COMMUNICATIONS, LEADERSHIP & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSE OF STUDY Grades 9-10 Kara Butters Course Description: The intent of this course is to help students develop skills that will allow them to become more successful in life and the workplace. Students will learn and enhance personal development and communication skills; learn how to select a job, get a job and obtain career success; and how to gain leadership positions both in their community and career. Students will accomplish these principles by learning about leadership, communication and speaking to groups, leading individuals and groups, managerial leadership skills, personal development and work skills. Much of the work completed in this course will be related to classroom, FFA and SAE activities providing students with knowledge and hands-on experience. MINUTES OF INSTRUCTION UNITS OF INSTRUCTION Understanding Leadership Communication and Speaking to Groups Leading Individuals and Groups Managerial Leadership Skills Personal Development Career Success 1,550 1,250 1,100 1,100 850 1,350 TOTAL MINUTES: 1 7,200 COMMUNICATIONS, LEADERSHIP & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSE OF STUDY Course: Communications, Leadership & Personal Development Teacher: Kara Butters Grade Level: 9-10th graders Length: 1 year Course Description: The intent of this course is to help students develop skills that will allow them to become more successful in life and the workplace. Students will learn and enhance personal development and communication skills; learn how to select a job, get a job and obtain career success; and how to gain leadership positions both in their community and career. Students will accomplish these principles by learning about leadership, communication and speaking to groups, leading individuals and groups, managerial leadership skills, personal development and work skills. Much of the work completed in this course will be related to classroom, FFA and SAE activities providing students with knowledge and hands-on experience. Units and objectives: (7,050 minutes) 1. Unit 6010 - Understanding Leadership (1,550 minutes) a. Topic 6011 - Leadership Categories and Styles i. Topic 6011A - Analyze various definitions of leadership ii. Topic 6011A - Discuss the contributions of agricultural education and the FFA to leadership development iii. Topic 6011C - Evaluate myths about leaders and leadership iv. Topic 6011A - Describe the various leadership categories v. Topic 6011A - Explain “the big picture” relationship between leadership categories, behavior and employment vi. Topic 6011B - Describe democratic, authoritarian and laissez-faire behavioral leadership styles vii. Topic 6011B - Describe the situational (contingency) leadership behavioral style b. Topic 6012 - Personality Types and Their Relationship to Leadership and Human Behavior i. Topic 6012A - Describe the four personality types ii. Topic 6012A - Explain the importance of learning personality types iii. Topic 6012A - Compare personality types with extroverts and introverts iv. Topic 6012B - Show the relationship between personality type and leadership style v. Topic 6012B - Describe the communication styles of the four personality types vi. Topic 6012B - Identify ways to adapt your communication style to that of others vii. Topic 6012B - Explain the communication continuum 2 viii. Topic 6012B - Show the relationship between personality types and group decision making, learning styles and career selection c. Topic 6012 - Learning Styles and Leadership i. Topic 6012B - Explain the misconceptions of intelligence ii. Topic 6012B - Discuss the various factors of the cognitive learning domain iii. Topic 6012B - Discuss various factors of the affective learning domain iv. Topic 6012B - Discuss various factors of the psychomotor learning domain v. Topic 6012B - Explain how we learn vi. Topic 6012B - Describe characteristics of the four learning styles d. Topic 6011 & 6012 - Developing Leaders i. Topic 6011D - Discuss the importance of personal leadership development ii. Topic 6012C - Explain how to attain group acceptance iii. Topic 6012C - Describe the type of individual who emerges as a group’s leader iv. Compare the relationship between ability, experience and opportunity v. Discuss the improvement of leadership in the workplace vi. Topic 6011D - Explain the types of leadership traits, abilities and skills vii. Topic 6012A - Select qualities of successful leaders viii. Topic 6012A - Describe human relations leadership qualities and skills ix. Topic 6012A - Describe technical leadership qualities and skills x. Topic 6012A - Describe conceptual technical leadership qualities and skills xi. Topic 6012A - Describe conceptual leadership qualities and skills e. Topic 6204 - Leading Teams and Groups i. Discuss the importance of democratic group leadership ii. Explain the importance of groups iii. Explain the importance of leading teams iv. Describe the three types of groups and their subgroups v. Explain how to organize groups vi. Explain group dynamics vii. Analyze the five stages of group development viii. Describe various types and forms of group discussion ix. Demonstrate how to lead a group discussion 2. Unit 6100 Communication and Speaking to Groups (1,250 minutes) a. Topic 6101 - Communication Skills i. Topic 6101A - Define communication ii. Topic 6101A - Explain the relationship between communication and leadership iii. Topic 6101A - Explain the purpose of communication iv. Topic 6101A - List the forms communication takes v. Topic 6101A - Explain the communication process vi. Topic 6101A - Recognize and overcome communication barriers vii. Topic 6101A - Describe and use techniques to improve your listening, reading, writing and speaking viii. Topic 6101B - Discuss nonverbal communication skills ix. Topic 6101A - Develop skills using feedback x. Topic 6101A - Discuss the importance of self-communication and interpersonal communication 3 xi. Topic 6101A - Discuss the Demonstration Contest b. Topic 6102 - Reciting (FFA Creed) i. Recite the FFA Creed ii. Explain why you should participate iii. Topic 6102B - Demonstrate basic principles of speaking iv. Topic 6102B - Demonstrate practice methods v. Topic 6102B - Reduce stage fright and nervousness vi. Establish rapport with the audience vii. Analyze practical and fun ways to say the Creed c. Topic 6102 - Prepared Speaking (FFA Public Speaking) i. Topic 6102A - Plan a speech ii. Topic 6102A - Analyze the audience iii. Topic 6102A - Select a topic for the speech iv. Topic 6102A - Gather information for the speech v. Topic 6102A - Record the ideas in the speech vi. Topic 6102A - Prepare an outline for the speech vii. Topic 6102A - Write a speech viii. Topic 6102B - Practice the speech ix. Topic 6102B - Present the speech x. Topic 6102B - Answer questions about the speech xi. Topic 6102B - Evaluate speeches xii. Topic 6102B - Speak to special groups xiii. Topic 6102B - Explain the different levels in the Michigan FFA; Jr. High, Greenhand and Prepared d. Topic 6102 - FFA Extemporaneous Public Speaking i. Topic 6102A - Deliver and extemporaneous speech ii. Topic 6102B - Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of extemporaneous speaking iii. Topic 6102A - Prepare and research a speech iv. Topic 6102A - Develop an extemporaneous speech v. Topic 6102A - Prepare an outline of a speech vi. Topic 6102B - Implement various practice procedures vii. Topic 6102B - Describe procedures to follow in the speech preparation room viii. Topic 6102B - Discuss the use of note cards ix. Topic 6102B - Explain the parts of an extemporaneous judge’s score card x. Topic 6102B - Answer questions about your speech after delivery 3. Unit 6200 - Leading Individuals and Groups (1,100 minutes) a. Topic 6202 - Basic Parliamentary Procedure i. Topic 6202A - Discuss the characteristics of a presiding officer ii. Topic 6202A - Demonstrate the procedure for handling a motion iii. Topic 6202A - Describe the standard characteristics of a motion iv. Topic 6202A - Describe the purpose and types of voting v. Topic 6202A - Demonstrate the following motions: Main motion Motion to amend 4 Previous question Refer to a committee Lay motion on the table Take motion from the table Motion to postpone definitely Motion to postpone indefinitely Suspend the rule Rise to a point of order Appeal from the decision of the chair Division of the house (assembly) Reconsider a motion Motion to recess vi. Topic 6202A - Explain the proper order of business (agenda) vii. Topic 6202A - Discuss common parliamentary errors and misconceptions viii. Topic 6202A - Discuss the Jr. High and Greenhand Conduct of Meetings Contests b. Topic 6202 - Advanced Parliamentary Procedure i. Topic 6202A - Describe the duties of the presiding officer ii. Topic 6202A - Explain decorum (propriety) in debate iii. Topic 6202A - Discuss the classification of motions iv. Topic 6202A - Demonstrate each of the following motions: Fix the time to adjourn Question of privilege Limit or extend limits of debate Parliamentary inquiry Division of the question (motion) Motion to withdraw Rescind Call for the orders of the day Object to consideration of a question v. Topic 6202A - Describe common parliamentary procedure errors and misconceptions vi. Topic 6202A - Take official minutes vii. Topic 6202A - Discuss serving as a qualified parliamentarian viii. Topic 6202A - Explain how parliamentary procedure contests are conducted and scored c. Topic 6201 - Conducting Successful Meetings i. Topic 6201A - Identify leadership skills developed by conducting successful meetings ii. List skills developed by being an officer iii. Topic 6201A - Discuss basic meeting communication functions iv. Topic 6201A - Describe the effect of meetings on developing leader sensitivity v. Topic 6201A - Explain the characteristics of a good meeting vi. Topic 6201B - Secure attendance at meetings 5 vii. Topic 6201B - Describe the arrangements, paraphernalia, equipment and supplies needed in the meeting room viii. Topic 6201B - Properly use committees in conducting business ix. Topic 6201B - Select topics for meetings that inform and motivate x. Topic 6201B - Conduct effective meetings xi. Topic 6201B - Describe ways to get group members involved xii. Topic 6201A - Describe characteristics of mature groups xiii. Topic 6201B - Discuss the responsibilities of officers and members xiv. Topic 6201B - Describe the FFA Program of Activities xv. Topic 6201C - Explain the need for meeting evaluations 4. Unit 6300 - Managerial Leadership Skills (1,100 minutes) a. Topic 6307 - Problem Solving and Decision Making i. Topic 6307A - Explain the importance of problem solving and decision making ii. Topic 6307A - Differentiate between the terms problem, problem solving and decision making iii. Topic 6307A - List mistakes in problem solving and decision making iv. Topic 6307A - List skills involved in problem solving and decision making v. Topic 6307A - Explain three problem solving and decision making styles and identify your own style vi. Topic 6307A - Identify two approaches to problem solving and decision making vii. Topic 6307A - List and describe seven steps to problem solving and decision making and use them to solve problems viii. Topic 6307A - Describe and solve three types of problems ix. Topic 6307A - List advantages and disadvantages of group problem solving and decision making x. Topic 6307C - List methods used in groups to solve problems and make decisions xi. Topic 6307A - Identify leadership styles used in group problem solving and decision making xii. Topic 6307D - Discuss the agricultural issues contest b. Topic 6305 - Goal Setting i. Topic 6305A - Discuss the reasons for and importance of having goals ii. Topic 6305A - Describe the benefits of having goals iii. Topic 6305A - Explain why people do not set goals iv. Topic 6305A - Explain how to set goals v. Topic 6305A - Discuss the principles of setting goals vi. Topic 6305A - Describe the steps in goal setting vii. Topic 6305A - Discuss types and kinds of goals viii. Topic 6305A - Set medium-range, long-range and immediate goals ix. Topic 6305A - Set goals the FFA way c. Topic 6306 - Time Management i. Topic 6306A - Discuss the four levels of time management ii. Topic 6306A - Differentiate between urgent and important iii. Topic 6306A - Explain ultimate time management for quality readers iv. Topic 6306A - Set and prioritize personal and professional goals 6 v. Topic 6306A - Discuss the importance of balancing the major categories of personal and professional time vi. Topic 6306A - Analyze your use of time with a daily log vii. Topic 6306A - Describe time wasters viii. Topic 6306A - Manage time more effectively and efficiently d. Positive Reinforcement and Motivation i. Explain motivation ii. Describe the characteristics of motives iii. Discuss various theories of motivation iv. Explain four types of reinforcement v. Explain reinforcement scheduling vi. Discuss positive reinforcement vii. Explain the various forms of positive reinforcement 5. Unit 6300 - Personal Development (850 minutes) a. Topic 6301 - Self-Concept i. Topic 6301A - Discuss the importance of self-concept ii. Topic 6301A - Discuss the ingredients of self-concept iii. Topic 6301A - Discuss the factors that affect the development of self-concept iv. Topic 6301A - Develop a positive self-concept v. Topic 6301A - Describe the characteristics of people with a high self-concept vi. Topic 6301A - Explain how leaders can raise the self-concept of others b. Topic 6301 - Attitudes i. Topic 6301A - Explain the importance of attitude ii. Topic 6301A - Discuss the types of attitudes iii. Topic 6301A - Describe how attitudes are informed iv. Topic 6301A - Discuss how attitudes affect behavior and human relations v. Topic 6301A - Describe attitudes in relationships vi. Topic 6301A - Explain how attitudes can help you personally vii. Topic 6301A - Compare attitudes and skills viii. Topic 6301A - Discuss how to change attitudes ix. Topic 6301A - Discuss attitudes valued by employers x. Topic 6301A - Describe the effect of attitude on career success c. Topic 6304 - Ethics in the Workplace i. Topic 6304A - Explain values in our society ii. Topic 6304A - Describe terminal and instrumental values iii. Topic 6304A - Explain the development of values iv. Topic 6304A - Determine your personal values v. Topic 6304A - Discuss basic societal values vi. Topic 6304A - Discuss workplace ethics vii. Topic 6304A - Determine correct ethical decisions viii. Topic 6304A - Discuss the importance of workplace etiquette ix. Topic 6304A - Discuss workplace etiquette concerning the office phone, cellular phones and e-mail x. Topic 6304A - Discuss meeting etiquette 7 6. Unit 6400 – Career Success (1,350 minutes) a. Topic 6402 - Selecting a Career and Finding a Job i. Topic 6402A - Explain the reasons why people work ii. Topic 6402A - Differentiate between work, occupation, job and career iii. Topic 6402A - Discuss career planning iv. Topic 6402A - Explain how to match jobs with your personal characteristics v. Topic 6402A - Describe careers in production agriculture, agribusiness and agriscience vi. Topic 6402A - Explain the diversity of agricultural education job placement vii. Topic 6402B - Describe the sources to use for finding a job b. Topic 6403-6406 - Getting the Job: Resumes, Applications and Interviews i. Topic 6403A - Prepare a resume ii. Topic 6405B - Write a letter of application iii. Topic 6405B - Complete a job application form iv. Topic 6406A - Prepare for an interview v. Topic 6406A - Interview for a job vi. Topic 6406A - Explain what to do after the interview vii. Topic 6406A - Discuss how to accept ore reject a job viii. Topic 6406A - Discuss the Job Interview Contest ix. Topic 6404A - Preparing a portfolio c. Topic 6407 - Employability Skills: Keeping the Job i. Topic 6407A - Identify skills wanted by employers ii. Topic 6407A - Discuss personal management skills needed by employees iii. Topic 6407A - Discuss teamwork skills needed by employees iv. Topic 6407A - Discuss academic and technical skills needed by employees v. Topic 6407A - Discuss the employability characteristics of a successful worker in the modern workplace vi. Topic 6407B - Discuss employer and employee responsibilities vii. Topic 6407B - Explain the importance of responding to authority viii. Topic 6407B - Explain the importance of ethics in the workplace ix. Topic 6407B - Explain how to get job promotions x. Topic 6407B - Explain the proper procedure for leaving a job xi. Topic 6407B - Outline a complaint and appeal process xii. Topic 6407B - Demonstrate knowledge of personal and occupational safety practices in the workplace Related FFA Activities: 1. Agricultural Issues Contest 2. Creed Contest 3. Demonstration Contest 4. Extemporaneous Public Speaking Contest 5. Greenhand Conduct of Meetings Contest 6. Greenhand Public Speaking Contest 7. Job Interview Contest 8. Jr. High Conduct of Meetings Contest 9. Jr. High Public Speaking Contest 8 10. Parliamentary Procedure Contest 11. Prepared Public Speaking Contest 12. Applications – State Degree, Outstanding Junior, Proficiencies Related SAE Activities: 1. Serve as manager of agricultural work places; greenhouse, land lab, 2. Agricultural Communications position 9