UMBC LIBRARY GOVERNANCE PROPOSAL Preamble: The following governance structure is intended to provide a means for broad staff participation in Library-wide communication and decision making together with an efficient, relatively small group charged with leadership and planning responsibilities, in accord with consultant recommendations and the majority view of the Library Council. LIBRARY ASSEMBLY: Membership: All Library & Gallery staff, i.e. Library persons employed on a regular or contingent basis. Functions: Discussion and advising on policies, services, programs, and strategic planning; sharing information with staff; advancement of staff knowledge base and skills; development of mentoring and professional growth opportunities. Officers: The Assembly shall elect a Chair, a Vice Chair, and a Secretary. The Chair is responsible for chairing the meetings of the Assembly, organizing and overseeing the business of the Assembly, and representing the Assembly in the Library Executive Council, as needed. The Vice Chair assists the Chair in carrying out these responsibilities and represents the Chair in the absence of the Chair. The Secretary is responsible for the minutes of the Assembly’s meetings and other records of the Assembly. The Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary of the Assembly meet as needed with the Director of the Library, on their initiative, to address issues of interest to the Assembly and to advise the Director. Meetings: Quorum is 25% of the eligible staff. The Assembly shall meet monthly and shall determine its own rules and procedures (e.g. election of officers, terms of officers, etc.). In the absence of explicit meeting rules adopted by the Assembly, the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern meetings. Minutes will be distributed to all staff. The first meeting will be convened, by the Director, as a Library Staff meeting at which a committee will be formed to establish the Assembly, draft rules of procedure and organize the election of officers. LIBRARY EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: Membership shall be the following 10 people, though other members of the staff are invited to report to the LEC on specific issues, as appropriate: Director Associate Directors Acquisitions Librarian Senior Catalog Librarian Chief Curator Circulation Systems Librarian Collection Management Librarian Head of Reference Serials Librarian Function: To establish overall direction of the Library & Gallery, including budget, policy, strategic planning and operations. Decisions will be by consensus, and where consensus does not occur the LEC shall be advisory to the Director. Meetings: As needed and at least once per month. TEST PERIOD: These arrangements will be tested for one year and then evaluated after that time. There will be an interim assessment at the end of the Spring 2002 semester. Comments: 1. Comparison with UMCP’s “A Plan of Governance for the University of Maryland Libraries”: See: Because of differences in size and tradition between UMBC and UMCP, this plan differs from UMCP’s plan of governance in several ways. First, the Assembly at UMCP is for Library Faculty with limited representation of other staff, while the proposal for UMBC includes all regular and contingent staff, which is a less common governance arrangement in medium and large libraries but justifiable here in terms of our size and staff interest in governance. Second, the Assembly is a more self-determining body in the proposal for UMBC than it is at UMCP, with respect to committees and rules. Third, this proposal has the Assembly’s three officers advise the Director instead of creating another body, the “Advisory Council,” to do that. The proposed Library Executive Council is larger than UMCP’s, however, in response to a number of comments from UMBC librarians; this body would still be considerably smaller than the current LC. 2. The Assembly would replace the current Library-wide staff meetings, and be modeled somewhat after the UMBC Faculty Senate. On that model, the Assembly could (but would not be required to) invite the Director of the Library to summarize Library developments since the last such meeting and issues in progress or anticipated; the Director could answer questions and leave the meeting prior to its conducting any further business it may have. 3. The LEC would have the primary responsibility for leadership of the Library. The Assembly, its Chair’s informal liaison to the LEC and its officers’ consultations with the Director, would assure that there is sufficient involvement on the part of staff generally. lw/planning/governance proposal rev2 libdocs/plans/consultant report/governance proposal rev2 10/22/01 draft, rev 10/23/01, 11/19/01 LW