Teen SRPs 2012 Werewolves

Werewolves- Bowles Library Style
Point of the Game: Figure out who the werewolves in the
group are before they kill all the villagers. If the villagers
hang the werewolves, then those villagers that are alive at
the end of the game get a prize out of the basket. If the
werewolves kill all the villagers, then the werewolves that
are alive at the end get a prize out of the basket.
Players: Mz. Christie is the moderator. With seven
players, there are two werewolves, one seer, and four
villagers. With nine players, there are three Werewolves;
One Seer; five Villagers. With 11 players, there are three
werewolves, two seers, six villagers.
Moderator: Person who knows who everyone is. Moderator
is responsible for running the game, changing the time from
day to night, and making sure that everyone is playing fair.
Any problems, you come to the moderator.
Werewolves: Those who look like the villagers but want to
eat the people and destroy the village. Can only attack
during the night. The werewolves know who the others in
their pack are, and must agree during the night which
person to attack. Werewolves are allowed to lie to others
about their identity, but never to their pack.
Seer: A special villager who can “detect” the werewolves.
Each cycle the seer can ask the moderator in private
whether ONE person is a werewolf, but must do so without
being discovered by other players- otherwise they will be
burned as a witch. The moderator will answer; what the
seer does with that knowledge is up to them. If killed by
either the villagers or the werewolves or by discovery, there
is no new seer until the next game.
Villager: A human with no powers. During the daytime, the
villagers vote on whom to lynch within the group, choosing
one person each round. The villagers will not know who is a
werewolf or the seer unless they discover it. Once someone
is killed, the moderator will let the group know whether they
killed a werewolf, the seer, or an innocent villager.
Werewolves- Bowles Library Style
Spirits: Once someone is killed, whether werewolf, seer, or
villager, they become a spirit. Spirits cannot speak with the
living, no matter if they are werewolf, villager or seer.
During night rounds, the spirits can keep their eyes open
and see all that has gone on after their death. The night
after they die, a spirit can ask the moderator whether
someone is a werewolf or not, but cannot share that
knowledge unless asked in a séance.
How to Play:
At the beginning of the game, the moderator will shuffle
cards and hand them out. Players look at them WITHOUT
revealing it to other players. The moderator will then ask
everyone to close his or her eyes. The moderator will then
say, Werewolves ONLY, open your eyes. Werewolves will
open their eyes and see who is in their pack, and the
moderator will know who are pack. The moderator will then
say Werewolves, close your eyes. The moderator will then
say, Seer, open your eyes. The seer will open their eyes so
that the moderator knows who the seer is. The moderator
will then say, Seer, close your eyes. Then the moderator
will then say, everyone open his or her eyes.
The moderator will then say welcome to Bowles Village. It is
currently night, so watch out for werewolves. Before the
next hour is up, members of the pack must meet together
and vote for one person to be killed, and slip a not silently to
me. The pack MUST agree whom they are killing, and MUST
get the note to me before (time). You are now all free to
go; we will meet back here when the call goes forth.
When the hour is up, the moderator will call everyone
together, and announce who has died during the night. That
person will now reveal what role they played in the village,
and are now restricted to silence in regards to the game.
The moderator will then say, it is currently daytime, and
while the werewolves are in their human forms, the village
must choose someone to pay for the night’s killing. Villagers
Werewolves- Bowles Library Style
meet together, and by the end of the hour, you MUST agree
on who will pay for the crime as a suspected werewolf, and
MUST let me know before (time). You are now all free to
go: we will meet back here when the call goes forth.
Once a full day has passed, during the night there is also a
spirit hour.
The moderator, after announcing that it is night and the
werewolves are out, will announce that it is time for the
spirits. The moderator will say, Everyone living and dead
close your eyes. The moderator will then say, spirits, open
your eyes. Those who have died will open their eye. The
moderator will then say, you who have died last, point to
whom you want to know about. The last person who died
will then point to a person still living. The moderator will
then either nod (meaning the person they pointed at is a
werewolf) or do nothing (the person is not a werewolf).
After the spirit round, the moderator will tell everyone to
open their eyes, and play will go on.
ONCE during the game, during a night round, the villagers
can ask the spirits for help. The villagers have to agree to
ask the spirits, and they have to agree on WHICH spirit they
call on for help. At the beginning of a night round, the
village must petition the moderator to ask the spirits for
guidance. The moderator will then call on that spirit, and
ask them if they know of a werewolf. If they do, the spirit
will move and lay hands on the shoulder of the werewolf in
front of everyone. This can only happen ONCE, and if the
spirit the villagers call on does NOT know a player that is a
werewolf, it is the villagers’ loss- there is not another
The game goes on until either the villagers are dead or the
werewolves are dead. The winners get to pick a prize out of
the basket in Mz. Christie’s office.