SPN level II Las abejas de bronce by Marco Denevi Using writing and speaking to teach listening OBJECTIVES: SWBAT listen to recorded summary of a text they have read and explore in depth and write about the differences between the two as well as the importance of particular details from the text version f the story Las abejas de bronce by Marco Denevi. The goal of this lesson is to use writing and speaking to teach listening. FOCUS and REVIEW: Students have read the text and explored main events, characters, plot, etc. They have explored and discussed the important elements of the text such as description of characters, the environment, dialogue, narrator, etc. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES: Students will listen to a tape in order to compare and contrast two versions of a short story. TEACHER INPUT/GUIDED PRACTICE: What are the most important events and details in Las abejas de bronce that must exist in order to keep the story the same? Have an overhead graphic organizer* and pass worksheet copies out to students. Teacher and students contribute what they think are key elements of the story (main events and details). INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Students will listen to a tape (possible a few times) which includes a simplified version of the story Las abejas de bronce by Marco Denevi, meant to teach the story to elementary students along with visual props. The Spanish II students will not, however, have props but will simply listen to the story. They will continue to use the graphic organizer* to take notes during the story regarding the missing elements or details of the written story with which they are so familiar. They will then complete the graphic organizer* by getting into groups and collaborating their ideas about the missing elements, whether these were pertinent to the story or not, and why. How do these changes affect the story? Are there benefits to the written version? Why or why not? CLOSURE AND ASSESSMENT: Students will choose an element that was left out of the story. They will write a paragraph (something they have done many times) about this missing element.: Describe the missing element. Is it important to the story? Why or why not? Does it change the story? If, so how? If not, why not? If you were to write three sentences about this missing element to be added in the recording what would you say? Students will then present what they would say in the recording before the class and the class must guess what element they desire to include in the recording. *GRAPHIC ORGANIZER see next page SPN level II Las abejas de bronce Por Marco Denevi Elementos Claves Elementos no incluidos Es importante? Como le afecta Por que si o no? al cuento? Escribe como tu describirías este elemento para incluirlo en la grabación. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. SPN level II