MACQUARIE FOOTBALL REFEREES ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED HANDBOOK FOR REFEREES AND REFEREE ASSESSORS 2015 VERSION THREE UPDATED 1 MAY 2015 MACQUARIE FOOTBALL REFEREES ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED OFFICIALS 2015 President Brad Carlin Jim Park P.O. Box 173, Warners Bay 2282 4948 7950 (Home) 0419 369 222 (Mobile) 4943 3640 (Home) Senior Vice-President Junior Vice-President John Tucker Secretary Mark Carter Assistant Secretary / Registrar Treasurer Paul Garrett P.O. Box 173, Warners Bay 2282 4957 2534 (Home) 0413 330 201 (Mobile) 0419 333 483 (Mobile) Appointments Officer Joe Worboys Director of Coaching Ray Ashbourne Assistant Treasurer / Equipment Officer Web Content Co-Ordinator Junior Members’ Representative Junior Members’ Representative School Competition Appointments Officer Nick Ryan Cohen Dennis Joel Ralston Sean Sibbald Brad Fitzsimmons Mitch Hickey P.O. Box 173, Warners Bay 2282 4953 3602 (Home) 0421 993 926 (Mobile) 4954 2728 (Home) 0435 357 586 (Mobile) 0404 883 822 (Mobile) 4934 3251 (Home) 0421 108 400 (Mobile) 4953 2182 (Home) 0413 231 846 (Mobile) 4953 1802 (Home) 0466 660 452 (Mobile) 0479 109 252 (Mobile) 4958 8262 (Home) 0418 428 417 (Mobile) 0409 910 065 (Mobile) MFL CLUB GROUND DIRECTORY 2015 Argenton United Jack Edwards Oval, Kindyerra Park Corner Mary and Montgomery Streets, ARGENTON Barnsley Taylor Park 1, 2 and 3 Government Road, BARNSLEY Belmont Marks Oval 1, 2 and 3, Floraville Road, BELMONT NORTH Belmont/Swansea Juniors Aitcheson Reserve 1 and 2, Turea Street, PELICAN Croudace Bay Complex 1, 2 and 3, Parklea Avenue, CROUDACE BAY Evans Park 1 and 2, Myall Road, CARDIFF Cardiff Oval No.2 Queens Avenue, CARDIFF Charlestown Oval, Lincoln Street, CHARLESTOWN Lisle Carr Oval, Recreation Avenue, WHITEBRIDGE Liles Oval 1, 2 and 3 Corner Kalaroo Road and Cowlishaw Street, REDHEAD Edgeworth Oval 2, 3 and 4, Park Street, EDGEWORTH Belmont Tingira Cardiff Juniors Cardiff City Charlestown Juniors Dudley-Redhead United Edgeworth Juniors 2 Garden Suburb Lance Yorke Oval, Margaret West Playing Fields 2 and 3, Myall Road, GARDEN SUBURB Kahibah Kahibah Oval 1 and 2, Andy Bird Field 1 and 2, Corner Bula and James Streets, CHARLESTOWN Lake Macquarie Juniors Tredinnick Oval 1, 2 and 3, Eighth Street, BOOLAROO Lake Macquarie City Macquarie Field, Corner Park Road and Creek Reserve Road, SPEERS POINT Morisset Auston Oval, Corner Dora and Ourimbah Streets, MORISSET Bernie Goodwin Oval 1, 2 and 3 Corner Newcastle and Stockton Streets, MORISSET Jack Neave Oval 1 and 2 (Ulinga Park Complex), Cross Street, CARDIFF SOUTH South Cardiff Southern Lakes Douglass Street Oval, Douglass Street, DORA CREEK Swansea Chapman Oval 1, 2 and 3, Channel Street, SWANSEA Toronto Awaba Finnan Oval 1, 2 and 3, Fennell Crescent, BLACKALLS PARK Valentine Eleebana Croudace Bay Complex 1, 2 and 3, Parklea Avenue, CROUDACE BAY John Street Oval 1 and 2, John Street, WARNERS BAY Rathmines Oval 1, 2, 3 and 4 Corner Rosemary Row and Stilling Street, RATHMINES Warners Bay Westlakes Juniors and Seniors Gregory Park 1 and 2, Hyndes Street, WEST WALLSEND West Wallsend NORTHERN NSW FOOTBALL - NPL YOUTH COMPETITION CLUB GROUND DIRECTORY 2015 Adamstown Rosebuds Adamstown Oval Bryant Street, ADAMSTOWN Broadmeadow Magic Wanderers Oval Corner Curley Road and Denny Street, BROADMEADOW Charlestown City Blues Lisle Carr Oval Recreation Avenue, WHITEBRIDGE Edgeworth Eagles Jack McLaughlan Oval Park Street, EDGEWORTH Hamilton Olympic Darling Street Oval Corner Darling and Hassal Streets, HAMILTON Arthur Edden Oval Wallarah Road, NEW LAMBTON Cooks Square Park William Street, EAST MAITLAND Lake Macquarie Regional Football Facility Park Road, SPEERS POINT Ulinga Oval Cross Street, CARDIFF SOUTH Rockwell Automation Park Government Road, WESTON Lambton Jaffas Maitland Newcastle Jets Youth / Emerging Jets South Cardiff Weston Workers Bears 3 NORTHERN NSW FOOTBALL - NEW-FM COMPETITION CLUB GROUND DIRECTORY 2015 Belmont Swansea Seniors Blacksmiths Oval Gommera Street, BLACKSMITHS Cessnock City Turner Park Aberdare Road, CESSNOCK Cooks Hill United Newcastle Athletics Field Smith Street, NEWCASTLE WEST Kahibah Kahibah Oval 1 Corner Bula and James Streets, CHARLESTOWN Lake Macquarie City Macquarie Field, Corner Park Road and Creek Reserve Road, SPEERS POINT Howe Park Boundary Street, SINGLETON Thornton Park Taylor Avenue, THORNTON Lyall Peacock Field Corner Cook and Thorn Streets, TORONTO Baxter Field Off Harlow Street, MARKS POINT The Gardens Sandgate Road, BIRMINGHAM GARDENS Johnston Park Corner Wilson and Laidley Streets, WEST WALLSEND Singleton Thornton Redbacks Toronto Awaba Valentine Wallsend West Wallsend NORTHERN NSW FOOTBALL - HERALD WOMEN’S PREMIER LEAGUE COMPETITION CLUB GROUND DIRECTORY 2015 Adamstown Rosebud Adamstown No. 1 Oval Bryant Street, ADAMSTOWN Merewether United Myamblah Oval Myamblah Crescent, MEREWETHER South Wallsend Walker Field Croudace Road, ELERMORE VALE Thornton Redbacks Thornton Park Taylor Avenue, THORNTON Valentine Baxter Field Off Harlow Street, MARKS POINT Wallsend No. 2 Oval Thomas and Brook Streets, WALLSEND John Street Oval 1 and 2, John Street, WARNERS BAY Wallsend Warners Bay 4 WELCOME TO THE 2015 SEASON Macquarie Football Referees Association Incorporated welcomes its members to the 2015 football season. We hope that all members are looking forward to the season ahead. This Handbook for Referees and Referee Assessors 2015 has been compiled in order to prepare members with as much information as possible to assist them during the season ahead. The handbook contains important information relating to the playing rules for the competitions on which our members officiate. It also details some of the more important regulations and procedures of the Association with which members are required to comply. Much time and effort has been devoted to the preparation of the handbook, but it will all be worthwhile if referees and referee assessors take the time to read its contents carefully and if they take the handbook to the grounds where they are officiating each weekend. We extend our very best wishes to all members for a season of success, enjoyment and reward with matches full of skilful play, fine sportsmanship, and of course, excellent officiating! COMPETITIONS During this season, members of the Association will officiate on the following matches: MFL Under 10 and Under 11 Mini-Roos local club and inter-zone club matches MFL Joint Competitions for junior age group divisions from Under 12 through to Under 18 age groups MFL Joint Competitions for All Age Men’s, Over 35 Men’s and Over 45 Men’s divisions MFL Joint Competitions for junior girls’ age groups and All Age Women’s divisions Northern NSW Football Skill Acquisition Program (SAP Metropolitan) matches in Under 11 and 12 age groups Northern NSW Football National Premier League Youth Competition matches in Under 13, 14, 15 and 17 age groups Northern NSW Football NEW-FM First Division Under 17 Competition Northern NSW Football Herald Women’s Premier League Competition matches in Under 14 and 16 age groups Football NSW Women’s 1 Competition in Under 13 and Under 17 age grades Various school competitions, including but not necessarily limited to, Open Boys’ and Open Girls’ Competition matches, Bill Turner Cup Competition matches, Bill Turner Trophy Competition matches and MFL Macquarie Cup primary school matches Various Zone Premier League, Zone League One, Zone League Two and Zone League Three matches, whenever our Association is requested to assist NNSW State League Referees by supplying match officials to fixtures in these competitions IMPORTANT CHANGES AND REMINDERS Members in 2015 will be appointed to officiate on matches in the new premier competitions introduced by Northern NSW Football, being the NEW-FM First Division Under 17 Competition and the Herald Women’s Premier League Under 14 and 16 Competitions. The National Premier League Youth Competitions will be continued. Our members will be appointed to officiate mainly at the senior club venues that are located in the Lake Macquarie zone, but from time to time we will be providing members to officiate at venues in the Newcastle and Hunter Valley areas. 5 The Skill Acquisition Program (SAP Metro) matches will also be continued. Official referees will not be required to officiate on the Under 10 SAP Metropolitan matches, but will be appointed to officiate on the Under 11 and 12 matches. Offside infringements must be penalised in the Northern NSW Football Skill Acquisition Program (SAP Metro) Under 11 and 12 matches. Northern NSW Football has issued a strong directive that any referee who officiates on a fixture of any nature, without having been appointed to it or receiving approval from the appropriate authority to officiate on it, before the match commences, is not protected by the Northern NSW Football Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance Policies. Members of our Association who are proven to have officiated on any fixture without such appointment being made or approved beforehand by our Association shall be liable to disciplined by the Management Committee of our Association. There has been a growing practice of some teams, clubs and schools directly approaching individual referees to officiate on matches for them instead of requesting the provision of match officials through the correct channels. Members should already be aware that they must only officiate on matches if they have been appointed by the Association or have received the prior approval of the Association. In 2015, no members will be given approval to officiate on any fixture unless and until it has been confirmed by the Appointments Committee that the match in question has been sanctioned by MFL or Northern NSW Football or by the host school or school competition organisers. Members will need to familiarise themselves well with the playing regulations for both the National Premier League Youth Competition, NEW-FM First Division Under 17 Competition, Herald Women’s Premier League Competition and the Skill Acquisition Program (SAP Metro) matches because the playing regulations for these matches will differ significantly in some areas from the playing regulations for the Under 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17 age group matches in the MFL Joint Competition. MFL and Northern NSW Football have again reminded all affiliated clubs and organizations that under Section 6A of the Smoke-Free Environment Act 2000, smoking has been banned at public sporting grounds and other recreational areas in New South Wales since 7 January 2013. This ban on smoking extends to match officials. Referees who are proven to have been smoking at grounds and at matches are liable to be fined by NSW Health up to $550 under the Smoke-Free Environment Act 2000 and may otherwise be disciplined by the Management Committee of our Association. Under its regulations and by-laws, MFL continues to have the power and authority to directly discipline any individual person who is guilty of a serious offence or of bringing the game into disrepute. This power and authority extends to the disciplining of referees. MFL again has given notice that it may impose fines on referees, as it does with its member clubs, who are responsible for the incomplete or incorrect completion of team sheets. If a referee does not pay a fine imposed by MFL by the required deadline, MFL reserves the right to suspend the referee from officiating. In all age group matches from Under 12 through to All Age, Over 35 and Over 45 matches in the MFL Joint Competitions, the maximum number of players who can participate in a match again is sixteen (16) players per team. This represents eleven (11) players who commence the match and a maximum of five (5) interchange players. The number of times that players may be interchanged in a game remains unlimited. In MFL Joint Competition and Mini-Roos matches, all of the team officials (maximum of three) for both teams must wear their Team Official identification tags during the game. The only persons permitted at the bench area during the game are those team officials wearing their identification tags and the interchange players. Referees from all local zones have been requested to be more vigilant in 2015 in ensuring that team officials wear their identification tags. Referees have also been requested to please remove from the bench area any team official who cannot or will not wear his or her identification tag. It has been confirmed that a team official acting in that capacity whilst a match is being played cannot simultaneously act during the match as the Ground Duty Officer. 6 Members of our Association will again officiate on MFL Under 10 and Under 11 Mini-Roos matches this season. Again in 2015 these matches are to be played strictly in accordance with the FIFA laws of the game. Offside infringements must not be penalised. Fouls and misconduct must be penalised, and play subsequently restarted, in the same manner as in competition age group matches. Team sheets for MFL Under 10 and Under 11 Mini-Roos matches again will include a designated space for the referee to print and sign his or her name. In line with a request from MFL and to ensure that our Secretary, Mark Carter, has ample time to edit and submit on time to MFL all reports received from members, the deadline for members to email or deliver all Referee Send-Off Reports, Incident Reports and Match Fees Claim Forms this season is 8.00pm on the Monday night following the match. Members are still required to telephone the Secretary on his mobile telephone number 0419 333 483, before they send their completed reports to him, in order to advise of the details of the forthcoming report. Members who fail to telephone the Secretary to inform him of the details of their forthcoming completed report or who fail to submit their properly completed report to the Secretary by 8.00pm on the Monday night following the match shall be liable to be disciplined by the Management Committee. Again this season, any match that is abandoned in the MFL Joint Competitions may not be replayed, irrespective of the circumstances causing the abandonment or when it occurs. Furthermore, MFL has determined that match fees are not likely to be payable to any match official who officiates on a match that is abandoned. MFL has requested that referees do not get involved in discussions with players or team officials about whether players are eligible to play in fixtures, or whether an abandoned match will be replayed, or whether the score at the time of the abandonment will be regarded as the final score of the match. There have been some small variations in the match fees payable to referees and assistant referees in various competitions and age groups for this season. In order to standardise the match fees payable to members from MFRAI and Newcastle Football Referees, the current match fees structure is again in place for our referees and assistant referees who officiate on school fixtures this season, as follows: Open Boys and Open Girls Competitions - $44.00 for the referee and $22.00 for each assistant referee; Bill Turner Cup and Trophy Competitions - $35.00 for the referee and $17.00 for each assistant referee; Macquarie Cup Competitions for primary schools - $15.00 for the referee on senior grades (eleven players per side) and $10.00 for the referee on junior grades (six players per side). Half day and full day gala day competitions – Match fees to be determined by the Management Committee In order to officiate on semi-finals, finals and grand finals at the end of the 2015 season, members must pass the Association’s annual fitness test and must also attend the two compulsory Ordinary General Meetings in April and August 2015, at which important information relating to the commencement of the MFL competition and this year’s Finals Series Matches will be given. Under a policy of the Association, the appointments for all finals and grand finals of the MFL Joint Competition Under 12, Under 13 and Under 14 boys’ age groups, and the Under 12 and Under 14 girls’ age groups, will again be reserved for appointment of the younger members of the Association who traditionally officiate on these matches throughout the premiership rounds. To ensure that no member is overlooked for the opportunity of being assessed and graded throughout the season, our Assistant Coaches, Joel Ralston and Sean Sibbald, will keep and maintain a spreadsheet of all referee assessments carried out during 2015. The spreadsheet will detail the number of assessments carried out on every active member in the Association and will provide valuable information for the Appointments Committee and Technical Committee in appointing members to suitable fixtures on which they can be assessed. 7 On match days when inclement weather prevails, members who are uncertain whether the playing surface on which their matches are being played is safe and fit for play may contact a member of the Management Committee for advice. If there is time for it to be arranged, it may be possible for the contacted member of the Management Committee to visit the ground in question and to assist the referee in determining whether play should proceed. Members of the Association are not permitted under any circumstances to ask or expect club canteen staff to provide them with free food and drink on match days. Even though clubs are under no obligation to provide food and drinks to referees at no charge, many clubs do so willingly. However, this privilege must not be abused. Members who are proven to have asked or expected to receive free food and drink from club canteens shall be liable to be disciplined by the Management Committee of our Association. The Association’s referees’ and referee assessors’ appointments will be available no later than Tuesday this season for the following weekend’s matches. The appointments will continue to be emailed to members who have provided their correct email address to the Association. The appointments will also be posted on our Association’s new web page at There are a number of new members holding office in MFRAI for the 2015 season. Mark Carter is the new Secretary; Mitch Hickey is the new Treasurer; Nick Ryan is the new Equipment Officer; Jim Park is the new Senior Vice-President; John Tucker is the new Junior Vice-President; Joel Ralston and Sean Sibbald are the two new Junior Members Representatives as well as being our Assistant Coaches; Brad Fitzsimmons is the new School Competition Appointments Officer; and Cohen Dennis has been appointed as the Association’s inaugural Web Content Co-Ordinator. The responsibility for coaching and supporting this year’s first year referees will be shared by Kerry Berry, Joel Ralston and Sean Sibbald. The other members of our Coaching Committee and Referee Assessment Committee will provide support to our Director of Coaching, Ray Ashbourne, in carrying out our support and development programs for all of the other referees in the Association. These support and development programs will include our First Year Referees Support Program; Talented Referee Acceleration Course (TRAC); and a series of special coaching nights that are open to all referees of the Association to attend in order their refereeing knowledge and understanding. APPOINTMENTS Members must officiate only on matches when the Appointments Committee has made or approved the appointment before the match commences. It makes no difference whether members are wearing the official uniform or not. It makes no difference whether members believe they are officiating as club referees. It makes no difference if a referee from another association claims that he or she will obtain after the match the required approval for the members of our Association to officiate with them. It makes no difference whether the match is a competition, trial, gala day, representative, friendly, school, Zone Premier League, Zone League, six-a-side, Football Fives or Mini-Roos football fixture. Members must officiate only on matches when the Appointments Committee has made or approved the appointment before the match commences. The reason for this strict policy is that members are only insured for matches on which they have been appointed by the Association. The policy also protects our members because it ensures that referees officiate only on matches on which the Appointments Committee believes they have the ability and experience to handle. Members who are asked to officiate on matches to which they have not been appointed by the Association must either decline the request to officiate or contact the Appointments Officer, Joe Worboys, or another member of the Appointments Committee, to obtain the approval to officiate before the match commences. Any member officiating on a match when the Appointments Committee has not made or approved such appointment beforehand shall result in the member concerned being required to show cause why he or she should not be fined or suspended or otherwise disciplined by the Management Committee. 8 As from the date of the Annual Referees and Assessors Seminar each season, members must check weekly to see if they have been appointed to matches. Appointments are posted on the Association’s web page at and are emailed to members who have provided a correct email address to the Association. Members are forbidden to swap or exchange their appointments without the prior permission of the Appointments Committee. Members who cannot fulfil one or all of their local competition appointments must notify the Appointments Officer, Joe Worboys, on 0404 883822 as soon as they are aware of their unavailability. Notice of withdrawal from appointments should be telephoned to the Appointments Officer no later than 6.00pm on the evening prior to the matches being played. Early notice by members of their unavailability enables changes to be made to the appointments quickly and this saves much time and inconvenience. Members who know in advance that they are unavailable to officiate on a particular date or at a particular time must notify the Association of this fact, preferably by email, as soon as they are aware of their unavailability or restricted availability. Members who wake up sick or injured on the morning of their appointments must contact the Appointments Officer, Joe Worboys, immediately to inform him of their unavailability to officiate. A member who fails to officiate on a local competition match to which he or she has been appointed, without notifying the Appointments Committee beforehand, will be required to show cause why he or she should not be fined or suspended or otherwise disciplined by the Management Committee. No member is to commence officiating on any All Age Men’s or any Over 35 Men’s fixture unless the full complement of three match officials is present. If the referee or either or both of the assistant referees fail to arrive for an All Age Men’s or Over 35 Men’s fixture, or are unable to officiate, members must call the Appointments Officer, Joe Worboys, or another member of the Appointments Committee, for advice on what to do. No member is to officiate as assistant referee on any match where a club referee is officiating as the referee of the fixture, unless given prior approval to do so by the Appointments Officer, Joe Worboys, or another member of the Appointments Committee. All appointments to school matches are made by the School Competition Appointments Officer, Brad Fitzsimmons. All matters relating to school matches and the appointment of members to officiate on them must be directed to the School Competition Appointments Officer in the first instance. PUNCTUALITY When officiating on local MFL Joint Competition and Mini-Roos fixtures, members are required to arrive at the ground a minimum of thirty (30) minutes prior to their first appointment for the day for the purpose of checking the ground, the bench area and carrying out all of their other pre-match duties. For National Premier League Youth Competition, NEW-FM First Division, Women’s Premier League and SAP Metropolitan matches, members must arrive at the venue a minimum of forty-five (45) minutes prior to their first appointment for the day. In the event of problems with the ground or appurtenances, the referee must immediately consult the Ground Duty Officer of the home club in a courteous manner in an attempt to have the problems remedied. Any problems, which cannot be resolved, must be reported as part of the Referee’s Report on the team sheet and be reported to the Secretary, Mark Carter, on 0419 333 483 within 24 hours of the match. A subsequent Incident Report from the member on the problems is likely to be required by the Secretary. WET WEATHER CANCELLATIONS In the event of wet weather, members who have been appointed to local MFL matches must determine if their ground is unfit for play by phoning the MFL Wet Weather Cancellation Information Service. 9 For matches played in the Lake Macquarie zone, as governed by MFL, the telephone number of the MFL Wet Weather Cancellation Information Service is 1900 920223. A list of grounds unfit for play is compiled and announced on this number. The order of grounds listed is alphabetical by club name, but names of grounds will be given – for example, Liles Oval will be given where Dudley Redhead Junior Club occurs in the alphabetical listing. Messages will be available from 7.15am onwards on Saturdays and Sundays, 4.30pm on weekdays and 5.00pm on Fridays. Wet weather and grounds cancellation information is also available in the Wet Weather section on the MFL web site at its web address Where MFL clubs have more than one ground, it is possible that only one ground at a venue may be unfit for play. In this situation, matches may still be played on the other ground or grounds at that club. However, once any individual ground has been deemed as unfit for play, then there will be no play for any competition on that individual ground for that day. However, matches may still proceed on the ground on the following day if the ground is then fit for play. For National Premier League Youth Competition, NEW-FM First Division, Women’s Premier League and SAP Metropolitan Program matches, wet weather and grounds cancellation information is also available in the Wet Weather section on the Northern NSW Football web site at its web address Members are requested to please not telephone any member of the Appointments Committee in order to determine whether grounds are unfit or play, unless it is an emergency situation. It is the responsibility of members to find out if their matches are on or off. If in doubt, members must assume that the matches are still on. PLAYERS EQUIPMENT Referees and assistant referees are reminded of their responsibility to thoroughly check all players’ equipment before each match to ensure that it conforms to the laws of the game and is not dangerous in any way to any players or officials. In all local MFL matches, if a clash of colour of team playing strips occurs, the team listed on the team sheet as the home team shall change to an alternate strip in all cases. KICK-OFF TIMES In MFL competitions, the advertised starting time for a fixture is the time that the match should commence, and referees must make every effort in order to make this happen. If through no fault of the referee, a fixture starts later than the advertised time, then where necessary, an equal amount of time (not exceeding five minutes) should be deducted from each half so that the next match can start closer to its correct commencement time. The team officials of both teams must be informed by the referee or senior assistant referee of the deduction of playing time prior to the commencement of the match. If a match which commences late is the last or only match to be played on the ground for that day, then the full duration of that match should still be played. FORFEITS Where there is a forfeit claimed in any MFL competition match, due to either or both teams not having the minimum required number of seven (7) players, all players from both teams who are present and ready to participate in the match must sign the front of the team sheet. Ten (10) minutes grace is permitted after the commencement time of the match before a forfeit may be claimed. When a forfeit is claimed, the referee is to make a notation on the back of the team sheet giving details that a forfeit has been claimed and the reason for the claim. The referee is to sign the back and front of the team sheet. 10 Match officials are not paid on the day for forfeits. The referee must telephone the details of the forfeit and ensuing claim for match fees to the Secretary, Mark Carter, on 0419 333 483 within 24 hours of the match in question. The completed Match Fees Claim Form must be in the possession of the Secretary by 8.00pm on the Monday night following the match. ABANDONMENTS When a match is abandoned for any reason, the referee must record a brief report on the abandonment in the Referees Report section on the team sheet. The score of the match, at the time of the abandonment, must be recorded on the team sheet. The referee must telephone the Secretary, Mark Carter, on 0419 333 483 to inform him of the abandonment, within 24 hours of the match in question. An Incident Report outlining the circumstances causing the abandonment is likely to be required by the Secretary. Members required to submit an Incident Report must lodge it with the Secretary by 8.00pm on the Monday night following the match. Match officials are not paid on the day for abandoned matches. CLAIMS FOR MATCH FEES When a member is not paid his or her match fees on the day of the match, the member must telephone the Secretary, Mark Carter, on 0419 333 483 within 24 hours of the match to inform him of the fact that the member is sending to the Association a completed Match Fees Claim Form. All claims for match fees by members must be forwarded to the Secretary, Mark Carter, by 8.00pm on the Monday night after the completion of the match for which the match fees are claimed, on the proper Match Fees Claim Form. Completed forms received after the deadline are likely to be deemed invalid. CAUTIONS The names, numbers and club names of all cautioned players are to be recorded on the back of the team sheet together with the appropriate caution code. Referees who fail to fully and correctly record the details of cautioned players on the team sheet are liable to be fined by MFL and may be disciplined by the Management Committee of our Association. SEND-OFFS The names, numbers and club names of all dismissed players are to be recorded on the back of the team sheet together with the appropriate send-off code. The player send-off codes are as follows: R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Is guilty of serious foul play Is guilty of violent conduct Spits at an opponent or any other person Denies the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal scoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball (this does not apply to a goalkeeper within his or her own penalty area) Denies an obvious goal scoring opportunity to an opponent moving towards the player’s goal by an offence punishable by a free kick or penalty kick Uses offensive or insulting or abusive language and / or gestures Receives a second caution in the same match The referee should comply with any reasonable request by a team official after a match to be informed of the details of the send-off code of any dismissed player from his or her team. Referees are urged to ensure that they have correctly recorded all of the details of dismissed players in their match record books as soon as the match has ended. By doing this, the referee will have all relevant details available to him or her when the Referee Send-Off Report is completed afterwards. Referees who fail to fully and correctly record the details of dismissed players on the team sheet or in Referee Send-Off Reports are liable to be fined by MFL and may be disciplined by the Management Committee of our Association. 11 REFEREE SEND-OFF REPORTS Members who dismiss a player or players from the field of play must telephone the Secretary, Mark Carter, on 0419 333 483 to inform him of this fact within 24 hours of the match in question. Failure to do so will result in the referee being liable to be fined or otherwise disciplined by the Management Committee of our Association. Except where otherwise determined by the Management Committee, Referee Send-Off Reports must be completed and submitted by referees in all instances when they have dismissed a player from the field. This includes school matches. Assistant referees and fourth officials are required to submit a Referee Send-Off Report when specifically requested to do so by the referee or by the Secretary or Management Committee or when involved in the incident which related to the dismissal of the player. Completed Referee Send-Off Reports must be in the possession of the Secretary, in person or at his email address no later than 8.00pm on the Monday night following the match. Members, who are responsible for the late submission or non-submission of Referee Send-Off Reports or for any incorrect or incomplete details in Referee Send-Off Reports, are liable to be fined by MFL and may be otherwise disciplined by the Management Committee. INCIDENT REPORTS Members who are submitting Incident Reports on unfit or poor ground conditions, crowd unrest, misconduct by officials, abandonments or any other serious matter must telephone the Secretary, Mark Carter, on 0419 333 483 to advise him of this fact within 24 hours of the match in question. Failure to do so by the referee will result in the member being liable to be fined or otherwise dealt with by the Management Committee of our Association. Completed Incident Reports must be in the possession of the Secretary, in person or at his email address no later than 8.00pm on the Monday night following the match. Members, who are responsible for the late submission or non-submission of Incident Reports or for any incorrect or incomplete details in Misconduct or Incident Reports, are liable to be fined by MFL and may be otherwise disciplined by the Management Committee of our Association. DURATION OF MFL MATCHES Under 10, 11 Mini-Roos Under 12 Under 13, 14 Under 15, 16 Under 17, 18, 19, 20 All Age Division A All Age – Other Divisions Over 35 – All Divisions Over 45 – All Divisions 2 equal periods of 25 minutes 2 equal periods of 25 minutes 2 equal periods of 30 minutes 2 equal periods of 35 minutes 2 equal periods of 40 minutes 2 equal periods of 45 minutes 2 equal periods of 40 minutes 2 equal periods of 40 minutes 2 equal periods of 40 minutes MATCH FEES FOR MFL MATCHES Under 10, 11 Mini-Roos Under 12 Under 13, 14 Under 15, 16 Under 17, 18 Under 20 All Age Division A All Age - Other Divisions Over 35 – All Divisions Over 45 – All Divisions Centre $17.00 $22.00 $24.00 $30.00 $40.00 $44.00 $62.00 $56.00 $56.00 $56.00 Line Not Applicable $12.00 $13.00 $16.00 $22.00 $22.00 $30.00 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 12 PAYMENT OF FEES The home club or zone is responsible for the full payment of all match officials on the day of the fixture. Many clubs have a book for recording the names of the match officials and the matches on which they have officiated at their grounds. The match officials are usually required to sign the book to acknowledge they have received the correct payment of their match fees on the day. Members are therefore encouraged to check whilst still at the ground that the amount paid as match fees by the Home Club is in fact correct. To prevent any possible theft, members are strongly encouraged to never leave their match fees or any other money, mobile telephones or other valuables in the referees’ dressing room whilst they are on the field officiating. MATCH BALL SIZES FOR MFL MATCHES Under 10, 11 Mini-Roos Under 12, 13 Under 14 to All Age and Over 35 25 – 26 inches or 63 – 66 cms 25 – 26 inches or 63 – 66 cms 27 – 28 inches or 67 – 72 cms Size 4 Size 4 Size 5 GOAL KICKS FOR MFL MATCHES Under 10, 11 Mini-Roos Under 12 to All Age and Over 35 Taken from within the goal area in accordance with law Taken from within the goal area in accordance with law CORNER KICKS FOR MFL MATCHES Under 10, 11 Mini-Roos Under 12 to All Age and Over 35 Taken from the corner arc in accordance with law Taken from the corner arc in accordance with law BENCH SYSTEM The Bench System operates during all matches in the MFL Joint Competition. The bench provided for each team must be capable of seating the team officials and interchange players. All persons must remain seated or stand immediately behind the bench during the match. Team officials must wear their identification tags or they are not permitted at the bench area during the match. No other person apart from the team officials and interchange players are to be at the bench area during the match. For matches in the MFL competition, each team is entitled to a maximum of three (3) team officials at the bench area, provided that all of the team officials are wearing their identification tags. Controlled limited coaching is permitted from the bench or technical area by the team official. Any abuse by any person at the bench area is not to be tolerated and may result in the offender’ being dismissed from the field and the subject of an Incident Report by the referee. PLAYER INTERCHANGE RULE The Interchange Rule operates during all matches in the local MFL competition. The substitution rule no longer applies in local MFL competitions. Interchange is limited to five players (that is, eleven (11) players start the match, five (5) others can be interchanged). The number of times that interchange occurs during a match has no limitation. However, interchange can only occur at a break in play and as controlled by the referee. The player coming onto the field must do so from the special interchange zone marked as a one (1) metre square just off the field on either side of the halfway line on the bench side of the field. The player leaving the field to be interchanged is to leave promptly by the most direct route to the interchange zone. An injured player being interchanged may be removed from the field of play by the most direct and convenient route, with the permission of the referee. 13 GROUND DUTY OFFICERS All MFL clubs must have am easily identifiable Ground Duty Officer in action during matches at their grounds. The Ground Duty Officer must be available at all times during all matches to deal with any problems as they arise and to provide any assistance needed by the match officials. The Ground Duty Officer must wear the vest marked “Duty Officer” which has been provided by MFL to all clubs. Players and team officials who are participating in a match in that capacity are not permitted to also act as the Ground Duty Officer in the same match. MFL has requested that referees orally report to our Association whenever a club does not have a readily identifiable Ground Duty Officer officiating at the ground during matches. Our Association will then report the matter to MFL for investigation and action. DRESS CODE FOR ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE FROM GROUNDS When officiating on matches in the MFL Joint Competition and community football, members must be attired neatly and professionally upon arrival and departure from the ground. The official referee’s uniform may be worn to and from the ground by members officiating on the MFL Joint Competition and community football. Members are not permitted to wear thongs, singlet tops or other inappropriate clothing and to and from the ground. When officiating on matches in the National Premier League Youth Competition, NEW-FM First Division, Women’s Premier League, Football NSW Women’s Competition 1 and SAP Metropolitan matches, members must comply with the Association’s dress code for premier football. They are required to arrive at and leave the ground attired in the Association’s polo dress shirt (or similar polo dress shirt); black or dark long pants or trousers and black or dark dress shoes. Members who fail to comply with the dress regulations of the Association are likely to be required to show cause why they should not be disciplined by the Management Committee of our Association. REFEREE’S UNIFORM Members must be neatly and professionally attired at all times when officiating. The official uniform of the Association must be worn by members on all occasions when officiating on matches. It comprises: o o o o o An approved referee’s shirt, being black or yellow or sky blue or red in colour (and which must be tucked into the shorts at all times), An approved pair of referee’s shorts, being black in colour, An approved pair of referee’s socks, being either all black or black with white trim, All black footwear with black laces or predominantly black footwear with black laces. (Grey, white, silver or other coloured footwear is not permitted. Basketball boots, gym boots and any form of boots other than football boots are also not acceptable footwear). An official referee’s cap or an all black cap (without logos or emblems) or an all black headband or a three-quarter length clear plastic raincoat may be worn by referees and assistant referees when officiating. Members must not wear sunglasses when officiating, unless the sunglasses are medically prescribed, and the Management Committee has given approval to the member to wear them. An approved tracksuit may be worn by assistant referees when officiating, but only during cold or wet weather. Referees are not permitted to wear a tracksuit or long skins when officiating. Members when officiating are not permitted to wear rings or studs or any other form of jewellery in their ears, or on any other part of their face or any other visible part of their body. For the purposes of timekeeping, members are not permitted to carry onto the field or use a mobile telephone, instead of a proper timepiece, when officiating. 14 When members are participating in matches or watching matches in the capacity of player, spectator, team official or club official, they are forbidden to wear the official uniform of the Association. In the event of a clash of colour with the shirt worn by the match officials and the playing strip of one or both of the participating teams, the match officials are permitted to either change into an approved referee’s shirt of a different colour, or to wear a bib or jacket over their referee’s shirt. The only time that a match official is to take either of these options is when one or the participating teams is wearing predominantly the same colour as the referee’s approved shirt, or when special permission has been granted by the Management Committee beforehand, such as when officiating on special or representative matches. Members, who when officiating, fail to comply with the dress regulations of the Association are likely to be required to show cause why they should not be fined and otherwise disciplined by the Management Committee of our Association. JUDICIARY AND APPEALS HEARINGS Members may be required to attend MFL or Northern NSW Football judiciary and appeals hearings, but only if notified beforehand by a member of the Management Committee (usually the Secretary, Mark Carter). When required to attend, members shall be accompanied by a member of the Association’s Management Committee. If a member is required to attend any judiciary or appeals hearing, then the member concerned is not permitted to officiate on matches instead of attending the judiciary or appeals meeting. TEAM SHEETS Space is provided on the official team sheets used in the MFL Joint Competition for both teams to list up to five (5) interchange players only. The team sheet shows codes for player cautions and send-offs and again has a space for any brief notation by the referee. The Referees Report on the team sheet is for the use of the referee only. No other person is to write on the back of the team sheet. The first eleven (11) players listed on the team sheet for each team need not be the first eleven (11) players to take the field. Furthermore, the player numbers in the first eleven (11) spaces on the team sheet need not be 1 to 11. Space is provided for each player’s number to be completed. Player numbers on the team sheet must match their shirt numbers. The names of the team officials for both teams are to be recorded by them in the appropriate section on the front of the team sheet. The disputes box on the team is designed for use by a team official only in the event of a dispute about the score of the match as recorded on the team sheet by the referee. In all matches, only players and interchange players whose names appear on the team sheet at the commencement of the match (it does not matter whether or not they have signed) are permitted to participate in that game. If a player or interchange player arrives late at the ground and his or her name was not on the team sheet at the commencement of the fixture, then under no circumstances may he or she play in that match. If a player or interchange player arrives late at the ground and his or her name was on the team sheet at the commencement of the fixture, then the player may enter the field to participate in the game during a stoppage in play at any time during the match (even if there are only a matter of minutes left in the match). Players are to sign next to their names on the team sheet prior to participating in the match. Interchange players may sign their names on the team sheet prior to the commencement of the fixture. If they do not do so, they must then sign next to their name before entering the field of play for the first time during the match. 15 The referee or the senior assistant referee must carry the team sheet at all times during the match. During wet weather, the team sheet should be kept as dry as possible by carrying it in a small plastic bag. At the completion of the match, the referee (not an assistant referee) must record the number of goals scored during the match in both numbers and words. The referee must print and sign his or her name in the appropriate section of the team sheet, and the names of the assistant referees and any fourth official must also be printed. The details of cautions, send-offs, forfeits, abandonments, serious injuries or any other serious misconduct are to be recorded on the team sheet by the referee, and duly endorsed by the printing and signing of his or her name. If at least one player in the match was cautioned or sent from the field, the referee must place a cross in the small square which appears in the top right-hand corner of all team sheets for the MFL Joint Competition. Placing a cross in this square enables the scanning machine in the MFL office to immediately detect that the team sheet needs to be scanned so that the details of the cautions and send-offs are stored. The referee should show the completed team sheet to the assistant referees so that they can check to ensure that no errors or omissions have occurred when the referee has completed the team sheet. If the match was abandoned, the score at the time of the abandonment must be recorded on the team sheet by the referee. Team sheets are to be completed legibly and accurately by referees in only black or blue pen. Pencil, red pen or felt tipped pens are not acceptable. After the completion of the match the team sheet is to be endorsed (with their name printed and signed) by one team official from each team. The team officials should approach the referee to sign the team sheet, and not expect the referee to approach them. As the signature by team officials certifies that all players are registered players and that the match result recorded by the referee is correct, the signing should be done only after the referee has completed the match result on the team sheet. Referees and assistant referees must keep all of their completed match record cards until the season has ended. This ensures that if there are any subsequent disputes about the final score of a match or the identity of a cautioned or dismissed player, members are able to provide appropriate evidence. Referees who fail to fully and correctly complete details on the team sheet are liable to be fined by MFL and disciplined by the Management Committee of our Association. REFEREE SUSPENSIONS Members who are also actively engaged as players, team officials, club officials or supporters and who receive a suspension by any football association or football refereeing association will have such suspension automatically recognised by our Association. Such members are not eligible to be appointed to matches nor have the approval of the Association to officiate on matches until such time as their suspension is served in full. Any member who is send from the field of play whilst playing or who is suspended from playing is required to inform the Association immediately of this fact so that the member concerned can be immediately removed from all further referees’ appointments for the duration of the member’s suspension from playing. A member who is sent from the field of play or suspended from playing and who fails to immediately inform the Association of this fact is likely to be required to show cause why he or she should not be fined and otherwise disciplined by the Management Committee of our Association. 16 PLAYING REGULATIONS FOR NNSW FOOTBALL PREMIER COMPETITIONS MATCH FEES FOR NORTHERN NSW FOOTBALL MATCHES SAP Metropolitan Under 11 SAP Metropolitan Under 12 NPL Youth Under 13 NPL Youth Under 14 NPL Youth Under 15 NPL Youth Under 17 NEW-FM First Division Under 17 Women’s Premier League Under 14 Women’s Premier League Under 16 Centre $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 $30.00 $40.00 $50.00 $45.00 $25.00 $35.00 Line $10.00 $13.00 $15.00 $15.00 $20.00 $25.00 $22.00 $14.00 $18.00 UNDER 11 SAP METROPOLITAN COMPETITION A referee and two assistant referees are to be appointed to matches whenever possible. The field size shall be 70 metres x 55 metres. The goal size shall be 5 metres x 2 metres. The penalty area shall be 24 metres wide x 7 metres long. There are no penalty kicks to be awarded in the Under 11 SAP Metropolitan fixtures. Infringements inside the penalty area will result in an indirect free-kick to be taken from outside the penalty area. A goal kick drop off line (dotted or coned) will be marked 15 metres from the goal line. All opposing players are required to remain behind the drop off line when goal kicks are being taken. A size 4 match ball shall be used. The playing numbers shall be a maximum of 9 players per team. The maximum number of players per team who may be listed on the team sheet and play is 14 players. Match duration shall be 30 minutes each half. Half-time shall comprise 5 minutes. Unlimited player interchange will apply. A maximum of 5 interchange players per team is permitted. Offside infringements in this competition are to be penalised. In the event of wet weather, referees may determine whether their matches are still on by looking at any cancellations posted on the Wet Weather section of the NNSW Football website at The match fees payable for this age group are $20.00 for the referee and $10.00 for each assistant referee. UNDER 12 SAP METROPOLITAN COMPETITION A referee and two assistant referees are to be appointed to all matches in this competition. The field size shall be 80 metres x 55 metres. The goal size shall be 5 metres x 2 metres. The penalty area shall be 24 metres wide x 12 metres long. Penalty kicks are to be awarded in the Under 12 SAP Metropolitan fixtures as required. A goal kick drop off line (dotted or coned) will be marked 20 metres from the goal line. All opposing players are required to remain behind the drop off line when goal kicks are being taken. A size 4 match ball shall be used. The playing numbers shall be a maximum of 11 players per team. The maximum number of players per team who may be listed on the team sheet and play is 16 players. Match duration shall be 35 minutes each half with a 10 minute half time break. Unlimited player interchange will apply. A maximum of 5 interchange players per team is permitted. Offside infringements in this competition are to be penalised. In the event of wet weather, referees may determine whether their matches are still on by looking at any cancellations posted on the Wet Weather section of the NNSW Football website at The match fees payable for this age group are $25.00 for the referee and $13.00 for each assistant referee. 17 UNDER 13 NPL YOUTH COMPETITION A referee and two assistant referees are to be appointed to all matches in this competition. The field size shall be full size. A size 5 match ball shall be used. The playing numbers shall be a maximum of 11 players per team. The maximum number of players per team who may be listed on the team sheet and play is 16 players. Match duration shall be 35 minutes each half. Unlimited player interchange will apply. A maximum of 5 interchange players per team is permitted. Each bench in the technical area must be capable of seating 10 persons, being team officials and interchange players. All team officials must display their Team Official accreditation at all times. In the event of wet weather, referees may determine whether their National Premier League Youth Competition matches are still on by looking at any cancellations posted on the Wet Weather section of the NNSW Football website at The match fees payable for this age group are $30.00 for the referee and $15.00 for each assistant referee. Ground Duty Officers are required to be present during all matches. In the event of a colour clash, the visiting team shall change to a strip which does not predominantly include the colours of the home team. The goalkeeper’s shirt must be clearly distinguishable from the colour of the shirts worn by all other players and the referee. Goalkeepers are no longer required to wear the same coloured socks or shorts as their team members. No match official shall be permitted to officiate in colours likely to be mistaken for those of the field players from either team. UNDER 14 NPL YOUTH COMPETITION A referee and two assistant referees are to be appointed to all matches in this competition. The field size shall be full size. A size 5 match ball shall be used. The home team is to provide three approved match balls. The playing numbers shall be a maximum of 11 players per team. The maximum number of players per team who may be listed on the team sheet and play is 16 players. Match duration shall be 35 minutes each half. Unlimited player interchange will apply. A maximum of 5 interchange players per team is permitted. Each bench in the technical area must be capable of seating 10 persons, being team officials and interchange players. All team officials must display their Team Official accreditation at all times. In the event of wet weather, referees may determine whether their National Premier League Youth Competition matches are still on by looking at any cancellations posted on the Wet Weather section of the NNSW Football website at The match fees payable for this age group are $30.00 for the referee and $15.00 for each assistant referee. Ground Duty Officers are required to be present during all matches. In the event of a colour clash, the visiting team shall change to a strip which does not predominantly include the colours of the home team. The goalkeeper’s shirt must be clearly distinguishable from the colour of the shirts worn by all other players and the referee. Goalkeepers are no longer required to wear the same coloured socks or shorts as their team members. No match official shall be permitted to officiate in colours likely to be mistaken for those of the field players from either team. . UNDER 15 NPL YOUTH COMPETITION A referee and two assistant referees are to be appointed to all matches in this competition. The field size shall be full size. A size 5 match ball shall be used. The home team is to provide three approved match balls. The playing numbers shall be a maximum of 11 players per team. The maximum number of players per team who may be listed on the team sheet and play is 16 players. Match duration shall be 35 minutes each half. Unlimited player interchange will apply. A maximum of 5 interchange players per team is permitted. 18 Each bench in the technical area must be capable of seating 10 persons, being team officials and interchange players. All team officials must display their Team Official accreditation at all times. In the event of wet weather, referees may determine whether their National Premier League Youth Competition matches are still on by looking at any cancellations posted on the Wet Weather section of the NNSW Football website at The match fees payable for this age group are $40.00 for the referee and $20.00 for each assistant referee. Ground Duty Officers are required to be present during all matches. In the event of a colour clash, the visiting team shall change to a strip which does not predominantly include the colours of the home team. The goalkeeper’s shirt must be clearly distinguishable from the colour of the shirts worn by all other players and the referee. Goalkeepers are no longer required to wear the same coloured socks or shorts as their team members. No match official shall be permitted to officiate in colours likely to be mistaken for those of the field players from either team. UNDER 17 NPL YOUTH COMPETITION A referee and two assistant referees are to be appointed to all matches in this competition. The field size shall be full size. A size 5 match ball shall be used. The home team is to provide three approved match balls. The playing numbers shall be a maximum of 11 players per team. The maximum number of players per team who may be listed on the team sheet and play is 16 players. Match duration shall be 40 minutes each half. Unlimited player interchange will apply. A maximum of 5 interchange players per team is permitted. Each bench in the technical area must be capable of seating 10 persons, being team officials and interchange players. All team officials must display their Team Official accreditation at all times. In the event of wet weather, referees may determine whether their National Premier League Youth Competition matches are still on by looking at any cancellations posted on the Wet Weather section of the NNSW Football website at The match fees payable for this age group are $50.00 for the referee and $25.00 for each assistant referee. Ground Duty Officers are required to be present during all matches. In the event of a colour clash, the visiting team shall change to a strip which does not predominantly include the colours of the home team. The goalkeeper’s shirt must be clearly distinguishable from the colour of the shirts worn by all other players and the referee. Goalkeepers are no longer required to wear the same coloured socks or shorts as their team members. No match official shall be permitted to officiate in colours likely to be mistaken for those of the field players from either team. UNDER 17 NEW-FM FIRST DIVISION COMPETITION A referee and two assistant referees are to be appointed to all matches in this competition. The field size shall be full size. A size 5 match ball shall be used. The home team is to provide three approved match balls. The playing numbers shall be a maximum of 11 players per team. The maximum number of players per team who may be listed on the team sheet and play is 16 players. Match duration shall be 40 minutes each half. Unlimited player interchange will apply. A maximum of 5 interchange players per team is permitted. Each bench in the technical area must be capable of seating 10 persons, being team officials and interchange players. All team officials must display their Team Official accreditation at all times. In the event of wet weather, referees may determine whether their NEW-FM First Division Under 17 Competition matches are still on by looking at any cancellations posted on the Wet Weather section of the NNSW Football website at Ground Duty Officers are required to be present during all matches. In the event of a colour clash, the visiting team shall change to a strip which does not predominantly include the colours of the home team. 19 The goalkeeper’s shirt must be clearly distinguishable from the colour of the shirts worn by all other players and the referee. Goalkeepers are no longer required to wear the same coloured socks or shorts as their team members. No match official shall be permitted to officiate in colours likely to be mistaken for those of the field players from either team. UNDER 14 HERALD WOMEN’S PREMIER LEAGUE COMPETITION A referee and two assistant referees are to be appointed to all matches in this competition. The field size shall be full size. A size 5 match ball shall be used. The home team is to provide three approved match balls. The playing numbers shall be a maximum of 11 players per team. The maximum number of players per team who may be listed on the team sheet and play is 16 players. Match duration shall be 35 minutes each half. A maximum of 4 interchanges will be permitted by each team each half. Unlimited interchange is permitted during half-time, subject to the referee being notified. Each bench in the technical area must be capable of seating 10 persons, being team officials and interchange players. All team officials must display their Team Official accreditation at all times. In the event of wet weather, referees may determine whether their Women’s Premier League Competition matches are still on by looking at any cancellations posted on the Wet Weather section of the NNSW Football website at The match fees payable for this age group are $25.00 for the referee and $14.00 for each assistant referee. Ground Duty Officers are required to be present during all matches. In the event of a colour clash, the visiting team shall change to a strip which does not predominantly include the colours of the home team. The goalkeeper’s shirt must be clearly distinguishable from the colour of the shirts worn by all other players and the referee. Goalkeepers are no longer required to wear the same coloured socks or shorts as their team members. No match official shall be permitted to officiate in colours likely to be mistaken for those of the field players from either team. UNDER 16 HERALD WOMEN’S PREMIER LEAGUE COMPETITION A referee and two assistant referees are to be appointed to all matches in this competition. The field size shall be full size. A size 5 match ball shall be used. The home team is to provide three approved match balls. The playing numbers shall be a maximum of 11 players per team. The maximum number of players per team who may be listed on the team sheet and play is 16 players. Match duration shall be 35 minutes each half. A maximum of 4 interchanges will be permitted by each team each half. Unlimited interchange is permitted during half-time, subject to the referee being notified. Each bench in the technical area must be capable of seating 10 persons, being team officials and interchange players. All team officials must display their Team Official accreditation at all times. In the event of wet weather, referees may determine whether their Women’s Premier League Competition matches are still on by looking at any cancellations posted on the Wet Weather section of the NNSW Football website at The match fees payable for this age group are $35.00 for the referee and $18.00 for each assistant referee. Ground Duty Officers are required to be present during all matches. In the event of a colour clash, the visiting team shall change to a strip which does not predominantly include the colours of the home team. The goalkeeper’s shirt must be clearly distinguishable from the colour of the shirts worn by all other players and the referee. Goalkeepers are no longer required to wear the same coloured socks or shorts as their team members. No match official shall be permitted to officiate in colours likely to be mistaken for those of the field players from either team. 20 UNDER 18 HERALD WOMEN’S PREMIER LEAGUE COMPETITION A referee and two assistant referees are to be appointed to all matches in this competition. The field size shall be full size. A size 5 match ball shall be used. The home team is to provide three approved match balls. The playing numbers shall be a maximum of 11 players per team. The maximum number of players per team who may be listed on the team sheet and play is 16 players. Match duration shall be 40 minutes each half. A maximum of 4 interchanges will be permitted by each team each half. Unlimited interchange is permitted during half-time, subject to the referee being notified. Each bench in the technical area must be capable of seating 10 persons, being team officials and interchange players. All team officials must display their Team Official accreditation at all times. In the event of wet weather, referees may determine whether their Women’s Premier League Competition matches are still on by looking at any cancellations posted on the Wet Weather section of the NNSW Football website at The match fees payable for this age group are $40.00 for the referee and $20.00 for each assistant referee. Ground Duty Officers are required to be present during all matches. In the event of a colour clash, the visiting team shall change to a strip which does not predominantly include the colours of the home team. The goalkeeper’s shirt must be clearly distinguishable from the colour of the shirts worn by all other players and the referee. Goalkeepers are no longer required to wear the same coloured socks or shorts as their team members. No match official shall be permitted to officiate in colours likely to be mistaken for those of the field players from either team. FIRST GRADE HERALD WOMEN’S PREMIER LEAGUE COMPETITION A referee and two assistant referees are to be appointed to all matches in this competition. The field size shall be full size. A size 5 match ball shall be used. The home team is to provide three approved match balls. The playing numbers shall be a maximum of 11 players per team. The maximum number of players per team who may be listed on the team sheet and play is 16 players. Match duration shall be 45 minutes each half. A maximum of 4 interchanges will be permitted by each team each half. Unlimited interchange is permitted during half-time, subject to the referee being notified. Each bench in the technical area must be capable of seating 10 persons, being team officials and interchange players. All team officials must display their Team Official accreditation at all times. In the event of wet weather, referees may determine whether their Women’s Premier League Competition matches are still on by looking at any cancellations posted on the Wet Weather section of the NNSW Football website at The match fees payable for this age group are $80.00 for the referee and $40.00 for each assistant referee. Ground Duty Officers are required to be present during all matches. In the event of a colour clash, the visiting team shall change to a strip which does not predominantly include the colours of the home team. The goalkeeper’s shirt must be clearly distinguishable from the colour of the shirts worn by all other players and the referee. Goalkeepers are no longer required to wear the same coloured socks or shorts as their team members. No match official shall be permitted to officiate in colours likely to be mistaken for those of the field players from either team. DURATION OF NORTHERN NSW FOOTBALL MATCHES SAP Metropolitan Under 11 SAP Metropolitan Under 12 NPL Youth Under 13 NPL Youth Under 14 NPL Youth Under 15 2 equal periods of 30 minutes 2 equal periods of 35 minutes (10 minutes for half-time) 2 equal periods of 35 minutes 2 equal periods of 35 minutes 2 equal periods of 35 minutes 21 NPL Youth Under 17 NEW-FM First Division Under 17 WPL Youth Under 14 WPL Youth Under 16 WPL Youth Under 18 WPL First Grade 2 equal periods of 40 minutes 2 equal periods of 40 minutes 2 equal periods of 35 minutes 2 equal periods of 35 minutes 2 equal periods of 40 minutes 2 equal periods of 45 minutes MATCH BALL SIZES FOR NORTHERN NSW FOOTBALL MATCHES SAP Metropolitan Under 11 SAP Metropolitan Under 12 NPL Youth Under 13 NPL Youth Under 14 NPL Youth Under 15 NPL Youth Under 17 NEW-FM First Division Under 17 WPL Youth Under 14 WPL Youth Under 16 WPL Youth Under 18 WPL First Grade 25 – 26 inches or 63 – 66 cms 25 – 26 inches or 63 – 66 cms 27 – 28 inches or 67 – 72 cms 27 – 28 inches or 67 – 72 cms 27 – 28 inches or 67 – 72 cms 27 – 28 inches or 67 – 72 cms 27 – 28 inches or 67 – 72 cms 27 – 28 inches or 67 – 72 cms 27 – 28 inches or 67 – 72 cms 27 – 28 inches or 67 – 72 cms 27 – 28 inches or 67 – 72 cms Size 4 Size 4 Size 5 Size 5 Size 5 Size 5 Size 5 Size 5 Size 5 Size 5 Size 5 GOAL KICKS FOR NORTHERN NSW FOOTBALL MATCHES SAP Metropolitan Under 11 SAP Metropolitan Under 12 NPL Youth Under 13 NPL Youth Under 14 NPL Youth Under 15 NPL Youth Under 17 NEW-FM First Division Under 17 WPL Youth Under 14 WPL Youth Under 16 WPL Youth Under 18 WPL First Grade Taken from within the defined goal kick drop off line Taken from within the defined goal kick drop off line Taken from within the goal area in accordance with law Taken from within the goal area in accordance with law Taken from within the goal area in accordance with law Taken from within the goal area in accordance with law Taken from within the goal area in accordance with law Taken from within the goal area in accordance with law Taken from within the goal area in accordance with law Taken from within the goal area in accordance with law Taken from within the goal area in accordance with law CORNER KICKS FOR NORTHERN NSW FOOTBALL MATCHES SAP Metropolitan Under 11 SAP Metropolitan Under 12 NPL Youth Under 13 NPL Youth Under 14 NPL Youth Under 15 NPL Youth Under 17 NEW-FM First Division Under 17 WPL Youth Under 14 WPL Youth Under 16 WPL Youth Under 18 WPL First Grade Taken from the corner arc in accordance with law Taken from the corner arc in accordance with law Taken from the corner arc in accordance with law Taken from the corner arc in accordance with law Taken from the corner arc in accordance with law Taken from the corner arc in accordance with law Taken from the corner arc in accordance with law Taken from the corner arc in accordance with law Taken from the corner arc in accordance with law Taken from the corner arc in accordance with law Taken from the corner arc in accordance with law 22 PLAYING REGULATIONS FOR FOOTBALL NSW PREMIER COMPETITIONS MATCH FEES FOR FOOTBALL NSW WOMEN’S COMPETITION 1 MATCHES Centre $30.00 $40.00 $80.00 Under 13 Under 17 First Grade Line $15.00 $20.00 $40.00 UNDER 13 WOMEN’S 1 COMPETITION A referee and two assistant referees are to be appointed to all matches in this competition. The field size shall be full size. A size 4 match ball shall be used. Three match balls are to be used in every match and these must be presented to the match officials 30 minutes prior to the kick-off. The playing numbers shall be a maximum of 11 players per team. The maximum number of players per team who may be listed on the team sheet and play is 16 players. Match duration shall be 30 minutes each half. The half-time break shall comprise 10 minutes. Unlimited player interchange will apply. A maximum of 5 interchange players per team is permitted. Each bench in the technical area must be capable of seating 9 persons, being a maximum of 4 team officials and 5 interchange players. Players on the bench must wear a bib over their shirts to distinguish them from the field players and match officials. All team officials must display their Team Official accreditation at all times. The match fees payable for this age group are $30.00 for the referee and $15.00 for each assistant referee. Ground Duty Officers are required to be present during all matches. For the Under 13 age grade only, goal kicks will be taken from anywhere within the goal area, and defending players will be required to retreat at least 25 metres away to allow the team taking the kick to build up play out of the back third. If an attacker encroaches, the goal kick is to be retaken. UNDER 17 WOMEN’S 1 COMPETITION A referee and two assistant referees are to be appointed to all matches in this competition. The field size shall be full size. A size 5 match ball shall be used. Three match balls are to be used in every match and these must be presented to the match officials 30 minutes prior to the kick-off. The playing numbers shall be a maximum of 11 players per team. The maximum number of players per team who may be listed on the team sheet and play is 16 players. Match duration shall be 35 minutes each half. The half-time break shall comprise 10 minutes. Unlimited player interchange will apply. A maximum of 5 interchange players per team is permitted. Each bench in the technical area must be capable of seating 9 persons, being a maximum of 4 team officials and 5 interchange players. Players on the bench must wear a bib over their shirts to distinguish them from the field players and match officials. All team officials must display their Team Official accreditation at all times. The match fees payable for this age group are $40.00 for the referee and $20.00 for each assistant referee. Ground Duty Officers are required to be present during all matches. VERSION THREE UPDATED 1 MAY 2015 23