Knightswood Secondary School Department of Mathematics Scheme of Work Main resource: MiA Intermediate 2 Year group/Class: S3/S5 Chapters 10 and 11 Level: Intermediate 2 (Unit 2) Graphs, Charts and Tables Statistics Period Attainment Targets 1 Learning intention – Finding the 5 figure summary Success Criteria – able to find the 5 figure summary from a data set Exercises and questions Data based entirely on class surveys Additional Resources/ICT none Text book is very trudged and not recommended as the main teaching resource. 2 Learning intention – Drawing Box Plots and comparing data sets Success Criteria – able to interpret and compare box plots and able to make informed statements from the diagram. Data based entirely on class surveys (Family size, shoe size) none 3 Learning intention – Grouping data Success Criteria – pupils can group data in a frequency table Data based entirely on class surveys (NAB1 test marks) none Special Notes Homework Data collected about class family size (no. of brothers & sisters). Data collected and organised into a frequency table. Averages discussed and mean, median and mode calculated. Method for identifying quartiles shown & 5 figure summary found. Pupils shown how to construct a box plot for the above data sample. On the same diagram, pupils draw a box plot for their previous homework’s dataset. Box plots compared and discussed with class. Interpretations noted as comments. NAB1 test marks for class collected and converted to percentage. Idea of grouped data discussed then incorporated into frequency table. Mid-point used to find f X x. Mean estimated from the table. 5 figure summary found (using ordered data set) and box plot drawn. Range found. Semiinterquartile range found. Idea of spread discussed further. Data collected about class family size (no. of brothers & sisters) from a different class. Pupils have to repeat classroom activity for the new data set and find the 5 figure summary. Data collected about shoe sizes of class. Pupils to construct frequency table, find averages, find the 5 figure summary and draw a box plot to illustrate the information. Comments about the data expected. none Chapters 10 and 11 Level: Intermediate 2 (Unit 2) Graphs, Charts and Tables Statistics Period Attainment Targets 4 Learning intention – Comparing box plots and other statistical data Success Criteria – able to compare two data sets using a variety of statistical tools Exercises and questions Data based entirely on class surveys (NAB1 test marks of two Int2 classes compared) Additional Resources/ICT OHP Calculator Box plot comparison applet 5 Introducing Standard Deviation Learning intention – Able to calculate Standard Deviation Success Criteria – Finding the Standard deviation using a table, Finding the Standard deviation using the one pass formula Data based entirely on class surveys Finding the Standard deviation using a table. 6 Learning intention – Using Standard Deviation and mean Success Criteria – able to effectively use the formula for mean and standard deviation. Ex6 p172 Qu1-4 OHP Calculator 7 Learning intention – Probability Success Criteria – able to calculate simple probability of single events. Ex8 p177 Useful to have OHP playing cards and dice Spinner applet (probability and expectations) Special Notes Homework Statistical information from a different Int2 (NAB1) class results gathered. Data ordered and 5 figure summary found. Mean also calculated using statistical mode on the OHP scientific calculator. Box plot drawn and compared with the the previous box plot for our own set of NAB1 results. Semi-interquartile range found. Comparisons made and discussed. Conclusions drawn. Obtain a small data set with manageable numbers. Construct a table to find the standard deviation (s). Explain why it is so named. Demonstrate how the one pass formula can be used as a much quicker method of finding (s). Question 1 is a good example to do with the class on the board. In addition you can also find the 5 figure summary and semiinterquartile range. Compare the Standard deviation to the S-I range. Introduce probability. Explain the scale 0-1 with suitable examples. Explain notation and the formula P(Event)=Favourable outcomes/all possible outcomes. Show some examples None Find the standard deviation for a given data set. Ex6 p172 Qu1-4 Ex8 p177 Qu 1-8 Chapters 10 and 11 Level: Intermediate 2 (Unit 2) Graphs, Charts and Tables Statistics Period Attainment Targets 8 Learning intention – Probability and Relative frequency Success Criteria – able to find probability of multiple outcomes. Exercises and questions Ex8 and Ex9 p178 Additional Resources/ICT Useful to have OHP playing cards and dice 9 Learning intention – Scatter diagrams Success Criteria – able to recognise and use relationships in a scatter diagram. Ex 7 Qu 1 p175 None 10 Learning intention – Scatter diagrams Success Criteria – able to recognise and use relationships in a scatter diagram. Ex7 p175 Qu 3,4,5 Scatter graphs 11 Learning intention – Pie chart from a relative frequency table Success Criteria – aware of pie charts and their construction. Ex3 p142 Qu5 & 6 Protractors, rulers, compasses 12 Learning intention – Cumulative frequency graph Success Criteria – can construct a cumulative frequency graph. Ex5 p146 Qu2 & 3 rulers, compasses BBC Bitesize Special Notes Homework Give examples of multiple outcomes i.e. rolling two dice or a spinner and a coin etc. Show all possible outcomes in a table and ask class to calculate some probabilities. Introduce Relative Frequency using qu1 in Ex9. Collect shoe sizes and hand lengths (cm) from the class. Draw a scatter diagram which should show a “sausage shape” scatter of points. Draw best fitting straight line and determine it’s equation. Use the equation as a predictor. Pupils do Ex 7 p175. Further examples from the text book discussed and illustrated on the board. Mean of both data sets used to help draw best fitting straight line. Question 6 can be worked through with the class as an illustration. Question 5 can be left for the pupils to complete. Question 2 can be worked through with the class as an illustration. Question 3 can be left for the pupils to complete. Show how quartiles can be estimated from the graph. Qu3 in Ex9 Ex7 p175 Qu 3,4,5,6 none Select appropriate questions. Chapters 10 and 11 Level: Intermediate 2 (Unit 2) Graphs, Charts and Tables Statistics Period Attainment Targets 13 Learning intention – Dot plot and revision of box plots Success Criteria – pupils are aware of dot plots Learning intention – Cumulative frequency Success Criteria – able to estimate quartiles from a cumulative frequency graph. Exercises and questions Ex Review 157 14 Chapter 10 Level: Intermediate 2 (Unit 2) Problem Solving in Learning and Teaching Data from any suitable source Additional Resources/ICT Special Notes Homework Do qu 4 of the exercise together with the class. Pupils then attempt the rest of the exercise., Example illustrated of extended frequency table (to include cumulative frequency) and cumulative frequency graph. Estimating quartiles from graph also to be shown. Class then do their own example. Complete the review Revision of topic Graphs, Charts and Tables As many real life data sets should be used as possible through class surveys or using information sourced elsewhere (newspapers, internet, class marks etc.). Although not strictly “problem solving”, there should be strong emphases given to forming conclusions after analysis and in the understanding of answers. Using statistics as a method for comparing data sets is also vitally important and essential for tasks to be context set. Evaluation of Topic