Unit 2 Section 5 – Defensive Driving

Unit 2 Section 5 – Sharing the Road – Key (pg 78-95)
The most frequent victims in auto-pedestrian collisions are…
(a) young people and disabled people.
(b) elderly people and intoxicated people.
(c) All of the above.
(d) None of the above.
Generally, pedestrians have the right of way…
(a) at all intersections.
(b) never.
(c) only in marked crosswalks.
(d) Both (a) and (c).
(e) (a), (b) and (c).
When stopped at a red light, drivers must never…
(a) block the crosswalk whether or not it is marked.
(b) allow your vehicle to overhang the crosswalk area.
(c) All of the above.
You must stop and remain stopped for pedestrians when…
(a) you are approaching a marked or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection with no traffic control
(b) the pedestrian is in the same lane or in the lane next to your vehicle.
(c) All of the above.
If a blind or partially blind person is crossing at a regulated intersection…
(a) remain stopped until the pedestrian is out of your lane.
(b) remain stopped until the pedestrian is out of the road even if you have a green light.
(c) they must carry a white cane with a blue tip.
A frequent cause of death to pedestrians is…
(a) passing a vehicle stopped at a crosswalk.
(b) not stopping 30 feet before the crosswalk on a multi-lane road.
(c) multi-lane roads in general.
You must obey a slower speed limit of 20 mph in school zones if…
(a) the time is between 7AM and 5 PM on a school day as posted or when children are present
(b) a yellow light on a school zone sign is flashing.
(c) All of the above.
Always be extra careful when backing in or out of a driveway because…
(a) children may run behind your vehicle.
(b) you must stay within 12 inches of the curb.
(c) All of the above.
To help drivers prevent collisions, pedestrians should…
(a) wear bright clothing.
(b) carry a light at night.
(c) Both.
10. Bicyclists must follow the same rules and regulations as…
(a) pedestrians.
(b) vehicle drivers.
(c) Both.
11. You may cross a bicycle lane when…
(a) entering or leaving a private road or driveway.
(b) you drive 5 mph slower than the rest of traffic.
(c) You may never cross a bicycle lane.
12. Bicyclists must ride…
(a) only in approved bike lanes.
(b) against the flow of traffic.
(c) in the direction of traffic.
When following a motorcycle...
(a) allow more distance between your vehicle and the motorcycle.
(b) follow the same following rules for all other vehicles.
(c) None of the above.
With motorcycles, it is difficult to judge...
(a) how far away it is.
(b) how fast it is going.
(c) Both.
As a driver you need to…
(a) be aware of situations and possible problems that can affect motorcycle driving.
(b) drive directly behind motorcycles to avoid their blind spot.
(c) None of the above.
When you drive a pickup with a camper, or tow a boat trailer…
(a) you should pull off at the first safe turnout if traffic is stacking up behind you.
(b) be aware that your vehicle will take curves more quickly than usual.
(c) will stop just as quickly as other vehicles.
When towing a trailer you need to realize…
(a) trailer wheels do not follow the path of the towing vehicle’s wheels.
(b) you should steer wider on corners.
(c) you should take curves at a reduced speed.
(d) All of the above.
When passing vehicles while towing trailers…
(a) do not cut in too soon or you will clip the vehicle you just passed.
(b) you will need more overtaking room than usual.
(c) All of the above.
When towing a trailer, avoid…
(a) traveling with drivers towing other trailers.
(b) situations that call for a sudden stop.
(c) All of the above.
If you must back up while towing a trailer…
(a) try to have someone stand outside to help guide you.
(b) turn the steering wheel of the vehicle towing the trailer in the opposite direction you want the
trailer to go.
(c) make sure nothing is behind you.
(d) All of the above.
It is against the law to allow passengers to ride in travel trailers except…
(a) in a fifth-wheel trailer towed with a fifth-wheel device, commercial bus trailer or an
independently steered trailer.
(b) when all available seats are being used.
(c) There are no exceptions.
You can not tow…
(a) a second trailer.
(b) a vehicle behind a fifth-wheel trailer.
(c) Both.
Drivers towing small-wheeled trailers should be aware that…
(a) trailers can hydroplane while the towing vehicle runs normally.
(b) on a curve, hydroplaning trailers may fishtail or even tear loose.
(c) gusty winds can cause problems for you.
(d) All of the above.
(e) None of the above.
Generally, the bigger the vehicle…
(a) the bigger the blind spots.
(b) the more power they have.
(c) the easier it is to drive.
(d) All of the above.
An excellent rule for motorists sharing the road with truck and buses is…
(a) drive directly behind them to conserve gasoline.
(b) remember to flash your headlights at the truck to alert them to your intention to pass.
(c) if you can’t see the truck driver in the side mirror of the truck, the driver probably can’t see you.
(d) All of the above.
It takes about this much longer for a fully loaded truck with a trailer to stop than the average passenger
(a) 3 times.
(b) 4 times.
(c) 5 times.
The school bus law applies on any roadway with two or more lanes of traffic except…
(a) the road is separated by a painted median strip or a center lane used only for left turns.
(b) if you are on the opposite side of a divided highway with two roads separated by an unpaved
(c) for church busses or busses used to transport workers.
(d) Both (a) and (b).
(e) All of the above.
Drivers of emergency vehicles and ambulances…
(a) must stop for a stopped school bus that has its flashing red lights in use.
(b) may break some traffic laws on their way to an emergency or chasing a violator.
(c) must drive with regard for the safety of other highway users.
(d) Both (b) and (c).
(e) all of the above.
If you are stopped by a police vehicle…
(a) keep your hands on the steering wheel and obtain your license only when requested.
(b) remain in the vehicle unless requested to get out, and limit your movements while stopping.
(c) drive as close to the right-hand edge or curb as is safe without blocking an intersection and if it’s at
night, turn on the vehicle’s interior light after stopping but before the officer approaches.
(d) All of the above.
You must yield right of way to emergency vehicles only when they…
(a) approach you from the rear using a light or siren.
(b) approach you from the front using a light or siren.
(c) approach you from any direction using a light or siren.
If you are on a road with two or more lanes of traffic and you approach an emergency vehicle stopped
with the warning lights on…
(a) you must maintain your speed and avoid looking in the other vehicle’s direction.
(b) you must change to a lane not adjoining to that of the emergency vehicle.
(c) common courtesy says you should change lanes to avoid embarrassing the person being pulled
Emergency vehicle drivers may…
(a) exceed the designated speed if it does not endanger people or property.
(b) go through a red light or stop sign after slowing down
(c) all of the above.
The most likely to be killed or injured in traffic related work zone crashes are…
(a) road workers.
(b) drivers and passengers.
(c) Both.
Over 40% of work zone crashes happen…
(a) in the transition zone prior to the work area.
(b) in the work zone due to people driving too fast.
(c) in the transition zone just after the work zone.
You must not follow an emergency vehicle answering an alarm any closer than:
(a) 150 feet.
(b) 300 feet.
(c) 500 feet.