Unit 9: States of Consciousness [CR5] (Myers, Chapter 7) Monday, Jan. 28 Tuesday, Jan. 29 Wed, Jan. 30 Thursday, Jan. 31 Test 1. Review data on circadian rhythms. 2. Discuss how circadian rhythms are regulated both biologically and environmentally. 1. Identify characteristics of the five sleep stages. 2. Discuss theories for why we sleep and evidence to support each. 1. Contrast three different theories of dream interpretation (wish-fulfillment, information processing, and activation-synthesis). Monday, Feb. 4 1. Go over test? 2. Intro to states of consciousness (what do you know about sleep and dreams, hypnosis) 3. Circadian rhythms and melatonin notes 1. Sleep PsychSim. 2. Discuss and review sleep stages Dream Interpretation Stations Work on diagnosis section of your paper. Read pp. 241-247. Complete the diagnosis section of your paper. Read pp. 248-256. Read pp. 257-260. Write the cause section of your paper and research treatment. Finish DSM project (due next Monday) 1. Practice interpreting dreams using one or more theories. 2. Identify four different sleep disorders (sleep apnea, night terrors, insomnia, and narcolepsy) Tuesday, 1. Investigate common myths and Feb. 5 claims concerning hypnosis by examining experimental results (especially as related to: hypnotic ability, recall, obedience, therapy, and pain-control) 2. Contrast social-influence theory and dissociate theory of hypnosis. Wednesday, 1. Learn about use of hypnosis in Feb. 6 practical psychotherapy. Thursday, 1. Review sleep stages Feb. 7 2. Examine the nature of drug addiction at the level of the synapse. 1. Finish dream analysis 2. Notes on sleep disorders 3. REM deprivation 4. Sleep stages review and quiz? Monday, Feb. 11 2. Finish drugs lecture 3. NDE videos 4. Give out review sheet. Review for test (soccer) Read pp. 279-284 Complete “Light at the end of the tunnel”. 1. NDE lecture 2. Review sleep stages 3. Sleep stages quiz? Study for test. Tuesday, Feb. 12 2. Identify if a drug is a stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogen. 3. List at least three effects of each class of drug. 4. Define withdrawal and tolerance, reverse tolerance. 5. Identify factors that influence drug use. 1. Discuss common characteristics of NDE’s. 2. Discuss evidence supporting the 1. Hypnosis discussion and notes with accompanying readings. Read pp. 261-270. Hypnotherapist Guest Speaker Read pp. 270-278. Complete Drug HW. Finish project (due Monday). 2. Biological nature of addiction lecture. (clips from Drugs psychsim) 3. Go over HW physiological explanation for NDE’s Wednesday, Feb. 13 States of Consciousness Test