North Bullitt High School Kathy Abell Room 210 Spanish I A Period 1 7:20-8:30 a.m.-Planning Period 2 8:35-9:45 a.m. Period 3 9:50-11:09 a.m. Lunch 11:09- 11:35 a.m. Period 4 11:40-12:50 p.m. Period 5 12:55-2:05 p.m. 1st Trimester--Week 6: September 12-September 16 KY Content M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y Presentation Method 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 Guided Practice Oral Drill Large Group Activities Group/Partner Work MiniLecture/ Discussion Multimedia Lessons Individual Activities Projects/Demonstrations Portfolio/ORQ Quiz/Test 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 Guided Practice Oral Drill Large Group Activities Group/Partner Work Mini-Lecture/Discussion Multimedia Lessons Individual Activities Projects/Demonstrations Portfolio/ORQ Quiz/Test Literacy Strategies Word Wall Frayer Model Café Conversation Jigsaw Venn Diagram Flashback/Exit Slip K-W-L Note-taking Translations Technology/Clicker Plan/Activities Flashback: ¿Cómo se dice _____? a) You (informal/familiar) b) She c) You (pl) d) He e) You (formal/polite) Discuss Ser Adjectives/Pronounce; Make personal diamante poems; PowerPoint on Singular/Plural/Masculine/Feminine Mini lesson on asking/answering questions about self and others; Exit Slip: Escribe… a/b)She is pretty. c/d) We are intelligent. Essential Questions / Targets Flashback: use the adjective alto and tell me… a) Singular/masculine form b) Singular/feminine form c) Plural/masculine form d) Plural/feminine form Spelling practice with adjectives; Pictionary with adjectives Describe Famous People Activity—oral activity Introduction of Partner Activity; Students who have not created Voki will do so when working on famous person activity Exit Slip: Escribe…Mrs. Reece is tall, thin, blonde and nice. DOK Level IEP Modifications E.Q. How can I use the information/skills learned in this unit outside of the classroom? Target: I can tell my name, age, telephone number, date, day of week, my origin in Spanish; Target: I can introduce someone else, ask how they are, tell how old they are and where they are from in Spanish. Flashback/Exit Slip Participation Assignment Project Oral Drill Questions Notes Quiz Whiteboards X – Prompting X-Cuing X-Modeling X-paraphrasing X-Individual Assistance X-Extra Time X-After-School help offered E.Q. How can I use the information/skills learned in this unit outside of the classroom? Target: I can tell my name, age, telephone number, date, day of week, my origin in Spanish; Target: I can introduce someone else, ask how they are, tell how old they are and where they are from in Spanish. Flashback/Exit Slip Participation Assignment Project Oral Drill Questions Notes Test/Quiz Whiteboards X – Prompting X-Cuing X-Modeling X-paraphrasing X-Individual Assistance X-Extra Time X-After-School help offered E.Q. How can I use the information/skills learned in this unit outside of the classroom? Target: I can tell my name, age, telephone number, date, day of week, my origin in Spanish; Target: I can introduce someone else, ask how they are, tell how old they are and where they are from in Spanish. Flashback/Exit Slip Participation Assignment Project Oral Drill Questions Notes Quiz Whiteboards E.Q. How do leisure activities in the U.S. compare to those in Hispanic countries? Target: I will ask questions to find out basic information about someone else; Target: I will describe myself including personality, physical characteristics, name, age, birthdate, telephone number, etc.; Target: I will describe someone else including their name, age, birthdate, telephone number, personality and physical characteristics; Target: I will answer questions (in complete sentences) about my physical characteristics; Target: I will answer questions about my personality; Target: I will answer questions about simple likes/dislikes; Target: I will use Spanish 75% of the time in class to ask and answer questions Target: I will respond appropriately to classroom commands in Spanish. Flashback/Exit Slip Participation Assignment Project Oral Drill Questions Notes Quiz Whiteboards E.Q. How do leisure activities in the U.S. compare to those in Hispanic countries? Target: I will ask questions to find out basic information about someone else; Target: I will describe myself including personality, physical characteristics, name, age, birthdate, telephone number, etc.; Target: I will describe someone else including their name, age, birthdate, telephone number, personality and physical characteristics; Target: I will answer questions (in complete sentences) about my physical characteristics; Target: I will answer questions about my personality; Target: I will answer questions about simple likes/dislikes; Target: I will use Spanish 75% of the time in class to ask and answer questions Target: I will respond appropriately to classroom commands. Flashback/Exit Slip Participation Assignment Project Oral Drill Questions Notes Quiz Whiteboards Ser Adjective Quiz Wednesday Yo Puedo Stamp Sheets Due Friday Word Wall Frayer Model Café Conversation Jigsaw Venn Diagram Flashback/Exit Slip K-W-L Note-taking Translations Technology/Clicker Assessment Method 3/4 Yo Puedo Stamp Sheets Due Ser Adjective Quiz Wednesday W E D N E S D A Y T H U R S D A Y F R I D A Y 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 Guided Practice Oral Drill Large Group Activities Group/Partner Work MiniLecture/Discussion Multimedia Lessons Individual Activities Projects/Demonstrations Portfolio/ORQ Quiz/Test Word Wall Frayer Model Café Conversation Jigsaw Venn Diagram Flashback/Exit Slip K-W-L Note-taking Translations Technology/Clicker Flashback: ¿Qué significa ______________? a. Fácil b. Díficil c. Perezoso d. Trabajador Vocab Quiz—Ser Adjectives; Continue work with adjectives— a. PowerPoint to review meanings; b. Make personal diamante poems; c. Continuation of Famous Person activity Exit Slip: ¿Cómo se dice _____? a) What is your name? b) My name is…. c) How old are you? d) I am 14 years old e) How are you doing? 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 Guided Practice Oral Drill Large Group Activities Group/Partner Work Mini-Lecture/Discussion Multimedia Lessons Individual Activities Projects/Demonstrations Portfolio/ORQ Quiz/Test Word Wall Frayer Model Café Conversation Jigsaw Venn Diagram Flashback/Exit Slip K-W-L Note-taking Translations Technology/Clicker Flashback: ¿Cómo se dice _____? A. I am young. C. He is hardworking. B. We are tall. D. They (f) are lazy. Review Ser/Adjective Agreement Handout; Mini lesson on asking/answering questions about self and others; PowerPoint on Singular/Plural/Masculine/Feminine/ Introduction of Gustar Exit Slip: Escribe… a/b. I like chocolate and pizza; c/d. I don’t like rap music. 3 X – Prompting X-Cuing X-Modeling X-paraphrasing X-Individual Assistance X-Extra Time X-After-School help offered Ser and Adjective Agreement Quiz on Monday Ser and Adjective Agreement Quiz on Monday 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 Guided Practice Oral Drill Large Group Activities Group/Partner Work Mini-Lecture/Discussion Multimedia Lessons Individual Activities Projects/Demonstrations Portfolio/ORQ Quiz/Test Word Wall Frayer Model Café Conversation Jigsaw Venn Diagram Flashback/Exit Slip K-W-L Note-taking Translations Technology/Clicker Flashback: ¿Qué significa _____? a. ¿A tí, te gusta la clase de español? b. A nosotros, no nos gusta la tarea Practice asking/answering questions with gustar Introduction of Partner Activity; Exit Slip: Escribe…I like Spanish class, but I don’t like to study. Ser and Adjective Agreement Quiz on Monday Gustar Quiz on Wednesday 3 4 X – Prompting X-Cuing X-Modeling X-paraphrasing X-Individual Assistance X-Extra Time X-After-School help offered X – Prompting X-Cuing X-Modeling X-paraphrasing X-Individual Assistance X-Extra Time X-After-School help offered