Math 4340, Differential Equations Spring 2010 Department of Mathematics Georgia College & State University Course Syllabus CRN Section Time Days Building Room Instructor 20419 01 2:00pm – 3:15 pm TR A&S 1-38A Dr. Rodica Cazacu Textbooks and Materials: Ordinary Differential Equations, by Morris Tenenbaum & Harry Pollard Office Hours and Contact Information of Instructor: Instructor Rodica Cazacu Office A&S 1-24 Office Phone # 445-0972 Email & Website Office Hours M W F 10:00 – 10:50am T R 1:00 – 1:50pm, Or by appointment Course Description: Ordinary differential equations with applications are the primary focus. Some consideration is given to existence and uniqueness theorems. Prerequisite: C or better in both MATH 2263 and MATH 2150. Course Objectives: At the end of the semester students should be able to: Understand the origins, basic terminology, and classification of ordinary differential equations; State, explain, and apply the fundamental existence and uniqueness theorems on solutions to ordinary differential equations; Explain and apply numerical methods for the solutions of ordinary differential equations, including: Euler's method, the Runge-Kutta methods, and the order of convergence results for numerical methods; Explain and apply specific solution techniques for certain classes of ordinary differential equations including: linear, constant coefficient techniques, separable equation techniques and variation of parameters, and power series solution techniques; Gain familiarity with the various applications of ordinary differential equations; Develop the abilities to read and write proofs of theorems in the area of differential equations and to understand and apply theorems and definitions of abstract mathematical ideas. Course Expectations: The students should come to each meeting prepared to discuss the material in the assigned reading, with questions on any topics that were not clearly understood during the reading, having attempted the suggested problems, with the assigned problems written up in an acceptable form (as appropriate). prepared to present their work Assessment will be based on the following criteria: A demonstrated proficiency and mastery of relevant proper and standard mathematical notation; The ability to clearly articulate and communicate in writing a solution to a problem which would include the line of reasoning leading to an answer; The ability to clearly state, orally and in writing, definitions and illustrate them with examples and explanations; Attend class regularly, attempt daily homework exercises, actively participate in classroom activities; Demonstrate an understanding of the applications, problems, and theorems studied in the course; A demonstrated ability to read, write, explain, and understand proofs of relevant theorems; A demonstrated ability to solve applied problems that involve differential equations; Exceptional performance on all homework sets, tests, class presentations and critiques, and the cumulative final examination. Absence/Tardy Policy: Regular, punctual attendance is expected from each student. Note: absences will not directly affect a student’s grade. Students are responsible for all material covered and assignments collected during class. If a student is tardy, he/she is expected to enter quietly, so as not to disturb the class. Grading Policy: Test 1 Test 2 15% 15% Project & Poster Participation, presentations, and assignments 25% 20% A standard grading scale will be used: A (90-100), B (80-89), C (70-79), D (60-69), and F (59 or below). Final Exam Total 25% 100% Grading Criteria: Student learning will be assessed primarily through homework sets, written responses to tests, class presentations, critiques of other student presentations, and a cumulative final exam. Some projects may be given in class and some as take home assignments. Group work is encouraged for all projects. Each student must present at least one project in front of the class. All students must participate actively in class discussions and do their part in their group. For each class there will be at least a group work project the students are supposed to complete, but only some of them will be collected and graded. A big part of the in class work will be completed on the black board by each group. Students must be prepared to claim problems they either solved or tried, be ready to present some of their work in front of the class, and participate in discussions. Absolutely no make-ups are given for the exams. If a student misses a test and is excused by the instructor, the final exam grade will be used to replace that test. If a student misses a second test without an excuse from the instructor, the grade will be zero. Exceptional cases may be considered, but only if they are announced before the test is given. Individual grade will be shared only in person, not by phone, email, classmates, etc. Note: Prior to mid-semester, you will receive feedback on your academic performance in this course. * There will be exceptions for those students involved in official, college related activities like official games and/or competitions. Course Outline This schedule is tentative and may be modified at the discretion of the instructor. Week of January 11 Section(s) Covered Notes .............................................................. Mon, Jan 11, Classes begin; Wed, Jan13, Last day to add, Fri, Jan15 Last day to drop without fee penalty January 18 ………………………………………… Mon, Jan 11,Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday January 25 .............................................................. February 1 .............................................................. February 8 .............................................................. February 15 Review, Test #1 ..................................... Test #1 February 22 .............................................................. March 1 .............................................................. Tue, Mar 2 is Midterm Day on the Academic Calendar March 8 The deadline for choosing the project is Thursday, March 11 MONDAY March 8, 2010 IS THE LAST DAY TO DROP WITHOUT ACADEMIC PENALTY March 15 .............................................................. March 22 Spring Break………………………….. March 29 .............................................................. April 5 Review, Test #2 ..................................... Test #2 April 12 A draft of the project content is due Thursday, April 15 April 19 .............................................................. April 26 Project and poster presentations ............ May 3 Review, Final Exams ............................. May 12 Grades Due ........................................... Final Exam: The required cumulative final exam from which there are no exemptions will be given as follows CRN 20419 SECTION 01 DAY TUESDAY DATE MAY, 04 TIME 2:00pm –4:45pm BUILDING ROOM A&S 1-38A Note: A failing grade on the cumulative final exam from which there are no exemptions may result in a grade of "F" for the course. Cell Phone Policy: It is a priority to maintain an environment in the classroom which facilitates learning. Please keep all cellular phones, beepers, etc. turned off or on silent mode. Academic Honesty: All written work submitted in this course will be individual work unless otherwise instructed. The submission of another's work as one's own is plagiarism and will be dealt with using the procedures outlined on pp. 64-67 in the Undergraduate Catalog. Remember that allowing another student to copy one’s work is considered cheating. Also see the student Honor Code at the website below: Assistance for Student Needs Related to Disability If you have a disability as described by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, section 504, you may be eligible to receive accommodations to assist in programmatic and physical accessibility. Disability Services of the GCSU Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity can assist you in formulating a reasonable accommodation plan and in providing support in developing appropriate accommodations needed to ensure equal access to all GCSU programs and facilities. Course requirements will not be waived but accommodations may assist you in meeting the requirements. For documentation requirements and for additional information, we recommend that you contact Disability Services located in Maxwell Student Union at 478445-5931 or 478-445-4233. Fire Safety Note: Fire drills may be conducted during the semester. In the case of a fire alarm signal, students will exit the building in a quick and orderly manner through the nearest hallway exit. Learn the floor plan and exits of this building. Do not use elevators. Crawl on floor if you encounter heavy smoke. Assist disabled persons and others if possible without endangering your own life. Assemble for a head count on the front lawn of the main campus. Good luck!