Wk. of Aug. 31-Sept. 04, 2015 Fri., 09/04/15 Short classes today; students dismissed at 12:30 pm due to Early Release Warm Up: Students reviewed quietly for today’s quiz Class Work: - Students took quiz on scientific method steps and vocabulary; see Mrs. Best to make up quiz if you were absent today - Students who finished early either worked on their graph for the “Drops on a Penny Lab” (#5R), worked quietly on classwork/homework for another class, or did SSR - Students who have questions about how to do their graph can check the teacher version of “Drops on a Penny Lab” (#5R) which has teacher comments and instructions imbedded within document Homework: Complete the graph (p. 4 in “Drops on a Penny Lab” (#5R)—do not have to complete any other part past the graph—we will do this in class on Tues.) Thur., 09/03/15 Warm Up: Students got out a sheet of notebook paper, turned to back & number it #8L (making sure holes are on right side of page); 2) Students wrote down all 6 sci. method vocab. words at top of page of #8R, then tried to create their own memory aid for each vocab. term—or wrote down one of the ones shown by Mrs. Best in class yesterday—remember, a mnemonic (memory aid) is a word, phrase, sketch, rhyme or body part signal that helps you remember what a vocab. word means) Class Work: - Class went over student-volunteered memory aids as well as Mrs. Best’s memory aids, document showing several memory aids also available under course documents in Mrs. Best’s page of Lions website - Students watched short BrainPop video about the sci. method; see Mrs. Best to view BrainPop video if you were absent today - Mrs. Best went over the 7 steps of the scientific method; - Students got “Scientific Method Graphic Organizer” (#9R); students were encouraged to fill out tonight; answer key will be available tonight - format for tomorrow’s quiz was announced: matching (any vocab. term—including the steps of the sci. method) + telling the order of the steps of the sci. method (word bank included) + fill-in-blank (word bank included) - Students were reminded that tomorrow is Early Release—students leave school at 12:30 pm! Homework: STUDY #8R for tomorrow’s quiz on the scientific method steps—in order—and the vocabulary words Wed., 09/02/15 Warm Up: Students did SSR (Silent Sustained Reading) for 10-15 min. Class Work: - Students got “Scientific Method Vocabulary” (#8R) to use as study guide for Scientific Method QUIZ this Fri., 09/04/15 - Students got back into lab small groups and completed “Drops on a Penny Lab” (#5R); we will work on rest of lab booklet tomorrow and Tues., 09/08/15; click on hyperlink to access electronic version or go to make up work file box to access booklet - Students in 5th period got back graded “Lab Safety Cartoon worksheet” (#3R); students unhappy with grade 0can add missing parts in different color ink and turn back in for more points - Mrs. Best explained about difference between quantitative and qualitative data; see #8R with teacher notes that include Mrs. Best’s mnemonic (memory aids) for some vocabulary terms Homework: Study for the Fri., 09/04/15 QUIZ on Scientific Method steps and vocabulary Tuesday, 09/01/15 Warm Up: 1) Mrs. Best welcomed class to the first day of September—the first day of “climatological” fall; Mrs. Best explained and invited students to watch WRAL weather tonight for meteorologist Greg Fishel’s explanation; 2) Students got out their “Drops on a Penny Lab” (#5R) to use as reference to answer the following: “In our lab, we are testing 3 different levels of soap solutions. Since this is what we CHOOSE to change, is that our independent or dependent variable?” Class Work: - Mrs. Best asked students to relay both the definition for independent variable and dependent variable using the bottom of the front page of #5R and then to identify the dependent variable for our lab today; ask another student to confirm what you think is the independent and the dependent variables for our lab if you were absent today - Students worked in small groups to start the first part of “Drops on a Penny Lab” (#5R); students will finish in class tomorrow; ask Mrs. Best for group assignment tomorrow if you were absent today & come to Leopard Time to make up part of lab we did in class today - Students got “Identifying Variables PPT” notes (#6R); class began PPT and fill-in-blank notes; students will finish as HW; click on hyperlink below or go to make up work file in classroom to access note sheet; click on hyperlink below to access PPT - Students got back “Lab Safety Quiz” (#7R); all classes except 5th period (who will get theirs back tomorrow) got back “Lab Safety Cartoon worksheet” (#3R); Homework: Review 4 types of variables for Fri., 09/04 quiz Monday, 08/31/15 Warm Up: Students got a sheet of blank notebook paper, turned over to back side, added title “Fair Test Experiments”, added lab number #5R, then wrote a few things they thought they knew about what a “fair test” in an experiment means—what do you need to do while doing an experiment to make sure the data you get is reliable and accurate? Class Work: - HR students received to take home for review & signing—electronic device and technology permission form; Families should review, sign and return by Fri., 09/04/15—without this form, students can NOT use any electronic technology at school this year - Class discussed aspects of “fair test” in experiments; teacher notes including key points from class discussion available ASAP - Students got “Drops on a Penny Lab” (#5R); teacher front-loaded what lab procedures would be and possible problems students might have if they do NOT do a “fair test” during the experiment; - next quiz was announced—Scientific Method, steps and vocabulary—on Fri., 09/04/15—early-release day! Homework: 1) Read front page of #5R and be prepared to answer blanks at bottom of page tomorrow in class; 2) Review independent vs. dependent variables for quiz on Fri., 09/04/15