DEBAT : Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications technical note Contract : 16562/02/I-LG Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Prepared by : Date : Frederic Berriri Jérôme Candat Checked by : Date : Maud Granet Approved by : Date : Carlos Guerreiro DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference Issue Date Page : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN : 1.0 : 14/01/2003 :i Document Status Sheet Document Title Document Reference Number Issue Revision Date 1 0 14/01/2003 0 3 12/12/2002 0 2 19/11/2002 0 1 31/10/2002 EAST current applications Technical Note SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Reason for change First version Third draft version Second Draft Version First Draft Version DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference Issue Date Page : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN : 1.0 : 14/01/2003 : ii Document Change Records Document Title Document Reference Number Document Issue/Revision Number Page Paragraph All First version EAST current applications Technical Note SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN 1.0 Reason for change EAST current applications Technical Note Document Title SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Document Reference Number 0.3 Document Issue/Revision Number Page Paragraph Reason for change All Third Draft Version : inclusion of ESRIN comments Document Title Document Reference Number Document Issue/Revision Number Page Paragraph All Second Draft Version EAST current applications Technical Note SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN 0.2 Reason for change Document Title Document Reference Number Document Issue/Revision Number Page Paragraph All First Draft Version EAST current applications Technical Note SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN 0.1 Reason for change DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference Issue Date Page : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN : 1.0 : 14/01/2003 : iii Table of contents DOCUMENT STATUS SHEET ....................................................................................................... I DOCUMENT CHANGE RECORDS .............................................................................................. II TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................ III TABLE OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... V ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................... VII APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................ X REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ....................................................................................................... XI 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 STRUCTURE OF THE DOCUMENT ................................................................................................... 1 2. POSITION OF THE EAST TECHNOLOGY WITHIN THE DATA LIFE CYCLE ............. 3 2.1 MODELLING ................................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 GENERATING/SIMULATING .......................................................................................................... 4 2.3 PROCESSING ................................................................................................................................. 4 2.4 POST-PROCESSING ........................................................................................................................ 4 2.5 DISTRIBUTION .............................................................................................................................. 4 2.6 POSITION OF EAST ...................................................................................................................... 5 3. BACKGROUND INFORMATION.............................................................................................. 6 3.1 THE OASIS TOOL ........................................................................................................................ 6 3.2 THE DATA UPDATE WIZARD (DUW) TOOL ................................................................................. 9 3.3 EAST INTERPRETER AND GENERATOR API ............................................................................... 10 3.4 ASCII_DUMP AND DATA_CHECKER .................................................................................. 10 4. ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................... 12 4.1 ENVISAT ................................................................................................................................. 12 4.1.1 ENVISAT Basic types ......................................................................................................... 13 4.1.2 ENVISAT Data products general features ......................................................................... 20 4.1.3 MERIS ................................................................................................................................ 29 4.1.4 SCIAMACHY ...................................................................................................................... 33 4.2 CRYOSAT ................................................................................................................................... 38 4.2.1 Cryosat file structure .......................................................................................................... 38 4.3 AMS-2....................................................................................................................................... 44 4.3.1 DATA_CHECKER with ERS products ............................................................................... 47 4.3.2 API checking capabilities and ERS products ..................................................................... 49 5. IDENTIFICATION OF TECHNICAL LIMITATIONS/EVOLUTIONS ............................. 50 DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference Issue Date Page : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN : 1.0 : 14/01/2003 : iv 5.1 TYPE LIBRARY ........................................................................................................................... 52 5.2 DEFAULT VALUES ...................................................................................................................... 53 5.3 NON-STATIC CONSTRAINT .......................................................................................................... 53 5.4 EAST PERFORMANCE ................................................................................................................. 54 5.5 FORMAT SPECIFICATION ............................................................................................................. 54 5.6 OASIS GRAPHICAL INTERFACE .................................................................................................. 55 5.7 ELEMENT LOCALISATION PROBLEMS .......................................................................................... 56 5.8 DATA CHECKING ........................................................................................................................ 57 6. EVOLUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS TECHNICAL ANALYSIS ........................................ 58 6.1 TYPE LIBRARY ........................................................................................................................... 58 6.2 DEFAULT VALUES ...................................................................................................................... 58 6.3 NON-STATIC CONSTRAINTS ........................................................................................................ 59 6.4 EAST TOOLS PERFORMANCE ..................................................................................................... 60 6.5 FORMAT SPECIFICATION ............................................................................................................. 61 6.6 ELEMENT LOCALISATION PROBLEMS .......................................................................................... 62 6.7 DATA CHECKING ........................................................................................................................ 63 7. CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................. 65 DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference Issue Date Page : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN : 1.0 : 14/01/2003 :v Table of figures Figure 2-1 Data life cycle..................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 3-1 OASIS Main window ......................................................................................................... 7 Figure 3-2 OASIS modelling and the EAST/DEDSL norms .............................................................. 7 Figure 3-3 Example of EAST technology use to read data.................................................................. 8 Figure 3-4 DUW tool screenshot ......................................................................................................... 9 Figure 3-5 Output of ASCII_DUMP ................................................................................................. 10 Figure 3-6- Example of the DATA_CHECKER use. ........................................................................ 11 Figure 4-1 ENVISAT Character types ............................................................................................... 13 Figure 4-2 OASIS element model and associated type...................................................................... 14 Figure 4-3 ENVISAT Integer types ................................................................................................... 14 Figure 4-4. ENVISAT Integer type OASIS model. ........................................................................... 15 Figure 4-5 Creating an unsigned integer with OASIS ....................................................................... 16 Figure 4-6 An integer represented in ASCII mode ............................................................................ 17 Figure 4-7 ENVISAT Real types ....................................................................................................... 17 Figure 4-8 ENVISAT Real type OASIS model ................................................................................. 18 Figure 4-9 Real types encoded in ASCII format................................................................................ 19 Figure 4-10 EAST Generator functioning using a format file ........................................................... 19 Figure 4-11 ENVISAT - Data products evolution ............................................................................. 20 Figure 4-12 ENVISAT - Generalised Product Structure ................................................................... 21 Figure 4-13 MPH Keyword modelling with OASIS ......................................................................... 22 Figure 4-14 Quote mark modelling with OASIS ............................................................................... 23 Figure 4-15 Meter unit OASIS modelling ......................................................................................... 23 Figure 4-16 New line Character OASIS modelling ........................................................................... 24 Figure 4-17 Product OASIS model .................................................................................................... 24 Figure 4-18 X_Position OASIS model .............................................................................................. 24 Figure 4-19 Related information groups in the MPH header............................................................. 25 Figure 4-20 Correspondence between OASIS elements and data product contents .......................... 25 Figure 4-21 ENVISAT MPH generic OASIS model ......................................................................... 26 Figure 4-22 ENVISAT generic DSD OASIS model ......................................................................... 28 Figure 4-23 MERIS Data Products .................................................................................................... 30 Figure 4-24 MERIS Data Products tree ............................................................................................. 30 Figure 4-25 MERIS level 1B high-level model ................................................................................. 30 Figure 4-26 MERIS Level 1B product SPH decomposition .............................................................. 31 Figure 4-27 MERIS LEVEL-1B SPH OASIS model ....................................................................... 31 Figure 4-28 MERIS Level-1B Attached Data Sets OASIS model .................................................... 32 Figure 4-29 SCIAMACHY data products ......................................................................................... 33 Figure 4-30 SCIAMACHY data product tree .................................................................................... 34 Figure 4-31 SCIAMACHY high-level OASIS model ....................................................................... 34 Figure 4-32 SCIAMACHY Level1B SPH Descriptors OASIS model .............................................. 35 Figure 4-33 SCIAMACHY SPH Level1B DSDs OASIS model ....................................................... 36 Figure 4-34 SCIAMACHY Level1B Data Sets OASIS model ......................................................... 37 Figure 4-35 Cryosat Level 1B high-level OASIS model ................................................................... 39 Figure 4-36 CRYOSAT SPH descriptors OASIS model ................................................................... 40 Figure 4-37 One DSD OASIS model ................................................................................................. 41 Figure 4-38Another modelling of the DSDs. ..................................................................................... 41 Figure 4-39 Cryosat Level 1B Attached Data Sets OASIS model .................................................... 42 DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference Issue Date Page : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN : 1.0 : 14/01/2003 : vi Figure 4-40 Complete Cryosat Level 1B product file OASIS model ................................................ 43 Figure 4-41 AMS-2 use of the EAST technology.............................................................................. 44 Figure 4-42 User_header model ......................................................................................................... 45 Figure 4-43 Block_adr_descriptor model .......................................................................................... 45 Figure 4-44 ERS_record model ......................................................................................................... 46 Figure 4-45 User_header.dc produced by DATA_CHECKER ......................................................... 48 Figure 4-46 Logbook produced by DATA_CHECKER (extract) ..................................................... 48 Figure 5-1 Type library use for MERIS OASIS models .................................................................... 52 Figure 5-2 Specification of integer and real formats ......................................................................... 54 Figure 6-1 Format included in the EAST core ................................................................................... 61 Figure 6-2 Formats with OASIS generating the FRT file ................................................................. 61 Figure 6-3 - DEBAT data checking ................................................................................................... 63 DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference Issue. Date Page : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN : 1.0 : 14/01/2003 : vii Acronyms and Abbreviations ADD AMS API AR ATP CA CAID CAO CAOS CDF CDR CEOS CFI CNES COTS CCSDS DEAL DEBAT DEBAT-DM DEBAT-DPE DEBAT-DEQ DEBAT-PPT DEBAT-UT DDR DDU DDF DED DEDSL DEW DIP DJF DUW DW EAST ECSS EO ESA ESRIN ERS ESA EVA FA Architectural Design Document Archive Management System Application Program Interface Acceptance Review Authorisation To Proceed Control Authority Control Authority Identifier Control Authority Office Control Authority Office System Common Data Format Critical Design Review Committee on Earth Observation Science Customer Furnished Item Centre National D’Etudes Spatiales (French Space Agency) Commercial Off The Shelf Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems Display EAST Access List Development of EAST Based Access Tools DEBAT Data Modeller DEBAT Data Producer & Editor DEBAT Data Extractor & Querying DEBAT Post Processing Tools DEBAT Utilities Data Description Record Data Description Unit Design Definition File Data Entity Dictionary Data Entity Description Specification Language Data Extractor Wizard Dissemination Information Package Design Justification File Data Update Wizard DEBAT Workshop Enhanced ADA Sub SeT European Cooperation for Space Standardization Earth Observation European Space Agency European Space Research INstitute European Remote Sensing satellite European Space Agency ESA Virtual Archive Final Acceptance DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note FAQ FAR FAT FDIR FP FPA GUI HDF HTML HTTP HW ICD IDVP IR ITT JSP KOM MACAO MMI NAS OAIS OASIS OSAT PAP PDR PMP PUS PVL RB RID RTD SCMP SIP SOAP SOW SPMP SRR SVG TM/TC TS UDDI URD WSDL WWW XML XSL Reference Issue Date Page : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN : 1.0 : 14/01/2003 : viii Frequently Asked Question Factory Acceptance Review Factory Acceptance Tests Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery Final Presentation Final Presentation and Acceptance Graphical User Interface Hierarchical Data Format Hyper Text Mark-up Language Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Hardware Interface Control Document Implementation, Diffusion and Validation Plan Interface Requirements Invitation To Tender Java Server Pages Kick Off Meeting Member Agency Control Authority Office Man-Machine Interface Network Attached Storage Open Archival Information System Space Data Modelling Help Tool On Site installation and Acceptance Tests Product Assurance Plan Preliminary Design Review Project Management Plan Packet Utilisation Standard Parameter Value Language Requirements Baseline Review Item Discrepancy Research and Technology Development Software Configuration Management Plan Submission Information Package Simple Object Access Protocol Statement of Work Software Project Management Plan System Requirements Review Scalable Vector Graphic Telemetry / Telecommand Technical Specifications Universal Description Discovery and Integration User Requirements Document Web Service Description Language World Wide Web eXtensible Mark-up Language eXtensible Stylesheet Language DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note XSLT Reference Issue Date Page : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN : 1.0 : 14/01/2003 : ix eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page :x EAST current applications Technical Note Applicable Documents Title AD1 ESRIN SOW “Development EAST Based Access Tools” Issue of 1.1 Date Reference 18/03/2002 GSPS-RTDA-EOAD-SW-02-0001 AD2 Fax received from ESA 07/06/2002 IMT-CR/9021/02/I-LG AD3 CS SI Proposal "DEBAT" 21/06/2002 CSSI/111-1/CG/LM/2/453-1 AD4 Minutes of Kick-off Meeting 17/09/2002 /CRR/SS/DEBAT/001 – Space Engineering AD5 ECSS Standards – Software ECSS-E-40B ECSS-E-40B DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : xi Reference Documents Title Issue Date Products 3 16/10/1997 RD1 ENVISAT-1 Specifications. Volume 5 : Products Structures Products 3 20/11/2000 RD2 ENVISAT-1 Specifications. Volume 16 : Auxiliary Data Files Products 3 27/05/97 RD3 ENVISAT-1 Specifications. Annex A : Product Data Conventions Products 3 20/11/2000 RD4 ENVISAT-1 Specifications. Volume 11: MERIS Products Specifications Products 3 13/11/2000 RD5 ENVISAT-1 Specifications. Volume 15 : SCIAMACHY Products Specifications RD6 CRYOSAT Ground Segment. 1.9 12/07/2002 Instrument Processing Facility L1b. 1.0 01/07/2002 RD7 IPF1 Detailed Processing Model RD8 DEBAT - EAST TM/TC Technical 1.0 14/01/2003 Note RD9 DEBAT - Requirements Collection 1.0 14/01/2003 Technical Note Archive Management 1.2 04/04/2000 RD10 AMS-2 System. Architectural Design Document Archive Management 1.0 18/05/1999 RD11 AMS-2 System. Product Formatting and Sub-setting technical note. Reference PO-RS-MDA-GS-2009 PO-RS-MDA-GS-2009 PO-RS-MDA-GS-2009 PO-RS-MDA-GS-2009 PO-RS-MDA-GS-2009 CS-RS-ACS-GS-5106 CS-TN-ACS-GS-5105 SS/DEBAT/TMTC_TN SS/DEBAT/RC_TN AMS-2/ADD_001 AMS-2/TN-005 DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page :1 1. Introduction 1.1 Objectives This document takes place in the frame of the DEBAT (Development of EAST Based Access Tools) project. DEBAT is aimed at building a set of enhanced tools based upon the EAST technology to support the entire data life cycle for various kind of users. This study comes as a companion of the “EAST for TM/TC processing technical note” [RD8] study. The goal of this study is to determine if the EAST language and associated tool (i.e. OASIS) are capable of modelling high-level data products extracted from raw data. To achieve this goal, this study is based on the following products : ENVISAT, CRYOSAT, AMS2 (ERS data). 1.2 Scope This document presents the “EAST current applications technical note” study, which describes how ENVISAT and CRYOSAT data products can be modelled with EAST/OASIS. Regarding AMS2 data (ERS products), the study is mainly focused on the improvements of the data checking capabilities of EAST technology. This document also details the EAST/OASIS technical limitations encountered while modelling these products and presents the associated solutions. 1.3 Structure of the document The chapter “Position of EAST technology within the data life cycle” introduces the potential use of the different EAST tools from the specification stages to the operational processing of data. The chapter “Background Information” presents the EAST tools used in the frame of this study. The chapter “Analysis” details the following data products and explain how they can be modelled with the actual EAST/OASIS technology : ENVISAT, CRYOSAT, AMS2 (Archive Management System). The chapter “Identification of technical limitations/evolutions” details all the EAST/OASIS weaknesses encountered while modelling the data products in the previous chapter. It also establishes all the updates required to solve the encountered EAST/OASIS limitations. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page :2 Finally, the chapter “Evolutions and limitations technical analysis” performs a technical analysis of the potential solutions able to solve the problems encountered when modelling data products with EAST technologies. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page :3 2. Position of the EAST technology within the data life cycle A generic data life cycle is composed of five successive stages: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Modelling, Generating/Simulating, Processing, Post-processing, Distribution. The DATA is produced at the end of the generating/simulation phase. 1 2 Modelling Generating / Simulation DATA The DATA is used as input of the postprocessing phase. 4 Processing 5 PostProcessing Distribution 3 PROCESSED DATA MODEL Figure 2-1 Data life cycle The arrow on the left (between Modelling and Model) explains the fact that the model is created as output of the first phase but can be modified later if problems are detected during the following phases. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page :4 2.1 Modelling The aim of this phase is to specify a non ambiguous, exhaustive, understandable, evolutionary description of the data according to two points of view: the syntactic aspect of the data describing the structure of the data (logical and physical). the semantic aspect of the data describing the “metadata” associated to the data, giving it a sense (i.e. unit, physical meaning, alias). 2.2 Generating/Simulating The following phase consists in generating data based on the model developed in the first phase. It allows the validation of the model. This phase shall be automated to simplify and accelerate the data products generation for simulation. 2.3 Processing Once the data has been generated, it is important to validate the model. It is then useful to be able to edit and check the data using the model. As a result, the model defined in the first phase may be modified. User can also modify the information read in the data product. For example, they may want to use the data product to test an application with specific values. Furthermore, users may only be interested in data subsets. The extracting and querying functionalities are then used to extract information from a data product. The subsets thus created correspond to a subset of the defined model. All of these functions shall be platform independent to be able to process heterogeneous types of data. These functions may process both syntactic and semantic information. This phase is not mandatory since the data generated can be used as such for the following phase or for simulation purposes. 2.4 Post-processing This phase concerns all domain-oriented processing. Data product content can then be transformed (some values can then be calculated upon two or more other values in the data product) and/or processed using domain-oriented tools. The data produced in this part may not follow the model anymore. This last phase then leads to the production of synthesised data that can be either human-legible or directly interpretable using an auxiliary tool (e.g. using a image viewer tool). 2.5 Distribution The goal of this part is to distribute the processed data to end-users. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page :5 It includes any means (e.g. CD-ROM, Internet) that can be used to present the data products to users. 2.6 Position of EAST EAST technology can be used in most of the phases previously mentioned. The following table summarises the applicable tools for each phase. Phase Modelling Generating & simulating Processing Post-processing Distribution Associated EAST tools OASIS DUW (rather limited) & APIs APIs (rather limited) & Data_Checker - DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page :6 3. Background information This chapter provides some background information about the EAST technology and tools so as to allow the reader to easily understand the concepts handled in this study. East technology is mainly composed of the following tools : Tool Main functionality OASIS OASIS is a front-end GUI tool providing syntactic and semantic description of data and generating EAST and DEDSL (PVL) descriptions as outputs. It offers: A structural aspect: tree-like view where the nodes are structure entities (arrays, lists, discriminates, …) and the leaves are the data values. A syntactic aspect: physical description (data type, limits,…). DUW A semantic aspect: the meaning of the data (associated units, real meaning,…). DUW is a front-end GUI tool allowing the production/modification of data files according to an EAST description. It allows to display the values of a data file in a tree view following an EAST description, It offers some generation schemes of simulated (random values, fixed values), It provides support for modifying the value of a given value in a data file. INTERPRETER & Low level APIs that provide services for reading and writing data files according to an EAST description. GENERATOR DATA_CHECKER Command-line tools that check a data file (DATA_CHECKER) and & ASCII_DUMP generate an ASCII representation of a data file (ASCII_DUMP) according to an EAST description. Each tool is further detailed in the following sections. 3.1 The OASIS tool OASIS is an EAST tool that enables data modelling and description. This tool was designed for space data description and modelling, but its utilisation can be extended to any kind of data. The data description is built as a hierarchic tree and the knowledge of the EAST (ADA-like) syntax is not mandatory. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Main window Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page :7 Implantation window (view as byte flow) Information window Syntactic information Semantic information Data model window (view as hierarchic tree) Figure 3-1 OASIS Main window Users can at the same time describe the syntactic and semantic aspect of the data with OASIS. DATA file OASIS Syntactic description in the EAST language EAST tools Semantic description in the DEDSDL format DEDSL Processor Extracted information OASIS model Documentation about the data elements Figure 3-2 OASIS modelling and the EAST/DEDSL norms It is to be noted that even if EAST/OASIS can model any kind of data, there are many things that the users have to know before choosing EAST technology to model their data. Indeed, it is often better to think of the EAST modelling before really specifying the data contents since OASIS offers many ways to express the same features of a data product. In fact, there is more than one way to model the data. The modelling phase is thus very important since it will be used as a basis for DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page :8 further processing. A non-optimised model could then result as an increase of the response times in all other EAST tools. Some important recommendations could be given (“best practices”) to model data with OASIS : 1. The data product shall only contain data of interest. The semantic information are to be entered by the user in the OASIS tool and managed using the DEDSL norm. Of course, the data product is not directly human-legible using a text editor but it will greatly reduce the size of the product and then leverage the performance of the processing with the EAST tools. The other OASIS tools like the DUW are then here to enable users to read the data content. For example, the ENVISAT and CRYOSAT products contain a lot of constant data (e.g. keyword, quotation mark, equal sign). Of course, the product files are human-readable but this leads to huge data products files whereas only few information are of interest for a thirdparty application. Separating the syntactic and semantic information insures that the data could be easily modelled and manipulated (since the data content is simplified and small) and that users could also understand the significance of the information read in the data file. Actually, it is often better to think about the OASIS model before specifying the data product content so that only relevant information is modelled with OASIS. 2. EAST tools can be used from third-party applications trough the API provided. This time, users must be particularly careful about the type they give to their data. If an element is declared as an integer, then the EAST API will return an integer to the calling application. But if this element is modelled as a string, the EAST API will return the value as a string element and it will be up to the application to convert it from string to integer (see example below). Choosing convenient types for the elements will then reduce the size of programs and speed up the development process. Data File 1254 12.569e+20 … OASIS model Field1 : String Field2 : String. … EAST interpreter Application Read Field1 value in the data file and convert the string read to Integer to use it. Read Field2 value in the data file and convert it to a real element. Figure 3-3 Example of EAST technology use to read data In the previous figure, the first integer value (i.e. 1254) has been modelled as a String. The same way, the following real value (i.e. 12.569e+20) has been also modelled as a String. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page :9 The main problem here is that EAST will read the data and present it to the application as String elements. It will then be up to the application to convert these elements to the integer or real types to be able to manipulate the values. It then induces a huge overhead in the application code and also at runtime. The good solution is to model the parameter as an integer (or a real) and to specify to OASIS that this parameter has to be encoded in an ASCII form. This way, the value returned to the calling application will be directly received as an integer (or a real). 3.2 The Data Update Wizard (DUW) tool DUW can generate simulated data depending on an EAST description. Functions to manipulate the tree structure. Operation selection Depending on the operation selected, users have to select input and output files Access to the main functionalities of the tool. Tree structure corresponding to the model selected Figure 3-4 DUW tool screenshot DUW is a front-end GUI tool allowing the production/modification of data files according to an EAST description. It allows to display the values of a data file in a tree view according to an EAST description, It offers some generation scheme of simulated data according to an EAST description (random values, fixed values), It provides support for modifying the values of a given data file. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 10 3.3 EAST Interpreter and Generator API The Interpreter and the data Generator are two low-level API the EAST tools suite offers to develop an application which needs to read/write data. They are available for different languages : ADA, C and FORTRAN. They both have a set of functions and procedures to read, check and write some data according to an EAST description. The interpreter offers some services to read or check the data. This data can be read in a file or directly addressed in the memory. The generator offers several services to write the data according to an EAST description. 3.4 ASCII_DUMP and DATA_CHECKER Both command-line tools are based on the Interpreter API and have three common inputs : the name of the EAST description file, the name of the data file and the name of the result file. ASCII_DUMP generates an ASCII representation of binary data files. It produces a file containing one line per field of the data file. On this line, are indicated the name of the field (complete EAST pathname ) and the corresponding value read in the data file. This value is written in an ASCII format. This tool is very useful in the debugging or validating phases. ---------------------------------------DUMP INFORMATIONS Execution Directory : C:\EAST_3.2.7\bin Data File Name : DDR File Name : telemetry3.eas DDR Informations : ---------------------------------------Dump Generation Date : 2002/ 10/ 17: 40963.710967606 ---------------------------------------Dump of Block 1 VERSION : 3 HEADER.DATE.DAY : 34542 HEADER.DATE.SECOND : 4665 HEADER.DATE.MILLISECOND : 5.988855859E+004 HEADER.SENSOR : S2 DATA.NB_ELETS : 2 DATA.LOCALIZATION.ANGLE : 1.1635603904724 DATA.LOCALIZATION.DISTANCE : 5.682281250E+005 DATA.DATA_S2(1) : 534 DATA.DATA_S2(2) : 402 BLANC : 3 Figure 3-5 Output of ASCII_DUMP DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 11 The DATA_CHECKER checks the conformity of a data file with respect to its EAST description. It produces a file containing the errors found in the data file. It first asks for the maximum number of errors to detect and the number of the first block (in an EAST sense) where to start the checking. If errors are detected, the DATA_CHECKER will display a message indicating the number of errors. Figure 3-6- Example of the DATA_CHECKER use. To have further information about the detected errors users have to open the result file. It indicates, for each wrong value, the complete field EAST path and the value read in the data file. ---------------------------------------DUMP INFORMATIONS Execution Directory : D:\EAST\bin Data File Name : DDR File Name : test_checker.eas DDR Informations : ---------------------------------------Dump Generation Date : 2002/ 11/ 21: 48622.896748590 ---------------------------------------Check of Block 1 RECORD.AN_INTEGER ascii value --> '999' RECORD.AN_ENUMERATION ascii value --> '03 ' Note : The data checking can also be done programmatically since the EAST API offers some checking services. In fact, the EAST API checking functions have been developed specifically for the DATA_CHECKER tool. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 12 4. Analysis This chapter is mainly interested in modelling the data products from the following projects : ENVISAT (i.e. MERIS and SCIAMACHY data products), CRYOSAT, AMS2 (ERS data products). The analysis performed in this chapter will allow to determine if the EAST technologies can be successfully applied to the modelling of such data products. The chapter “ENVISAT” describes the ENVISAT mission and the associated data products. It also explains how data is refined from raw data to produce directly interpretable data. The chapter “CRYOSAT” describes the Cryosat data product structures and their associated OASIS models. The chapter “AMS2” introduces the AMS2 mission and explain how data products can be checked with the current EAST/OASIS technology. It also identifies the areas of improvements of the checking capabilities of EAST. 4.1 ENVISAT The ENVISAT mission has been defined to endow Europe with enhanced capability to: monitor and study the Earth’s environment and climate changes, manage and monitor the Earth’s resources, develop a better understanding of the structure and dynamics of the Earth’s crust and interior. The goal of this section is to model the ENVISAT data products using the OASIS tool and detect any lacks/weaknesses that may appear in this process. The first part called “ENVISAT Basic Types” introduces the ENVISAT basic types and their associated OASIS model. The second part called “ENVISAT Data Products General Features” describes the common characteristics of all ENVISAT data products. Nine instruments have been placed onboard the ENVISAT-1 satellite, but only two of them are studied here: MERIS and SCIAMACHY. These data products have been chosen because they are considered to be representative enough of the complexity of all ENVISAT data products. We make the assumption that if we succeed in modelling these data products, the other ones could be modelled with no peculiar problems. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 13 Thus, the third part introduces MERIS data products and details their associated OASIS models while the fourth part finally details the SCIAMACHY data products and presents their associated OASIS models. 4.1.1 ENVISAT Basic types This section explains how all ENVISAT basic data types can be modelled with OASIS. These types are re-used in all ENVISAT data products (whatever the instrument). Therefore, it is very important to be able to model these types before modelling any data product. According to the [RD3] document there are three basic types in ENVISAT: Character, Integer, Real. Each type is further detailed in the following sections. Each time the associated OASIS models are described. Character The ENVISAT Character type is divided into two subtypes whether it is signed or not. Variable Type Character Type Char Abbreviation sc: signed char uc: unsigned char Range -128 to 127 0 to 255 Figure 4-1 ENVISAT Character types Note : The Variable Type column stands as the name of the type. The Type represents the type name in the C programming language. The Abbreviation column represents the name used in all ENVISAT documents to reference these types. The Range column represents the values this type can take. It is to be noted that the String type is simulated in ENVISAT by an array of Character elements. The String type is furnished natively in OASIS. The two ENVISAT Character subtypes can be easily modelled with OASIS. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 14 Figure 4-2. ENVISAT Character type modelled using the native OASIS character type. As shown in the upper figure, the user can specify a type name for this element (i.e. CHARACTER_TYPE here). This type could then be re-used to type other elements in the current model. The type information appears just under the element name in the OASIS tree model. Figure 4-2 OASIS element model and associated type Integer The Integer is divided into six subtypes according to their sizes and signs . Variable Type 2 byte integer Type short 4 byte integer long 8 byte integer long long Abbreviation Range ss: signed short integer -32768 to 32767 us: unsigned short integer 0 to 65535 sl: signed long integer -2147483648 to 2147483647 ul: unsigned long integer 0 to 4294967295 sd: signed long long -9223372036854775808 integer to 9223372036854775807 ud: unsigned long long 0 to integer 18446744073709551615 Figure 4-3 ENVISAT Integer types As OASIS offers Integer as a native type, all of the ENVISAT Integer subtypes can be easily modelled with OASIS. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 15 The range of the Integer can be specified by the user or calculated by OASIS. As for character type, EAST can handle binary and ASCII integers. The size of the field can be fixed by users or OASIS can also make the calculation. Figure 4-4. ENVISAT Integer type OASIS model. Though all basic ENVISAT Integer types can be modelled, the OASIS graphical interface is somewhat disconcerting especially when creating unsigned elements. Actually, to create unsigned integers (i.e types called ul and ud in the previous table), users have to select the Full Range option and type zero in the Begin field though this latter is visually disabled. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 16 The Full Range option is selected here. These fields look like they are disabled though a value can be entered in the Begin field (i.e. 0 here). Figure 4-5 Creating an unsigned integer with OASIS As a result, the Integer element presented in the upper figure could then take any value from zero to 232-1. Of course, the type is generated with the correct values in the EAST description file : type AN_INTEGER_TYPE is range 0 .. (2**32) -1 ; for AN_INTEGER_TYPE'size use 32 ; Note: It is to be noted that all elements in a description will be typed during the EAST description generation phase under OASIS. In the upper figure, the type of the element has been left blank but an associated type has been automatically created (i.e. called AN_INTEGER_TYPE in the above EAST code example). Until now in this clause, the Integer types have been represented as binary. However the encoding can also be in ASCII mode. This time, the range of the elements will be shorter since a number is represented by one octet. For example, the short integer type (signed and unsigned) will be represented in the following way : DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 17 Figure 4-6 An integer represented in ASCII mode An element with this type could then take the values from -99999 to +99999 since the sign is included in the definition of the Integer (and takes one octet in size). Real The Real type is composed of two subtypes according to its precision . Variable Type Type 4-byte single precision float floating point 8-byte double precision double floating point Abbreviation fl do Range 3.4028e+38 (max) 1.17549e-38 (min) 1.79e+308 (max)2.22e308 (min) Figure 4-7 ENVISAT Real types OASIS offers the Real type natively so that both subtypes can be easily modelled with OASIS. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 18 The range of this element Relative precision Representation and size Figure 4-8 ENVISAT Real type OASIS model An error have been detected with real elements and the way OASIS generate the associated EAST code. Indeed, the resulting EAST description file is not compliant with the EAST norm since the exponent (i.e. symbolized by the e character in the code below) should be uppercase. type A_REAL_TYPE is digits 6 range 1.17549e-038 .. 3.4028e+038 ; for A_REAL_TYPE'size use 64 ; As a result the DUW tool displays an error when trying to read the EAST description generated by OASIS and the EAST description file is then not usable. Furthermore, real elements can also be encoded in ASCII mode with OASIS. This time, the sign and the exponent (and its associated sign) will be considered as characters. For example, to model a single precision floating point element, we will need fifteen bytes : SX.XXXXXXXXESXX where S is the sign, E stands as the exponent and X is a digit in ASCII format from 0 to 9. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 19 To create this type, the ASCII encoding has to be selected and the size has to be set to fifteen : Figure 4-9 Real types encoded in ASCII format However, it is not possible with OASIS to specify a format for a real element (encoded in ASCII). It is then not possible to precise the number of digit before and after the dot. It is not a problem when the description is used to read a real element in a data file but becomes a problem when generating data since the relative precision is not used by any EAST tool. However, a functionality is provided by the EAST generator to solve this problem. Currently, users have to write an ancillary file which contain the definition of the formats for the elements that will be used as input of the EAST generator to produce data in the correct format. Ancillary file describing elements formats. Type_Name1 SF2.3 Type_Name2 F4.4 EAST Descriptive EAST Generator Data generated in the right format. +33.256 4256.6598 … Figure 4-10 EAST Generator functioning using a format file The elements are identified using their types. In the upper figure, the string SF2.3 means that the real to be generated begins with a sign and have two number before the dot and three after (e.g. +33.256). However, this mechanism is usually tedious, time consuming and can easily lead to errors. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 20 4.1.2 ENVISAT Data products general features The ENVISAT data products are developed from the raw instrument data in several stages . Level 2 product Type A Level 2 product Type N Browse Product Level 1 B product Level 0 product Processing using specific algorithms RAW Figure 4-11 ENVISAT - Data products evolution The Raw data is not considered as a product and its structure is not defined in the ENVISAT documents. The Level-0 product contains Annotated Instrument Source Packets (AISPs) as received from the instrument. Each Data Set record also contains a time stamp that gives the onboard sensing time of that packet. Level-1B products are geolocated engineering foundation products in which data has been converted to engineering units, auxiliary data has been separated from measurements and selected calibrations applied to the data. The Level-0 product is transformed into a Level-1B product by application of algorithms and calibration data to form a baseline “engineering product”. The Level-1B product is then transformed into one or more Level-2 products through higher-level processing to convert engineering units into geophysical quantities to form a directly interpretable and useful measurement data set. Browse products are severely decimated images. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 21 All of the upper ENVISAT products follows the same basic structure whatever the instrument producing the data. This structure consists of three main parts: A Main Product Header (MPH) which is in ASCII format and contains information common to all ENVISAT instruments (e.g. identification, orbit, position). A Specific Product Header (SPH) which is also in ASCII format and contains information describing a specific product. Thus, it will vary between instruments and between different products for each instrument. It will also contain Data Set Descriptors (DSD) used to point to and describe the Data Sets making up a product. One or more Data Sets (DS) which are in mixed ascii-binary format and consist of one or more records. MPH SPH ASCII format DS Descriptor #1 DS Descriptor #2 … … DS Descriptor #N Record #1 … Record #1 Mixed ASCIIbinary format … Record #1 … Data Set #1 Data Set #2 Data Set #N Figure 4-12 ENVISAT - Generalised Product Structure Main Product Header The MPH identifies the product and its main characteristics. It is of fixed length and format for all products. The ENVISAT [RD1] document clearly describe (i.e. types and sizes are defined) all single elements composing the MPH header which can be re-used for all instruments in the frame of the ENVISAT mission. The MPH is then produced in ASCII format using a keyword-value<units>terminator approach like in the following example : DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 22 PRODUCT="MER_RR__1PTACR20000620_104318_00000104X000_00000_00000_0000.N1" PROC_STAGE=T X_POSITION=-7162215.231<m> Each line can be modelled under OASIS using a record. It has been chosen to group the keyword and the equal sign together to simplify the description and since it is not the data of interest here. To be able to easily read and write data products, these elements will then be modelled as an enumeration having only one value. For example, the first keyword shown in the example above will be modelled a such: There is only one element in the enumeration here. The size of the element is fixed A value is given for a particular element of the enumeration Figure 4-13 MPH Keyword modelling with OASIS The quotation mark has to be modelled on its own since it is not possible to have a quote in a enumerated value. Indeed, a part of the corresponding EAST code is the following : REPRESENTATION => ( "PRODUCT=") ) As shown, the value is surrounded by two quotation marks. If a quotation mark was present in the value of the enumeration, the other EAST tools like the DUW couldn’t read the description file. The main problem here is that OASIS doesn’t detect this as an error. This way, users can put quotation marks in an enumeration value without OASIS detecting the problem. Moreover, OASIS will generate the corresponding EAST description file without any error. Of course, this EAST description is not usable useless since the other EAST tools cannot read and exploit it. The quotation mark has therefore to be modelled on its own as a single character. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 23 Figure 4-14 Quote mark modelling with OASIS As a following, the value will be modelled. Of course, depending on its type, it will be coded either as an integer, as a string, etc… In the first line of the above example, the value will be modelled as a string with a size of 62 octets while the third line value will be modelled as a float having an ASCII representation. Then, the unit has to be modelled. To be able to generate correct units, it has been chosen to model this element as an enumeration having one possible value. Figure 4-15 Meter unit OASIS modelling Finally, the terminator is here represented by the new line character. It will then be modelled as a single character with the correct ASCII code. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 24 Figure 4-16 New line Character OASIS modelling As a conclusion, the first line of the example will be modelled as a record containing the following elements: PRODUCT="MER_RR__1PTACR20000620_104318_00000104X000_00000_00000_0000.N1" Figure 4-17 Product OASIS model The same way, the third line of the example will be modelled like : X_POSITION=7162215.231<m> Figure 4-18 X_Position OASIS model DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 25 Furthermore, to simplify the model, related information have been tied together in groups. In the MPH header, eight groups have been defined. MPH Product Identification Information Data Acquisition and Processing information Time of data information Envisat SBT to UTC Leap second orbit and conversion information position information information Product confidence data information Product size information Figure 4-19 Related information groups in the MPH header The following figure establishes a relation between real elements that can be found in any ENVISAT data product and the groups defined in the upper table : Data product file content PRODUCT="MER_RR__1PTACR20000620_104318_00000104X000_00000_00000_0000.N1" PROC_STAGE=T REF_DOC="PO-RS-MDA-GS-2009_3/B " ACQUISITION_STATION="ENVISAT SampleData#4" PROC_CENTER="F-ACRI" PROC_TIME="22-FEB-2000 23:59:42.000000" SOFTWARE_VER="MEGS/4.3 " SENSING_START="20-JUN-2000 10:43:18.219360" SENSING_STOP="20-JUN-2000 10:45:02.234592" PHASE=X CYCLE=+000 REL_ORBIT=+00000 ABS_ORBIT=+00000 STATE_VECTOR_TIME="20-JUN-2000 10:06:52.269120" DELTA_UT1=+.000000<s> X_POSITION=-7162215.231<m> Y_POSITION=+0208912.061<m> Z_POSITION=-0000004.200<m> X_VELOCITY=+0056.067000<m/s> Y_VELOCITY=+1629.960000<m/s> Z_VELOCITY=+7377.421000<m/s> VECTOR_SOURCE="00" Corresponding group These elements (including the last blank line) is grouped in the Product Identification Information record; each element following the keyword-value<units>-terminator approach. These elements are gathered in the Data Acquisition and Processing group. These elements are grouped in the Time of Data group. These fields are grouped in the SBT To UTC Conversion group. UTC_SBT_TIME="20-JUN-2000 06:29:50.343648" SAT_BINARY_TIME=+0000000000 CLOCK_STEP=+3906250000<ps> These elements are grouped in the Leap Second Information group. Figure 4-20 Correspondence between OASIS elements and data product contents Each group will be modelled as a record containing one or more fields (see figure below). Creating groups also ease the correction and modification of the model. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 26 The following figure fully models the contents of the MPH: Figure 4-21 ENVISAT MPH generic OASIS model This model can then be re-used to model any ENVISAT data product. The model above is quite large and only represents the MPH header. This is because non relevant information such as keywords or new lines have been modelled along with the information of interest. The model is then three to four times bigger than it should be. It is a problem with the EAST technology for three main reasons : The MPH is tedious to model with OASIS and could lead to many errors. The EAST interpreter will then take more time to read and interpret the model. It will finally slow down the data reading/generating. The keyword-value-<units>-terminator concept is convenient because data products are human-legible but isn’t really adapted to an EAST automatic processing. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 27 Specific Product Header The SPH is included with every product. It contains information specific to the product itself, which means that its structure is specific to each data product. It may contain information applying to the whole product as well as relevant processing parameters. An OASIS model has to be constructed to represent the SPH for every data product. There will be as many SPH OASIS models as possible data products. This study doesn't exhaustively describe and model all possible SPH : it has been chosen to model the most relevant SPHs both for MERIS and SCIAMACHY. The construction of these SPH is also based on the keyword-value-<units>-terminator approach. Exactly as in, related information will be tied together to form high-level groups. Furthermore, one SPH must may contain at least one Data Set Descriptor (DSD). The DSD structure is fixed for all ENVISAT data product which means that it can be easily modelled once and reused for all data product. Data Set Descriptor A Data Set Descriptor is used to describe an attached Data Set or to provide references to external files relevant to the current product (e.g. ancillary data used in processing but not included with the product). There must be exactly one DSD per Data Set or per reference to an external file. The DSD is also in ASCII format and its structure (i.e. format and size) will be the same for all products and all instruments. The ASCII formats conventions are the same as those used to model the MPH (see As such, the DSD can be easily modelled with OASIS (see OASIS model below) and re-used. For example, the following elements have been modelled as : DS_NAME="Quality ADS " DS_TYPE=A FILENAME=" DS_OFFSET=+00000000000000011189<bytes> DS_SIZE=+00000000000000000165<bytes> NUM_DSR=+0000000005 DSR_SIZE=+0000000033<bytes> DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools " EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 28 Figure 4-22 ENVISAT generic DSD OASIS model This model could then be re-used for any Data Set Descriptor in all ENVISAT data products without any changes. Data Set The Data Sets contains the data of interest. It is composed of Data Set Records (DSR) whose number depends on the product type. Furthermore, the size of the Data Sets may vary within a product. Two types of Data Sets have been defined in ENVISAT : Measurement Data Sets (MDS) which consists of records containing instrument or processed data and Annotation Data Sets (ADS) which consists of records containing auxiliary data. The Data Set is in a mixed ASCII-Binary format. It may then consist of integers, floats, characters and ASCII strings at the same time. The Data Set structure is different from one level to another and from one instrument to another. They have thus to be modelled case by case. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 29 4.1.3 MERIS The Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) instrument produces multi-spectral images obtained in a downward viewing push broom imaging manner. MERIS measurement data are used to derive information including : Ocean colour parameter in open and coastal water (e.g. chlorophyll), Characteristics of clouds, The presence of vegetation, Atmosphere parameters (e.g. aerosol type). The MERIS instrument may operate at Full Resolution (FR) or at Reduced Resolution (RR). RR data is acquired on a global basis whereas FR data is acquired regionally by direct reception. As shown in 4.1.2, relevant data are extracted from the raw data to obtain directly interpretable data products. The first part here will detail all possible data products used with MERIS to obtain legible data. Furthermore, as part of the ENVISAT project, all MERIS data products have the same format (see 4.1.2). The second part here will then explain how MERIS specific information are modelled in the SPH and DS parts (the MPH and DSD are common to all ENVISAT instruments). MERIS data products To extract the relevant information from raw data, twelve data products have been defined for MERIS. Instrument / mode MERIS / RR Product ID MER_RV__0P MER_CA__0P MER_RR__0P MER_RR__1P MER_RR__2P MER_LRC_2P MER_RRC_2P Description MERIS Level 0 Reduced Field of View MERIS Level 0 Calibration (all calibration modes) MERIS Level 0 Reduced Resolution Reduced Resolution Geolocated and Calibrated TOA Radiance. Reduced Resolution Geophysical Product for Ocean, Land and Atmosphere. Extracted Cloud Thickness and Water Vapour for Meteo Users. Extracted Cloud Thickness and Water Vapour (non-Meteo Users). Level 2 product extracted from MER_RR__2P (Cloud thickness and water vapour content at nominal RR resolution) for NRT distribution. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 30 EAST current applications Technical Note MER_RRV_2P Extracted Vegetation Indices. Level 2 product extracted from MER_RR__2P (Vegetation indices including atmospheric corrections for selected land regions) for NRT distribution. Browse (covers FR and RR requirements). MERIS Level 0 Full Resolution Full Resolution Geolocated and Calibrated TOA Radiance. Full Resolution Geophysical Product for Ocean, Land and Atmosphere. MER_RR__BP MERIS /FR MER_FR__0P MER_FR__1P MER_FR__2P Figure 4-23 MERIS Data Products As explained in 4.1.2, high-level products are derived from lower level products. MER_RRC_2P MER_LRC_2P MER_RRV_2P Level 2 Products MER_RR_BP MER_RV_0P MER_RR_2P MER_FR_2P MER_RR_1P MER_FR_1P MER_RR_0P MER_FR_0P Level 1 Products MER_CA_0P Level 0 Products Figure 4-24 MERIS Data Products tree Due to the important number of data products defined here, it is not possible to model them all in the frame of this study. Therefore, only the MER_RR_1P data product will be studied in the following sections. This data product has been chosen since it is a general product which contains heterogeneous type of information and seems to be the most representative of the complexity of the data. Actually, higher-level products are derived from this one and have the same format. MERIS data products OASIS models The MERIS L1b OASIS model will then be composed of three main parts as shown below : Figure 4-25 MERIS level 1B high-level model DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 31 As explained previously, the MPH and DSD structures are always the same for all MERIS products (see and They only have to be modelled once for Level-0 products and then re-used for all other products. On the contrary, the SPH and DS structures vary from one product to another. As shown in the previous section, there are twelve different data products each defined in the [RD4] document. However, each product is quite large and modelling all these products is out of the scope of the study. Instead, the Level-1b MER_RR_1P SPH and DS parts will be modelled here using the basic types defined previously in section 4.1.1. MERIS SPH OASIS model In the frame of this study, it has then been chosen to model the SPH defined in the Level-1B MER_RR_1P Product. The contained information can also be tied together to form higher-level groups. SPH Product time Product description information positioning information information SPH Product Quality information Additional Product information DSDs for included Data Sets DSDs for Referenced files Figure 4-26 MERIS Level 1B product SPH decomposition Each group will then contain one or more fields; each field following the keyword-value-<units>terminator convention. Based on the information defined in the [RD4] document, the MERIS Level-1B SPH has been modelled the following way : Figure 4-27 MERIS LEVEL-1B SPH OASIS model DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 32 In the model above, only three included data sets descriptors have been modelled since the DSD format is generic for all level and all ENVISAT instruments. The same way, only three referenced data sets have been modelled. The only thing that will change between three or much more data sets descriptors will be the necessary time for OASIS to verify this model and generate the associated EAST descriptive file. This is a normal behaviour since the bigger the model is, the more time the tool will spend in processing it. MERIS DS OASIS model Many DS have been defined in the MERIS document [RD4]. Only the first three defined in the Level-1B Product will be modelled here since they are heterogeneous and rather large. This way, the performance of the OASIS tool can be tested during the EAST description generation phase and the EAST interpreter and generator can also be tested. Figure 4-28 MERIS Level-1B Attached Data Sets OASIS model According to the preceding section (see, only three attached data sets have been modelled here since they are considered to be the most representative ones. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 33 4.1.4 SCIAMACHY The Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Cartography (SCIAMACHY) instrument provides spectra measured from light transmitted, back scattered or reflected by trace gases in the atmosphere. The instrument is designed for the global measurement of trace gases in the troposphere and stratosphere by means of a spectrometer scanning the atmosphere either at nadir or in limb. Exactly as for the MERIS instrument, the first part here will detail the SCIAMACHY data products as defined in the [RD5] document. The second part will then detail how SCIAMACHY specific information have been modelled in the SPH and DSD parts with OASIS. SCIAMACHY data products The SCIAMACHY products may also be classified as Level 0, 1B and 2 products Instrument SCIAMACHY Product ID SCI_NL_0P SCI_NL_1P SCI_NL_2P SCI_OL_2P SCI_RV_2P Description SCIAMACHY Level 0 product Geolocated and Calibrated Spectra It contains: Geolocated and Radiometrically and Spectrally Calibrated Limb and Nadir radiance spectra Geolocated vertical column amounts Geolocated vertical column amounts from off-line processing, cloud-top pressure, cloud fractional cover and aerosols parameters Selected Vertical Column Amounts for Meteo users Figure 4-29 SCIAMACHY data products DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 34 As explained in the ENVISAT general features presented in chapter 4.1.2, high-level products are derived from lower level products. SCI_RV_2P SCI_NL_2P SCI_OL_2P SCI_NL_1P SCI_NL_0P Figure 4-30 SCIAMACHY data product tree The Level-0 is composed of time ordered and annotated Instrument Source Packets and is the basis of all data processing to create higher level products. The Level-1 product is geolocated spectra, radiometrically and spectrally calibrated radiance for nadir, limb, and sun/moon occultation geometries. There are three data products at the end of the processing chain according to the algorithms applied to the Level-1 product. SCIAMACHY data products OASIS models SCIAMACHY products have the same overall structure as ENVISAT products. Then, they are composed by : a Main Product Header, a Specific Product Header, one or more Data Sets. Figure 4-31 SCIAMACHY high-level OASIS model As explained in the section 4.1.2, the MPH and DSD always have the same format for all ENVISAT products whatever the instrument. Basic types modelled in section 4.1.1 will also be reused here. As for the MERIS instrument, only the level-1B data product have been modelled in this part since it contains heterogeneous information and is used as basis to create higher-level products. Thus, this data product is much more larger than any other higher-level product and could then be used to test the performance of all EAST tools. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 35 SCIAMACHY Specific Product Header OASIS model The level-1B product SPH will be modelled in this part. Its content is defined in the SCIAMACHY volume (see [RD5]). The SPH can be divided in six main parts : SPH description information Product location information SCIAMACHY Level 1B SPH Data version Product quality DSDs for information information attached Data Sets DSDs for referenced files. The SPH descriptors contain information specific to the product file while DSDs describe the attached Data Sets in the product file. Though modelling is long, the first four parts can be easily designed with OASIS. Figure 4-32 SCIAMACHY Level1B SPH Descriptors OASIS model DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 36 Furthermore, in the SCIAMACHY level-1B SPH, many DSDs have been defined. Here, only the first three of them have been modelled since they all have the same format. Figure 4-33 SCIAMACHY SPH Level1B DSDs OASIS model In the DSD model, only the content of the DS_NAME record vary from one DSD to another according to the name of this DSD. Furthermore, the NUM_DSR record will here be used later as a discriminant to express the number of records contained in the associated Data Set. SCIAMACHY Data Set OASIS model As seen in the previous clause (see, three DSDs have been modelled using OASIS. In this part, the three corresponding DS have then been modelled (see figure below). These three DSDs have been chosen since they contain heterogeneous types of information and are enough representative to efficiently test all the EAST tools. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 37 Figure 4-34 SCIAMACHY Level1B Data Sets OASIS model In this model, the sizes of the SUMMARY_QUALITY_DS, GEOLOCATION_DS and LEAKAGE_CURRENT_CONSTANT_DS arrays are determined using the DS_NAME field content of the associated DSD. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 38 4.2 Cryosat Cryosat is a three-year radar altimeter mission, scheduled for launch in 2004, to determine variations in the thickness of the Earth’s continental ice sheets and marine ice cover. Its primary objective is to test the prediction of thinning arctic ice due to global warming. This part is based on the [RD6] document, which describes the format of all the Level-1 products generated inside the Payload Data Segment (PDS) for the Cryosat mission. The Level-1 Cryosat products are derived form the SIRAL instrument Level-0 data, applying the IPF1 processing algorithms defined in [RD7]. The first section called “Cryosat File Structure” presents the formats of all Level-1 Cryosat products and their associated OASIS model. 4.2.1 Cryosat file structure Each Cryosat Level-1 product is composed of two files : XML Header file, Product file. The XML Header file is an auxiliary ASCII file that users can easily access for identifying the product without needing to look inside the Product File. The Product File is the real product containing meaningful data and ASCII headers used by ad hoc standard tools for inspecting the product’s content. In order to use tools already developed for the ENVISAT mission, the product structure for Cryosat follows the structure of the ENVISAT products as far as possible. XML Header File The XML Header file contains information identifying the product and is easy to read as it is based on a standard syntax which could be accessed by common tools available for visualising its content. The XML syntax has been chosen for the scope of the PDS. The XML Header file is composed by: a Fixed Header which is the common header for all files managed into the PDS and a Variable Header, with format and content depending on the file type and kind of product. Each of these components is completely ASCII and based on XML syntax and conventions proposed in the [AD1] document. Users can then easily identify the product without needs to look inside the Product File. Though the XML information can be modelled with OASIS, it is useless since the XML world already offers lots of free viewer tools and since the contained information are redundant with the contents of the product file. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 39 Product File The Product File structure follows the one defined for the ENVISAT level-0 products as much as possible. Then, as shown in section 4.1.2, each product file is composed by: A Main Product Header (MPH), A Specific Product Header (SPH), One or more Data Sets (DS). The main differences between ENVISAT and CRYOSAT MPH are : 1. The size of one of the Spare field (i.e. number 30) is different. 2. The CRYOSAT product file contains one CRC field. The Cryosat Level 1B product file OASIS model is also composed of three main parts as shown below : Figure 4-35 Cryosat Level 1B high-level OASIS model It shall be noted that, in Cryosat Level-1B product, the maximum number of Data Set in a product is three. This is why the DATA_SETS element in the upper figure only contains three elements. It is then not necessary to re-create the MPH model from scratch. The model defined in section has been re-used and modified to model Cryosat Level 1B products. The same way, the sizes of the Data Sets Descriptors fields are different though their names and contents are similar from ENVISAT to CRYOSAT. Then, the models developed for the ENVISAT product file can be reused here for MPH and DSD since few changes are to be made (mainly concerning elements’ sizes). On the contrary, the SPH and DS CRYOSAT structures have few in common with the ENVISAT ones. Then, they have to be re-created from scratch. The two following sections introduce the Cryosat SPH and DS and present their associated OASIS models. CRYOSAT Specific Product Header OASIS model The SPH is composed of two main parts: SPH descriptors which contain information specific to the product file and One or more DSDs (Data Set Descriptor) which describe the Data Sets in the product file. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 40 The SPH descriptors can be modelled with OASIS as follows. Figure 4-36 CRYOSAT SPH descriptors OASIS model Cryosat products files follow the ENVISAT standard for DSD formats. The associated OASIS models will then be quite the same. Furthermore, there are two different types of DSD called Measurement and Reference DSDs (of course both having the same format). Measurements DSDs contain description about the attached Data Sets while Reference DSDs contain description of information contained in external files. In ENVISAT, Spare DSD have been also introduced for future use. On the contrary, it is here proposed to have a variable SPH size to avoid oversizing the number of Reference DSDs. Then to be able to read the SPH contents, two MPH sub-fields are used : The field number 38 called NUM_DSD which contains the total number of DSDs. The field number 40 called NUM_DATA_SETS which contains the number of attached Data Sets. The NUM_DSD field then indicates how many DSDs are contained in the SPH while the NUM_DATA_SETS indicates how many of them are of the Measurement type and then correspond to Data Sets attached in the product file. This way, the number of Reference DSDs present in the SPH is calculated upon these two fields. It is a problem since EAST doesn’t have any calculation capabilities since this value should be evaluated to read the content of a product file. Actually all DSDs have the same structure. Then only one OASIS model should be used for all DSDs of both Measurement and Reference types. They should be modelled as an array containing this structure. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 41 Figure 4-37 One DSD OASIS model However, as shown later in this document, DSDs fields will be used as discriminants mainly for Data Sets fields. In fact, the value of the DS_NAME parameter identify the structure of the attached Data Sets. However, with the actual EAST technology, it is not possible to use array elements as discriminants. This model has then been abandoned. Another solution then has been to separate Measurement DSDs from Reference DSDs (see figure below). All of these elements have the same structure ; only the content of the DS_NAME parameter differs from one to another. Figure 4-38Another modelling of the DSDs. The three measurements DSDs (i.e. DSD1, DSD2 and DSD3) are here discriminated by the NUM_DATA_SETS field contained in the MPH. This time the same structure is copied four times. What changes from one to another is the content of the DS_NAME field. This field will then be used to select which Data Set will be present in the remaining of the product file. This solution causes two main problems : One problem is the size of the REFERENCE_DSDS array. It has been demonstrated in the beginning of this part that this size shall be calculated. However, as EAST has no calculation capabilities, this size cannot be evaluated. But, it has been chosen to keep this model (the size of the array has been arbitrary fixed) and continue with the modelling of the Cryosat Level 1B product simply to verify that the whole product file can be modelled. Then, a problem appeared with the discriminant. Actually, two or more distinct discriminants can have the same name but this will result as an incorrect interpretation of the description file by the EAST tools. Indeed, a discriminant is not identified by its whole EAST path but only by its name. This way, when several discriminants have the same name (even though their EAST paths are different), their values may collide. Therefore, for the three Measurements DSDs, DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 42 some fields (i.e. the ones used as discriminant) had to be renamed to be unique. A necessary evolution of the EAST technology is therefore to be able to distinguish two discriminants by their full paths and not only by their names. Data Set OASIS model There are twenty one different Data Set structures defined in the Cryosat document (see figure below). These structures are discriminated by the DS_NAME fields located in the DSD1, DSD2 and DSD3 fields. Figure 4-39 Cryosat Level 1B Attached Data Sets OASIS model Each Data Set stands as an array where each element is a record. Of course, all records belonging to one array have the same structure. Then the size of this array is determined by the DSR_NUMBER field value located in the corresponding DSD element. Complete Cryosat Level 1B OASIS model Combining the MPH, SPH and Data Sets OASIS models detailed previously in this chapter, the following complete OASIS model is obtained : DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 43 Figure 4-40 Complete Cryosat Level 1B product file OASIS model Note : This OASIS model isn’t fully correct according to the definition of the product file. Actually, the size of the REFERENCE_DSDS array has been fixed while it should be calculated upon other fields values. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 44 4.3 AMS-2 The AMS-2 (Archive Management System) is an upgrade of the AMS-LR system. AMS-LR is an archive system capable of managing heterogeneous data sets stored on heterogeneous media. It has been developed by MS&I (Matra Systèmes & Information) based on the in-house SatSTORE tool. SatSTORE is a COTS solution for the management of an archiving system. AMS-2 introduces the use of the EAST technology for the data retrieval service. This function allows to extract data portions whatever its type according to relevant extraction algorithms. The use of the EAST technology is embedded in the SatSTORE tool. USER INTERFACE Extracted/Archived DATA Archiving/Retrieval requests SatSTORE EAST Interpreter The SatSTORE doesn’t directly access to archived data Archived DATA Figure 4-41 AMS-2 use of the EAST technology The main goal of this chapter is not to model the AMS2 data but to use the existing models and data (from ERS) defined in the frame of the AMS-2 system to test the EAST data checking capabilities. The data checking has been tested in two ways : by directly using the DATA_CHECKER, and by developing a specific application upon the Interpreter API. The study has been based on the data named user_header, block_adr_descriptor and ers_record. This data are extracted from ERS samples of data archived in the AMS2 system. Their tree representation with OASIS are given in the following figures. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 45 Figure 4-42 User_header model Figure 4-43 Block_adr_descriptor model DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 46 Figure 4-44 ERS_record model DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 47 4.3.1 DATA_CHECKER with ERS products We have first checked some data files corresponding to the description seen previously. These data files were produced during the development of AMS2. For these data files, no errors were found. A copy of the window where the command ‘data_checker’ has been executed follows. data_checker ... Name of EAST File : ../DDR/ers_record.eas ... Name of Data File : ../DATA/ ... Name of Result File : ers_record.dc ... What is the first data block number you want to check ? : All data blocks will be checked ... How many errors do you want to display (1) ? : 10 0 error(s) detected We then modify the range of the type SHORT in the user_header description in order to obtain some errors with data_checker. With the modified user_header.eas (the range of SHORT was from 0 to 10), we have had the following dialog. data_checker ... Name of EAST File : ../DDR/user_header.eas ... Name of Data File : ../DATA/ ... Name of Result File : user_header.dc ... What is the first data block number you want to check ? : All data blocks will be checked How many errors do you want to display (1) ? : ... 10 2 error(s) detected After the execution of data_checker, new files have been created that give information about the errors found in the data file. The first one is user_header.dc and the second one is the logbook produced by the Interpreter API used by the DATA_CHECKER tool. These two files are shown in the following figures. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 48 ---------------------------------------DUMP INFORMATIONS Execution Directory : /users/east/bin Data File Name : ../DATA/ DDR File Name : ../DDR/user_header.eas DDR Informations : -- date generation : Tue May 25 19:14:13 1999 Dump Generation Date : 2002/ 11/ 8: 40024.633677000 ---------------------------------------Check of Block 1 GROUND_STATION_AND_TRANSCRIPTION_SYSTEM.STATION_ID binary value->0000000001100110 ascii value --> ' 102' GROUND_STATION_AND_TRANSCRIPTION_SYSTEM.STATION_DT_ID binary value-->0000000000100011 ascii value --> ' 35' Figure 4-45 User_header.dc produced by DATA_CHECKER ***************************************************************** ************* 13:11:02_16:38:4 format_converter.controler_valeur_entier E 4113 60 61 CONVERSION ERROR : INTEGER VALUE NOT ALLOWED FOR THE TARGET TYPE AN INTEGER EXPECTED BETWEEN 0 AND 10 ***************************************************************** ************* ***************************************************************** ************* 13:11:02_16:38:4 format_converter.controler_valeur_entier E 4113 60 61 CONVERSION ERROR : INTEGER VALUE NOT ALLOWED FOR THE TARGET TYPE AN INTEGER EXPECTED BETWEEN 0 AND 10 ***************************************************************** ************* Figure 4-46 Logbook produced by DATA_CHECKER (extract) We can see that DATA_CHECKER detects the errors in the data file but gives some information about each error in the file chosen (here user_header.dc) and the rest in the logbook. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 49 4.3.2 API checking capabilities and ERS products We have tested the services the interpreter API offers to check some data file. There are eight services which enable the check of data from a file or from memory. Their signatures are : Check_end_of_current_block_from_file (Data_file, Error_file, Nb_max_error) Check_end_of_current_block_from_memory (Address, Error_file, Nb_max_error) Check_next_data_block_from_file (Data_file, Error_file, Nb_max_error) Check_next_data_block_from_memory (Address, Error_file, Nb_max_error) Check_next_record_from_file (Data_file, Error_file, Nb_max_error) Check_next_record_from_memory (Address, Error_file, Nb_max_error) Get_errors_number() Get_errors_number_in_current_block(). All the checking functions check the data and generate errors in the Error_file file with a maximum of Nb_max_error errors. The application developed for checking the ERS data files (previously checked by DATA_CHECKER) gives the same results than the on-line tool. Then, the detected errors can only be found in the error file (which name is passed as a parameter of the checking functions) and cannot be used directly in the application. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 50 5. Identification of technical limitations/evolutions So far, no major problems appeared while modelling the ENVISAT data products. The only main problem was in the use of the OASIS tool which is tedious and time-consuming (e.g. not intuitive graphical interface). On the contrary, it has not been possible to model the CRYOSAT level-1 data product as such since EAST doesn’t have any calculation capabilities (this only concerns one field in the whole model). The following table summarises all the detected problems and details all the features of EAST/OASIS that should be improved to be able to easily model all data products whatever their level and instrument. Limitations/Evolutions Description It has been quite simple to create the OASIS models but very tedious and time-consuming since data products are huge. Furthermore, common structures Re-usability problems (type library concept) cannot be reused. To be able to reuse (parts of) EAST description, it would be interesting to share “type libraries”. There is no possibility to give default values in the syntactic description. Default values It would be interesting to be able to specify default values usable by the EAST tools. Non-static constraint It is not possible to describe calculations on constraints using functions/operators. EAST Performance Low performances have been obtained while manipulating data products and associated OASIS models with OASIS and the EAST interpreter/generator tools. Format specification It is not possible to specify a format that describes the ASCII form encoding of a number. Problems interface with the OASIS Elements localisation problems The graphical interface is not convenient for users graphical who have no knowledge of the technology and can be sometimes disconcerting. It is not reliable enough and some functionalities are not working properly. Some elements of the OASIS models are not referenced with their complete EAST paths but only with their names. This causes many problems with DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 51 discriminants for instance. Data Checking The first problem with the data checker tool concerns errors return. It is very difficult to locate errors since messages are scattered in two files. Furthermore, the EAST API for data checking is rather limited (only structures and ranges) and could be improved. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 52 5.1 Type library It was not difficult to model the data products as such (with a few restrictions explained in the previous chapter) but it has been tedious and time-consuming to re-create basic types and common headers (e.g. Main Product Header for ENVISAT) for all data products. For example, in the ENVISAT mission, the Main Product Header is common to all data products whatever their level. These common structures were created from scratch for each new model (this is really a waste of time) since newly created structures and types are bound to one OASIS model and thus can not be shared between several models. To be able to re-use OASIS models across products, it would be interesting to have a type library. This way, for example, the MPH, SPH and DSD models of MERIS could be registered as types and reused to construct models for all other defined products. Only the DS would be different and would have to be re-created at each level. It will then speed-up the creation of the OASIS models for all the data products defined for a particular mission. Level-2 product DS OASIS model Only DS structures are modelled at each level since MPH, SPH and DS models can be reused. OASIS Type Library Level-1 product DS OASIS model Basic Types MPH OASIS model SPH OASIS model DSD OASIS model Level-0 product DS OASIS model Figure 5-1 Type library use for MERIS OASIS models DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 53 5.2 Default values For most of the fields in a data product, there is a default value (indicating, for example, the value when the field is not significant). When using OASIS, it is currently not possible in the syntactic description to indicate what are the default values. If EAST and its associated tools (in particular the generator) are able to handle this concept, the values of fields that are not significant, will not be calculated at runtime, since the given default values could be used. This will then speed-up the generation process. Furthermore, these default values could be used to create more realistic test data files. 5.3 Non-static constraint In the current state of the technology, there are only three ways to constrain data: The data existence can be discriminated by another field’s value if it is a discrete value (integer or enumeration). The size of an array can be indicated by the value of an integer field (represented earlier in the description). The range of an integer or real value is set by two constant values. In this case, these values can be named to be reused for another field. However, in the case of the MERIS SPH, the documentation indicates that the value of the SLICE_POSITION field is smaller or equal to the value of the NUM_SLICES field. This kind of constraint cannot be expressed in the EAST descriptive since EAST has no processing capabilities. In the case of CRYOSAT, the size of the Reference Data Sets array (see should be calculated at runtime. The size value is the difference between the NUM_DSD and NUM_DATA_SETS of the MPH fields. This kind of calculation can neither be used to set the size of an array with OASIS. The addition of “non-static constraints” to the EAST language will allow to model more kind of data and improve the data checking. It would be really useful to have algorithmic capabilities to describe, for example : a range or a size of an array computed from the values of other fields, some arithmetic operation (e.g. +,- but also >,…) to calculate constraints at runtime. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 54 5.4 East Performance It has been possible in this study to create complete OASIS models of the data products. It has then been possible to generate the associated EAST description file to test the complete EAST tools suite. The first performance problem appeared while trying to generate the EAST file for the Cryosat Level 1B model (see model in section The generation lasted nearly thirty minutes though the verification of this model was nearly immediate. Another performance problem appeared when using the EAST generator tool. To verify the models, some test data have been generated and it appeared that this operation was requiring a really long time (from some seconds to many hours depending on the values of the discriminants). In order to be operational, the DEBAT environment should rely on fast and reliable East tools. 5.5 Format specification OASIS does not directly provide any means to enter “formats” that specifies the ASCII format encoding of integer or real field values. Indeed, the formats have to be expressed in an ancillary file used by the EAST generator. Users have then to create this file by hand which is tedious, timeconsuming and can lead to many errors. FRT auxiliary file OASIS EAST descriptive EAST Generator Data file Integer and real elements have the correct format. Figure 5-2 Specification of integer and real formats Without this FRT file, the only information used by the generator is the length of the field. It would be useful to improve the format handling of integer and real values without needing to create the FRT file using a text editor. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 55 5.6 OASIS graphical interface The OASIS MMI is not user-friendly enough and is disconcerting for users who have no knowledge of the technology. The table below summarises all the functionalities that need to be corrected/improved to make OASIS more user-friendly, reliable and complete: Element Description Undo/Redo function Copy/Pate function Context dependent menu Data model and Information windows Search capabilities Short cuts Help to semantic information Errors messages This function is not working properly. This would enhance the management of the active OASIS model. OASIS should fully support the copy/paste functionality that is not working in the current tool. The main menu shall be modified for most of the functionalities to be accessible whatever the active window is, and then not be contextdependent anymore. These two windows have to be tied together. This means that if the Data model window becomes active, the associated Information window shall also become active. This is specially important when manipulating two or more descriptions at the same time. The goal of this function is to enhance the navigation through large models. It can also be tied to error messages in order to easily locate fields which create errors. The aim is to provide keyboard shortcuts for the main functionalities. The goal is to have an enhanced editor for semantic information in order to be able to add complex descriptive attributes. Currently, it is really difficult to edit semantic information (too small text fields, no copy/paste, etc.). The error messages are not explicit enough. Most of the time, they are truncated which makes it difficult for users to have a precise knowledge of the error source. Moreover, it is difficult to search through the whole tree structure to find the element which cause this problem (no search capabilities are provided). A rather complete list of the problems encountered with the OASIS MMI is given in the document [RD9]. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 56 5.7 Element localisation problems Within an EAST model, some elements are not referenced with their complete EAST path (but only with their name). For example, the discriminants are only identified by their names. This is a problem when several discriminants have the same name in a model because the EAST tools (and notably the Interpreter and Generator tools) are not capable to choose the right discriminant (in fact, the nearest is used). The only solution with the current technology is to rename each of these elements which is really tedious. Furthermore, this fact precludes to re-use generic structures or predefined types in which some elements are used as discriminants. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 57 5.8 Data checking There are several problems with the EAST tools suite concerning the data checking. The first lacks are related to the DATA_CHECKER tool. The first problem is that the information about an incorrect value is truncated in two files: the first part is stored in the file containing the encountered errors; the other part is stored in the logbook. In the error file, the name and the value of the incorrect field are written while in the logbook, there are the expected values (the range for a scalar and the different possible values for an enumeration). It is tedious to have to open two files to obtain all information about the detected errors. The second problem is that users can not specify their own values. The DATA_CHECKER only use ranges and values found in the EAST description file. The second restriction concerns the data checking functions offered in the EAST API. In fact, these functions have been firstly designed to code the DATA_CHECKER tool. Then, they are not adapted to check data directly in an application. The following points should be addressed to offer full data checking capabilities in the EAST API : The data checking results are not directly accessible since errors are written in a file. It is then complicated to use the data checking result programmatically. It is not possible to directly check a particular field. Developers have to write a lot of code to be able to check a particular element, especially when discriminants are present. It shall be interesting to get the possible values of a particular field (e.g. range for a scalar, enumerated values for an enumeration). The data checking is processed using information found in the EAST description file (e.g. range for a scalar). It is then not possible to check data using computed constraints or with different bounds. It shall be interesting to be able to compare two elements values without loading these elements in the application. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 58 6. Evolutions and Limitations technical analysis The following clauses detail the technical analyses carried out for the limitations/evolutions encountered. 6.1 Type library The analysis of this evolution is done in the [RD8] document. 6.2 Default values Default values have only to be considered for character, string, integer or real types. There is no particular technical difficulty to add this concept in the OASIS tool. This implies : adding a place for this value in the information window (e.g. an input text field), adding it into the internal description of a terminal node of the tree, and, reading/writing this value from/to the EAST description. The value could be indicated on the same line as the declaration of the field in a comment part. This solution will not induce a modification of the EAST CCSDS recommendation. The value could also be indicated using the ADA affectation syntax. But, in this case the EAST norm should be modified. The following example shows the two solutions. Type MY_RECORD is record MY_INTEGER : INTEGER ; -- DEFAULT : 0 MY_REAL : SLICE_NUMBER_TYPE ; -- DEFAULT : 0.0 MY_STRING : STRING ; -- DEFAULT : « ABC » end record ; OR Type MY_RECORD is record MY_INTEGER : INTEGER := 0 ; MY_REAL : SLICE_NUMBER_TYPE := 0.0 ; MY_STRING : STRING := « ABC » ; end record ; This value could also be added in the DEDSL semantic description but it would lead to a modification of the DEDSL recommendation. The adding of default values in the EAST core is a little more difficult. The EAST analyser should be modified. It would be necessary to analyse the end of a line (in which a field is declared) to find the default value. This value should be memorised to be used later. In compensation, the interpreter should not be modified. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 59 Then, the write function of the generator have to be modified in order to take into account the default value when needed. Currently, if a field has no value, the write function raises an exception. Once modified, this function will check if a default value exists before raising the exception. 6.3 Non-static constraints The goal of this evolution is to take into account algorithms capabilities. This will allow to define values that will be calculated at runtime from other values indicated earlier in an EAST description. The first step of this evolution is the addition of calculated values in the data description. The second step is the use of this calculated value to improve data checking capabilities. The goal is to provide a few simple operations that could be apply on fields in order to obtain a new value. OASIS should be modified so that it can manage this kind of operation. In each information window that is associated to a field having a calculated parameter (range of an integer or a real, size of an array and existence condition), an entry field should be provided in order to let users define the calculation formula. With a drag and drop mechanism (the same as the one used to define constants in an integer or real range), it will be easy to create function using other fields’ values (or sizes) as inputs. Then, this formula should be written in the EAST description. The following implementation (that keeps the EAST description computable) is suggested: The new value is declared as a variable, The name of the variable is preceded by the pattern COMPUTED_, The formula is given in another variable which is a string, The name of this second variable is preceded by the pattern FORMULA_, The values used in the formula are referenced by their full EAST path. Example : COMPUTED_ARRAY_SIZE : INTEGER ; FORMULA_ARRAY_SIZE : STRING := “HEADER.NUMBER_1 – HEADER.NUMBER_2” ; The computed value could be use as a size of an array. Example : Type DATA_ARRAY is array (1.. COMPUTED_ARRAY_SIZE) of DATA ; In order to improve the data checking, a computed value can also be used as a min or max of a range. Example : DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 60 COMPUTED_RANGE_MAX : REAL ; FORMULA_RANGE_MAX : STRING := “DATA.VALUE_1” ; Type VALUE_2 is digits 2 range 0.0 .. COMPUTED_RANGE_MAX ; Remark : In addition to the four basic operations (+,-,*,/), we could use some predefined name to add some useful operations like sin, cos, tan or is_odd, is_even, etc … The formula could also contain some parenthesis to express more complicated expressions. In order to take into account the calculation capability, the EAST core should also be modified. First the computed value should be detected when the description is analysed, then the formula should be stored in the internal form used by the EAST core to describe the model. The formula would be parsed by the interpreter and the generator when the calculation has to be processed. 6.4 EAST Tools performance The generation of the Cryosat description has highlighted some strong weaknesses in the OASIS performance. The problems have to be investigated in order to detect where the software takes so much time. The use of the EAST generator tool to create data products has also shown performance problems. In fact, the generator has not been modified nor updated concerning its performance while the performance of the Interpreter tool has been greatly improved. This is mainly because the projects already using EAST (e.g. SPOT, HELIOS,..) have returned many feedback on the subject. This time, the problems of the Generator tool have to be investigated. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 61 6.5 Format specification There are two different solutions to take formats for integer and real values into account in the EAST/OASIS technology : Firstly, the format can be included in the EAST description so that it will totally be transparent to users. This implies a modification of the EAST CCSDS recommendation. OASIS Specifying syntaxtic information and patterns. EAST descriptive file containing syntactic and pattern information. Figure 6-1 Format included in the EAST core EAST generator Correctly formatted data file. Secondly, users can directly specify the formats in the OASIS tool and this latter will automatically generate the FRT file used by the EAST generator to produce correct elements. OASIS EAST description file Specifying syntaxtic information and patterns. EAST generator FRT file Correctly formatted data file. Figure 6-2 Formats with OASIS generating the FRT file The first solution requires some important modifications of both OASIS and the EAST core. Therefore, it could lead to worse performances for the generation. The second solution does not require any modification of the EAST core. It is the current way it runs. Some modifications of OASIS are required. These modifications are : add a check-box to indicate that the sign must be always written, add a way to indicate, for a real value, if there must have an exponent with a “D” (FORTRAN), a “E”, a “e” or no exponent, DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 62 be able to generate the FRT file corresponding to a description file. The formats used by the EAST core are the following ones. For an integer, the format is described by : [S]Im where the optional S indicates that the sign will be always written (and the left space will be filled by some “0” instead of some “ “ without FRT file). The “I” indicates that it is an integer format. The number m indicates the number of characters (except the sign) to use when writing the value. For a real value, the format is described by : [S]{F|D|E}m.n where the optional S indicates that the sign will always be written. One of the letter F, D or E is used to indicate that there is no exponent (F), an exponent prefixed by E or an exponent prefixed by D. The number m indicates the whole number of characters (with the sign) to use when writing the value. The number n indicates the number of digits after the point. The adding of the character ‘e’ for the exponent is a minor modification. 6.6 Element localisation problems In order that the full pathname of discriminant fields is used by EAST and its associated tools, the EAST norm has to be modified. First, OASIS will have to generate an EAST description with the full pathname for each discriminant. This is not difficult because OASIS stores this pathname. Then the EAST analyser must be modified to analyse this full pathname. This modification can be costly because the handling of the discriminants is one of the more complex feature of the EAST core. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 63 6.7 Data checking Concerning the DATA_CHECKER, the main improvement is in the result file. This file should contain all information required to fully understand the source of the errors without having to look neither at the data file nor at the EAST description : The complete EAST path for each field creating an error has to be expressed. The associated wrong values have to be tied to the previous EAST paths. The expected values shall also be presented. It shall be simple since all of these information are already accessible. The only thing to do is to write the expected values in the result file and not in the logbook anymore. Another improvement will consist as allowing users to specify values and ranges. The DATA_CHECKER will then use these information instead of the ones found in the EAST description file. This could be done using a file that will contain the element to check (i.e. its EAST path) with the associated ranges or values. MODEL.AN_INTEGER 10..12 MODEL.RECORD.A_REAL 1.0..2.0 MODEL.RECORD.AN_ENUMERATION ONE The DATA_CHECKER will check all elements present in the EAST description file but will use user values when checking the specified elements. The creation of these file can be done manually or be guided by the DEBAT Producer & Editor tool that will automatically generate this file. DEBAT Data Editor & Producer File containing some elements to check with associated user values or ranges. EAST description file DATA_CHECKER Data file Figure 6-3 - DEBAT data checking DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools Result file EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 64 Furthermore the Interpreter API should be improved in order to make the data checking much more easier. The existing functions will be kept as such since they are used by the DATA_CHECKER tool. The following functionalities shall be added in the EAST API : A direct access to the detected errors shall be provided to software. It shall be simple since all errors are stored by the EAST core. This way, when checking an element, a return code will be provided. The checking of an element should be possible with one single instruction. The localisation of the element in the data file will then be up to the EAST core. This part shall be difficult especially when dealing with discriminants. The EAST core will then have to calculate the location of this element in the data file. The possible values of each field have to be available for the application. When manipulating character, real or integer elements, the possible values will consist as a set identified by its bounds. For an enumeration, it will be all possible values that this element can take. It shall be simple since these information are stored in the EAST core. It shall be possible to check an element with specific bounds different from the limits expressed in the EAST file. It shall be simple to add one single function to insure this checking. Finally, the comparison between two elements shall be possible without loading these values in the application. This way, it will be possible to compare one value with another. This latter may be calculated upon other values or may be another element of the data file. There will be three functions created here to verify if one element is inferior, equals or superior to another elements. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST current applications Technical Note Reference : SS/DEBAT/EAST_TN Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/01/2003 Page : 65 7. Conclusion First, we must say that this study of the EAST technology, based upon the ENVISAT, CRYOSAT and ERS examples, has shown many bugs to correct in the different EAST tools in order to produce a reliable DEBAT tools suite. We also found some restrictions in the EAST tools, the major being the unavailability of calculation capabilities (compulsory to model Cryosat data as specified). We experienced many performance problems both in the EAST core and in the other graphical tools used (i.e. OASIS and DUW). The first performance problems concerned the generation of the Cryosat description file which took a very long time (i.e. about thirty minutes). The other performance problems came from the data reading/generating in some particular cases (e.g. when many discriminants are present in the model). It is to be noted that many performance problems have already been detected by the projects that have used EAST so far (SPOT, HELIOS, CDPP,…) and keep using it despite of these problems. In fact, all of these projects have pointed that since EAST is generic, it can’t be as fast as specific developments and that the EAST tools are getting faster and faster. Their main concerns were about the data management features EAST offer and mainly the possibility to read heterogeneous data from heterogeneous systems (and this transparently to users). In spite of these abnormalities and restrictions, we were able to model and to generate the chosen ENVISAT products. CRYOSAT data have also been modelled though not exactly as specified in the documentation. We have also successfully tested the data checking on the ERS products though EAST lacks of powerful checking functions. Furthermore, for all of these limitations, we saw that there are solutions to implement the needed evolutions. The most important modifications will concern the OASIS tool and the EAST core. In conclusion of this study, we can say that the EAST technology enables the modelling, the generation/simulation and the processing of complex data products like ENVISAT, CRYOSAT and ERS ones with few restrictions. With some improvements and also some new developments based on the EAST technology, a powerful and reliable complete tools suite for all the data life cycle could be created. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools