) – nude photo shoot as a ‘public showing.’
United States v. 113 Prints, 128 F. Supp. 280 (DC Md 1955) – sepia cards of Greek and Roman erotic statues.
United States v. American Library Association, 539 U.S. 194 (2003) – restrictions on use of public internet access.
United States v. Ehrich, 22 CCPA 1 (1934) – ornamental glassware are not art under tariff laws.
United States v. One Book Called “Ulysses,” 5 F. Supp 182 (SDNY 1933) – literary creativity.
United States ex rel Radich v. Criminal Court of the City of New York, 385 F. Supp. 165 (1974) – flag desecration.
United States v. Stagliano, 693 F. Supp. 2d 25 (2010) – obscenity claim against Evil Angel producer of X-rated films.
United States v. Stevens, 130 S.Ct. 1577 (2010) – criminalization of dog fight (‘crush’) videos.
United States v. Various Articles of Merchandise, 230 F. 3d 649 (3d Cir 2000) – artistic nude photographs.
United States v. Williams, 553 U.S. 285 (2008) – upholding federal laws against pandering child pornography.
Whistler v. Ruskin, QBD 1877 – what is art and can we tell it when we see it?
Wojnarowicz v. American Family Association, 745 F. Supp. 130 (1990) – NEA funding of provocative AIDS exhibition.
Representative secondary sources:
Aaron, M. The Body’s Perilous Pleasures: Dangerous Desires and Contemporary Culture (Edinburgh 1999).
Ackerman, J. “On Judging Art without Absolutes,” 5 Crit. Inquiry 441 (1979).
Acorn, A. “Harm, Community Tolerance, and the Indecent: A Discussion of R. v. Mara,” 35 Alberta L. Rev. 258 (1997).
Adler, A. “Against Moral Rights,” 97 Calif. L. Rev. 263 (2009).
Adler, A. “All Porn All the Time,” 31 NYU J. Law & Soc. Change 695 (2007).
Adler, A. “Girls! Girls! Girls! The Supreme Court Confronts the G-String,” 80 NYU L Rev 101 (2005).
Adler, A. “Inverting the First Amendment,” 149 U. Pa L. Rev. 921 (2001).
Adler, A. “Performance Anxiety: Medusa, Sex, and the First Amendment,” Yale J. of Law & Humanities 227 (2009).
Adler, A. “The Perverse Law of Child Pornography,” 101 Columbia L Rev 209 (2001).
Adler, A. “Post-Modern Art and the Death of Obscenity Law,” 99 Yale L. J. 1359 (1990).
Adler, A. “Symptomatic Cases: Hysteria in the Supreme Court’s Nude Dancing Decisions,” 64 Amer. Imago 297 (2007).
Adler, A. “What’s Left? Hate Speech, Pornography and the Problem for Artistic Expression,” 84 Cal. L. Rev. 1499 (1996).
Adler, A. “Why is Art on Trial?” 22 J. Arts Mgt, Law and Society 323 (1993).
Aiken, R. “Legal Lore: Whistler v. Ruskin,” 27 Litigation 65 (2001).
Alexander, J. “Roth at Fifty: Reconsidering the Common Law Antecedents of American Obscenity Law,” 41 John Marshall
L. Rev. 393 (2008).
Alexander, J. “The Maturing of a Film Genre in an Era of Relaxing Standards of Obscenity: Freeze Me as a Rape-Revenge
Film,” Senses of Cinema (July-September 2005).
Allara, P. “ ‘Mater’ of Fact: Alice Neel’s Pregnant Nudes,” 8 Amer. Art 6 (1994).
Allen, R. Horrible Prettiness: Burlesque and American Culture (North Carolina 1991).
Altenloh, E. “A Sociology of the Cinema: The Audience,” 42 Screen 249 (2001).
American Psychological Association, Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls (2007).
Anthony, J. Transgression: The Offenses of Art (Chicago 2003).
Aristodemou, M. “The Seduction of Mimesis: Theater as Woman and the Play of Difference and Excess in Aeschylus'
Oresteia,” 11 Cardozo Studies in Law and Lit. 1 (1999).
Armstrong, T. “Non-Depicted Content and Pictorial Ambition,” 34 Br. Journal of Aesthetics 3336 (1997).
ART WORKS, NEA fall and spring grant announcements, annually, at ‘’
Arya, R. “Taking Apart the Body: Abjection and Body Art,” 19 Perf. Res. 5 (2014).
Ater, R. “Making History: Meta Warrick Fuller’s Ethiopia” 17 Amer. Art 12 (2003).
Austin, J. Taking the Train: How Graffiti Art Became an Urban Crisis in New York City (Columbia 2001).
Austin, T. Hollywood Hype and Audiences: Selling & Watching Popular Film in the 1990s (Manchester 2002).
Baade, P. “Photographer’s Rights: Case for Sufficient Originality Test in Copyright Law,” 30 J. Marshall L. Rev. 149
Baird, R. “Startle and the Film Threat Scene,” 3 Images; J. Film & Popular Culture (March 1997), on-line.
Baker, C. “Turner Broadcasting: Content-based Regulation of Persons and Presses,” 1994 Supr. Ct. Rev. 57.
Banks, D. “Conservatism in the 1980s: Art and Obscenity in Cincinnati, the Beauty and the Conflict,” 34 How. L.J. 439
Banta, M. Imaging American Women: Ideas and Ideals in Cultural History (Columbia 1987).
Barcan, R. “ ‘The Moral Bath of Bodily Unconsciousness': Female Nudism, Bodily Exposure and Gaze,” 15 Continuum
303 (2001).
Barron, A. “Feminism, Aestheticism and the Limits of Law,” 8 Feminist Leg. Stud. 275 (2000).
Barron, A. “The Legal Properties of Film,” 67 Mod. L. Rev. 177 (2004).
Barstow, D. “Art, Money and Control: A Portrait of ‘Sensation’ ” N.Y. Times (December 6, 1999).
Baruch, E. “Feminism and its Discontents: A Century of Struggle with Psychoanalysis,” 19 Psychoanaly. Psych. 591
Battani, M. “Organizational Fields, Cultural Fields and Art Worlds: The Early Effort to Make Photographs and Make
Photographers in the 19th-Century United States,” 21 Media, Culture & Society 601 (1999).
Beisel, Nicola, “Morals versus Art: Censorship, the Politics of Interpretation, and the Victorian Nude,” 58 Amer. Soc. Rev.
145 (1993).
Benjamin, M. “Possessing Pollution,” 31 NYU Rev. Law & Soc .Change 733 (2007).
Benshoff, H. & S. Griffin, Queer Images: A History of Gay and Lesbian Film in America (Rowan & Littlefield 2005).
Bentley-Baker, D. “What is Cult Cinema? A Checklist” 69 Bright Lights Film J. (August 2010), on-line.
Berenstein, R. Attack of the Leading Ladies: Gender, Sexuality and Spectatorship in Classic Horror Cinema (Columbia
Berger, M. “Modernity and Gender in Thomas Eakins’ ‘Swimming’,” 11 Amer. Art 32 (1997).
Berger, M. “Too Shocking to Show?” 80 Art in America 37 (1992).
Berstein, M. Controlling Hollywood: Censorship & Regulation in the Studio Era (Rutgers 1999).
Best, S. and D. Kellner, “Rap, Black Rage, and Racial Difference,” 2:2 Enculturation (1999).
Bernstein, M. (ed.) Controlling Hollywood: Censorship and Regulation in the Studio Era (Rutgers 1999).
Bertolucci, K. “The Shame is on the Aggressor: The Image of Rape in Films About Bosnia and the Films of Angelina
Joliue,” Bright Lights (Feb. 13, 2015).
Bezandon, R. Art and Freedom of Speech (2009).
Bezanson, R. “Art and the Constitution,” 93 Iowa L. Rev. 1593 (2008).
Bezanson, R. “The Government Speech Forum: Forbes and Finley and Government Speech Selection Judgments,” 83 Iowa
L. Rev. 953 (1998).
Beranson, R. “Performing Art: National Endowment for the Arts v. Finley” 60 Fed. Comm. L. J. 535 (2008).
Bezanson, R. and A. Finkelman. “Trespassory Art,” 43 U. Mich. J. L. Reform 245 (2010).
Binetti, T. “Note: Culture Club or the Clash? Historic Preservation, Aesthetic Uniformity and Artistic Freedom,” 13 DePaul
LCA J. of Art & Ent. L. 313 (2003).
Binkiewicz, D. Federalizing the Muse: U.S. Arts Policy and the NEA 1965-1980 (North Carolina 2004).
Black White + Gray: A Portrait of Sam Wagstatt + Robert Mapplethorpe (DVD 2008).
Blade, P. “Photographer’s Rights: Case for Sufficient Originality Test in Copyright Law,” 30 John Marshall L. Rev. 149
Blum, C. “The Place of Art in Catharine MacKinnon’s Feminism Legal Theory,” 19 J. Contemp. L. 445 (1993).
Bogart, M. The Politics of Urban Beauty: New York and Its Art Commission (U. Chicago Press 2006).
Boime, A. “Waving the Red Flag and Reconstituting Old Glory,” 4 Smithsonian Stud in Amer. Art 2 (1990).
Bolton, R. ed. Culture Wars: Documents from the Recent Controversies in the Arts (1992).
Bond, S. & D. Mosher, “Guided Imagery of Rape: Fantasy, Reality, and the Willing Victim Myth,” 22 J. Sex Res. 162
Boozer, J. “The Lethal Femme Fatale in the Noir Tradition,” 51 J. Film & Video 20 (1999-2000).
Bouzereau, L. Ultraviolent Movies: From Sam Peckinpah to Quentin Tarantino (Carol Publ. 1996).
Boyce, B. “Obscenity and Community Standards,” 33 Yale L. Int’l L. 299 (2008).
Braun-Reinitz, J. et al, On the Wall: Four Decades of Community Murals in New York City (Mississippi 2009).
Brenson, M. Visionaries and Outcasts: The NEA, Congress, and the Place of the Visual Artist in America (2001).
Brisbin, R. “Censorship, Ratings and Rights: Political Order and Sexual Portrayals in American Movies,” 16 Stud. Am. Pol.
Dev. 1 (2002).
Bristol, J. “Free Expression in Motion Pictures: Childhood Sexuality and a Satisfied Society,” 25 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L J
333 (2007).
Brophy, P. “Scream in Silence: Sex, Death and the Sound of Women Dying,” in Cinesonic: The World of Sound in Film
(AFTRS 1999).
Bruder, M. “Aestheticizing Violence, or How to Do Things with Style,” electronic manuscript (n.d.)
Brudney, V. “The First Amendment and Commercial Speech,” 53 B.C. L. Rev. 1153 (2012).
Bunnell, P. ed. Edward Weston on Photography (Gibbs Smith 1983).
Burt, R. ed. The Administration of Aesthetics: Censorship, Political Criticism and the Public Sphere (Minnesota 1994).
Butt, R. “Appropriation Art and Fair Use,” 25 Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol. 1055 (2010).
Calvert, C. “The Enticing Images Doctrine: An Emerging Principle in First Amendment Jurisprudence?” 10 Fordham Intell
Prop Media & Ent L J 595 (2000).
Calvert, C. “The Voyeurism Value in First Amendment Jurisprudence,” 17 Cardozo Arts & Ent L J 273 (1999).
Calvert C. and Richards, R. “Free Speech and the Right to Offend: Old Wars, New Battles, Different Media,” 18 Ga St. U.
L. Rev 671 (2002).
Calvert, C. and Richards, R. “A War Over Words: An Inside Analysis and Examination of the Prosecution of the Red Roses
Stories,” 16 J. L. & Pol’y 177 (2007).
Campbell, R. “Prostitution and Film Censorship in the USA" (1997) electronic manuscript.
Carbado, D. “Straight Out of the Closet," 15 Berkeley Women’s Law J. 76 (2000).
Carrabine, E. “Images of Torture: Culture, Politics, and Power,” 7 Crime Media Culture 5 (2011).
Carroll, N. The Philosophy of Horror or Paradoxes of the Heart (Routledge 1990).
Cassidy, D. “John Marin’s Dancing Nudes by the Seashore: Images of the New Eve,” 4 Smithsonian Studies in Amer. Art
70 (1990).
Cavitch, M. “Michael Lucas and the Pornography of Migration,” 55 Senses of Cinema (2010), on-line.
Celart, G. et al, Robert Mapplethorpe and the Classical Tradition (DG 2004).
Champion, D. “Twenty Years Later: Mapplethorpe, Art and Politics,” 1 SomethingDark 28 (2010), online magazine.
Chancer, L. “From Pornography to Sadomasochism: Reconciling Feminist Differences,” 571 Annals 77 (2000).
Chicago, J. Dinner Party: From Creation to Preservation (Merrell 2007).
Childs, E. ed. Suspended License: Censorship and the Visual Arts (Washington 1997).
Clark,-Flory, T. “Child Porn or Coming-of-Age Film?” (July 8, 2010).
Clor, H. “The Death of Public Morality?” 45 Amer. J. Juris 33 (2000).
Clover, C. Men, Women and Chain Saws; Gender in the Modern Horror Film (Princeton 1992).
Codell, J. “Constructing the Victorian Artist: National Identity, the Political Economy of Art, and Biographical Mania in
the Periodical Press,” 33 Vict. Per. Rev. 283 (2000).
Cohan, J. “Broadcasting Industry Ethics, the First Amendment, and Televised Violence,” 8 UCLA Ent. L. Rev. 1 (2001).
Cohan, S. and I. Rae Hark (eds.) Screening the Male: Exploring Masculinities in Hollywood Cinema (Routledge 1993).
Cohen, A. “Copyright Law and the Myth of Objectivity: The Idea-Expression Dichotomy and the Inevitability of Artistic
Value Judgments,” 66 Ind. Law J. 175 (1990).
Cole, D. ‘Playing by Pornography's Rules: The Regulation of Sexual Expression,” 143 U. Pa. L. Rev. 111 (1994).
Cole, S. “I am the Eye, You are my Victim; The Pornographic Ideology of Music Video,” 2 Enculturation (Spring 1999),
on-line journal.
Coletta, R. “The Case for Aesthetic Nuisance: Rethinking Traditional Judicial Attitudes,” 48 Ohio St. L.J. 141 (1987).
Comini, A. “Vampires, Virgins, and Voyeurs in Imperial Vienna,” in Woman as Sex Object: Studies in Erotic Art, 17301970, eds. T. Hess and L. Nochlin (Newsweek 1972), 206-221.
Comstock, A. “Morals versus Art” (1887), published on Wikisource.
Conger, A. Edward Weston – Photographs (U Arizona 1992).
Coomaraswaswawy, A. “Why Exhibit Works of Art?” 2/3 J. Aest. & Art Crit. 27 (1941).
Costello, J. Virtue Under Fire; How World War II Changed Our Social & Sexual Attitudes (Little Brown 1985).
Couvares, F. (ed.) Movie Censorship and American Culture (Smithsonian 1996).
Cowen, T. Good and Plenty: The Creative Successes of American Arts Funding (Princeton 2010).
Cowie, E. “Pornography and Fantasy: Psychoanalytic Perspectives,” 132-155 in Segal and McIntosh (eds.) Sex Exposed.
Cowie, E. Representing the Woman: Cinema and Psychoanalysis (Minnesota 1997).
Craven, D. “Ruskin vs. Whistler: The Case Against Capitalist Art,”37 Art J. 139 (1977-78).
Crawford, T. “Larry Clark’s Loss of Innocence,” 43 MovieMaker (Fall 2001), on-line.
Creed, B. “Dark Desires: Male Masochism in the Horror Film,” 118-133 in Cohen and Rae Hark (eds.) Screening the Male:
Exploring Masculinities in Hollywood Cinema (1993).
Creed, B. “Horror and the Monstrous-Feminine: An Imaginary Abjection,” 35-65 in Grant (ed.) The Dread of Difference;
Gender and the Horror Film (1996).
Creed, B. The Monstrous-Feminine: Film, Feminism, Psychoanalysis (Routledge 1993).
“Crimes of the Art,” 52 Vanity Fair 226 (December 2010) - posthumous exhibition of Larry Rivers.
Crimp, D. “Richard Serra: Sculpture Exceeded,” 18 October 67 (1981).
Critcher, C. Moral Panics and the Media (Open Univ. Press 2003).
Cronin, C. “Dead on the Vine: Living and Conceptual Art and VARA,” 12 Vand. J. Ent. & Tech. L. 209 (2010).
Culver, S. “Whistler v. Ruskin: The Courts, the Public, and Modern Art,” 149-167 in Administration of Aesthetics:
Censorship, Political Criticism, and the Public Sphere (ed. R. Burt Minnesota 1994)
Cunningham, D. “Larry Clark: Trashing the White American Dream,” Film J. 8 (2002).
Curry, G. “Film, Reality, and Illusion,” 325-344 in D. Bordwell and N. Carroll. Eds. Post-Theory: Reconstructing Film
Studies (Wisconsin 1996).
Curtis, M. Free Speech, “The People's Darling Privilege” (Duke 2000).
Danto, A. “Censorship and Subsidy in the Arts,” 47 Bull. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 25 (1993).
Danto, A. Mapplethorpe (TeNeues 2007).
Danto, A. Playing on the Edge: The Photographic Achievement of Robert Mapplethorpe (California 1996).
Davies, J. “Art Crimes? Theoretical Perspectives on Copyright Protection for Illegally-Created Graffiti Art,” 65 Maine L.
Rev. 27 (2012-2013).
Davies, S. “The Aesthetic Relevance of Authors’ and Painters’ Intentions,” 41 J. of Aesthetics & Art Criticism 65 (1982).
Davis, W. “Erotic Revision in Thomas Eakins’s Narratives of Male Nudity,” 17 Art Hist. 301 (1994).
Dean, C. “Empathy, Pornography and Suffering,” 14 differences 88 (Spring 2003).
Dean, T. “Art as Symptom: Zizek and the Ethics of Psychoanalytic Criticism,” 32 Diacritics 21 (2002).
Decker, J. “The Making and Meaning of Public Art” 48 Choice (June 2011) - bibliographic essay
De Grazia, E. Girls Lean Back Everywhere: The Law of Obscenity and the Assault on Genius (Random House 1992).
Dennis, D. “Obscenity Law &the Conditions of Freedom in the Nineteenth Century U S,” 27 L & Soc Inq 369 (2002).
DiLauro, A. & G. Rabkin, Dirty Movies: Illustrated History of the Stag Film 1915-1970 (Chelsea House 1976).
The Dinner Party (Judy Chicago) (Penguin 1996).
Dilworth, J. “Artistic Expression as Interpretation,” 44 Br. J. Aesthetics 10 (2004).
DiMaggio, P. and B. Pettit, “Public Opinion and Political Vulnerability: Why has the NEA been such an attractive target?”
CACPS Working Paper No. 7 (1999).
Dines, G. “Sex for Sale: The White Man’s Burden: Gonzo Pornography and the Construction of Black Masculinity,” 18
Yale J.L. & Feminism 283 (2006).
Dionne, E. “Pornography, Morality, and Harm: Why Miller should survive Lawrence,” 15 Geo Mason L. Rev. 611 (2008).
Doane, M. Femmes Fatales; Feminism, Film Theory, Psychoanalysis (Routledge 1991).
Doane, M. “Film and Masquerade: Theorizing the Female Spectator,” 23 Screen 74 (1982).
Doane, M. “The Close-Up: Scale and Detail in the Cinema,” 14 differences 89 (Fall 2003).
Doane, M. “Woman's Stake: Filming the Female Body,” 216-228 in C. Penley (ed) Feminism and Film Theory (Routledge
Doherty, T. Hollywood’s Censor: Joseph I. Breen & the Production Code Administration (Columbia 2007).
Dolan, J. “The Dynamics of Desire: Sexuality and Gender in Pornography and Performance,” 39 Theatre J. 156 (1987).
Dolfsma, W. “The Consumption of Music and the Expression of Values: A Social and Economic Explanation for the
Advent of Pop Music,” 21 Popular Music 1019 (2002).
Doss, E. Memorial Mania: Public Feeling in America (Chicago 2010).
Doss, E. “Women Warrior Memorials and Issues of Gender in Contemporary American Public Art,” 2 Public Art Dialogue
190 (2012).
Doughton, K. “Brian de Palma’s Golden Rules of Shooting a Sex Scene,” Moviemaker (Aug. 28, 2013), on-line.
Douzinas, C. “Whistler v. Ruskin: Law’s Fear of Images,” 19 Art Hist. 353 (1996).
Douzinas, C. and L. Nead, eds. Law and the Image: The Authority of Art and the Aesthetics of Law (Chicago 1999).
Dovzhyk, O. “The Victorian Child as Sexual Being: The Secret That Ought to Be Revealed,” 1 The Victorian 1 (2013).
Dowling, L. The Vulgarization of Art: The Victorians and Aesthetic Democracy (Virginia 1996).
Doyle, J. Sex Objects: Art and the Dialectics of Desire (Minnesota 2006).
Dubin, S. Arresting Images: Impolitic Art and Uncivil Actions (Routledge 1992).
Dublin, S. Displays of Power: Controversy in the American Museum (NYU 1999).
Dubin, S. “How ‘Sensation’ Became a Scandal,” 88 Art in America 53 (2000).
Duggan, L. “The Theory Wars, or, Who's Afraid of Judith Butler?” 10 J. Women's Hist. (Spring 1998).
Dyer, R. Now You See It; Studies in Gay and Lesbian Film 2d ed. (Routledge 2002).
Dykstra, S. “The Artist’s Intentions and the Intentional Fallacy in Fine Arts Conservation,” 35 JAIC 197 (1996).
Eagle, J. “A Rough Ride: Strenuous Spectatorship and the Early Cinema of Assaults,” 53 Screen 18 (2012).
Eck, B. “Nudity and Framing: Classifying Art, Pornography, Information, and Ambiguity,” 16 Soc. Forum 603 (2001).
Edge, S. and G. Baylis, “Photographing Children: The Works of Tierney Gearon and Sally Mann,” 5 Visual Culture in
Britain 75 (2004).
Edwards, S. “Pretty Babies: Art, Erotica or Kiddie Porn?” 18 History of Photography 38 (1994).
Ehrhart, S. “Sally Mann’s Looking Glass,” 53-69 in Tracing Cultures: Criticism, Critical Fiction (Whitney 1994).
Ellenzweig, A. The Homoerotic Photograph: Male Images from Durieu /Delacroix to Mapplethorpe (Columbia 1992).
Ellis, J. “Photography/Pornography/Art/Pornography,” 21 Screen 81 (1980).
Farley, C. “Judging Art” 79 Tulane L. Rev. 805 (2005).
Farley, C. “Lingering Effects of Copyright’s Response to the Invention of Photography,” 65 U. Pitts. L. Rev. 385 (2004).
Fee, J. “The Pornographic Secondary Effects Doctrine,” 60 Ala. L. Rev. 291 (2009).
Fernandez, A. “Let It Be: A Comparative Study of the Content Regulation of Recorded Music in the US and the UK,” 21
Penn State Int'l L Rev 227(2002).
Fiddler, M. “Playing Funny Games in The Last House on the Left: The Uncanny and ‘Home Invasion’ Genre,” 9 Crime
Media Culture 281 (2013).
Firester, R and K. Jones, “Catchin' the Heat of the Beat: First Amendment Analysis of Music Claimed to Incite Violent
Behavior," 20 Loyola LA Ent. L. Rev. 1 (2000).
Firmstone, J. Discerning Eyes: Viewers on Violence (Luton 2002).
Fisher, R. “Film Censorship and Progressive Reform: The National Board of Censorship of Motion Pictures 1909-1922,” 4
J. Popular Film 143 (1975).
Fitzpatrick, J. “The Sensitive Society,” 47 Fed. Comm. L. J. (1994-1995).
Flores, C. “Indecent Exposure: An Analysis of the NEA’s ‘Decency and Respect’ Provision,” 5 UCLA Ent. L. Rev. 251
Folami, A. “From Habermas to ‘Get Rich or Die Tryin’: Hip Hop, the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and the Black
Public Sphere,” 12 Mich. J. Race and L. 235 (2007).
Forman, H. Our Movie-Made Children (Macmillan 1933).
Forster, P. “Fifty Shades of Ick: Gay Panic and Star Discourse/Star Panic and Gary Discourse,” Bright Lights (Aug. 27,
Franke, K. “Theorizing Yes: An Essay on Feminism, Law and Desire,” 101 Columbia L. Rev. 181 (2001).
Frankel, N. “On the Whistler-Ruskin Trial, 1878,” BRANCH (online extension of Romanticism and Victorianism on the
Friday, J. “Photography and the Representation of Vision,” 59 J. of Aesthetics & Art Criticism 351 (2001).
Friedman, A. Prurient Interests: Gender, Democracy and Obscenity in New York City 1909-1945 (Columbia 2000).
Friedman, A. “Sadists and Sissies: Anti-Pornography Campaigns in Cold War America,” 15 Gender & Hist. 201 (2003).
Friedman, L. “Through the Glass Darkly: Law, Culture, and the Media,” 62 DePaul L. Rev. 571 (2013).
Friedman, L. and Grossman, L. “A Private Underworld: The Naked Body in Law and Society,” 61 Buff. L. Rev. 169
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Rev. July. 2015