Water Treatment Facility
Operation and Preventative Maintenance Manual
The System Name water treatment facility provides potable water for a
Select Business Type. The system has Number of Connections service connection(s), and the daily population served is approximately Population. The potable water system is designed to treat Design Capacity gallons, and the average daily usage is approximately Average Day gallons. The facility is classified as a Transient Non-Community water system and operates under the jurisdiction of the Central District Department of Environmental Protection.
A well field, consisting of Number of Wells well(s), located on site provides a limited supply of untreated water. The untreated water is Select Treatment and stored in a
Select Storage Tank, prior to the distribution system.
Major Components
Well field
Well pump
Select Treatment
Select Storage Tank
Distribution System
System Operation
Well Field and Pumps: The well field consists of one, Casing Diameter-inch diameter well drawing water from the Select Aquifer aquifer. The depth of the well is approximately Well
Depth feet and produces approximately Well Capacity gallons per minute. The well is connected with a carbon steel header and has a raw water sample tap located upstream of the check valve.
The system has Select Meter Type meter for measuring flow. A pressure switch is mounted on the pressure side of the check valve and activates when the pressure drops to Low Pressure PSI.
The Select Pump Type pump will come on and supply water to the storage tank until the pressure reaches High Pressure PSI and the switch deactivates.
Aerator: This system utilizes a Select Type of Aerator aerator to remove tastes and odors from the water. Aeration is achieved Select Point in Treatment chlorination.
Carbon Filter: The carbon filter is used to removing organic materials, including taste and odor compounds. Water is brought into contact with the activated carbon to which molecules adhere.
Chlorination: Chlorination is accomplished using sodium hypochlorite (Concentration%).
Sodium hypochlorite is pumped by a chemical feed pump from a Chlorine Tank Capacity gallon storage tank into the well field header upon receipt of a signal from the pressure switch. The
Select Responsible Party will increase or decrease the chemical feed pumps to maintain a minimum of 0.2 mg/L free chlorine residual throughout the system.
Hydropneumatic Tank: The water from the well pump pressurizes the hydropneumatic tank via a Pipe Diameter-inch pipe. The normal operation is half air and half water. An air volume control is used to assure there is not too much air in the tank.
Bladder Tank: The treated water flows through a wafer or diaphragm style hydropneumatic tank which is used to maintain distribution system pressure.
Ground Storage Tank: The treated water is pumped into the tank to allow for disinfectant contact time. The water is then pumped into the distribution system for consumption.
Elevated Storage Tank: The treated water is pumped into the tank to allow for disinfectant contact time. The water level is controlled by a Select Indicator. Adequate operating and distribution pressure is achieved because of the elevation of the tank.
Distribution System: The distribution system provides potable water to the customers of the System Name. The system uses pipe of various sizes.
Operational Testing and Reporting
Check free chlorine residual at point of entry and furthest point in the distribution
Record flow meter readings.
The system Select... required to submit a monthly operation report to the Central
District Department of Environmental Protection.
Sample untreated water from well, (1) sample, for bacteria content.
Sample distribution system for bacteria content, (2) samples, using Bacteriological
Sampling Plan.
Sample system in accordance with 62-550.
Number of Weekly Visits per Week:
Visually inspect plant for deficiencies.
Check chlorine supply.
Flush Select Storage Tank.
Flush distribution system.
Every Six Months:
Refer to manufacturer manuals
Refer to manufacturer manuals
Most Recent Sanitary Survey
Bacteriological Sampling Plan
Most Recent System Map/Diagram
Meter Calibration Report
Contacts: This list should be anybody who does any maintenance on the water system (operator, well drillers, chlorine vendor, etc). Emergency contacts should also be listed (fire department, police, DEP, State
Warning Point, etc)
Equipment Manuals: Chlorinator, well pump, tank, meter, other treatment manuals.