Spanish Planning Year 3 Learning Objectives Pupils will be able to: Recognise and respond to sound patterns and words Perform simple communicative tasks using single words, phrases and short sentences Recognise some familiar words in written form Recognise how sounds are represented in written form Assessment Opportunities KS2 Framework Objective Oracy 3.2 Comments 3.3 Unit 4 Lesson Key questions/New Learning 3 Date Activities La cabeza head La nariz nose La oreja ear La pierna leg La mano hand La rodilla knee La boca mouth El brazo arm El codo elbow El dedo finger El ojo eye El hombro shoulder El pie foot El diente tooth (dee-en-tay) El cuerpo body (kwer-po) Throw soft ball to a pupis with a question, e.g. ¿Qué tal? Pupil either repeats or says another question. Throw ball to another pupil with the question the previous pupil said to see if they can say a new one. Introduce ‘Juan Pequeño baila’ (Little John dance) from ‘Take 10’ in Spanish. Play Simón dice - ‘Tocad…’ with body parts. Teacher calls out the known body parts and pupils put one hand up if it is a body part we have 1 of and two if we have 2 of them. This is done again, but, faster. A pupil can have a go at being the teacher. Teacher then introduces the plurals of the body parts we have 2 of, by saying the singular first, then the plural, with pupils doing actions, e.g. el codo, los codos (touching one and then two) – see list of body parts singular and plural. Two new body parts are taught – el diente, los dientes and el cuerpo Play ‘reverse’ bingo which is a table game where each pupil is given a card (use either small word or picture cards). Pupils stand up if they have the card teacher calls out, and the winning table is the one where everyone is standing. This game practises ‘the’ – el, los, la and las + nouns. Observe pupil performance in singular/plural body parts’ activity Literacy 3.1 Intercultural Understanding Knowledge about Language Resources Phonic/Grammar Focus Ball, timer ‘ue’ as in ‘cuerpo’ (kwer-po) ‘Juan Pequeño baila’ can be found in: “Take 10 en español” – Action rhymes no. 9 See end of unit: ‘The’ in Spanish: Masculine singular and plural: el and los Feminine singular and plural: la and las Small body part picture cards and word cards for bingo game List of singular/plural body parts Body and face power points for additional words Words to ‘Juan’ song – Spanish and English. Language Learning Strategies 7