File - Human Development and Family Studies 290 & 413

Outcome Category: Self-Leadership
Target class
Additional Experiences
Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice
First Job
Getting that first paycheck at your first job is the best feeling ever. I say this because I felt very excited
when I received my first paycheck. It was my first taste of financial independence; you’re not always
going to depend on your parents. I learned to rely on myself and not others, take responsibility for my
actions, it is teaching me how to deal with the public for future reference as well as it has taught me the
process of managing my time. Its showed me that hard work pays off. The thought of being able to
purchase something without having to constantly ask your parents to provide the money or even
helping around in the house; is simply amazing. It feels great to give back to my parents for all them
years and even now, they have provided for all my needs. This showed me that I could take that step
into making something out. See Evidence on page 1.
In this class they suggested that we use a planner or even our phone to keep up with our daily
assignments and activities. They said that by keeping your work written down you would remember to
do it as well as keep in mind when the assignment is due. They also said that it keeps you organized
because college was not a joke and it can get very hectic. They also suggested working on our time
management because that skill is going to be what makes or breaks your future. See Evidence on
This course was during the summer 2012, in this class we had to do a lot of mini presentations. Every
time I stepped in front of the class I began to stutter and turn red as well as fast talk. My emotion of fear
took over and did not go away until I would leave that class. The professor told us that if we should
take a breather and think that everyone makes mistakes before we beginning to speak. Also think that
your talking to a family member because talking to a family member eases the stress. To be honest, I
have not completely managed my emotions when it comes to public speaking because I still turn red
and stutter while giving a presentation but they say with practice comes perfection. In another case,
I’ve learned to stay quiet when the manager at work tells me that people are complaining about me. I
have a bad habit to get a little haste when I am in the drive-thru window and the person takes forever to
make a decision. I learned to not say anything because I know that if I continue the conversation on
why I get frustrated or anything that their going to say the customer is always right. See Evidence on
One of the many event the AEC coordinates throughout the semester to help students manage their
time, demonstrate different methods on how to take note, different ways in how to study, etc. In this
case, this event was to learn how to relieve some stress prior to midterms. This activity was relieving
some stress through dancing. They showed us some basic steps so that we can take to get our minds
off studying for a bit. See Evidence on page
To relieve some stress, I usually go for a walk to get some fresh air. Another thing that I like to do when
I think that I am beginning to stress out is have a conversation with my mother. Not only is she my
mother but also she is my rock, my best friend, and my world. She lets me know that with every rain
shower there’s a rainbow after meaning that with every struggle there’s an outcome that will benefit
you. I believe that if it wasn’t her to be on my side at all times telling me that things happen for a
reason, my stress level will have me in the hospital. See Evidence on page
A personal code of leadership is a guide to decision-making. This serves a model that demonstrates
commitment regarding ethical behavior. Personal code of leadership can vary from many things such
performance, authentic, etc. These characteristics describe how you and you company are and should
display on an everyday basis. Sticking to your values allows others trust you; trust is something that is
valuable and can be lost in a heartbeat.
My personal code of ethics consists of never giving up, being humble, and trustworthy. I carry these
Student will demonstrate autonomy and a
minimized need for approval
Student will demonstrate personal,
organizational, and academic examples of
URI 101
Academic Enhancement Center
Student will demonstrate the ability to
manage emotions
COM 100
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
stress management methods
Academic Enhancement Center
Student will demonstrate the ability to
manage stress
Personal Experience
Student will express a personal code of
leadership / membership ethics
Student will demonstrate practice of the
URI 101
Everyday Basis.
Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013
personal code of ethics
Student will express a personal values
Student will demonstrate practice of the
personal values statement
Prior Knowledge
Student will demonstrate the ability to
lead a project from start to finish (followthrough)
Christmas Spirit
Student will describe goals and objective
statements regarding personal issues,
career issues, and community issues
Student will show evidence of goals and
objectives that were planned and
Student will show knowledge of the
“Hierarchy of Needs” theory by Maslow
The Movie: A Cinderella Story
Political Science 113
HDF 290
three values with great pride. I feel that one should not give up on what they desire in life. An example
is me now; I feel the urge to simply drop everything that consists of school. It stresses me out more
then anything. My major is not going as well as I would hope that it would be. But what is life without a
couple of bumps on the road. I know that at the end of this I will have furthered my knowledge and I will
be in a place I want to be. With every storm, the sun comes out right after. With being humble, simply
don’t get a big head over yourself because what you perceive yourself someone else is disagreeing.
Trust is by far the must important value anyone should have. It’s also the easiest thing to lose.
A personal values statement is rather similar to the code of ethics but it is what you go by personally.
Like humbleness, loyalty, fairness, responsible, respectful, open -minded.
“Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game” Ever since I watch the movie A
Cinderella Story, I fell in love with this quote because not only is this a softball terminology but its also a
boost of confidence. It tells you not to give up because an obstacle has come about. Make that
obstacle be the reason that you get what you desire. Since then this what I go by, this quote has made
me go forward with all my decisions. See Evidence on page
I was raised to have a cheerful Christmas with having lights outside of the house, decorations the
inside, the Christmas tree, etc. This year my father felt the need not to set anything up because he will
not be here for Christmas. My mother is not one who has any spirit or desire to decorate anything, I felt
the need to take everything from the attic and start to decorate the house myself because I will enjoy
my Christmas and have Christmas spirit regardless if the family is not together. So, I started to
decorate the house and my dad decide to help out, it’s a family tradition and I’m not going to stop now
because there’s a bump in the road. I set up the lights outside; I bought the Christmas tree as well as
decorated the inside of the house. We taking action on having a Christmas inspired my dad to help out
with decoration. If it was not for me the house would feel lifeless this time of year. I love Christmas so
no one will ruin my spirit of joy. See Evidence on page
A goal and objective statement is simply what you plan to accomplish through out the project. Goals
are high-level statements that provide the whole concept of the project while the objectives are the
lower level of statements that describe specific topics that the project will provide.
An example of this is in my Political Science book where at the beginning of every chapter they give
you the learning objectives, what you should take from reading that chapter.
According to Maslow, this theory’s concept is to understand what motivates people. He states that
people posse a set of motivation systems to rewards or unconscious desires, in other words people are
motivated to achieve certain needs. This theory contains five motivational needs, which is also known
as the hierarchical level within a pyramid. The five stages of this pyramid can b divided into basic
needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self- actualization. Every person is capable and
has the desire to move up the hierarchy toward a level of self-actualization but first one content lower
level basic needs before moving on to the next higher level of need. According Maslow only one in a
hundred people become fully self-actualized because our society rewards are based on esteem and
other social needs. The original hierarchy of needs five-stage model included Biological and
Physiological, which include air, food, shelter, warmth, sex, and sleep. The second need is safety,
which includes protection from elements, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc. The third need is
called social and consists of belongingness and love such as work group, family, affection,
relationships. The fourth need is esteem and it is made up if self-esteem, achievement, mastery,
independence, status. And lastly, you have self-actualization needs, which realizes personal potential,
self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. In the 1970’s Maslow’s five- stage
model expanded to include cognitive and aesthetic needs as ell as transcendence need. Cognitive
needs include knowledge and meaning. Aesthetic needs are known for appreciation and search for
beauty, balance, form. The eighth need is transcendence in which helps other achieve selfactualization.
Student will show application of Maslow’s
Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013
theory to own life
Student will describe personal leadership
style and/or personality style including
strengths and weaknesses and examples
of application (Sources = Leadership style
inventories, the L.P.I., StrengthsQuest,
Type Focus (MBTI), LAMP, and other
career inventories, etc.)
Student will show knowledge of the theory
of Superleadership by Manz & Sims
Student will show application of Manz &
Sim’s theory to own life
HDF 290 Retreat
URI 101
HDF 290
In Type Focus, I was asked to answer a couple of questions in which would describe me. My results
from this survey came out to be ESTP, which means Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving.
The first time that I received these results were in my URI 101 class and then again in my HDF 290
course. An extravert is a person directs their energy to the outer world, they have high energy, talk
more then listen, think out loud, act before thinking, can get easily distracted, prefer to do many things
at once and are outgoing and enthusiastic. Sensing, notice thing with your five senses. This type of
people focus on details and specifics, work at a steady pace, live in the here-and-now, notice details
and remember facts, like step-by-step instructions as well as like to use established skills. A Thinker, a
person base their ideas by evidences, these people usually make decisions objectively, are honest and
direct, are convince by rational arguments, take very few thins personal and value honesty and
fairness. And lastly, perceivers are people who are prefer flexibility and spontaneous results. These
people like to keep their opinions open, are playful and casual, play first, work later, usually have a
hard time making decisions and want the freedom to be spontaneous. See Evidence on page
According to Manz a Superleadership consists of “being a leader that can lead others to lead
themselves”. The purpose of this theory is to enable worker to gain control over his or her own
behaviors (DeBrin 97). Practicing to be a Superleader involves three main attitudes first is identifying
and replacing destructive assumptions and beliefs. After identifying negative thoughts they are should
be replaced with more useful thought. Second, to change to positive and constructive self- talk. “Any
negative thoughts are changed to positive ones” (DeBrin, 97). And lastly, methods of effective
performance. Visualize and practice the way you want to perform. Mans states in his book that “to be a
leader of others, you must learn to lead yourself first”. See Evidence on page
Outcome Category: Leadership Theories
Target class
Student will show knowledge of the
“Authority and Bureaucracy” theory of
leadership Weber
HDF 290
A German sociologist who developed another theory for the classical management theory. He was
curious I finding out the reason employees and people accept the authority of their superiors and follow
the rules. He defines the difference between power and authority, which power “educes obedience
through force” and authority means “entails that individuals agree that authority is exercised upon them
by their superiors”. He then describes three types of authority: Traditional authority, Charismatic
authority, and Rational-legal authority. Traditional authority, which is found in tribe and monarchies,
consist of accepting and unquestioned folks derived from customs and traditions. Charismatic authority
which means a person who has gained respect and trust from his/her followers. Usually a leader of a
small or large group with similar attributes. The third authority is Rational-legal authority where a setup
of an organization and position held by the person in authority. Weber also finds another authority
called bureaucracy, bureaucracy refers to management by rules; a set of rules that control the function
of the organization, division of labor; authority and responsibility are clearly defined and officially
authorized, formal hierarchal structure; follows a clear chain of command, personnel hired on grounds
of technical competence; work is assigned based on experience and capability, managers are salaried
officials; trained and experienced specialists and written documents; All decisions, rules and actions
taken by the organization are formulated and recorded in writing.
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory (Weber)
Student will show knowledge of the
“Scientific Management” theory of
HDF 290
Also known as Taylorism, this theory revolves on a management theory that measures workers
productivity to improve economic efficiency. Scientific Management consists of analysis, synthesis,
Additional Experiences
Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice
Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013
leadership by Taylor
logic, rationality, empiricism, work ethic, efficiency, and elimination of waste and standardized best
practices. In this process, Taylor introduced studies of measuring workers productivity, such as time
studied; breaks down each job into component parts timing each part to determine the most efficient
method of working and motion studies; timing each part to determine the most efficient method of
working. Continues to be big contribution to management theory today.
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory (Taylor)
Student will show knowledge of the
“Management by Objectives” theory of
leadership by Drucker
HDF 290
A management theory that targets to improve performance of an organization by defining objectives
that both managers and employees agree with. The theory states that if you have an input in setting
goals or making actions for example then the participation will be better. There is a five-step process to
MBO in which consist of setting organizational objectives, next, you cascade employees with
objectives, monitor, and evaluate performance and finally, reward performance. MBO goals are
suppose to S.M.A.R.T, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound.
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory (Drucker)
Student will show knowledge of “Theory
X and Theory Y” theory of leadership by
HDF 290
A theory created by Douglas McGregor in 1960. This theory is useful in Human Resources,
Organization Behavior Analysis and Organizational Department and consists of human motivation and
describes two different attitudes toward work motivation. The first theory, Theory X, assumes that
employees are lazy and will avoid working as well, as they are only interested in the money and need
close supervision. It continues by saying that employees have little to no ambition, avoid responsibility
and need to be driven. It is based on an authoritarian style where threats of punishment occur. On the
other hand the second theory, Theory Y consist of employees being ambitious, self-motivated and
accept grater responsibility as well as exercise empowerment, creativity, self-govern and self-control.
These theories help future generations understand human behavior, which is constantly changing.
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory (MacGregor)
Student will show knowledge of the
“Servant Leadership” theory of leadership
by Greenleaf
HDF 290
This theory is considered to be the most effective theory. A servant leader is effective when he/she
gives attention to his or her follows and their needs. According to Greenleaf, a servant leader
emphasizes on collaboration, trust, empathy and ethics. A servant leader should be a servant first
before leading, he or she should want to serve better rather then gain more power. The assumption to
this theory is if the leader pays attention to the follower’s desires then the followers will be more
willingly to have a better performance. This theory is outlined to have ten principles, which are listening,
empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to
the growth of others, and building community.
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory (Greenleaf)
Student will show knowledge of the
“Principle Centered Leadership” theory by
HDF 290
Steven Covey created this leadership theory and it is based on the servant leadership theory. Mr.
Convey describes this theory as “if you focus on principles, you can empower everyone who
understands those principles to act without constant monitoring, evaluating, correcting, or controlling”.
There are eight characteristics that define the Principle Centered Leadership. The first one is they
continue to learn, learning from their experience. Second one is service oriented where it states that life
is a mission. Positive Energy, the third characteristic, which should consist of being cheerful and
optimistic. Believing in others, the next trait, in which the leader should see the potential in others and
help to achieve. The next one consists of leading a balanced life meaning you stay current with social
events. See life as an adventure, synergistic and finally exercise self-renewal. Tis theory also consist of
seven directives which are be proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first, think win-win,
seek first to understand and then to be understood, synergies and sharpen the saw. This theory also
promotes shared vision, creativity, interdependency, continued learning, emotional stability, servant
leadership and super-supervision.
Student will describe personal application
Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013
of the above theory (Covey)
Student will show knowledge of the “14
Points / TQM” theory of leadership by
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory (Deming)
Student will show knowledge of the
“Visionary Leadership” (now often cited
as “Transformational Leadership”) theory
by Sashkin
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory (Sashkin)
Student will show knowledge of the
“Individuals in Organizations” leadership
theory by Argyris
HDF 290
An American statistician by the name of W Edwards Deming invented the Total Quality Management
(TQM). He set out 14 points for management in which he believed can save the US from industrial
doom at the hands of the Japanese. These 14 points where the first sight of radical ideas but the key
to understanding a number of them lies in Deming’s thoughts. The first one is “create constancy of
purpose towards improvement meaning replace short-term effects into long-term effects. Next, “adopt
the new philosophy” which intends to talk about the management should actually adopt his new
philosophy; rather then only expect the workforce to do so. “Cease dependence in inspection, which
means if variation is reduced then there is no need to inspect manufactured items for defects because
there will not be any. As well as “move towards a single supplier for any one item, meaning that many
suppliers mean variations between feedstock. “Improve constantly and forever come after that and
suggest to constantly striving to reduce the variation. Next, “Institute leadership”, in this point Deming
differentiates the difference between leadership and supervision. Then, “drive out fear”, where Deming
sees management by fear as counter-productive in the long-term because it does not enable workers
from acting in be half of the organization’s best interest. After that, “break down barriers between
departments”, mean that each department serves not the management, but the other departments that
use its outputs. The tenth point suggests that you “eliminate slogans”, it’s considered to be counterproductive to harass the workforce without improving the processes they use. Point eleven asks the
“eliminate management by objectives”, which production targets encouraging the delivery of poorquality goods. Next, “remove barriers to pride of workmanship”, the less problems calls for a higher
satisfaction rate. Then, “institute education and self-improvement”. And lastly, “the transformation is
everyone’s job”.
HDF 290
This theory came from the book called “Leadership That Matter” and was written by Michelle Sashkin.
It consists of three unique ways in which it focuses on leadership behavior, leadership characteristic
and the social context of leadership as well as the purpose of leadership which says that leaders not
only provide “vision” but they also create conditions that allow followers to make meaning in their lives.
This theory provide personal characteristics of a leader and specific leader behavior incorporated while
being an effective leader as well. The Transformational leaders are visionary leader possess three
characteristics which are self -confidence, the pro-social need for power and the complex thinking
skills. This measures a leader ability to deal with complexity and future time spans. It acknowledges the
important role played by the personal behaviors of the leader in shaping the culture of the organization.
The purpose of this theory is to work to define shared values and belief. It enables followers to commit
themselves to organizational goals and they help them to develop strategies for accomplishing those
goals. This theory empowers to go beyond self-interest and often influences them to perform beyond
expectations, both their own and their organization. Also it enables a culture of high-performance while
at the same time making an organization a great place to work. Sashkin believes that every leader has
the ability to be a better leader that what they are today. Acquiring this type of leadership has its perks
like making your organization a better and rewarding place for everyone to work at.
HDF 290
The father of organizational learning is considered to be Chris Argyris. This theory introduces the
concept of the significance of individuals’ behavior and it impact on learning within an organization.
Argyris debates that “ the manner in which people related to one another with an organization
prevented them from questioning the reasons underlying problems which were often rooted in their
own behavior. Changes made were superficial and the organization as a whole never learned from
their mistakes” (PIckerd). He also believed that the definition of learning was flawed and breakdown the
learning within organizations. He also states that the individuals are the key when they are acting in
order to learn or when they are acting to produce a result. This theory is divided into two methods in
which individuals use to dictate behavior. These theories are considered to be theories of action. The
Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013
first part is called espoused theory where individuals use words to express what it is we do or would
others to think we do in a particular situation. The second part consists of theories-in-use, which are
theories that govern the actual behavior of what we do in a particular situation. Argyris states that these
theories are in tended to be tactic structures, they contain assumptions about self, others and
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory (Argyris)
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
the “4 V’s” theory of leadership by Grace
(Center for Ethical Leadership)
HDF 290
The first thing that we have to do for this theory is define the definition of ethical leadership, ethical
leadership is defined as “knowing your core values and having the courage to live them in all parts of
your life n service of the common goods”. The four V’s model for the ethical leadership is a framework
that supports internal beliefs and values with external behaviors and actions. The goal of this theory is
to benefit the common good. The four V’s that make up this theory is values, virtue, voice, and vision.
For values we need to understand our own individual. Assimilate our values with our decision- making.
Next, we have vision, where this is the ability to frame our actions. We must picture what we should do.
Voice, we should convey our visions to the others in a convincing way, the goal is that our will motivate
others. And lastly, virtue, this is the idea that we become what we practice. W should strive to do what
is right. The four V’s model also consists of three other subjects, which are polis, renewal and service.
Service involves being connected with ones vision to their values. You exhibit your visions while doing
your service. Next you have Polis, which comes about from the word politics. We need to voice our
visions. Let the public know. Lastly we have the renewal part, which means that we must make sure
that our voice, and values and actions are always balanced out.
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory (Grace)
Student will show knowledge of the
“Situational Leadership” theory by Hersey
& Blanchard
HDF 290
According to Dr. Paul Hersey, professor and author of “the Situational Leader” thinks that instead of
using one style, a successful leader should change their style based on the maturity of the people they
are leading. He also states that leaders should be able to place emphasis on the task and emphasis on
the relationships with the people they are leading. This theory is made up of four main leadership
styles: Telling, Selling, Participating and Delegating. The first style is telling which allows leaders to tell
their people what to do and how to do it. As for selling, a leader should provide information and
direction, but there’s more communicating with the followers. When it comes to participating, a leader
should focus more on the relationship and less on direction. This leader works with the team and
shares decision-making tasks. For the last style, delegating, the leader is opposite from a participating
style, here you pass almost all of the responsibilities to the follows, while still monitoring but being less
interactive with the team. The first two styles concept is getting the task done while the last two are
about the ability of working independently. Hersey also states that knowing when to use each style
depends primarily on the maturity level of a person or group. In this theory the maturity level is divided
into four different levels. The first maturity level pertains to the bottom level of the scale. They lack the
knowledge, skills or confidence to work alone and they need a constant nudge to complete a task. The
second level involves a worker to have a slight willingness to take a task on but still don’t have the
skills to complete it successfully. The next maturity level revolves on the followers being ready to
complete the task but lack the confidence of being to complete it successfully. The fourth maturity level
is having the ability to work on your own with very high confidents, skills and is fully committed to the
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory (Hersey & Blanchard)
Student will show knowledge of the
“Relational Leadership” model by
Komives, McMahon & Lucas
HDF 290
Relational Leadership is defined as a relational process people attempt to accomplish change or make
a difference to benefit the common good. To be a successful relational leader you must also be
inclusive and ethical. A rational leader should be an open-minded type of person. Having a relationship
under this theory is the key to effectiveness. This theory comprises of five elements, which govern
relationships between people who have united in order to bring a positive change, the five e
components compose of purpose, inclusion, empowerment, process-oriented and ethical. The first
Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013
concept is purpose, which means having a commitment to a goal or activity. The individual’s ability to
collaborate with one another and finding a common ground with others to establish a common vision.
Next, you have inclusiveness where knowledge and understanding of one self and others and belief in
fairness and equality. The third concept of this theory is empowerment, which means that the
leadership is shared. All members of a group should assume responsibility of the group’s outcome. The
group as a whole should be willing to participate and feel good contributing. The next concept, processoriented, includes on how the group conducts themselves as a group and how they accomplish the
groups purpose. This concept is the planning and developing of the project. Finally, you have ethical;
being ethical involves behavior driven by values or high standards. Make actions that benefit the group
as a whole of just a single individual.
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory (Komives et al)
Student will show knowledge of the
concept of constructivism
HDF 290
A type of learning theory that explains human learning as an active attempt to construct meaning in the
world around us. This theory believes that learning is more active and self-directed. Constructivism is
divided into two types; accommodation and assimilation. The main concept of this theory is the
individual’s desire and ability to learn.
Students will describe personal examples
of implementing constructivism
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
experiential learning in leadership
development (Kolb)
Student will describe personal application
of experiential learning in leadership
development (Kolb)
Student will show knowledge of the
“Social Change Model of Leadership
Development” by Astin et al
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory (Astin et al)
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
the “Leadership Identity Development
Model” by Komives et al
Students will describe personal
application of the above theory. (Komives
et al)
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
the Strengths-Development Model by
Hulme et al
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory (Hulme et al)
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
behavior theories of leadership from
Michigan and Ohio State
Student will describe personal application
of the above theories (Michigan & Ohio
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
Charismatic leadership
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory
Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
contingency approach to leadership by
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory (Fiedler)
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
Path-Goal theory by House
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory (House)
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
Leader Member Exchange (LMX) theory
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
Leadership Substitutes Theory
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
Models of leader emergence
Student will describe the impact of traits
on leadership emergence and
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
Chaos approach to leadership by
Student will describe personal application
of the above theory (Wheatley)
Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013
Outcome Category: Inclusive Leadership / Diversity and its Application to Leadership
Target class
Student will demonstrate how cultural
anthropology / paradigms relate to
Student will describe personal example
of using cultural anthropology /
paradigms as a leader
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
the “Cycles of Socialization” (Harro)
theory and its uses in leadership
Students will demonstrate personal
application of the “Cycles of
Socialization” (Harro)
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
the “Cycles of Liberation” (Harro) theory
and its uses in leadership
Student will demonstrate personal
application of the “Cycles of Liberation”
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
the “Configuration of Power” (Franklin)
and its relationship to leadership
Student will demonstrate personal
application of the “Configuration of
Power” (Franklin)
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
racial identity development via the Cross, Helms or other models (Ferdman &
Gallegos; Kim; Horse; Wijeyesinghe etc.)
Student will demonstrate personal
application of model(s) of racial identity
development above
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
McIntosh’s theory of privilege and its
relationship to leadership
Student will demonstrate personal
application of McIntosh’s theory
Student will describe the differences and
similarities of individual and institutional
oppression and relationships to
Student will show knowledge of effective
leadership as it relates to change agency
Student will describe personal examples
of being a change agent
Student will create a personal code of
URI 101
Additional Experiences
Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice
Vision, learning, service and sharing
Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013
inclusive leadership
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
the “Model of Intercultural Sensitivity” by
Bennett and its uses in leadership
Students will demonstrate personal
application of the “Model of Intercultural
Sensitivity” by Bennett
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
the ally Action Continuum by Griffin &
Student will demonstrate personal
application of the Action Continuum by
Griffin & Harro
Outcome Category: Critical Thinking
Target class
Additional Experiences
Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice
Student will show knowledge of principles of
critical thinking (logic is used in this minor)
Student will demonstrate proficiency of
critical thinking
Student will show knowledge of
metaphorical analysis to critically analyze
self and leadership situations
Student will demonstrate proficiency of
metaphorical analysis to critically analyze
self and leadership situations
Student will show knowledge of at least five
decision making methods
Student will describe personal examples of
having used five decision making methods
Student will show knowledge of at least five
problem solving / conflict management
methods, as well as understanding the
roots of conflicts
Student will describe personal examples of
having used five problem solving / conflict
management methods (if student has been
trained in mediation, that information goes
Student will describe what it means to
analyze, criticize, synthesize and utilize
information as a leader
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
leadership that is used in crisis
Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013
Student will describe examples of
leadership in crisis situations
Outcome Category: Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts & Skills
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
active listening techniques
Student will describe examples of using
active listening skills
Student will demonstrate functions of group
communication by Hirokawa
Student will describe personal application
of functions of group communication
Student will show knowledge of techniques
regarding giving and accepting of feedback
Student will describe examples of giving
and accepting feedback.
Writing 104
Additional Experiences
Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice
In this class, we had a couple of writing assignment where we had to poof read someone in the
classrooms work. The way the professor did it was she separated the people that know each other and
placed them with a person that was unfamiliar to them. We were not allowed to simply read the
students work we had to actually revise the paper as well as give them feedback on how the paper was
structured, if we needed to add something else and comments about the paper. This was a little hard
for me because I consider myself to not be a good writer, so making corrections on another persons
paper when I know that my paper is far from being perfect felt kind of wrong to me. I was one of them
kids that would read the student’s paper and tell them that I found nothing wrong with it.
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
facilitation and de-briefing techniques
Student will demonstrate proficiency of
facilitation and de-briefing techniques
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
framing and breaking the frame
Student will demonstrate proficiency of
framing and breaking the frame
Student will show knowledge of organizing
meetings / setting agendas / and leading
Student will describe personal examples of
organizing meetings / setting agendas /
leading meetings
Student will show knowledge of
Parliamentary Procedure
Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013
Student will show knowledge of techniques
for working with difficult people
Student will describe personal examples of
using techniques to work effectively with
difficult people
Student will show knowledge of the stages
of group development (Tuckman, Bennis or
Student will describe personal examples of
group development in use (Tuckman,
Bennis or others).
Student will show knowledge of group
dynamics and group roles
Student will describe personal examples of
group dynamics and group roles
Student will show knowledge of effective
memberships skills in groups
Student will describe personal examples of
membership skills in use
Student will show knowledge of the
Challenge and Support theory by Sanford,
and its relationship to organizations
Student will describe personal examples of
using the theory of Challenge and Support
Student will show knowledge of the
construction / elements of informative and
persuasive speeches
Student will demonstrate proficiency in
informative and persuasive public speaking
Student will show knowledge of planning
and conducting interviews (as the
Student will describe personal examples of
planning and conducting interviews (as the
Student will show knowledge of preparing
for and effective answers in interviews (as
the interviewee)
Student will describe personal examples of
preparing for and being interviewed
Student will show knowledge of effective
collaboration / coalition building
Student will describe personal examples of
working in collaboratives/coalitions
Student will show knowledge of
Intercultural communication considerations
Student will demonstrate proficiency in
intercultural communication
Student will describe ways to maintain
Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013
accountability in leadership / member
Student will describe personal examples
related to maintaining accountability as a
Student will describe ways to build
relationships between leaders and
Student will describe personal examples of
building relationships with members as a
Student will describe how credibility applies
to leadership, as well as the characteristics
and skills of a credible leader
Student will describe personal examples of
building, maintaining, and repairing his/her
own credibility as a leader
Student will describe ethical standards in
Student will describe influence applies to
Student will describe principles of effective
mentoring, as well as problems particular
to the mentoring relationship
Student will describe personal examples of
mentoring and being mentored
Student will describe principles of effective
peer leadership, as well as problems
particular to peer leadership
Student will describe personal examples
related to being a peer leader and being
led by peers
HDF 413
Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013