CLASS MONDAY 9/3/12 L: Branches of Life Science Obj: Explain the different –ologies that make up life science. Act: Language of science discussion w/examples Review prefixes & suffixes, highlight –ology Use posters to take notes on some branches of LS L: Obj: Standard Life Science Act: No School – Labor Day Pd 1 Pd 4 Stand: L: Obj: E: Stand: 3.1.7.A1 E: Discuss L: Other Objects in the Solar System Obj: Differentiate between asteroids, meteoroids, meteorites, meteors, and comets. Act: Finish other objects picture & caption Pinch card review of ss vocabulary View meteorite samples E: Stand: 3.3.7.B1 L: Obj: Astronomy Act: Pd 3 No School – Labor Day Stand: L: Obj: TUESDAY 9/4/12 Day 5 E: Obs ESB Act: Act: ESB Starts 9/14/12 Report to homeroom Quiet reading or homework Pd 6 No School – Labor Day Student Government Meeting LGI Stand: L: Obj: Basic Life Science E: Stand: E: L: Branches of Life Science Obj: Explain the different –ologies that make up life science. Act: Why science words are “weird” activity Branches of LS matching worksheet E: Stand: 3.1.7.A1 E: Obs L: Branches of Life Science Obj: Explain the different –ologies that make up life science. Act: Language of science discussion w/examples Review prefixes & suffixes, highlight –ology Independent notes on branches of LS (start) E: Stand: 3.1.7.A1 Act: No School – Labor Day Pd 7 Stand: L: Obj: Advanced Life Science Act: No School – Labor Day Pd 8 Stand: Prep Lunch Bus Duty 2:55 5th Pd 11:18 – 12:00 7th Grade 10:46 – 11:16 E: Discuss 5th Pd 11:18 – 12:00 7th Grade 10:46 – 11:16 WEDNESDAY 9/5/12 Day 6 THURSDAY 9/6/12 Day 1 FRIDAY 9/7/12 Day 2 L: Branches of LS (cont.) Obj: Identify what different –ologists study. Act: Review branches of LS discussed Tues. Finish branches of LS notes w/ PwrPt Begin Branches of LS Crossword L: Branches of LS (cont.) Obj: Identify what different –ologists study. Act: Check/turn in homework Review branches of LS w/ pinchcards Scientist video clip L: Branches of LS Wrap Up Obj: Summarize what different life scientists study. Act: Branches of LS Quiz Explain Leaf Collection Project Hmwk: Finish Branches of LS Cross Stand: 3.1.7.A1 E: Obs L: Investigating Meteoroids Obj: Explain how & where scientists look for meteorites. Act: Review comets, asteroids, meteors, meteorites, and meteoroids w/finger voting Meteorite Men video clips Discuss common locations to find meteorites Stand: 3.3.6.B1 E: Discuss L: Obj: Hmwk: Study for Branches of LS Quiz Stand: 3.1.7.A1 E: Hmwk L: Impact Craters Obj: Identify & describe the parts of an impact crater. Act: Describe when a meteorite impacts Drawing of impact crater Impact crater info Act: ESB Starts 9/14/12 Report to homeroom Quiet reading or homework Act: ESB Starts 9/14/12 Report to homeroom Quiet reading or homework Stand: 3.3.6.B1 L: Obj: E: Obs Stand: 3.1.7.A1 E: Quiz L: Impact Crater Lab Obj: Design an experiment using the scientific method to compare impact craters. Act: Explain Impact Crater Lab Form Lab Groups Examine available materials Create a question Stand:3.3.7.B2 L: Obj: E: Obs Act: ESB Starts 9/14/12 Report to homeroom Quiet reading or homework Student Government Elections Stand: E: L: Branches of LS (cont.) Obj: Identify what different –ologists study. Act: Pinch card review of branches (w/notes) Explain Branches of LS Poster Begin working on poster Stand: E: L: Branches of LS (cont.) Obj: Identify what different –ologists study. Act: Pinch card review of branches (w/notes) Scientist video clip Finish & turn in Branches of LS Poster Stand: E: L: Branches of LS Wrap Up Obj: Summarize what different life scientists study. Act: Branches of LS Quiz Listen to & discuss story of famous ecologist Stand: 3.1.7.A1 E: Poster L: Branches of LS (cont.) Obj: Identify what different –ologists study. Act: Finish notes on branches of LS Check notes using PwrPt Scientist video clip Hmwk: Study for Branches of LS Quiz Stand: 3.1.7.A1 E: Poster L: Branches of LS (cont.) Obj: Identify what different –ologists study. Act: Pinch cards to review branches Explain famous –ologist flyer project Begin famous –ologist flyer project Stand: 3.1.7.A1 E: Quiz L: Branches of LS Wrap Up Obj: Summarize what different life scientists study. Act: Branches of LS Quiz Continue famous –ologist flyer project Stand: 3.1.7.A1 Hmwk: Study for Branches of LS Quiz Stand: 3.1.7.A1 E: Q&A E: Obs 5th Pd 11:18 – 12:00 7th Grade 10:46 – 11:16 5th Pd 11:18 – 12:00 7th Grade 10:46 – 11:16 Yes Stand: 3.1.7.A1 E: Quiz 5th Pd 11:18 – 12:00 7th Grade 10:46 – 11:16 Yes