Alexandria Morales 5th Grade Social Studies: Plessy vs. Ferguson

Alexandria Morales
5th Grade
Social Studies: Plessy vs. Ferguson and Equality
Duration of Lesson: 50 Minutes
1) Objective
a) TSWBAT answer multiple choice questions concerning the case of Plessy vs. Ferguson
with 80% accuracy.
b) TSWBAT identify whether or not a situation is considered equal with 80% accuracy.
2) CCCS: Language Arts
a) Information Text
i) Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic noting important similarities
and differences on the point of view they represent.
3) Introduction: (1 Minute)
a) TTW show primary source about Plessy vs. Ferguson and ask students to consider the
question “Does treating people equally mean treating them the same?” while class is
taking place.
4) Procedures:
a) Guided Practice 1: (20 Minutes)
i) TTW handout 1 of 3 different information sheets about Plessy vs. Ferguson to
students. TSW work in pairs to discover 2 facts each from the information sheets.
TSW write facts on white board under the title of their information sheet. TTW point
out important facts students did not write. TSW compare and contrast the 3 different
information sheets.
b) Guided Practice 2: (10 minutes)
i) TTW split students into two groups: Brunettes and Blondes/Red haired. TTW take
students to various locations throughout the school, give a scenario, and ask if the
scenario shows equality.
(1) Cafeteria: Brunettes get to eat in cafeteria at tables, while Blondes/Red haired
have to eat on floor in hall way. (not equal)
(2) Library/Computer Lab: Brunettes get to use computers in library, while
Blondes/Red haired get to use computers in lab to do research. (equal)
(3) Outside: TSW feel the temperature outside. Brunettes get to have class in air
conditioned classroom, while Blondes/Red haired have to have class outside in
the heat/cold. (not equal)
(a) Point out that it would be very distracting trying to learn in unfavored
c) Independent Practice: (15 Minutes)
i) TSW answer multiple choice questions about Plessy vs. Ferguson. TSW identify
whether or not a situation is considered equal.
5) Closure: (4 Minutes)
b) TTW ask:
i) Does treating people equal mean treating them the same?
ii) Why was Plessy arrested?
iii) Who found Plessy guilty?
iv) What was the final ruling on Supreme Court case Plessy vs. Ferguson?
v) Is it equal if boys and girls have to play on different playgrounds each with the same
vi) Is it equal if students born in January get to ride in a limo to school while all other
students have to ride the bus?
6) Assessment:
b) Independent practice will be use as an assessment. See attached.
7) Materials:
b) Plessy vs. Ferguson primary source
c) Outside Environment Temperature
8) References:
b) Primary Source LOC-;words=vs+Ferguson+Plessydate1=1836&rows=20&searchType=basic&state=&date2
c) Information sheet 1
d) Information sheet 2-
e) Information sheet 3-
f) Louisiana Department of Education
9) Resources
b) Primary source
c) 3 Information sheets
d) Outside Environment Temperature
10) Accommodations:
b) Interpersonal Intelligence: GP1 and GP2; TSW work in pairs to discover facts, TSW
discuss in groups to decide on equality.
c) Intrapersonal Intelligence: GP1, GP2, and Independent Practice; TSW work in groups to
discover facts, TSW discuss in groups about equality, TSW work alone on multiple
choice and equality questions.
d) Naturalistic Intelligence: GP2; TSW feel the temperature outside when deciding on
e) Linguistic Intelligence: GP1 and GP2; TSW work in pairs discussing facts and in groups
discussing equality.
f) Logical/Mathematical Intelligence: Independent Practice; TSW answer multiple choice
questions and identify equality.
11) Modifications:
b) Gifted students will complete worksheet 3 where they will answer 10 multiple choice and
5 equality questions.
c) Challenged students will complete worksheet 1 where they will answer 5 equality
All others will complete worksheet 2.Worksheet 1
Directions: Identify with “yes” if the situation is considered equal and “no” if the
situation is not considered equal. Write answer in blank provided. {2 pts. Each for 10pts. Total}
No 1. Girls get to use textbooks on every test, while boys cannot.
No 2. Students born in April get steak for lunch, while all others get potted meat.
Yes 3. Boys have to use desk on the right side of the classroom, while girls have to use
identical desk on the left side of the classroom.
Yes 4. Brunettes get to use library computers, while blondes/red haired have to use computer
lab to do research.
Yes 5. Boys and girls have to play on different playgrounds each with the same equipment.
Worksheet 2
Plessy vs. Ferguson and Equality
Part 1-Multiple Choice
Directions: Place the letter of your choice in the blank provided. Use printed capital
letters only. {2 pts. Each for 10 pts. Total}
__C___1. What is the name of the act that said Louisiana railroad companies had to provide
separate but equal train cars for whites and blacks?
A. Railroad Act
B. Louisiana Act
C. Separate Car Act
D. Separate but Equal Act
__A___2. Who was arrested for sitting in the “whites” railroad car?
A. Homer Plessy
B. Judge J.H. Ferguson
C. Justice Henry Brown
D. Justice John Harlan
__B___3. Who found Homer Plessy guilty for violating the Separate Car Act?
A. Justice Henry Brown
B. Judge J.H. Ferguson
C. Justice John Harlan
D. Justice Warren
__C___4. Which two amendment rights did Plessy say were violated?
A. 1st and 2nd amendments
B. 10th and 11th amendments
C. 13th and 14th amendments
D. 17th and 18th amendments
Worksheet 2
__D___5. What was the Supreme Court’s final ruling on Plessy vs. Ferguson?
A. Separate but equal was unconstitutional.
B. Judge Ferguson was found guilty.
C. Plessy was to be released from jail.
D. Separate but equal was constitutional.
Part 2-Equality
Directions: Identify with “yes” if the situation is considered equal and “no” if the
situation is not considered equal. Write answer in blank provided. {2 pts. Each for 10pts. Total}
No 1. Girls get to use textbooks on every test, while boys cannot.
No 2. Students born in April get steak for lunch, while all others get potted meat.
Yes 3. Boys have to use desk on the right side of the classroom, while girls have to use
identical desk on the left side of the classroom.
Yes 4. Brunettes get to use library computers, while blondes/red haired have to use computer
lab to do research.
Yes 5. Boys and girls have to play on different playgrounds each with the same equipment.
Worksheet 3
Plessy vs. Ferguson and Equality
Part 1-Multiple Choice
Directions: Place the letter of your choice in the blank provided. Use printed capital
letters only. {2 pts. Each for 20 pts. Total}
__C___1. What is the name of the act that said Louisiana railroad companies had to provide
separate but equal train cars for whites and blacks?
A. Railroad Act
B. Louisiana Act
C. Separate Car Act
D. Separate but Equal Act
__D___2. What is the name for whites sitting with whites and blacks sitting with blacks?
A. Equality
B. Unconstitutional
C. Separation
D. Segregation
__A___3. Who was arrested for sitting in the “whites” railroad car?
A. Homer Plessy
B. Judge J.H. Ferguson
C. Justice Henry Brown
D. Justice John Harlan
__B___4. Who found Homer Plessy guilty for violating the Separate Car Act?
A. Justice Henry Brown
B. Judge J.H. Ferguson
C. Justice John Harlan
D. Justice Warren
Worksheet 3
__C___5. Which two amendment rights did Plessy say were violated?
A. 1st and 2nd Amendments
B. 10th and 11th Amendments
C. 13th and 14th Amendments
D. 17th and 18th Amendments
__C___6. Which amendment banned slavery?
A. 1st Amendment
B. 5th Amendment
C. 13th Amendment
D. 15th Amendment
__B___7. Which amendment requires the government to treat people equally?
A. 10th Amendment
B. 14th Amendment
C. 16th Amendment
D. 20 Amendment
__A___8. Who was the Justice that spoke for majority of the justices on the case?
A. Justice Henry Brown
B. Justice John Harlan
C. Justice J.H. Ferguson
D. Justice Homer Plessy
__C___9. Who was the only Justice to rule in favor of Homer Plessy?
A. Justice J.H. Ferguson
B. Justice Homer Plessy
C. Justice John Harlan
D. Justice Henry Brown
Worksheet 3
__D___10. What was the Supreme Court’s final ruling on Plessy vs. Ferguson?
A. Separate but equal was unconstitutional.
B. Judge Ferguson was found guilty.
C. Plessy was to be released from jail.
D. Separate but equal was constitutional.
Part 2-Equality
Directions: Identify with “yes” if the situation is considered equal and “no” if the
situation is not considered equal. Write answer in blank provided. {2 pts. Each for 10pts. Total}
No 1. Girls get to use textbooks on every test, while boys cannot.
No 2. Students born in April get steak for lunch, while all others get potted meat.
Yes 3. Boys have to use desk on the right side of the classroom, while girls have to use
identical desk on the left side of the classroom.
Yes 4. Brunettes get to use library computers, while blondes/red haired have to use computer
lab to do research.
Yes 5. Boys and girls have to play on different playgrounds each with the same equipment.