1 Sociology 410 Criminology OSU, Winter, 2005 Professor Richard J. Lundman Prof. Lundman's Office & Hours: 388 Bricker: F 10 to noon & by appt. Office Phone: 292-2110 Email = lundman.1@osu.edu - please use email to initially contact me - thanks. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES, PLEASE NOTE: The student must contact the Office of Disabilities in 150 Pomerene Hall (292-3307) to make arrangements for assistance in this course. Students with documented disabilities are responsible for making their needs known to the instructor and seeking available assistance in a timely manner. This syllabus is available in alternative formats on request from the Sociology Advising Office in 304 Bricker Hall (292-2056). Thank you. Also please note: Guests are always welcome in our class at any time. If someone wants to come to our class with you or if you want someone to come to class with you, bring them. They are always welcome. Overview. Class material directs attention to crime, criminals, and, along the ways, criminal justice. Reading material directs attention to criminal justice workers and therefore to police departments and cops, jails and jail staff, courts and prosecutors, and prisons and prison staff. Required Readings and Class Materials. Four books are required and they are available in bookstores: 1) Charles Moose, Three Weeks in October: The Manhunt for the Serial Sniper. Dutton, 2003; 2) John Irwin, Jail: Managing the Underclass in American Society. University of California Press, 1985; 3) Taryn Simon, Peter Neufeld, and Barry Scheck, The Innocents. Umbrage Press, 2003; and 4) Donald Cabana, Death At Midnight: The Confession of an Executioner. Northeastern University Press, 1998. In addition, you will need to buy a course packet from the CopEz Center in the Tuttle Parking Garage (near the University Bookstore). We will use this packet on a near daily basis so it really will be to your advantage to have it. Course Outline Dates Lecture Topics 1/3 Introduction to Course/Professor/ 1/5-1/12 Crime (M 1/17 is a holiday in honor of Dr. King’s birthday) 1/19 EXAMINATION 1 Reading Moose, all Moose, all Moose, all; classes and recitations, 2 1/3-1/18 1/24-2/2 Crime (continued) 2/7 EXAMINATION 2 2/9-2/21 Criminals 2/23 EXAMINATION 3 2/28-3/9 Criminals (continued) Irwin, all Irwin, all; classes and recitations, 1/24-2/3 Simon, all Simon, all; classes and recitations, 2/9-2/22 Cabana, all Final Exams EXAMINATION 4 Cabana, all; classes and recitations, Week Monday 3/14, 11:30-1:18 2/28-3/10 The exam will likely take place in the East Ballroom of the Ohio Union, so plan on that location unless I announce to the contrary. Please check Registrar’s Web Site (http://www.ureg.ohio-state.edu to verify exam day and time. Thanks. Evaluation. There will be four examinations during the quarter (see above for dates) and all take place in our classroom. The examinations are not cumulative. Each exam will have a total of 50 points available and will cover lecture and reading/recitation materials equally (ie., 25 lecture points on each examination and 25 reading/recitation points on each examination). Questions on each exam will be of four types: multiple choice, fill in the blank, true-false, and short essay. Your final grade is based upon total performance across all four exams, with 200 points available on the four exams. Total points will be added and a final grade assigned after all four examinations have been taken according to the following cutting points: 180 or above = A; 160-179 = B; 140-159 = C; 120-139 = D; and less than 119 = E. Except for extreme and verifiable emergency, make-up examinations will not be offered. Attendance will be taken in Recitation five times during the quarter and students present all five times attendance is taken will be boosted up to the next higher grade if total points are within five points of that next higher grade. For instance: if after all four exams, a student has 175 total points and five for five on attendance, that student is boosted up to 180 total points and an A for the course. Students four of five boosted up four if within four. Three or less than five, no boost. Lecture and Recitation Attendance. Half of the total points on each examination will be based upon reading/recitation materials. Because reading materials are not covered (I do not profess from the readings) in class but are partially covered in recitation along with additional information, you will not do well in this class without regular lecture and recitation attendance. x:crim.out